81 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
81 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
""" generate a single-file self-contained version of pytest """
import py
import sys
def find_toplevel(name):
for syspath in py.std.sys.path:
base = py.path.local(syspath)
lib = base/name
if lib.check(dir=1):
return lib
mod = base.join("%s.py" % name)
if mod.check(file=1):
return mod
raise LookupError(name)
def pkgname(toplevel, rootpath, path):
parts = path.parts()[len(rootpath.parts()):]
return '.'.join([toplevel] + [x.purebasename for x in parts])
def pkg_to_mapping(name):
toplevel = find_toplevel(name)
name2src = {}
if toplevel.check(file=1): # module
name2src[toplevel.purebasename] = toplevel.read()
else: # package
for pyfile in toplevel.visit('*.py'):
pkg = pkgname(name, toplevel, pyfile)
name2src[pkg] = pyfile.read()
return name2src
def compress_mapping(mapping):
data = py.std.pickle.dumps(mapping, 2)
data = py.std.zlib.compress(data, 9)
data = py.std.base64.encodestring(data)
data = data.decode('ascii')
return data
def compress_packages(names):
mapping = {}
for name in names:
return compress_mapping(mapping)
def generate_script(entry, packages):
data = compress_packages(packages)
tmpl = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().join('standalonetemplate.py')
exe = tmpl.read()
exe = exe.replace('@SOURCES@', data)
exe = exe.replace('@ENTRY@', entry)
return exe
def pytest_addoption(parser):
group = parser.getgroup("debugconfig")
group.addoption("--genscript", action="store", default=None,
dest="genscript", metavar="path",
help="create standalone pytest script at given target path.")
def pytest_cmdline_main(config):
genscript = config.getvalue("genscript")
if genscript:
tw = py.io.TerminalWriter()
deps = ['py', '_pytest', 'pytest']
if sys.version_info < (2,7):
tw.line("generated script will run on python2.5-python3.3++")
tw.line("WARNING: generated script will not run on python2.6 "
"or below due to 'argparse' dependency. Use python2.6 "
"to generate a python2.5/6 compatible script", red=True)
script = generate_script(
'import pytest; raise SystemExit(pytest.cmdline.main())',
genscript = py.path.local(genscript)
tw.line("generated pytest standalone script: %s" % genscript,
return 0