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Thanks for submitting a PR, your contribution is really appreciated!

Here's a quick checklist that should be present in PRs:

  • Target: for bug or doc fixes, target master; for new features, target features;

Unless your change is trivial documentation fix (e.g., a typo or reword of a small section) please:

  • Make sure to include one or more tests for your change;
  • Add yourself to AUTHORS;
  • Add a new entry to CHANGELOG.rst
    • Choose any open position to avoid merge conflicts with other PRs.
    • Add a link to the issue you are fixing (if any) using RST syntax.
    • The pytest team likes to have people to acknowledged in the CHANGELOG, so please add a thank note to yourself ("Thanks @user for the PR") and a link to your GitHub profile. It may sound weird thanking yourself, but otherwise a maintainer would have to do it manually before or after merging instead of just using GitHub's merge button. This makes it easier on the maintainers to merge PRs.