
418 lines
12 KiB

""" reStructuredText generation tools
provides an api to build a tree from nodes, which can be converted to
ReStructuredText on demand
note that not all of ReST is supported, a usable subset is offered, but
certain features aren't supported, and also certain details (like how links
are generated, or how escaping is done) can not be controlled
from __future__ import generators
import py
def escape(txt):
"""escape ReST markup"""
if not isinstance(txt, str) and not isinstance(txt, unicode):
txt = str(txt)
# XXX this takes a very naive approach to escaping, but it seems to be
# sufficient...
for c in '\\*`|:_':
txt = txt.replace(c, '\\%s' % (c,))
return txt
class RestError(Exception):
""" raised on containment errors (wrong parent) """
class AbstractMetaclass(type):
def __new__(cls, *args):
obj = super(AbstractMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, *args)
parent_cls = obj.parentclass
if parent_cls is None:
return obj
if not isinstance(parent_cls, list):
class_list = [parent_cls]
class_list = parent_cls
if obj.allow_nesting:
for _class in class_list:
if not _class.allowed_child:
_class.allowed_child = {obj:True}
_class.allowed_child[obj] = True
return obj
class AbstractNode(object):
""" Base class implementing rest generation
sep = ''
__metaclass__ = AbstractMetaclass
parentclass = None # this exists to allow parent to know what
# children can exist
allow_nesting = False
allowed_child = {}
defaults = {}
_reg_whitespace = py.std.re.compile('\s+')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.parent = None
self.children = []
for child in args:
for arg in kwargs:
setattr(self, arg, kwargs[arg])
def join(self, *children):
""" add child nodes
returns a reference to self
for child in children:
return self
def add(self, child):
""" adds a child node
returns a reference to the child
return child
def _add(self, child):
if child.__class__ not in self.allowed_child:
raise RestError("%r cannot be child of %r" % \
(child.__class__, self.__class__))
child.parent = self
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.children[item]
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
self.children[item] = value
def text(self):
""" return a ReST string representation of the node """
return self.sep.join([child.text() for child in self.children])
def wordlist(self):
""" return a list of ReST strings for this node and its children """
return [self.text()]
class Rest(AbstractNode):
""" Root node of a document """
sep = "\n\n"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
AbstractNode.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.links = {}
def render_links(self, check=False):
"""render the link attachments of the document"""
assert not check, "Link checking not implemented"
if not self.links:
return ""
link_texts = []
# XXX this could check for duplicates and remove them...
for link, target in self.links.items():
link_texts.append(".. _`%s`: %s" % (escape(link), target))
return "\n" + "\n".join(link_texts) + "\n\n"
def text(self):
outcome = []
if (isinstance(self.children[0], Transition) or
isinstance(self.children[-1], Transition)):
raise ValueError('document must not begin or end with a '
for child in self.children:
# always a trailing newline
text = self.sep.join([i for i in outcome if i]) + "\n"
return text + self.render_links()
class Transition(AbstractNode):
""" a horizontal line """
parentclass = Rest
def __init__(self, char='-', width=80, *args, **kwargs):
self.char = char
self.width = width
super(Transition, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def text(self):
return (self.width - 1) * self.char
class Paragraph(AbstractNode):
""" simple paragraph """
parentclass = Rest
sep = " "
indent = ""
width = 80
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# make shortcut
args = list(args)
for num, arg in enumerate(args):
if isinstance(arg, str):
args[num] = Text(arg)
super(Paragraph, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def text(self):
texts = []
for child in self.children:
texts += child.wordlist()
buf = []
outcome = []
lgt = len(self.indent)
def grab(buf):
outcome.append(self.indent + self.sep.join(buf))
while texts:
next = texts[-1]
if not next:
if lgt + len(self.sep) + len(next) <= self.width or not buf:
lgt += len(next) + len(self.sep)
lgt = len(self.indent)
buf = []
return "\n".join(outcome)
class SubParagraph(Paragraph):
""" indented sub paragraph """
indent = " "
class Title(Paragraph):
""" title element """
parentclass = Rest
belowchar = "="
abovechar = ""
def text(self):
txt = self._get_text()
lines = []
if self.abovechar:
lines.append(self.abovechar * len(txt))
if self.belowchar:
lines.append(self.belowchar * len(txt))
return "\n".join(lines)
def _get_text(self):
txt = []
for node in self.children:
txt += node.wordlist()
return ' '.join(txt)
class AbstractText(AbstractNode):
parentclass = [Paragraph, Title]
start = ""
end = ""
def __init__(self, _text):
self._text = _text
def text(self):
text = self.escape(self._text)
return self.start + text + self.end
def escape(self, text):
if not isinstance(text, str) and not isinstance(text, unicode):
text = str(text)
if self.start:
text = text.replace(self.start, '\\%s' % (self.start,))
if self.end and self.end != self.start:
text = text.replace(self.end, '\\%s' % (self.end,))
return text
class Text(AbstractText):
def wordlist(self):
text = escape(self._text)
return self._reg_whitespace.split(text)
class LiteralBlock(AbstractText):
parentclass = Rest
start = '::\n\n'
def text(self):
if not self._text.strip():
return ''
text = self.escape(self._text).split('\n')
for i, line in enumerate(text):
if line.strip():
text[i] = ' %s' % (line,)
return self.start + '\n'.join(text)
class Em(AbstractText):
start = "*"
end = "*"
class Strong(AbstractText):
start = "**"
end = "**"
class Quote(AbstractText):
start = '``'
end = '``'
class Anchor(AbstractText):
start = '_`'
end = '`'
class Footnote(AbstractText):
def __init__(self, note, symbol=False):
raise NotImplemented('XXX')
class Citation(AbstractText):
def __init__(self, text, cite):
raise NotImplemented('XXX')
class ListItem(Paragraph):
allow_nesting = True
item_chars = '*+-'
def text(self):
idepth = self.get_indent_depth()
indent = self.indent + (idepth + 1) * ' '
txt = '\n\n'.join(self.render_children(indent))
ret = []
item_char = self.item_chars[idepth]
ret += [indent[len(item_char)+1:], item_char, ' ', txt[len(indent):]]
return ''.join(ret)
def render_children(self, indent):
txt = []
buffer = []
def render_buffer(fro, to):
if not fro:
p = Paragraph(indent=indent, *fro)
p.parent = self.parent
for child in self.children:
if isinstance(child, AbstractText):
if buffer:
render_buffer(buffer, txt)
buffer = []
render_buffer(buffer, txt)
return txt
def get_indent_depth(self):
depth = 0
current = self
while (current.parent is not None and
isinstance(current.parent, ListItem)):
depth += 1
current = current.parent
return depth
class OrderedListItem(ListItem):
item_chars = ["#."] * 5
class DListItem(ListItem):
item_chars = None
def __init__(self, term, definition, *args, **kwargs):
self.term = term
super(DListItem, self).__init__(definition, *args, **kwargs)
def text(self):
idepth = self.get_indent_depth()
indent = self.indent + (idepth + 1) * ' '
txt = '\n\n'.join(self.render_children(indent))
ret = []
ret += [indent[2:], self.term, '\n', txt]
return ''.join(ret)
class Link(AbstractText):
start = '`'
end = '`_'
def __init__(self, _text, target):
self._text = _text
self.target = target
self.rest = None
def text(self):
if self.rest is None:
self.rest = self.find_rest()
if self.rest.links.get(self._text, self.target) != self.target:
raise ValueError('link name %r already in use for a different '
'target' % (self.target,))
self.rest.links[self._text] = self.target
return AbstractText.text(self)
def find_rest(self):
# XXX little overkill, but who cares...
next = self
while next.parent is not None:
next = next.parent
return next
class InternalLink(AbstractText):
start = '`'
end = '`_'
class LinkTarget(Paragraph):
def __init__(self, name, target):
self.name = name
self.target = target
def text(self):
return ".. _`%s`:%s\n" % (self.name, self.target)
class Substitution(AbstractText):
def __init__(self, text, **kwargs):
raise NotImplemented('XXX')
class Directive(Paragraph):
indent = ' '
def __init__(self, name, *args, **options):
self.name = name
self.content = options.pop('content', [])
children = list(args)
super(Directive, self).__init__(*children)
self.options = options
def text(self):
# XXX not very pretty...
namechunksize = len(self.name) + 2
self.children.insert(0, Text('X' * namechunksize))
txt = super(Directive, self).text()
txt = '.. %s::%s' % (self.name, txt[namechunksize + 3:],)
options = '\n'.join([' :%s: %s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in
if options:
txt += '\n%s' % (options,)
if self.content:
txt += '\n'
for item in self.content:
assert item.parentclass == Rest, 'only top-level items allowed'
assert not item.indent
item.indent = ' '
txt += '\n' + item.text()
return txt