
191 lines
7.6 KiB

""" Tests various aspects of rsession, like ssh hosts setup/teardown
import py
from py.__.test import repevent
from py.__.test.rsession.rsession import RSession
from py.__.test.rsession.hostmanage import HostManager, HostInfo
from py.__.test.rsession.testing.basetest import BasicRsessionTest
from py.__.test.rsession.testing.test_hostmanage import DirSetup
def setup_module(mod):
mod.pkgdir = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath()
if py.std.sys.platform == "win32":
py.test.skip("rsession tests disabled for win32")
class TestRSessionRemote(DirSetup, BasicRsessionTest):
def test_example_distribution_minus_x(self):
self.source.ensure("sub", "conftest.py").write(py.code.Source("""
dist_hosts = ['localhost:%s']
""" % self.dest))
self.source.ensure("sub", "__init__.py")
self.source.ensure("sub", "test_one.py").write(py.code.Source("""
def test_1():
def test_x():
import py
def test_2():
assert 0
def test_3():
raise ValueError(23)
def test_4(someargs):
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.source.join("sub"), '-x'])
allevents = []
rsession = RSession(config)
testevents = [x for x in allevents
if isinstance(x, repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome)]
assert len(testevents) == 3
def test_distribution_rsync_roots_example(self):
destdir = py.test.ensuretemp("example_dist_destdir")
subdir = "sub_example_dist"
tmpdir = self.source
tmpdir.ensure(subdir, "conftest.py").write(py.code.Source("""
dist_hosts = ["localhost:%s"]
dist_rsync_roots = ["%s", "../py"]
""" % (destdir, tmpdir.join(subdir), )))
tmpdir.ensure(subdir, "__init__.py")
tmpdir.ensure(subdir, "test_one.py").write(py.code.Source("""
def test_1():
def test_2():
assert 0
def test_3():
raise ValueError(23)
def test_4(someargs):
def test_5():
assert __file__ != '%s'
#def test_6():
# import py
# assert py.__file__ != '%s'
""" % (tmpdir.join(subdir), py.__file__)))
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir.join(subdir)])
assert config.topdir == tmpdir
assert not tmpdir.join("__init__.py").check()
allevents = []
rsession = RSession(config)
testevents = [x for x in allevents
if isinstance(x, repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome)]
assert len(testevents)
print testevents
passevents = [i for i in testevents if i.outcome.passed]
failevents = [i for i in testevents if i.outcome.excinfo]
skippedevents = [i for i in testevents if i.outcome.skipped]
assert len(testevents) == 5
assert len(passevents) == 2
assert len(failevents) == 3
tb = failevents[0].outcome.excinfo.traceback
assert str(tb[0].path).find("test_one") != -1
assert tb[0].source.find("test_2") != -1
assert failevents[0].outcome.excinfo.typename == 'AssertionError'
tb = failevents[1].outcome.excinfo.traceback
assert str(tb[0].path).find("test_one") != -1
assert tb[0].source.find("test_3") != -1
assert failevents[1].outcome.excinfo.typename == 'ValueError'
assert failevents[1].outcome.excinfo.value == '23'
tb = failevents[2].outcome.excinfo.traceback
assert failevents[2].outcome.excinfo.typename == 'TypeError'
assert str(tb[0].path).find("executor") != -1
assert tb[0].source.find("execute") != -1
def test_setup_teardown_ssh(self):
hosts = [HostInfo('localhost:%s' % self.dest)]
setup_events = []
teardown_events = []
tmpdir = self.source
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir])
hm = HostManager(config, hosts)
nodes = hm.setup_hosts(setup_events.append)
[node.channel for node in nodes], nodes)
count_rsyn_calls = [i for i in setup_events
if isinstance(i, repevent.HostRSyncing)]
assert len(count_rsyn_calls) == len([i for i in hosts])
count_ready_calls = [i for i in setup_events
if isinstance(i, repevent.HostRSyncRootReady)]
assert len(count_ready_calls) == len([i for i in hosts])
# same for teardown events
teardown_wait_starts = [i for i in teardown_events
if isinstance(i, repevent.CallStart)]
teardown_wait_ends = [i for i in teardown_events
if isinstance(i, repevent.CallFinish)]
assert len(teardown_wait_starts) == len(hosts)
assert len(teardown_wait_ends) == len(hosts)
def test_setup_teardown_run_ssh(self):
hosts = [HostInfo('localhost:%s' % self.dest)]
allevents = []
hm = HostManager(self.config, hosts=hosts)
nodes = hm.setup_hosts(allevents.append)
from py.__.test.testing.test_executor \
import ItemTestPassing, ItemTestFailing, ItemTestSkipping
itempass = self.getexample("pass")
itemfail = self.getexample("fail")
itemskip = self.getexample("skip")
itemprint = self.getexample("print")
# actually run some tests
for node in nodes:
hm.teardown_hosts(allevents.append, [node.channel for node in nodes], nodes)
events = [i for i in allevents
if isinstance(i, repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome)]
passed = [i for i in events
if i.outcome.passed]
skipped = [i for i in events
if i.outcome.skipped]
assert len(passed) == 2 * len(nodes)
assert len(skipped) == len(nodes)
assert len(events) == 4 * len(nodes)
# one of passed for each node has non-empty stdout
passed_stdout = [i for i in passed if i.outcome.stdout.find('samfing') != -1]
assert len(passed_stdout) == len(nodes), passed
def test_nice_level(self):
""" Tests if nice level behaviour is ok
allevents = []
hosts = [HostInfo('localhost:%s' % self.dest)]
tmpdir = self.source
dist_hosts = ['localhost:%s']
dist_nicelevel = 10
""" % self.dest))
tmpdir.ensure("test_one.py").write("""def test_nice():
import os
assert os.nice(0) == 10
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir])
rsession = RSession(config)
testevents = [x for x in allevents
if isinstance(x, repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome)]
passevents = [x for x in testevents if x.outcome.passed]
assert len(passevents) == 1
def test_rsession_no_disthost():
tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp("rsession_no_disthost")
config = py.test.config._reparse([str(tmpdir), '-d'])
py.test.raises(SystemExit, "config.initsession()")