452 lines
15 KiB
452 lines
15 KiB
funcargs and support code for testing py.test's own functionality.
import py
import sys, os
import inspect
from py.__.test.config import Config as pytestConfig
from py.__.test.plugin import hookspec
from py.builtin import print_
pytest_plugins = '_pytest'
def pytest_funcarg__linecomp(request):
return LineComp()
def pytest_funcarg__LineMatcher(request):
return LineMatcher
def pytest_funcarg__testdir(request):
tmptestdir = TmpTestdir(request)
return tmptestdir
def pytest_funcarg__reportrecorder(request):
reprec = ReportRecorder(py._com.comregistry)
request.addfinalizer(lambda: reprec.comregistry.unregister(reprec))
return reprec
class RunResult:
def __init__(self, ret, outlines, errlines):
self.ret = ret
self.outlines = outlines
self.errlines = errlines
self.stdout = LineMatcher(outlines)
self.stderr = LineMatcher(errlines)
class TmpTestdir:
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
self._pytest = request.getfuncargvalue("_pytest")
# XXX remove duplication with tmpdir plugin
basetmp = request.config.ensuretemp("testdir")
name = request.function.__name__
for i in range(100):
tmpdir = basetmp.mkdir(name + str(i))
except py.error.EEXIST:
# we need to create another subdir
# because Directory.collect() currently loads
# conftest.py from sibling directories
self.tmpdir = tmpdir.mkdir(name)
self.plugins = []
self._syspathremove = []
self.chdir() # always chdir
assert hasattr(self, '_olddir')
def __repr__(self):
return "<TmpTestdir %r>" % (self.tmpdir,)
def Config(self, comregistry=None, topdir=None):
if topdir is None:
topdir = self.tmpdir.dirpath()
return pytestConfig(comregistry, topdir=topdir)
def finalize(self):
for p in self._syspathremove:
if hasattr(self, '_olddir'):
def getreportrecorder(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, py._com.Registry):
registry = obj
elif hasattr(obj, 'comregistry'):
registry = obj.comregistry
elif hasattr(obj, 'pluginmanager'):
registry = obj.pluginmanager.comregistry
elif hasattr(obj, 'config'):
registry = obj.config.pluginmanager.comregistry
raise ValueError("obj %r provides no comregistry" %(obj,))
assert isinstance(registry, py._com.Registry)
reprec = ReportRecorder(registry)
reprec.hookrecorder = self._pytest.gethookrecorder(hookspec, registry)
reprec.hook = reprec.hookrecorder.hook
return reprec
def chdir(self):
old = self.tmpdir.chdir()
if not hasattr(self, '_olddir'):
self._olddir = old
def _makefile(self, ext, args, kwargs):
items = list(kwargs.items())
if args:
source = "\n".join(map(str, args))
basename = self.request.function.__name__
items.insert(0, (basename, source))
ret = None
for name, value in items:
p = self.tmpdir.join(name).new(ext=ext)
source = py.code.Source(value)
if ret is None:
ret = p
return ret
def makefile(self, ext, *args, **kwargs):
return self._makefile(ext, args, kwargs)
def makeconftest(self, source):
return self.makepyfile(conftest=source)
def makepyfile(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._makefile('.py', args, kwargs)
def maketxtfile(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._makefile('.txt', args, kwargs)
def syspathinsert(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.tmpdir
py.std.sys.path.insert(0, str(path))
def mkdir(self, name):
return self.tmpdir.mkdir(name)
def mkpydir(self, name):
p = self.mkdir(name)
return p
def genitems(self, colitems):
return list(self.session.genitems(colitems))
def inline_genitems(self, *args):
#config = self.parseconfig(*args)
config = self.parseconfig(*args)
session = config.initsession()
rec = self.getreportrecorder(config)
colitems = [config.getfsnode(arg) for arg in config.args]
items = list(session.genitems(colitems))
return items, rec
def runitem(self, source):
# used from runner functional tests
item = self.getitem(source)
# the test class where we are called from wants to provide the runner
testclassinstance = py.builtin._getimself(self.request.function)
runner = testclassinstance.getrunner()
return runner(item)
def inline_runsource(self, source, *cmdlineargs):
p = self.makepyfile(source)
l = list(cmdlineargs) + [p]
return self.inline_run(*l)
def inline_runsource1(self, *args):
args = list(args)
source = args.pop()
p = self.makepyfile(source)
l = list(args) + [p]
reprec = self.inline_run(*l)
reports = reprec.getreports("pytest_runtest_logreport")
assert len(reports) == 1, reports
return reports[0]
def inline_run(self, *args):
config = self.parseconfig(*args)
session = config.initsession()
reprec = self.getreportrecorder(config)
return reprec
def config_preparse(self):
config = self.Config()
for plugin in self.plugins:
if isinstance(plugin, str):
if isinstance(plugin, dict):
plugin = PseudoPlugin(plugin)
if not config.pluginmanager.isregistered(plugin):
#print "config.pluginmanager.impname2plugin", config.pluginmanager.impname2plugin
return config
def parseconfig(self, *args):
if not args:
args = (self.tmpdir,)
config = self.config_preparse()
args = list(args) + ["--basetemp=%s" % self.tmpdir.dirpath('basetemp')]
return config
def parseconfigure(self, *args):
config = self.parseconfig(*args)
return config
def getitem(self, source, funcname="test_func"):
modcol = self.getmodulecol(source)
moditems = modcol.collect()
for item in modcol.collect():
if item.name == funcname:
return item
assert 0, "%r item not found in module:\n%s" %(funcname, source)
def getitems(self, source):
modcol = self.getmodulecol(source)
return list(modcol.config.initsession().genitems([modcol]))
#assert item is not None, "%r item not found in module:\n%s" %(funcname, source)
#return item
def getfscol(self, path, configargs=()):
self.config = self.parseconfig(path, *configargs)
self.session = self.config.initsession()
return self.config.getfsnode(path)
def getmodulecol(self, source, configargs=(), withinit=False):
kw = {self.request.function.__name__: py.code.Source(source).strip()}
path = self.makepyfile(**kw)
if withinit:
self.makepyfile(__init__ = "#")
self.config = self.parseconfig(path, *configargs)
self.session = self.config.initsession()
plugin = self.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("runner")
return self.config.getfsnode(path)
def prepare(self):
p = self.tmpdir.join("conftest.py")
if not p.check():
plugins = [x for x in self.plugins if isinstance(x, str)]
if not plugins:
p.write("import py ; pytest_plugins = %r" % plugins)
if self.plugins:
print ("warning, ignoring reusing existing %s" % p)
def popen(self, cmdargs, stdout, stderr, **kw):
if not hasattr(py.std, 'subprocess'):
py.test.skip("no subprocess module")
env = os.environ.copy()
env['PYTHONPATH'] = ":".join(filter(None, [
str(os.getcwd()), env.get('PYTHONPATH', '')]))
kw['env'] = env
#print "env", env
return py.std.subprocess.Popen(cmdargs, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kw)
def run(self, *cmdargs):
old = self.tmpdir.chdir()
#print "chdir", self.tmpdir
return self._run(*cmdargs)
def _run(self, *cmdargs):
cmdargs = [str(x) for x in cmdargs]
p1 = py.path.local("stdout")
p2 = py.path.local("stderr")
print_("running", cmdargs, "curdir=", py.path.local())
f1 = p1.open("w")
f2 = p2.open("w")
popen = self.popen(cmdargs, stdout=f1, stderr=f2,
close_fds=(sys.platform != "win32"))
ret = popen.wait()
out, err = p1.readlines(cr=0), p2.readlines(cr=0)
if err:
for line in err:
py.builtin.print_(line, file=sys.stderr)
if out:
for line in out:
py.builtin.print_(line, file=sys.stdout)
return RunResult(ret, out, err)
def runpybin(self, scriptname, *args):
fullargs = self._getpybinargs(scriptname) + args
return self.run(*fullargs)
def _getpybinargs(self, scriptname):
bindir = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath("bin")
script = bindir.join(scriptname)
assert script.check()
return py.std.sys.executable, script
def runpython(self, script):
return self.run(py.std.sys.executable, script)
def runpytest(self, *args):
p = py.path.local.make_numbered_dir(prefix="runpytest-",
keep=None, rootdir=self.tmpdir)
args = ('--basetemp=%s' % p, ) + args
return self.runpybin("py.test", *args)
def spawn_pytest(self, string, expect_timeout=10.0):
pexpect = py.test.importorskip("pexpect", "2.3")
basetemp = self.tmpdir.mkdir("pexpect")
invoke = "%s %s" % self._getpybinargs("py.test")
cmd = "%s --basetemp=%s %s" % (invoke, basetemp, string)
child = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=basetemp.join("spawn.out").open("w"))
child.timeout = expect_timeout
return child
class PseudoPlugin:
def __init__(self, vars):
class ReportRecorder(object):
def __init__(self, comregistry):
self.comregistry = comregistry
def getcall(self, name):
return self.hookrecorder.getcall(name)
def popcall(self, name):
return self.hookrecorder.popcall(name)
def getcalls(self, names):
""" return list of ParsedCall instances matching the given eventname. """
return self.hookrecorder.getcalls(names)
# functionality for test reports
def getreports(self, names="pytest_runtest_logreport pytest_collectreport"):
return [x.report for x in self.getcalls(names)]
def matchreport(self, inamepart="", names="pytest_runtest_logreport pytest_collectreport"):
""" return a testreport whose dotted import path matches """
l = []
for rep in self.getreports(names=names):
colitem = rep.getnode()
if not inamepart or inamepart in colitem.listnames():
if not l:
raise ValueError("could not find test report matching %r: no test reports at all!" %
if len(l) > 1:
raise ValueError("found more than one testreport matching %r: %s" %(
inamepart, l))
return l[0]
def getfailures(self, names='pytest_runtest_logreport pytest_collectreport'):
return [rep for rep in self.getreports(names) if rep.failed]
def getfailedcollections(self):
return self.getfailures('pytest_collectreport')
def listoutcomes(self):
passed = []
skipped = []
failed = []
for rep in self.getreports("pytest_runtest_logreport"):
if rep.passed:
if rep.when == "call":
elif rep.skipped:
elif rep.failed:
return passed, skipped, failed
def countoutcomes(self):
return [len(x) for x in self.listoutcomes()]
def assertoutcome(self, passed=0, skipped=0, failed=0):
realpassed, realskipped, realfailed = self.listoutcomes()
assert passed == len(realpassed)
assert skipped == len(realskipped)
assert failed == len(realfailed)
def clear(self):
self.hookrecorder.calls[:] = []
def unregister(self):
class LineComp:
def __init__(self):
self.stringio = py.io.TextIO()
def assert_contains_lines(self, lines2):
""" assert that lines2 are contained (linearly) in lines1.
return a list of extralines found.
__tracebackhide__ = True
val = self.stringio.getvalue()
self.stringio.truncate(0) # remove what we got
lines1 = val.split("\n")
return LineMatcher(lines1).fnmatch_lines(lines2)
class LineMatcher:
def __init__(self, lines):
self.lines = lines
def str(self):
return "\n".join(self.lines)
def fnmatch_lines(self, lines2):
if isinstance(lines2, str):
lines2 = py.code.Source(lines2)
if isinstance(lines2, py.code.Source):
lines2 = lines2.strip().lines
from fnmatch import fnmatch
__tracebackhide__ = True
lines1 = self.lines[:]
nextline = None
extralines = []
for line in lines2:
nomatchprinted = False
while lines1:
nextline = lines1.pop(0)
if line == nextline:
print_("exact match:", repr(line))
elif fnmatch(nextline, line):
print_("fnmatch:", repr(line))
print_(" with:", repr(nextline))
if not nomatchprinted:
print_("nomatch:", repr(line))
nomatchprinted = True
print_(" and:", repr(nextline))
if line != nextline:
#__tracebackhide__ = True
raise AssertionError("expected line not found: %r" % line)
return extralines