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py.test plugin for sending testing failure information to paste.pocoo.org
import py
class url:
base = "http://paste.pocoo.org"
xmlrpc = base + "/xmlrpc/"
show = base + "/show/"
def pytest_addoption(parser):
group = parser.addgroup("pocoo plugin")
group.addoption('-P', '--pocoo-sendfailures',
action='store_true', dest="pocoo_sendfailures",
help="send failures to %s paste service" %(url.base,))
def getproxy():
return py.std.xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url.xmlrpc).pastes
def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter):
if terminalreporter.config.option.pocoo_sendfailures:
tr = terminalreporter
if 'failed' in tr.stats and tr.config.option.tbstyle != "no":
terminalreporter.write_sep("=", "Sending failures to %s" %(url.base,))
terminalreporter.write_line("xmlrpcurl: %s" %(url.xmlrpc,))
#print self.__class__.getproxy
#print self.__class__, id(self.__class__)
serverproxy = getproxy()
for ev in terminalreporter.stats.get('failed'):
tw = py.io.TerminalWriter(stringio=True)
s = tw.stringio.getvalue()
# XXX add failure summary
assert len(s)
terminalreporter.write_line("newpaste() ...")
proxyid = serverproxy.newPaste("python", s)
terminalreporter.write_line("%s%s\n" % (url.show, proxyid))
def test_toproxy(testdir, monkeypatch):
l = []
class MockProxy:
def newPaste(self, language, code):
l.append((language, code))
monkeypatch.setitem(globals(), 'getproxy', MockProxy)
testdir.plugins.insert(0, globals())
testpath = testdir.makepyfile("""
import py
def test_pass():
def test_fail():
assert 0
def test_skip():
reprec = testdir.inline_run(testpath, "-P")
assert len(l) == 1
assert l[0][0] == "python"
s = l[0][1]
assert s.find("def test_fail") != -1
assert reprec.countoutcomes() == [1,1,1]