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.. _`contact channels`:
.. _`contact`:
Contact channels
- `pytest issue tracker`_ to report bugs or suggest features (for version
2.0 and above).
- `pytest on stackoverflow.com <http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=pytest>`_
to post questions with the tag ``pytest``. New Questions will usually
be seen by pytest users or developers and answered quickly.
- `Testing In Python`_: a mailing list for Python testing tools and discussion.
- `pytest-dev at python.org (mailing list)`_ pytest specific announcements and discussions.
- `pytest-commit at python.org (mailing list)`_: for commits and new issues
- :doc:`contribution guide <contributing>` for help on submitting pull
requests to bitbucket (including using git via gitifyhg).
- #pylib on irc.freenode.net IRC channel for random questions.
- private mail to Holger.Krekel at gmail com if you want to communicate sensitive issues
- `merlinux.eu`_ offers pytest and tox-related professional teaching and
.. _`pytest issue tracker`: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues
.. _`old issue tracker`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issues/
.. _`merlinux.eu`: http://merlinux.eu
.. _`get an account`:
.. _tetamap: http://tetamap.wordpress.com
.. _`@pylibcommit`: http://twitter.com/pylibcommit
.. _`Testing in Python`: http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/testing-in-python
.. _FOAF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOAF
.. _`py-dev`:
.. _`development mailing list`:
.. _`pytest-dev at python.org (mailing list)`: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pytest-dev
.. _`py-svn`:
.. _`pytest-commit at python.org (mailing list)`: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pytest-commit