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.. _`PyPI project page`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/py/
Latest Release, see `PyPI project page`_
"easy_install py"
If you have a working `setuptools installation`_ you can install from the command line::
easy_install -U py
to get the latest release of the py lib. The ``-U`` switch
will trigger an upgrade if you already have an older version installed.
The py lib and its tools are expected to work well on Linux,
Windows and OSX, Python versions 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6.
We provide binary eggs for Windows machines.
On other systems you need a working C-compiler in order to
install the full py lib. If you don't have a compiler available
you can still install the py lib but without greenlets - look
below for the ``install_lib`` target.
**IMPORTANT NOTE**: if you are using Windows and have previous
installations of the py lib on your system, please download
and execute http://codespeak.net/svn/py/build/winpathclean.py
This will check that no previous files are getting in the way.
(Unfortunately we don't know about a way to execute this
code automatically during the above install).
Installing on Debian or Fedora
On Debian systems look for ``python-codespeak-lib``.
*This package is probably outdated - if somebody
can help with bringing this up to date,
that would be very much appreciated.*
Dwayne Bailey has thankfully put together a Fedora `RPM`_.
.. _`RPM`: http://translate.sourceforge.net/releases/testing/fedora/pylib-0.9.2-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
.. _`setuptools installation`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
Downloading a tar/zip archive and installing that
Go to the python package index (pypi) and download a tar or zip file:
and unpack it to a directory, where you then type::
python setup.py install
If you don't have a working C-compiler you can do::
python setup.py install_lib
You will then not be able to use greenlets but otherwise
``py.test`` and all tools and APIs are fine to use.
Installing from subversion / develop mode
To follow development or help with fixing things
for the next release, checkout the complete code
and documentation source::
svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/py/release/0.9.x py-0.9.x
You can then issue::
python setup.py develop
in order to work with your checkout version.
other interesting svn checkout points::
svn/py/release # release tags and branches
svn/py/dist # latest stable (may or may not be a release)
svn/py/trunk # head development / merge point
Working with multiple py lib versions / svn externals
If you happen to have multiple versions of the py lib
around or you ship the py lib as an svn-external to
then you might want to use py lib scripts more directly.
For example if you have a project layout like this::
py/ # as svn-external, could be specific tag/version
then you want to make sure that the actual local py lib is used
and not another system-wide version. For this you need to add
``py/bin`` or ``py\bin\win32`` respectively to your system's PATH settings.
You can do this by executing (on windows) a script to set the environment::
or on linux/osx you can add something like this to your shell
eval `python ~/path/to/checkout/py/env.py`
to get good settings for PYTHONPATH and PATH.