from typing import Callable import pytest from _pytest.mark.expression import Expression from _pytest.mark.expression import ParseError def evaluate(input: str, matcher: Callable[[str], bool]) -> bool: return Expression.compile(input).evaluate(matcher) def test_empty_is_false() -> None: assert not evaluate("", lambda ident: False) assert not evaluate("", lambda ident: True) assert not evaluate(" ", lambda ident: False) assert not evaluate("\t", lambda ident: False) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("expr", "expected"), ( ("true", True), ("true", True), ("false", False), ("not true", False), ("not false", True), ("not not true", True), ("not not false", False), ("true and true", True), ("true and false", False), ("false and true", False), ("true and true and true", True), ("true and true and false", False), ("true and true and not true", False), ("false or false", False), ("false or true", True), ("true or true", True), ("true or true or false", True), ("true and true or false", True), ("not true or true", True), ("(not true) or true", True), ("not (true or true)", False), ("true and true or false and false", True), ("true and (true or false) and false", False), ("true and (true or (not (not false))) and false", False), ), ) def test_basic(expr: str, expected: bool) -> None: matcher = {"true": True, "false": False}.__getitem__ assert evaluate(expr, matcher) is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("expr", "expected"), ( (" true ", True), (" ((((((true)))))) ", True), (" ( ((\t (((true))))) \t \t)", True), ("( true and (((false))))", False), ("not not not not true", True), ("not not not not not true", False), ), ) def test_syntax_oddeties(expr: str, expected: bool) -> None: matcher = {"true": True, "false": False}.__getitem__ assert evaluate(expr, matcher) is expected def test_backslash_not_treated_specially() -> None: r"""When generating nodeids, if the source name contains special characters like a newline, they are escaped into two characters like \n. Therefore, a user will never need to insert a literal newline, only \n (two chars). So mark expressions themselves do not support escaping, instead they treat backslashes as regular identifier characters.""" matcher = {r"\nfoo\n"}.__contains__ assert evaluate(r"\nfoo\n", matcher) assert not evaluate(r"foo", matcher) with pytest.raises(ParseError): evaluate("\nfoo\n", matcher) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("expr", "column", "message"), ( ("(", 2, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got end of input"), ( " (", 3, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got end of input", ), ( ")", 1, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got right parenthesis", ), ( ") ", 1, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got right parenthesis", ), ( "not", 4, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got end of input", ), ( "not not", 8, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got end of input", ), ( "(not)", 5, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got right parenthesis", ), ("and", 1, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got and"), ( "ident and", 10, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got end of input", ), ( "ident and or", 11, "expected not OR left parenthesis OR identifier; got or", ), ("ident ident", 7, "expected end of input; got identifier"), ), ) def test_syntax_errors(expr: str, column: int, message: str) -> None: with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo: evaluate(expr, lambda ident: True) assert excinfo.value.column == column assert excinfo.value.message == message @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ident", ( ".", "...", ":::", "a:::c", "a+-b", r"\nhe\\l\lo\n\t\rbye", "אבגד", "aaאבגדcc", "a[bcd]", "1234", "1234abcd", "1234and", "notandor", "not_and_or", "not[and]or", "1234+5678", "123.232", "True", "False", "None", "if", "else", "while", ), ) def test_valid_idents(ident: str) -> None: assert evaluate(ident, {ident: True}.__getitem__) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ident", ( "/", "^", "*", "=", "&", "%", "$", "#", "@", "!", "~", "{", "}", '"', "'", "|", ";", "←", ), ) def test_invalid_idents(ident: str) -> None: with pytest.raises(ParseError): evaluate(ident, lambda ident: True)