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How to release pytest
.. important::
pytest releases must be prepared on **Linux** because the docs and examples expect
to be executed in that platform.
#. Install development dependencies in a virtual environment with::
pip3 install -r tasks/requirements.txt
#. Create a branch ``release-X.Y.Z`` with the version for the release.
* **patch releases**: from the latest ``master``;
* **minor releases**: from the latest ``features``; then merge with the latest ``master``;
Ensure your are in a clean work tree.
#. Generate docs, changelog, announcements and upload a package to
your ``devpi`` staging server::
invoke generate.pre_release <VERSION> <DEVPI USER> --password <DEVPI PASSWORD>
If ``--password`` is not given, it is assumed the user is already logged in ``devpi``.
If you don't have an account, please ask for one.
#. Open a PR for this branch targeting ``master``.
#. Test the package
* **Manual method**
Run from multiple machines::
devpi use https://devpi.net/USER/dev
devpi test pytest==VERSION
Check that tests pass for relevant combinations with::
devpi list pytest
* **CI servers**
Configure a repository as per-instructions on
devpi-cloud-test_ to test the package on Travis_ and AppVeyor_.
All test environments should pass.
#. Publish to PyPI::
invoke generate.publish_release <VERSION> <DEVPI USER> <PYPI_NAME>
where PYPI_NAME is the name of pypi.python.org as configured in your ``~/.pypirc``
file `for devpi <http://doc.devpi.net/latest/quickstart-releaseprocess.html?highlight=pypirc#devpi-push-releasing-to-an-external-index>`_.
#. After a minor/major release, merge ``features`` into ``master`` and push (or open a PR).
.. _devpi-cloud-test: https://github.com/obestwalter/devpi-cloud-test
.. _AppVeyor: https://www.appveyor.com/
.. _Travis: https://travis-ci.org