
122 lines
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automatically discover and run traditional "unittest.py" style tests.
you can mix unittest TestCase subclasses and
py.test style tests in one test module.
XXX consider user-specified test_suite()
this code is somewhat derived from Guido Wesdorps
$HeadURL: https://codespeak.net/svn/py/branch/pytestplugin/contrib/py_unittest/conftest.py $
$Id: conftest.py 60979 2009-01-14 22:29:32Z hpk $
import py
def pytest_pycollect_obj(collector, name, obj):
if py.std.inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, py.std.unittest.TestCase):
return UnitTestCase(name, parent=collector)
class UnitTestCase(py.test.collect.Class):
def collect(self):
return [UnitTestCaseInstance("()", self)]
def setup(self):
def teardown(self):
_dummy = object()
class UnitTestCaseInstance(py.test.collect.Instance):
def collect(self):
loader = py.std.unittest.TestLoader()
names = loader.getTestCaseNames(self.obj.__class__)
l = []
for name in names:
callobj = getattr(self.obj, name)
if callable(callobj):
l.append(UnitTestFunction(name, parent=self))
return l
def _getobj(self):
x = self.parent.obj
return self.parent.obj(methodName='run')
class UnitTestFunction(py.test.collect.Function):
def __init__(self, name, parent, args=(), obj=_dummy, sort_value=None):
super(UnitTestFunction, self).__init__(name, parent)
self._args = args
if obj is not _dummy:
self._obj = obj
self._sort_value = sort_value
def runtest(self):
target = self.obj
args = self._args
def setup(self):
instance = self.obj.im_self
def teardown(self):
instance = self.obj.im_self
def test_generic(plugintester):
def test_simple_unittest(testdir):
testpath = testdir.makepyfile("""
import unittest
pytest_plugins = "pytest_unittest"
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testpassing(self):
self.assertEquals('foo', 'foo')
def test_failing(self):
self.assertEquals('foo', 'bar')
sorter = testdir.inline_run(testpath)
assert sorter.matchreport("testpassing").passed
assert sorter.matchreport("test_failing").failed
def test_setup(testdir):
testpath = testdir.makepyfile(test_two="""
import unittest
pytest_plugins = "pytest_unittest" # XXX
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.foo = 1
def test_setUp(self):
self.assertEquals(1, self.foo)
sorter = testdir.inline_run(testpath)
rep = sorter.matchreport("test_setUp")
assert rep.passed
def test_teardown(testdir):
testpath = testdir.makepyfile(test_three="""
import unittest
pytest_plugins = "pytest_unittest" # XXX
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
l = []
def test_one(self):
def tearDown(self):
class Second(unittest.TestCase):
def test_check(self):
self.assertEquals(MyTestCase.l, [None])
sorter = testdir.inline_run(testpath)
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
print "COUNTS", passed, skipped, failed
assert failed == 0, failed
assert passed == 2
assert passed + skipped + failed == 2