Implement ``Node.path`` as a ``pathlib.Path``. Both the old ``fspath`` and this new attribute gets set no matter whether ``path`` or ``fspath`` (deprecated) is passed to the constructor. It is a replacement for the ``fspath`` attribute (which represents the same path as ``py.path.local``). While ``fspath`` is not deprecated yet due to the ongoing migration of methods like :meth:`~_pytest.Item.reportinfo`, we expect to deprecate it in a future release. .. note:: The name of the :class:`~_pytest.nodes.Node` arguments and attributes (the new attribute being ``path``) is **the opposite** of the situation for hooks (the old argument being ``path``). This is an unfortunate artifact due to historical reasons, which should be resolved in future versions as we slowly get rid of the :pypi:`py` dependency (see :issue:`9283` for a longer discussion).