144 lines
4.7 KiB
144 lines
4.7 KiB
import py
def check(mod):
import pypy
from pypy.translator.js.modules import dom
from pypy.translator.js.tester import schedule_callbacks
dom.Window # check whether dom was properly imported or is just a
# leftover in sys.modules
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
py.test.skip('PyPy not found')
mod.dom = dom
mod.schedule_callbacks = schedule_callbacks
from py.__.test.dsession import webjs
from py.__.test.dsession.web import exported_methods
mod.webjs = webjs
mod.exported_methods = exported_methods
mod.here = py.magic.autopath().dirpath()
def setup_module(mod):
# load HTML into window object
html = here.join('../webdata/index.html').read()
mod.html = html
from pypy.translator.js.modules import dom
mod.dom = dom
dom.window = dom.Window(html)
dom.document = dom.window.document
from py.__.test.dsession import webjs
from py.__.test.dsession.web import exported_methods
mod.webjs = webjs
mod.exported_methods = exported_methods
def setup_function(f):
dom.window = dom.Window(html)
dom.document = dom.window.document
def test_html_loaded():
body = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
assert len(body.childNodes) > 0
assert str(body.childNodes[1].nodeName) == 'A'
def test_set_msgbox():
py.test.skip("not implemented in genjs")
msgbox = dom.window.document.getElementById('messagebox')
assert len(msgbox.childNodes) == 0
webjs.set_msgbox('foo', 'bar')
assert len(msgbox.childNodes) == 1
assert msgbox.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'PRE'
assert msgbox.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'foo\nbar'
def test_show_info():
info = dom.window.document.getElementById('info')
info.style.visibility = 'hidden'
info.innerHTML = ''
content = info.innerHTML
assert content == 'foobar'
bgcolor = info.style.backgroundColor
assert bgcolor == 'beige'
def test_hide_info():
info = dom.window.document.getElementById('info')
info.style.visibility = 'visible'
assert info.style.visibility == 'hidden'
def test_process():
main_t = dom.window.document.getElementById('main_table')
assert len(main_t.getElementsByTagName('tr')) == 0
assert not webjs.process({})
msg = {'type': 'ItemStart',
'itemtype': 'Module',
'itemname': 'foo.py',
'fullitemname': 'modules/foo.py',
'length': 10,
assert webjs.process(msg)
trs = main_t.getElementsByTagName('tr')
assert len(trs) == 1
tr = trs[0]
assert len(tr.childNodes) == 2
assert tr.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'TD'
assert tr.childNodes[0].innerHTML == 'foo.py[0/10]'
assert tr.childNodes[1].nodeName == 'TD'
assert tr.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeName == 'TABLE'
assert len(tr.childNodes[1].getElementsByTagName('tr')) == 0
def test_process_two():
main_t = dom.window.document.getElementById('main_table')
msg = {'type': 'ItemStart',
'itemtype': 'Module',
'itemname': 'foo.py',
'fullitemname': 'modules/foo.py',
'length': 10,
msg = {'type': 'ItemFinish',
'fullmodulename': 'modules/foo.py',
'passed' : 'True',
'fullitemname' : 'modules/foo.py/test_item',
'hostkey': None,
trs = main_t.getElementsByTagName('tr')
tds = trs[0].getElementsByTagName('td')
# two cells in the row, one in the table inside one of the cells
assert len(tds) == 3
html = tds[0].innerHTML
assert html == 'foo.py[1/10]'
assert tds[2].innerHTML == '.'
def test_signal():
main_t = dom.window.document.getElementById('main_table')
msg = {'type': 'ItemStart',
'itemtype': 'Module',
'itemname': 'foo.py',
'fullitemname': 'modules/foo.py',
'length': 10,
msg = {'type': 'ItemFinish',
'fullmodulename': 'modules/foo.py',
'passed' : 'False',
'fullitemname' : 'modules/foo.py/test_item',
'hostkey': None,
'signal': '10',
'skipped': 'False',
exported_methods.fail_reasons['modules/foo.py/test_item'] = 'Received signal 10'
exported_methods.stdout['modules/foo.py/test_item'] = ''
exported_methods.stderr['modules/foo.py/test_item'] = ''
# ouch
assert dom.document.getElementById('modules/foo.py').childNodes[0].\
childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'F'
# XXX: Write down test for full run