
292 lines
9.6 KiB

'''some classes to handle text reports'''
import sys
import py
from py.__.test.terminal import out
from py.__.test.terminal.terminal import TerminalSession
class Null:
""" Null objects always and reliably "do nothing." """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self
def __repr__(self): return "Null()"
def __str__(self): return repr(self) + ' with id:' + str(id(self))
def __nonzero__(self): return 0
def __getattr__(self, name): return self
def __setattr__(self, name, value): return self
def __delattr__(self, name): return self
_NotExecuted = 'NotExecuted'
_Passed = 'Passed'
_Failed = 'Failed'
_Skipped = 'Skipped'
_ExceptionFailure = 'ExceptionFailure'
class Status(object):
'''Represents py.test.Collector.Outcome as a string.
Possible values: NotExecuted, Passed, Skipped, Failed, ExceptionFailure'''
def NotExecuted(cls):
return cls('NotExecuted')
NotExecuted = classmethod(NotExecuted)
def Passed(cls):
return cls('Passed')
Passed = classmethod(Passed)
def Failed(cls):
return cls('Failed')
Failed = classmethod(Failed)
def Skipped(cls):
return cls('Skipped')
Skipped = classmethod(Skipped)
def ExceptionFailure(cls):
return cls(_ExceptionFailure)
ExceptionFailure = classmethod(ExceptionFailure)
ordered_list = [_NotExecuted,
namemap = {
py.test.Item.Passed: _Passed,
py.test.Item.Skipped: _Skipped,
py.test.Item.Failed: _Failed,
def __init__(self, outcome_or_name = ''):
self.str = _NotExecuted
if isinstance(outcome_or_name, py.test.Item.Outcome):
for restype, name in self.namemap.items():
if isinstance(outcome_or_name, restype):
self.str = name
if str(outcome_or_name) in self.ordered_list:
self.str = str(outcome_or_name)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Status("%s")' % self.str
def __str__(self):
return self.str
def update(self, status):
'''merge self and status, self will be set to the "higher" status
in ordered_list'''
name_int_map = dict(zip(self.ordered_list, range(len(self.ordered_list))))
self.str = self.ordered_list[max([name_int_map[i]
for i in (str(status), self.str)])]
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.str == other.str
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class OutBuffer(out.Out):
'''Simple MockObject for py.__.test.report.text.out.Out.
Used to get the output of TerminalSession.'''
def __init__(self, fullwidth = 80 -1):
self.output = []
self.fullwidth = fullwidth
def line(self, s= ''):
self.output.append(str(s) + '\n')
def write(self, s):
def getoutput(self):
return ''.join(self.output)
def rewrite(self, s=''):
class TestReport(object):
'''"Channel-save" report of a py.test.Collector.Outcome instance'''
root_id = 'TestReport Root ID'
template = {'time' : 0,
'label': 'Root',
'id': root_id,
'full_id': tuple(),
'status': Status.NotExecuted(),
'report': 'NoReport',
'error_report': '',
'finished': False,
'restart_params': None, # ('',('',))
'path' : '',
'modpath': '',
'is_item': False,
'stdout': '',
'stderr': '',
Status = Status
def fromChannel(cls, kwdict):
''' TestReport.fromChannel(report.toChannel()) == report '''
if 'status' in kwdict:
kwdict['status'] = Status(kwdict['status'])
return cls(**kwdict)
fromChannel = classmethod(fromChannel)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# copy status -> deepcopy
kwdict = py.std.copy.deepcopy(self.template)
for key, value in kwdict.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
def start(self, collector):
'''Session.start should call this to init the report'''
self.full_id = tuple(collector.listnames())
self.id = collector.name
if collector.getpathlineno(): # save for Null() in test_util.py
fspath, lineno = collector.getpathlineno()
if lineno != sys.maxint:
str_append = ' [%s:%s]' % (fspath.basename, lineno)
str_append = ' [%s]' % fspath.basename
self.label = collector.name + str_append
self.path = '/'.join(collector.listnames())
#self.modpath = collector.getmodpath()
self.restart_params = (str(collector.listchain()[0].fspath),
self.status = Status.NotExecuted()
self.is_item = isinstance(collector, py.test.Item)
def finish(self, collector, res, config = Null()):
'''Session.finish should call this to set the
value of error_report
option is passed to Session at initialization'''
if collector.getpathlineno(): # save for Null() in test_util.py
fspath, lineno = collector.getpathlineno()
if lineno != sys.maxint:
str_append = ' [%s:%s] %0.2fsecs' % (fspath.basename,
lineno, self.time)
str_append = ' [%s] %0.2fsecs' % (fspath.basename, self.time)
self.label = collector.name + str_append
if res:
if Status(res) == Status.Failed():
self.error_report = self.report_failed(config, collector, res)
elif Status(res) == Status.Skipped():
self.error_report = self.report_skipped(config, collector, res)
out, err = collector.getouterr()
self.stdout, self.stderr = str(out), str(err)
self.finished = True
def abbrev_path(self, fspath):
parts = fspath.parts()
basename = parts.pop().basename
while parts and parts[-1].basename in ('testing', 'test'):
base = parts[-1].basename
if len(base) < 13:
base = base + "_" * (13-len(base))
return base + "_" + basename
def report_failed(self, config, item, res):
#XXX hack abuse of TerminalSession
terminal = TerminalSession(config)
out = OutBuffer()
terminal.out = out
terminal.repr_failure(item, res)
return out.getoutput()
def report_skipped(self, config, item, outcome):
texts = {}
terminal = TerminalSession(config)
raisingtb = terminal.getlastvisible(outcome.excinfo.traceback)
fn = raisingtb.frame.code.path
lineno = raisingtb.lineno
d = texts.setdefault(outcome.excinfo.exconly(), {})
d[(fn, lineno)] = outcome
out = OutBuffer()
out.sep('_', 'reasons for skipped tests')
for text, dict in texts.items():
for (fn, lineno), outcome in dict.items():
out.line('Skipped in %s:%d' %(fn, lineno))
out.line("reason: %s" % text)
return out.getoutput()
def settime(self):
'''update self.time '''
self.time = py.std.time.time() - self.time
def to_channel(self):
'''counterpart of classmethod fromChannel'''
ret = self.template.copy()
for key in ret.keys():
ret[key] = getattr(self, key, self.template[key])
ret['status'] = str(ret['status'])
return ret
def __str__(self):
return str(self.to_channel())
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def copy(self, **kwargs):
channel_dict = self.to_channel()
return TestReport.fromChannel(channel_dict)
class TestFileWatcher:
'''watches files or paths'''
def __init__(self, *paths):
self.paths = [py.path.local(path) for path in paths]
self.watchdict = dict()
def file_information(self, path):
return path.stat().st_ctime
return None
def check_files(self):
'''returns (changed files, deleted files)'''
def fil(p):
return p.check(fnmatch='[!.]*.py')
def rec(p):
return p.check(dotfile=0)
files = []
for path in self.paths:
if path.check(file=1):
files.extend(path.visit(fil, rec))
newdict = dict(zip(files, [self.file_information(p) for p in files]))
files_deleted = [f for f in self.watchdict.keys()
if not newdict.has_key(f)]
files_new = [f for f in newdict.keys() if not self.watchdict.has_key(f)]
files_changed = [f for f in newdict.keys() if self.watchdict.has_key(f)
and newdict[f]!= self.watchdict[f]]
files_changed = files_new + files_changed
self.watchdict = newdict
return files_changed, files_deleted
def changed(self):
'''returns False if nothing changed'''
changed, deleted = self.check_files()
return changed != [] or deleted != []