
1580 lines
51 KiB

import contextlib
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
from unittest import mock
import pytest
from py import error
from py.path import local
def ignore_encoding_warning():
with warnings.catch_warnings():
with contextlib.suppress(NameError): # new in 3.10
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", EncodingWarning) # type: ignore [name-defined] # noqa: F821
class CommonFSTests:
def test_constructor_equality(self, path1):
p = path1.__class__(path1)
assert p == path1
def test_eq_nonstring(self, path1):
p1 = path1.join("sampledir")
p2 = path1.join("sampledir")
assert p1 == p2
def test_new_identical(self, path1):
assert path1 == path1.new()
def test_join(self, path1):
p = path1.join("sampledir")
strp = str(p)
assert strp.endswith("sampledir")
assert strp.startswith(str(path1))
def test_join_normalized(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join(path1.sep + "sampledir")
strp = str(newpath)
assert strp.endswith("sampledir")
assert strp.startswith(str(path1))
newpath = path1.join((path1.sep * 2) + "sampledir")
strp = str(newpath)
assert strp.endswith("sampledir")
assert strp.startswith(str(path1))
def test_join_noargs(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join()
assert path1 == newpath
def test_add_something(self, path1):
p = path1.join("sample")
p = p + "dir"
assert p.check()
assert p.exists()
assert p.isdir()
assert not p.isfile()
def test_parts(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("sampledir", "otherfile")
par = newpath.parts()[-3:]
assert par == [path1, path1.join("sampledir"), newpath]
revpar = newpath.parts(reverse=True)[:3]
assert revpar == [newpath, path1.join("sampledir"), path1]
def test_common(self, path1):
other = path1.join("sampledir")
x = other.common(path1)
assert x == path1
# def test_parents_nonexisting_file(self, path1):
# newpath = path1 / 'dirnoexist' / 'nonexisting file'
# par = list(newpath.parents())
# assert par[:2] == [path1 / 'dirnoexist', path1]
def test_basename_checks(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("sampledir")
assert newpath.check(basename="sampledir")
assert newpath.check(notbasename="xyz")
assert newpath.basename == "sampledir"
def test_basename(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("sampledir")
assert newpath.check(basename="sampledir")
assert newpath.basename, "sampledir"
def test_dirname(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("sampledir")
assert newpath.dirname == str(path1)
def test_dirpath(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("sampledir")
assert newpath.dirpath() == path1
def test_dirpath_with_args(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("sampledir")
assert newpath.dirpath("x") == path1.join("x")
def test_newbasename(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("samplefile")
newbase = newpath.new(basename="samplefile2")
assert newbase.basename == "samplefile2"
assert newbase.dirpath() == newpath.dirpath()
def test_not_exists(self, path1):
assert not path1.join("does_not_exist").check()
assert path1.join("does_not_exist").check(exists=0)
def test_exists(self, path1):
assert path1.join("samplefile").check()
assert path1.join("samplefile").check(exists=1)
assert path1.join("samplefile").exists()
assert path1.join("samplefile").isfile()
assert not path1.join("samplefile").isdir()
def test_dir(self, path1):
# print repr(path1.join("sampledir"))
assert path1.join("sampledir").check(dir=1)
assert path1.join("samplefile").check(notdir=1)
assert not path1.join("samplefile").check(dir=1)
assert path1.join("samplefile").exists()
assert not path1.join("samplefile").isdir()
assert path1.join("samplefile").isfile()
def test_fnmatch_file(self, path1):
assert path1.join("samplefile").check(fnmatch="s*e")
assert path1.join("samplefile").fnmatch("s*e")
assert not path1.join("samplefile").fnmatch("s*x")
assert not path1.join("samplefile").check(fnmatch="s*x")
# def test_fnmatch_dir(self, path1):
# pattern = path1.sep.join(['s*file'])
# sfile = path1.join("samplefile")
# assert sfile.check(fnmatch=pattern)
def test_relto(self, path1):
p = path1.join("sampledir", "otherfile")
assert p.relto(path1) == p.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"])
assert p.check(relto=path1)
assert path1.check(notrelto=p)
assert not path1.check(relto=p)
def test_bestrelpath(self, path1):
curdir = path1
sep = curdir.sep
s = curdir.bestrelpath(curdir)
assert s == "."
s = curdir.bestrelpath(curdir.join("hello", "world"))
assert s == "hello" + sep + "world"
s = curdir.bestrelpath(curdir.dirpath().join("sister"))
assert s == ".." + sep + "sister"
assert curdir.bestrelpath(curdir.dirpath()) == ".."
assert curdir.bestrelpath("hello") == "hello"
def test_relto_not_relative(self, path1):
l1 = path1.join("bcde")
l2 = path1.join("b")
assert not l1.relto(l2)
assert not l2.relto(l1)
def test_listdir(self, path1):
p = path1.listdir()
assert path1.join("sampledir") in p
assert path1.join("samplefile") in p
with pytest.raises(error.ENOTDIR):
def test_listdir_fnmatchstring(self, path1):
p = path1.listdir("s*dir")
assert len(p)
assert p[0], path1.join("sampledir")
def test_listdir_filter(self, path1):
p = path1.listdir(lambda x: x.check(dir=1))
assert path1.join("sampledir") in p
assert not path1.join("samplefile") in p
def test_listdir_sorted(self, path1):
p = path1.listdir(lambda x: x.check(basestarts="sample"), sort=True)
assert path1.join("sampledir") == p[0]
assert path1.join("samplefile") == p[1]
assert path1.join("samplepickle") == p[2]
def test_visit_nofilter(self, path1):
lst = []
for i in path1.visit():
assert "sampledir" in lst
assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in lst
def test_visit_norecurse(self, path1):
lst = []
for i in path1.visit(None, lambda x: x.basename != "sampledir"):
assert "sampledir" in lst
assert not path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in lst
["*dir", "*dir", pytest.mark.skip("sys.version_info <" " (3,6)")(b"*dir")],
def test_visit_filterfunc_is_string(self, path1, fil):
lst = []
for i in path1.visit(fil):
assert len(lst), 2
assert "sampledir" in lst
assert "otherdir" in lst
def test_visit_ignore(self, path1):
p = path1.join("nonexisting")
assert list(p.visit(ignore=error.ENOENT)) == []
def test_visit_endswith(self, path1):
p = []
for i in path1.visit(lambda x: x.check(endswith="file")):
assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in p
assert "samplefile" in p
def test_cmp(self, path1):
path1 = path1.join("samplefile")
path2 = path1.join("samplefile2")
assert (path1 < path2) == ("samplefile" < "samplefile2")
assert not (path1 < path1)
def test_simple_read(self, path1):
with ignore_encoding_warning():
x = path1.join("samplefile").read("r")
assert x == "samplefile\n"
def test_join_div_operator(self, path1):
newpath = path1 / "/sampledir" / "/test//"
newpath2 = path1.join("sampledir", "test")
assert newpath == newpath2
def test_ext(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("sampledir.ext")
assert newpath.ext == ".ext"
newpath = path1.join("sampledir")
assert not newpath.ext
def test_purebasename(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("samplefile.py")
assert newpath.purebasename == "samplefile"
def test_multiple_parts(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("samplefile.py")
dirname, purebasename, basename, ext = newpath._getbyspec(
assert str(path1).endswith(dirname) # be careful with win32 'drive'
assert purebasename == "samplefile"
assert basename == "samplefile.py"
assert ext == ".py"
def test_dotted_name_ext(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("a.b.c")
ext = newpath.ext
assert ext == ".c"
assert newpath.ext == ".c"
def test_newext(self, path1):
newpath = path1.join("samplefile.py")
newext = newpath.new(ext=".txt")
assert newext.basename == "samplefile.txt"
assert newext.purebasename == "samplefile"
def test_readlines(self, path1):
fn = path1.join("samplefile")
with ignore_encoding_warning():
contents = fn.readlines()
assert contents == ["samplefile\n"]
def test_readlines_nocr(self, path1):
fn = path1.join("samplefile")
with ignore_encoding_warning():
contents = fn.readlines(cr=0)
assert contents == ["samplefile", ""]
def test_file(self, path1):
assert path1.join("samplefile").check(file=1)
def test_not_file(self, path1):
assert not path1.join("sampledir").check(file=1)
assert path1.join("sampledir").check(file=0)
def test_non_existent(self, path1):
assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(dir=0)
assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(file=0)
assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notfile=1)
assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notdir=1)
assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notexists=1)
assert not path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notfile=0)
# pattern = path1.sep.join(['s*file'])
# sfile = path1.join("samplefile")
# assert sfile.check(fnmatch=pattern)
def test_size(self, path1):
url = path1.join("samplefile")
assert url.size() > len("samplefile")
def test_mtime(self, path1):
url = path1.join("samplefile")
assert url.mtime() > 0
def test_relto_wrong_type(self, path1):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_load(self, path1):
p = path1.join("samplepickle")
obj = p.load()
assert type(obj) is dict
assert obj.get("answer", None) == 42
def test_visit_filesonly(self, path1):
p = []
for i in path1.visit(lambda x: x.check(file=1)):
assert "sampledir" not in p
assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in p
def test_visit_nodotfiles(self, path1):
p = []
for i in path1.visit(lambda x: x.check(dotfile=0)):
assert "sampledir" in p
assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in p
assert ".dotfile" not in p
def test_visit_breadthfirst(self, path1):
lst = []
for i in path1.visit(bf=True):
for i, p in enumerate(lst):
if path1.sep in p:
for j in range(i, len(lst)):
assert path1.sep in lst[j]
def test_visit_sort(self, path1):
lst = []
for i in path1.visit(bf=True, sort=True):
for i, p in enumerate(lst):
if path1.sep in p:
assert lst[:i] == sorted(lst[:i])
assert lst[i:] == sorted(lst[i:])
def test_endswith(self, path1):
def chk(p):
return p.check(endswith="pickle")
assert not chk(path1)
assert not chk(path1.join("samplefile"))
assert chk(path1.join("somepickle"))
def test_copy_file(self, path1):
otherdir = path1.join("otherdir")
initpy = otherdir.join("__init__.py")
copied = otherdir.join("copied")
assert copied.check()
s1 = initpy.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
s2 = copied.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
assert s1 == s2
if copied.check():
def test_copy_dir(self, path1):
otherdir = path1.join("otherdir")
copied = path1.join("newdir")
assert copied.check(dir=1)
assert copied.join("__init__.py").check(file=1)
s1 = otherdir.join("__init__.py").read_text(encoding="utf-8")
s2 = copied.join("__init__.py").read_text(encoding="utf-8")
assert s1 == s2
if copied.check(dir=1):
def test_remove_file(self, path1):
d = path1.ensure("todeleted")
assert d.check()
assert not d.check()
def test_remove_dir_recursive_by_default(self, path1):
d = path1.ensure("to", "be", "deleted")
assert d.check()
p = path1.join("to")
assert not p.check()
def test_ensure_dir(self, path1):
b = path1.ensure_dir("001", "002")
assert b.basename == "002"
assert b.isdir()
def test_mkdir_and_remove(self, path1):
tmpdir = path1
with pytest.raises(error.EEXIST):
new = tmpdir.join("mktest1")
assert new.check(dir=1)
new = tmpdir.mkdir("mktest")
assert new.check(dir=1)
assert tmpdir.join("mktest") == new
def test_move_file(self, path1):
p = path1.join("samplefile")
newp = p.dirpath("moved_samplefile")
assert newp.check(file=1)
assert not p.check()
dp = newp.dirpath()
if hasattr(dp, "revert"):
assert p.check()
def test_move_dir(self, path1):
source = path1.join("sampledir")
dest = path1.join("moveddir")
assert dest.check(dir=1)
assert dest.join("otherfile").check(file=1)
assert not source.join("sampledir").check()
def test_fspath_protocol_match_strpath(self, path1):
assert path1.__fspath__() == path1.strpath
def test_fspath_func_match_strpath(self, path1):
from os import fspath
assert fspath(path1) == path1.strpath
@pytest.mark.skip("sys.version_info < (3,6)")
def test_fspath_open(self, path1):
f = path1.join("opentestfile")
@pytest.mark.skip("sys.version_info < (3,6)")
def test_fspath_fsencode(self, path1):
from os import fsencode
assert fsencode(path1) == fsencode(path1.strpath)
def setuptestfs(path):
if path.join("samplefile").check():
# print "setting up test fs for", repr(path)
samplefile = path.ensure("samplefile")
samplefile.write_text("samplefile\n", encoding="utf-8")
execfile = path.ensure("execfile")
execfile.write_text("x=42", encoding="utf-8")
execfilepy = path.ensure("execfile.py")
execfilepy.write_text("x=42", encoding="utf-8")
d = {1: 2, "hello": "world", "answer": 42}
sampledir = path.ensure("sampledir", dir=1)
otherdir = path.ensure("otherdir", dir=1)
module_a = otherdir.ensure("a.py")
module_a.write_text("from .b import stuff as result\n", encoding="utf-8")
module_b = otherdir.ensure("b.py")
module_b.write_text('stuff="got it"\n', encoding="utf-8")
module_c = otherdir.ensure("c.py")
"""import py;
import otherdir.a
value = otherdir.a.result
module_d = otherdir.ensure("d.py")
"""import py;
from otherdir import a
value2 = a.result
win32only = pytest.mark.skipif(
"not (sys.platform == 'win32' or getattr(os, '_name', None) == 'nt')"
skiponwin32 = pytest.mark.skipif(
"sys.platform == 'win32' or getattr(os, '_name', None) == 'nt'"
def path1(tmpdir_factory):
path = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("path")
yield path
assert path.join("samplefile").check()
def fake_fspath_obj(request):
class FakeFSPathClass:
def __init__(self, path):
self._path = path
def __fspath__(self):
return self._path
return FakeFSPathClass(os.path.join("this", "is", "a", "fake", "path"))
def batch_make_numbered_dirs(rootdir, repeats):
for i in range(repeats):
dir_ = local.make_numbered_dir(prefix="repro-", rootdir=rootdir)
file_ = dir_.join("foo")
file_.write_text("%s" % i, encoding="utf-8")
actual = int(file_.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
assert (
actual == i
), f"int(file_.read_text(encoding='utf-8')) is {actual} instead of {i}"
return True
class TestLocalPath(CommonFSTests):
def test_join_normpath(self, tmpdir):
assert tmpdir.join(".") == tmpdir
p = tmpdir.join("../%s" % tmpdir.basename)
assert p == tmpdir
p = tmpdir.join("..//%s/" % tmpdir.basename)
assert p == tmpdir
def test_dirpath_abs_no_abs(self, tmpdir):
p = tmpdir.join("foo")
assert p.dirpath("/bar") == tmpdir.join("bar")
assert tmpdir.dirpath("/bar", abs=True) == local("/bar")
def test_gethash(self, tmpdir):
from hashlib import md5
from hashlib import sha1 as sha
fn = tmpdir.join("testhashfile")
data = b"hello"
fn.write(data, mode="wb")
assert fn.computehash("md5") == md5(data).hexdigest()
assert fn.computehash("sha1") == sha(data).hexdigest()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_remove_removes_readonly_file(self, tmpdir):
readonly_file = tmpdir.join("readonly").ensure()
assert not readonly_file.check(exists=1)
def test_remove_removes_readonly_dir(self, tmpdir):
readonly_dir = tmpdir.join("readonlydir").ensure(dir=1)
readonly_dir.chmod(int("500", 8))
assert not readonly_dir.check(exists=1)
def test_remove_removes_dir_and_readonly_file(self, tmpdir):
readonly_dir = tmpdir.join("readonlydir").ensure(dir=1)
readonly_file = readonly_dir.join("readonlyfile").ensure()
assert not readonly_dir.check(exists=1)
def test_remove_routes_ignore_errors(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
lst = []
monkeypatch.setattr("shutil.rmtree", lambda *args, **kwargs: lst.append(kwargs))
assert not lst[0]["ignore_errors"]
for val in (True, False):
lst[:] = []
assert lst[0]["ignore_errors"] == val
def test_initialize_curdir(self):
assert str(local()) == os.getcwd()
def test_chdir_gone(self, path1):
p = path1.ensure("dir_to_be_removed", dir=1)
pytest.raises(error.ENOENT, local)
assert path1.chdir() is None
assert os.getcwd() == str(path1)
with pytest.raises(error.ENOENT):
with p.as_cwd():
raise NotImplementedError
def test_chdir_gone_in_as_cwd(self, path1):
p = path1.ensure("dir_to_be_removed", dir=1)
with path1.as_cwd() as old:
assert old is None
def test_as_cwd(self, path1):
dir = path1.ensure("subdir", dir=1)
old = local()
with dir.as_cwd() as x:
assert x == old
assert local() == dir
assert os.getcwd() == str(old)
def test_as_cwd_exception(self, path1):
old = local()
dir = path1.ensure("subdir", dir=1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with dir.as_cwd():
raise ValueError()
assert old == local()
def test_initialize_reldir(self, path1):
with path1.as_cwd():
p = local("samplefile")
assert p.check()
def test_tilde_expansion(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", str(tmpdir))
p = local("~", expanduser=True)
assert p == os.path.expanduser("~")
not sys.platform.startswith("win32"), reason="case insensitive only on windows"
def test_eq_hash_are_case_insensitive_on_windows(self):
a = local("/some/path")
b = local("/some/PATH")
assert a == b
assert hash(a) == hash(b)
assert a in {b}
assert a in {b: "b"}
def test_eq_with_strings(self, path1):
path1 = path1.join("sampledir")
path2 = str(path1)
assert path1 == path2
assert path2 == path1
path3 = path1.join("samplefile")
assert path3 != path2
assert path2 != path3
def test_eq_with_none(self, path1):
assert path1 != None # noqa: E711
def test_eq_non_ascii_unicode(self, path1):
path2 = path1.join("temp")
path3 = path1.join("ação")
path4 = path1.join("ディレクトリ")
assert path2 != path3
assert path2 != path4
assert path4 != path3
def test_gt_with_strings(self, path1):
path2 = path1.join("sampledir")
path3 = str(path1.join("ttt"))
assert path3 > path2
assert path2 < path3
assert path2 < "ttt"
assert "ttt" > path2
path4 = path1.join("aaa")
lst = [path2, path4, path3]
assert sorted(lst) == [path4, path2, path3]
def test_open_and_ensure(self, path1):
p = path1.join("sub1", "sub2", "file")
with p.open("w", ensure=1, encoding="utf-8") as f:
assert p.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "hello"
def test_write_and_ensure(self, path1):
p = path1.join("sub1", "sub2", "file")
p.write_text("hello", ensure=1, encoding="utf-8")
assert p.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "hello"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bin", (False, True))
def test_dump(self, tmpdir, bin):
path = tmpdir.join("dumpfile%s" % int(bin))
d = {"answer": 42}
path.dump(d, bin=bin)
f = path.open("rb+")
import pickle
dnew = pickle.load(f)
assert d == dnew
def test_setmtime(self):
import tempfile
import time
fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
except AttributeError:
name = tempfile.mktemp()
open(name, "w").close()
mtime = int(time.time()) - 100
path = local(name)
assert path.mtime() != mtime
assert path.mtime() == mtime
assert path.mtime() != mtime
def test_normpath(self, path1):
new1 = path1.join("/otherdir")
new2 = path1.join("otherdir")
assert str(new1) == str(new2)
def test_mkdtemp_creation(self):
d = local.mkdtemp()
assert d.check(dir=1)
def test_tmproot(self):
d = local.mkdtemp()
tmproot = local.get_temproot()
assert d.check(dir=1)
assert d.dirpath() == tmproot
def test_chdir(self, tmpdir):
old = local()
res = tmpdir.chdir()
assert str(res) == str(old)
assert os.getcwd() == str(tmpdir)
def test_ensure_filepath_withdir(self, tmpdir):
newfile = tmpdir.join("test1", "test")
assert newfile.check(file=1)
newfile.write_text("42", encoding="utf-8")
s = newfile.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
assert s == "42"
def test_ensure_filepath_withoutdir(self, tmpdir):
newfile = tmpdir.join("test1file")
t = newfile.ensure()
assert t == newfile
assert newfile.check(file=1)
def test_ensure_dirpath(self, tmpdir):
newfile = tmpdir.join("test1", "testfile")
t = newfile.ensure(dir=1)
assert t == newfile
assert newfile.check(dir=1)
def test_ensure_non_ascii_unicode(self, tmpdir):
newfile = tmpdir.join("ação", "ディレクトリ")
t = newfile.ensure(dir=1)
assert t == newfile
assert newfile.check(dir=1)
@pytest.mark.xfail(run=False, reason="unreliable est for long filenames")
def test_long_filenames(self, tmpdir):
if sys.platform == "win32":
pytest.skip("win32: work around needed for path length limit")
# see http://codespeak.net/pipermail/py-dev/2008q2/000922.html
# testing paths > 260 chars (which is Windows' limitation, but
# depending on how the paths are used), but > 4096 (which is the
# Linux' limitation) - the behaviour of paths with names > 4096 chars
# is undetermined
newfilename = "/test" * 60 # type:ignore[unreachable]
l1 = tmpdir.join(newfilename)
l1.write_text("foo", encoding="utf-8")
l2 = tmpdir.join(newfilename)
assert l2.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "foo"
def test_visit_depth_first(self, tmpdir):
tmpdir.ensure("a", "1")
tmpdir.ensure("b", "2")
p3 = tmpdir.ensure("breadth")
lst = list(tmpdir.visit(lambda x: x.check(file=1)))
assert len(lst) == 3
# check that breadth comes last
assert lst[2] == p3
def test_visit_rec_fnmatch(self, tmpdir):
p1 = tmpdir.ensure("a", "123")
tmpdir.ensure(".b", "345")
lst = list(tmpdir.visit("???", rec="[!.]*"))
assert len(lst) == 1
# check that breadth comes last
assert lst[0] == p1
def test_fnmatch_file_abspath(self, tmpdir):
b = tmpdir.join("a", "b")
assert b.fnmatch(os.sep.join("ab"))
pattern = os.sep.join([str(tmpdir), "*", "b"])
assert b.fnmatch(pattern)
def test_sysfind(self):
name = sys.platform == "win32" and "cmd" or "test"
x = local.sysfind(name)
assert x.check(file=1)
assert local.sysfind("jaksdkasldqwe") is None
assert local.sysfind(name, paths=[]) is None
x2 = local.sysfind(name, paths=[x.dirpath()])
assert x2 == x
def test_fspath_protocol_other_class(self, fake_fspath_obj):
# py.path is always absolute
py_path = local(fake_fspath_obj)
str_path = fake_fspath_obj.__fspath__()
assert py_path.check(endswith=str_path)
assert py_path.join(fake_fspath_obj).strpath == os.path.join(
py_path.strpath, str_path
reason="#11603", raises=(error.EEXIST, error.ENOENT), strict=False
def test_make_numbered_dir_multiprocess_safe(self, tmpdir):
# https://github.com/pytest-dev/py/issues/30
with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
results = [
pool.apply_async(batch_make_numbered_dirs, [tmpdir, 100])
for _ in range(20)
for r in results:
assert r.get()
class TestExecutionOnWindows:
pytestmark = win32only
def test_sysfind_bat_exe_before(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", str(tmpdir), prepend=os.pathsep)
h = tmpdir.ensure("hello.bat")
x = local.sysfind("hello")
assert x == h
class TestExecution:
pytestmark = skiponwin32
def test_sysfind_no_permisson_ignored(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
noperm = tmpdir.ensure("noperm", dir=True)
monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", str(noperm), prepend=":")
assert local.sysfind("jaksdkasldqwe") is None
def test_sysfind_absolute(self):
x = local.sysfind("test")
assert x.check(file=1)
y = local.sysfind(str(x))
assert y.check(file=1)
assert y == x
def test_sysfind_multiple(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
"PATH", "{}:{}".format(tmpdir.ensure("a"), tmpdir.join("b")), prepend=":"
tmpdir.ensure("b", "a")
x = local.sysfind("a", checker=lambda x: x.dirpath().basename == "b")
assert x.basename == "a"
assert x.dirpath().basename == "b"
assert local.sysfind("a", checker=lambda x: None) is None
def test_sysexec(self):
x = local.sysfind("ls")
out = x.sysexec("-a")
for x in local().listdir():
assert out.find(x.basename) != -1
def test_sysexec_failing(self):
from py._process.cmdexec import ExecutionFailed # py library
except ImportError:
ExecutionFailed = RuntimeError # py vendored
x = local.sysfind("false")
with pytest.raises(ExecutionFailed):
def test_make_numbered_dir(self, tmpdir):
tmpdir.ensure("base.not_an_int", dir=1)
for i in range(10):
numdir = local.make_numbered_dir(
prefix="base.", rootdir=tmpdir, keep=2, lock_timeout=0
assert numdir.check()
assert numdir.basename == "base.%d" % i
if i >= 1:
assert numdir.new(ext=str(i - 1)).check()
if i >= 2:
assert numdir.new(ext=str(i - 2)).check()
if i >= 3:
assert not numdir.new(ext=str(i - 3)).check()
def test_make_numbered_dir_case(self, tmpdir):
"""make_numbered_dir does not make assumptions on the underlying
filesystem based on the platform and will assume it _could_ be case
See issues:
- https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/708
- https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3451
d1 = local.make_numbered_dir(
d2 = local.make_numbered_dir(
assert str(d1).lower() != str(d2).lower()
assert str(d2).endswith(".1")
def test_make_numbered_dir_NotImplemented_Error(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
def notimpl(x, y):
raise NotImplementedError(42)
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "symlink", notimpl)
x = tmpdir.make_numbered_dir(rootdir=tmpdir, lock_timeout=0)
assert x.relto(tmpdir)
assert x.check()
def test_locked_make_numbered_dir(self, tmpdir):
for i in range(10):
numdir = local.make_numbered_dir(prefix="base2.", rootdir=tmpdir, keep=2)
assert numdir.check()
assert numdir.basename == "base2.%d" % i
for j in range(i):
assert numdir.new(ext=str(j)).check()
def test_error_preservation(self, path1):
pytest.raises(EnvironmentError, path1.join("qwoeqiwe").mtime)
pytest.raises(EnvironmentError, path1.join("qwoeqiwe").read)
# def test_parentdirmatch(self):
# local.parentdirmatch('std', startmodule=__name__)
class TestImport:
def preserve_sys(self):
with mock.patch.dict(sys.modules):
with mock.patch.object(sys, "path", list(sys.path)):
def test_pyimport(self, path1):
obj = path1.join("execfile.py").pyimport()
assert obj.x == 42
assert obj.__name__ == "execfile"
def test_pyimport_renamed_dir_creates_mismatch(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
p = tmpdir.ensure("a", "test_x123.py")
with pytest.raises(tmpdir.ImportMismatchError):
tmpdir.join("b", "test_x123.py").pyimport()
# Errors can be ignored.
monkeypatch.setenv("PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH", "1")
tmpdir.join("b", "test_x123.py").pyimport()
# PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH=0 does not ignore error.
monkeypatch.setenv("PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH", "0")
with pytest.raises(tmpdir.ImportMismatchError):
tmpdir.join("b", "test_x123.py").pyimport()
def test_pyimport_messy_name(self, tmpdir):
# http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issue/129
path = tmpdir.ensure("foo__init__.py")
def test_pyimport_dir(self, tmpdir):
p = tmpdir.join("hello_123")
p_init = p.ensure("__init__.py")
m = p.pyimport()
assert m.__name__ == "hello_123"
m = p_init.pyimport()
assert m.__name__ == "hello_123"
def test_pyimport_execfile_different_name(self, path1):
obj = path1.join("execfile.py").pyimport(modname="0x.y.z")
assert obj.x == 42
assert obj.__name__ == "0x.y.z"
def test_pyimport_a(self, path1):
otherdir = path1.join("otherdir")
mod = otherdir.join("a.py").pyimport()
assert mod.result == "got it"
assert mod.__name__ == "otherdir.a"
def test_pyimport_b(self, path1):
otherdir = path1.join("otherdir")
mod = otherdir.join("b.py").pyimport()
assert mod.stuff == "got it"
assert mod.__name__ == "otherdir.b"
def test_pyimport_c(self, path1):
otherdir = path1.join("otherdir")
mod = otherdir.join("c.py").pyimport()
assert mod.value == "got it"
def test_pyimport_d(self, path1):
otherdir = path1.join("otherdir")
mod = otherdir.join("d.py").pyimport()
assert mod.value2 == "got it"
def test_pyimport_and_import(self, tmpdir):
tmpdir.ensure("xxxpackage", "__init__.py")
mod1path = tmpdir.ensure("xxxpackage", "module1.py")
mod1 = mod1path.pyimport()
assert mod1.__name__ == "xxxpackage.module1"
from xxxpackage import module1
assert module1 is mod1
def test_pyimport_check_filepath_consistency(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
name = "pointsback123"
ModuleType = type(os)
p = tmpdir.ensure(name + ".py")
with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
for ending in (".pyc", "$py.class", ".pyo"):
mod = ModuleType(name)
pseudopath = tmpdir.ensure(name + ending)
mod.__file__ = str(pseudopath)
mp.setitem(sys.modules, name, mod)
newmod = p.pyimport()
assert mod == newmod
mod = ModuleType(name)
pseudopath = tmpdir.ensure(name + "123.py")
mod.__file__ = str(pseudopath)
monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, name, mod)
excinfo = pytest.raises(pseudopath.ImportMismatchError, p.pyimport)
modname, modfile, orig = excinfo.value.args
assert modname == name
assert modfile == pseudopath
assert orig == p
assert issubclass(pseudopath.ImportMismatchError, ImportError)
def test_issue131_pyimport_on__init__(self, tmpdir):
# __init__.py files may be namespace packages, and thus the
# __file__ of an imported module may not be ourselves
# see issue
p1 = tmpdir.ensure("proja", "__init__.py")
p2 = tmpdir.ensure("sub", "proja", "__init__.py")
m1 = p1.pyimport()
m2 = p2.pyimport()
assert m1 == m2
def test_ensuresyspath_append(self, tmpdir):
root1 = tmpdir.mkdir("root1")
file1 = root1.ensure("x123.py")
assert str(root1) not in sys.path
assert str(root1) == sys.path[-1]
assert str(root1) not in sys.path[:-1]
class TestImportlibImport:
OPTS = {"ensuresyspath": "importlib"}
def test_pyimport(self, path1):
obj = path1.join("execfile.py").pyimport(**self.OPTS)
assert obj.x == 42
assert obj.__name__ == "execfile"
def test_pyimport_dir_fails(self, tmpdir):
p = tmpdir.join("hello_123")
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
def test_pyimport_execfile_different_name(self, path1):
obj = path1.join("execfile.py").pyimport(modname="0x.y.z", **self.OPTS)
assert obj.x == 42
assert obj.__name__ == "0x.y.z"
def test_pyimport_relative_import_fails(self, path1):
otherdir = path1.join("otherdir")
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
def test_pyimport_doesnt_use_sys_modules(self, tmpdir):
p = tmpdir.ensure("file738jsk.py")
mod = p.pyimport(**self.OPTS)
assert mod.__name__ == "file738jsk"
assert "file738jsk" not in sys.modules
def test_pypkgdir(tmpdir):
pkg = tmpdir.ensure("pkg1", dir=1)
assert pkg.pypkgpath() == pkg
assert pkg.join("subdir", "__init__.py").pypkgpath() == pkg
def test_pypkgdir_unimportable(tmpdir):
pkg = tmpdir.ensure("pkg1-1", dir=1) # unimportable
subdir = pkg.ensure("subdir/__init__.py").dirpath()
assert subdir.pypkgpath() == subdir
assert subdir.ensure("xyz.py").pypkgpath() == subdir
assert not pkg.pypkgpath()
def test_isimportable():
from py.path import isimportable # py vendored version
except ImportError:
from py._path.local import isimportable # py library
assert not isimportable("")
assert isimportable("x")
assert isimportable("x1")
assert isimportable("x_1")
assert isimportable("_")
assert isimportable("_1")
assert not isimportable("x-1")
assert not isimportable("x:1")
def test_homedir_from_HOME(monkeypatch):
path = os.getcwd()
monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", path)
assert local._gethomedir() == local(path)
def test_homedir_not_exists(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv("HOME", raising=False)
monkeypatch.delenv("HOMEDRIVE", raising=False)
homedir = local._gethomedir()
assert homedir is None
def test_samefile(tmpdir):
assert tmpdir.samefile(tmpdir)
p = tmpdir.ensure("hello")
assert p.samefile(p)
with p.dirpath().as_cwd():
assert p.samefile(p.basename)
if sys.platform == "win32":
p1 = p.__class__(str(p).lower())
p2 = p.__class__(str(p).upper())
assert p1.samefile(p2)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(os, "symlink"), reason="os.symlink not available")
def test_samefile_symlink(tmpdir):
p1 = tmpdir.ensure("foo.txt")
p2 = tmpdir.join("linked.txt")
os.symlink(str(p1), str(p2))
except (OSError, NotImplementedError) as e:
# on Windows this might fail if the user doesn't have special symlink permissions
# pypy3 on Windows doesn't implement os.symlink and raises NotImplementedError
assert p1.samefile(p2)
def test_listdir_single_arg(tmpdir):
assert tmpdir.listdir("hello")[0].basename == "hello"
def test_mkdtemp_rootdir(tmpdir):
dtmp = local.mkdtemp(rootdir=tmpdir)
assert tmpdir.listdir() == [dtmp]
class TestWINLocalPath:
pytestmark = win32only
def test_owner_group_not_implemented(self, path1):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
def test_chmod_simple_int(self, path1):
mode = path1.stat().mode
# Ensure that we actually change the mode to something different.
path1.chmod(mode == 0 and 1 or 0)
assert path1.stat().mode != mode
assert path1.stat().mode == mode
def test_path_comparison_lowercase_mixed(self, path1):
t1 = path1.join("a_path")
t2 = path1.join("A_path")
assert t1 == t1
assert t1 == t2
def test_relto_with_mixed_case(self, path1):
t1 = path1.join("a_path", "fiLe")
t2 = path1.join("A_path")
assert t1.relto(t2) == "fiLe"
def test_allow_unix_style_paths(self, path1):
t1 = path1.join("a_path")
assert t1 == str(path1) + "\\a_path"
t1 = path1.join("a_path/")
assert t1 == str(path1) + "\\a_path"
t1 = path1.join("dir/a_path")
assert t1 == str(path1) + "\\dir\\a_path"
def test_sysfind_in_currentdir(self, path1):
cmd = local.sysfind("cmd")
root = cmd.new(dirname="", basename="") # c:\ in most installations
with root.as_cwd():
x = local.sysfind(cmd.relto(root))
assert x.check(file=1)
def test_fnmatch_file_abspath_posix_pattern_on_win32(self, tmpdir):
# path-matching patterns might contain a posix path separator '/'
# Test that we can match that pattern on windows.
import posixpath
b = tmpdir.join("a", "b")
assert b.fnmatch(posixpath.sep.join("ab"))
pattern = posixpath.sep.join([str(tmpdir), "*", "b"])
assert b.fnmatch(pattern)
class TestPOSIXLocalPath:
pytestmark = skiponwin32
def test_hardlink(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
filepath = tmpdir.join("file")
filepath.write_text("Hello", encoding="utf-8")
nlink = filepath.stat().nlink
assert filepath.stat().nlink == nlink + 1
def test_symlink_are_identical(self, tmpdir):
filepath = tmpdir.join("file")
filepath.write_text("Hello", encoding="utf-8")
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
assert linkpath.readlink() == str(filepath)
def test_symlink_isfile(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
filepath = tmpdir.join("file")
filepath.write_text("", encoding="utf-8")
assert linkpath.check(file=1)
assert not linkpath.check(link=0, file=1)
assert linkpath.islink()
def test_symlink_relative(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
filepath = tmpdir.join("file")
filepath.write_text("Hello", encoding="utf-8")
linkpath.mksymlinkto(filepath, absolute=False)
assert linkpath.readlink() == "file"
assert filepath.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == linkpath.read_text(
def test_symlink_not_existing(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("testnotexisting")
assert not linkpath.check(link=1)
assert linkpath.check(link=0)
def test_relto_with_root(self, path1, tmpdir):
y = path1.join("x").relto(local("/"))
assert y[0] == str(path1)[1]
def test_visit_recursive_symlink(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
visitor = tmpdir.visit(None, lambda x: x.check(link=0))
assert list(visitor) == [linkpath]
def test_symlink_isdir(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
assert linkpath.check(dir=1)
assert not linkpath.check(link=0, dir=1)
def test_symlink_remove(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
linkpath.mksymlinkto(linkpath) # point to itself
assert linkpath.check(link=1)
assert not linkpath.check()
def test_realpath_file(self, tmpdir):
linkpath = tmpdir.join("test")
filepath = tmpdir.join("file")
filepath.write_text("", encoding="utf-8")
realpath = linkpath.realpath()
assert realpath.basename == "file"
def test_owner(self, path1, tmpdir):
from pwd import getpwuid # type:ignore[attr-defined]
from grp import getgrgid # type:ignore[attr-defined]
stat = path1.stat()
assert stat.path == path1
uid = stat.uid
gid = stat.gid
owner = getpwuid(uid)[0]
group = getgrgid(gid)[0]
assert uid == stat.uid
assert owner == stat.owner
assert gid == stat.gid
assert group == stat.group
def test_stat_helpers(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
path1 = tmpdir.ensure("file")
stat1 = path1.stat()
stat2 = tmpdir.stat()
assert stat1.isfile()
assert stat2.isdir()
assert not stat1.islink()
assert not stat2.islink()
def test_stat_non_raising(self, tmpdir):
path1 = tmpdir.join("file")
pytest.raises(error.ENOENT, lambda: path1.stat())
res = path1.stat(raising=False)
assert res is None
def test_atime(self, tmpdir):
import time
path = tmpdir.ensure("samplefile")
now = time.time()
atime1 = path.atime()
# we could wait here but timer resolution is very
# system dependent
atime2 = path.atime()
duration = time.time() - now
assert (atime2 - atime1) <= duration
def test_commondir(self, path1):
# XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
# using the subversion command line api.
p1 = path1.join("something")
p2 = path1.join("otherthing")
assert p1.common(p2) == path1
assert p2.common(p1) == path1
def test_commondir_nocommon(self, path1):
# XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
# using the subversion command line api.
p1 = path1.join("something")
p2 = local(path1.sep + "blabla")
assert p1.common(p2) == "/"
def test_join_to_root(self, path1):
root = path1.parts()[0]
assert len(str(root)) == 1
assert str(root.join("a")) == "/a"
def test_join_root_to_root_with_no_abs(self, path1):
nroot = path1.join("/")
assert str(path1) == str(nroot)
assert path1 == nroot
def test_chmod_simple_int(self, path1):
mode = path1.stat().mode
path1.chmod(int(mode / 2))
assert path1.stat().mode != mode
assert path1.stat().mode == mode
def test_chmod_rec_int(self, path1):
# XXX fragile test
def recfilter(x):
return x.check(dotfile=0, link=0)
oldmodes = {}
for x in path1.visit(rec=recfilter):
oldmodes[x] = x.stat().mode
path1.chmod(int("772", 8), rec=recfilter)
for x in path1.visit(rec=recfilter):
assert x.stat().mode & int("777", 8) == int("772", 8)
for x, y in oldmodes.items():
def test_copy_archiving(self, tmpdir):
unicode_fn = "something-\342\200\223.txt"
f = tmpdir.ensure("a", unicode_fn)
a = f.dirpath()
oldmode = f.stat().mode
newmode = oldmode ^ 1
b = tmpdir.join("b")
a.copy(b, mode=True)
assert b.join(f.basename).stat().mode == newmode
def test_copy_stat_file(self, tmpdir):
src = tmpdir.ensure("src")
dst = tmpdir.join("dst")
# a small delay before the copy
src.copy(dst, stat=True)
oldstat = src.stat()
newstat = dst.stat()
assert oldstat.mode == newstat.mode
assert (dst.atime() - src.atime()) < ATIME_RESOLUTION
assert (dst.mtime() - src.mtime()) < ATIME_RESOLUTION
def test_copy_stat_dir(self, tmpdir):
test_files = ["a", "b", "c"]
src = tmpdir.join("src")
for f in test_files:
src.join(f).write_text(f, ensure=True, encoding="utf-8")
dst = tmpdir.join("dst")
# a small delay before the copy
src.copy(dst, stat=True)
for f in test_files:
oldstat = src.join(f).stat()
newstat = dst.join(f).stat()
assert (newstat.atime - oldstat.atime) < ATIME_RESOLUTION
assert (newstat.mtime - oldstat.mtime) < ATIME_RESOLUTION
assert oldstat.mode == newstat.mode
def test_chown_identity(self, path1):
owner = path1.stat().owner
group = path1.stat().group
path1.chown(owner, group)
def test_chown_dangling_link(self, path1):
owner = path1.stat().owner
group = path1.stat().group
x = path1.join("hello")
path1.chown(owner, group, rec=1)
def test_chown_identity_rec_mayfail(self, path1):
owner = path1.stat().owner
group = path1.stat().group
path1.chown(owner, group)
class TestUnicode:
def test_join_ensure(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
if "LANG" not in os.environ:
pytest.skip("cannot run test without locale")
x = local(tmpdir.strpath)
part = "hällo"
y = x.ensure(part)
assert x.join(part) == y
def test_listdir(self, tmpdir):
if "LANG" not in os.environ:
pytest.skip("cannot run test without locale")
x = local(tmpdir.strpath)
part = "hällo"
y = x.ensure(part)
assert x.listdir(part)[0] == y
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="changing read/write might break existing usages")
def test_read_write(self, tmpdir):
x = tmpdir.join("hello")
part = "hällo"
with ignore_encoding_warning():
assert x.read() == part
assert x.read() == part.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding())
class TestBinaryAndTextMethods:
def test_read_binwrite(self, tmpdir):
x = tmpdir.join("hello")
part = "hällo"
part_utf8 = part.encode("utf8")
assert x.read_binary() == part_utf8
s = x.read_text(encoding="utf8")
assert s == part
assert isinstance(s, str)
def test_read_textwrite(self, tmpdir):
x = tmpdir.join("hello")
part = "hällo"
part_utf8 = part.encode("utf8")
x.write_text(part, encoding="utf8")
assert x.read_binary() == part_utf8
assert x.read_text(encoding="utf8") == part
def test_default_encoding(self, tmpdir):
x = tmpdir.join("hello")
# Can't use UTF8 as the default encoding (ASCII) doesn't support it
part = "hello"
x.write_text(part, "ascii")
s = x.read_text("ascii")
assert s == part
assert type(s) is type(part)