
242 lines
6.2 KiB

import py
#def setup_module(mod):
# mod.datadir = setupdatadir()
# mod.tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp(mod.__name__)
#def setupdatadir():
# datadir = py.test.ensuretemp("datadir")
# for name in namecontent:
# getexamplefile(name)
# return datadir
def getexamplefile(basename, tmpdir=None):
if tmpdir is None:
tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp("example")
path = tmpdir.join(basename)
if not path.check():
print "creating testfile", path
return path
def getexamplecollector(names, tmpdir=None):
fn = getexamplefile(names[0], tmpdir=tmpdir)
config = py.test.config._reparse([fn.dirpath()])
col = config.getfsnode(fn)
return col._getitembynames(names[1:])
namecontent = {
'syntax_error.py': "this is really not python\n",
'disabled_module.py': '''
disabled = True
def setup_module(mod):
raise ValueError
class TestClassOne:
def test_func(self):
raise ValueError
class TestClassTwo:
def setup_class(cls):
raise ValueError
def test_func(self):
raise ValueError
'brokenrepr.py': '''
import py
class BrokenRepr1:
"""A broken class with lots of broken methods. Let's try to make the test framework
immune to these."""
def __repr__(self):
raise Exception("Ha Ha fooled you, I'm a broken repr().")
class BrokenRepr2:
"""A broken class with lots of broken methods. Let's try to make the test framework
immune to these."""
def __repr__(self):
raise "Ha Ha fooled you, I'm a broken repr()."
class TestBrokenClass:
def test_explicit_bad_repr(self):
t = BrokenRepr1()
py.test.raises(Exception, 'repr(t)')
def test_implicit_bad_repr1(self):
t = BrokenRepr1()
assert t.foo == 1
def test_implicit_bad_repr2(self):
t = BrokenRepr2()
assert t.foo == 1
'failingimport.py': "import gruetzelmuetzel\n",
'mod.py': """
class TestA:
def test_m1(self):
def test_f1():
def test_g1():
yield lambda x: None, 42
'filetest.py': """
def test_one():
assert 42 == 43
class TestClass(object):
def test_method_one(self):
assert 42 == 43
'test_threepass.py': """
def test_one():
assert 1
def test_two():
assert 1
def test_three():
assert 1
'testspecial_importerror.py': """
import asdasd
'disabled.py': """
class TestDisabled:
disabled = True
def test_method(self):
'funcexamples.py': """
import py
import time
def funcpassed():
def funcfailed():
raise AssertionError("hello world")
def funcskipped():
def funcprint():
print "samfing"
def funcprinterr():
print >>py.std.sys.stderr, "samfing"
def funcprintfail():
print "samfing elz"
def funcexplicitfail():
def funcraisesfails():
py.test.raises(ValueError, lambda: 123)
def funcoptioncustom():
assert py.test.config.getvalue("custom")
def funchang():
import time
def funckill15():
import os
os.kill(os.getpid(), 15)
'test_generative.py': """
from __future__ import generators # python2.2!
def func1(arg, arg2):
assert arg == arg2
def test_gen():
yield func1, 17, 3*5
yield func1, 42, 6*7
class TestGenMethods:
def test_gen(self):
yield func1, 17, 3*5
yield func1, 42, 6*7
'docexample.txt': """
def setup_customconfigtest(tmpdir):
o = tmpdir.ensure('customconfigtest', dir=1)
o.ensure('conftest.py').write("""if 1:
import py
class MyFunction(py.test.collect.Function):
class Directory(py.test.collect.Directory):
def filefilter(self, fspath):
return fspath.check(basestarts='check_', ext='.py')
class myfuncmixin:
Function = MyFunction
def funcnamefilter(self, name):
return name.startswith('check_')
class Module(myfuncmixin, py.test.collect.Module):
def classnamefilter(self, name):
return name.startswith('CustomTestClass')
class Instance(myfuncmixin, py.test.collect.Instance):
checkfile = o.ensure('somedir', 'check_something.py')
checkfile.write("""if 1:
def check_func():
assert 42 == 42
class CustomTestClass:
def check_method(self):
assert 23 == 23
return checkfile
def setup_non_python_dir(tmpdir):
o = tmpdir.ensure('customconfigtest_nonpython', dir=1)
o.ensure('conftest.py').write("""if 1:
import py
class CustomItem(py.test.collect.Item):
def run(self):
class Directory(py.test.collect.Directory):
def filefilter(self, fspath):
return fspath.check(basestarts='check_', ext='.txt')
def join(self, name):
if not name.endswith('.txt'):
return super(Directory, self).join(name)
p = self.fspath.join(name)
if p.check(file=1):
return CustomItem(p, parent=self)
checkfile = o.ensure('somedir', 'moredir', 'check_something.txt')
return checkfile