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Contribution getting started
Contributions are highly welcomed and appreciated. Every little help counts,
so do not hesitate!
.. contents:: Contribution links
:depth: 2
.. _submitplugin:
Submit a plugin, co-develop pytest
Pytest development of the core, some plugins and support code happens
in repositories living under:
- `the pytest-dev bitbucket team <https://bitbucket.org/pytest-dev>`_
- `the pytest-dev github organisation <https://github.com/pytest-dev>`_
All pytest-dev team members have write access to all contained
repositories. pytest core and plugins are generally developed
using `pull requests`_ to respective repositories.
You can submit your plugin by subscribing to the `pytest-dev mail list
<https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pytest-dev>`_ and writing a
mail pointing to your existing pytest plugin repository which must have
the following:
- PyPI presence with a ``setup.py`` that contains a license, ``pytest-``
prefixed, version number, authors, short and long description.
- a ``tox.ini`` for running tests using `tox <http://tox.testrun.org>`_.
- a ``README.txt`` describing how to use the plugin and on which
platforms it runs.
- an issue tracker unless you rather want to use the core ``pytest``
issue tracker.
If no contributor strongly objects and two agree, the repo will be
transferred to the ``pytest-dev`` organisation and you'll become a
member of the ``pytest-dev`` team, with commit rights to all projects.
We recommend that each plugin has at least three people who have the
right to release to pypi.
.. _reportbugs:
Report bugs
Report bugs for pytest at https://bitbucket.org/pytest-dev/pytest/issues
If you are reporting a bug, please include:
* Your operating system name and version.
* Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting,
specifically Python interpreter version,
installed libraries and pytest version.
* Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.
.. _submitfeedback:
Submit feedback for developers
Do you like pytest? Share some love on Twitter or in your blog posts!
We'd also like to hear about your propositions and suggestions. Feel free to
`submit them as issues <https://bitbucket.org/pytest-dev/pytest/issues>`__ and:
* Set the "kind" to "enhancement" or "proposal" so that we can quickly find
about them.
* Explain in detail how they should work.
* Keep the scope as narrow as possible. This will make it easier to implement.
* If you have required skills and/or knowledge, we are very happy for
:ref:`pull requests <pull-requests>`.
.. _fixbugs:
Fix bugs
Look through the BitBucket issues for bugs. Here is sample filter you can use:
:ref:`Talk <contact>` to developers to find out how you can fix specific bugs.
.. _writeplugins:
Implement features
Look through the BitBucket issues for enhancements. Here is sample filter you
can use:
:ref:`Talk <contact>` to developers to find out how you can implement specific
Write documentation
pytest could always use more documentation. What exactly is needed?
* More complementary documentation. Have you perhaps found something unclear?
* Documentation translations. We currently have English and Japanese versions.
* Docstrings. There's never too much of them.
* Blog posts, articles and such -- they're all very appreciated.
.. _`pull requests`:
.. _pull-requests:
Preparing Pull Requests on Bitbucket
.. note::
What is a "pull request"? It informs project's core developers about the
changes you want to review and merge. Pull requests are stored on
`BitBucket servers <https://bitbucket.org/pytest-dev/pytest/pull-requests>`__.
Once you send pull request, we can discuss it's potential modifications and
even add more commits to it later on.
The primary development platform for pytest is BitBucket. You can find all
the issues there and submit your pull requests.
#. Fork the
`pytest BitBucket repository <https://bitbucket.org/pytest-dev/pytest>`__. It's
fine to use ``pytest`` as your fork repository name because it will live
under your user.
#. Create a development environment
(will implicitly use http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/)::
$ make develop
$ source .env/bin/activate
#. Clone your fork locally using `Mercurial <http://mercurial.selenic.com/>`_
(``hg``) and create a branch::
$ hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YOUR_BITBUCKET_USERNAME/pytest
$ cd pytest
$ hg branch your-branch-name
If you need some help with Mercurial, follow this quick start
guide: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/QuickStart
#. Create a development environment
(will implicitly use http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/)::
$ make develop
$ source .env/bin/activate
#. You can now edit your local working copy.
You need to have Python 2.7 and 3.4 available in your system. Now
running tests is as simple as issuing this command::
$ python runtox.py -e py27,py34,flakes
This command will run tests via the "tox" tool against Python 2.7 and 3.4
and also perform "flakes" coding-style checks. ``runtox.py`` is
a thin wrapper around ``tox`` which installs from a development package
index where newer (not yet released to pypi) versions of dependencies
(especially ``py``) might be present.
To run tests on py27 and pass options (e.g. enter pdb on failure)
to pytest you can do::
$ python runtox.py -e py27 -- --pdb
or to only run tests in a particular test module on py34::
$ python runtox.py -e py34 -- testing/test_config.py
#. Commit and push once your tests pass and you are happy with your change(s)::
$ hg commit -m"<commit message>"
$ hg push -b .
#. Finally, submit a pull request through the BitBucket website:
.. image:: img/pullrequest.png
:width: 700px
:align: center
branch: your-branch-name
target: pytest-dev/pytest
branch: default
.. _contribution-using-git:
Using git with bitbucket/hg
There used to be the pytest GitHub mirror. It was removed in favor of the
Mercurial one, to remove confusion of people not knowing where it's better to
put their issues and pull requests. Also it wasn't easily possible to automate
the mirroring process.
In general we recommend to work with the same version control system of the
original repository. If you insist on using git with bitbucket/hg you
may try `gitifyhg <https://github.com/buchuki/gitifyhg>`_ but are on your
own and need to submit pull requests through the respective platform,