
147 lines
4.3 KiB

import os, sys
import py
class TestStdCapture:
def getcapture(self, **kw):
return py.io.StdCapture(**kw)
def test_capturing_done_simple(self):
cap = self.getcapture()
print "hello world"
print >>sys.stderr, "hello error"
outfile, errfile = cap.done()
assert outfile.read() == "hello world\n"
assert errfile.read() == "hello error\n"
def test_capturing_reset_simple(self):
cap = self.getcapture()
print "hello world"
print >>sys.stderr, "hello error"
out, err = cap.reset()
assert out == "hello world\n"
assert err == "hello error\n"
def test_capturing_mixed(self):
cap = self.getcapture(mixed=True)
print "hello",
print >>sys.stderr, "world",
print >>sys.stdout, ".",
out, err = cap.reset()
assert out.strip() == "hello world ."
assert not err
def test_capturing_twice_error(self):
cap = self.getcapture()
print "hello"
py.test.raises(EnvironmentError, "cap.reset()")
def test_capturing_modify_sysouterr_in_between(self):
oldout = sys.stdout
olderr = sys.stderr
cap = self.getcapture()
print "hello",
print >>sys.stderr, "world",
sys.stdout = py.std.StringIO.StringIO()
sys.stderr = py.std.StringIO.StringIO()
print "not seen"
print >>sys.stderr, "not seen"
out, err = cap.reset()
assert out == "hello"
assert err == "world"
assert sys.stdout == oldout
assert sys.stderr == olderr
def test_capturing_error_recursive(self):
cap1 = self.getcapture()
print "cap1"
cap2 = self.getcapture()
print "cap2"
out2, err2 = cap2.reset()
py.test.raises(EnvironmentError, "cap2.reset()")
out1, err1 = cap1.reset()
assert out1 == "cap1\n"
assert out2 == "cap2\n"
def test_just_out_capture(self):
cap = self.getcapture(out=True, err=False)
print >>sys.stdout, "hello"
print >>sys.stderr, "world"
out, err = cap.reset()
assert out == "hello\n"
assert not err
def test_just_err_capture(self):
cap = self.getcapture(out=False, err=True)
print >>sys.stdout, "hello"
print >>sys.stderr, "world"
out, err = cap.reset()
assert err == "world\n"
assert not out
def test_stdin_restored(self):
old = sys.stdin
cap = self.getcapture(in_=True)
newstdin = sys.stdin
out, err = cap.reset()
assert newstdin != sys.stdin
assert sys.stdin is old
def test_stdin_nulled_by_default(self):
print "XXX this test may well hang instead of crashing"
print "XXX which indicates an error in the underlying capturing"
print "XXX mechanisms"
cap = self.getcapture()
py.test.raises(IOError, "sys.stdin.read()")
out, err = cap.reset()
class TestStdCaptureFD(TestStdCapture):
def getcapture(self, **kw):
return py.io.StdCaptureFD(**kw)
def test_intermingling(self):
cap = self.getcapture()
os.write(1, "1")
print >>sys.stdout, 2,
os.write(1, "3")
os.write(2, "a")
print >>sys.stderr, "b",
os.write(2, "c")
out, err = cap.reset()
assert out == "123"
assert err == "abc"
def test_callcapture(self):
def func(x, y):
print x
print >>py.std.sys.stderr, y
return 42
res, out, err = py.io.StdCaptureFD.call(func, 3, y=4)
assert res == 42
assert out.startswith("3")
assert err.startswith("4")
def test_capture_no_sys():
cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD(patchsys=False)
print >>sys.stdout, "hello"
print >>sys.stderr, "world"
os.write(1, "1")
os.write(2, "2")
out, err = cap.reset()
assert out == "1"
assert err == "2"
def test_callcapture_nofd():
def func(x, y):
os.write(1, "hello")
os.write(2, "hello")
print x
print >>py.std.sys.stderr, y
return 42
res, out, err = py.io.StdCapture.call(func, 3, y=4)
assert res == 42
assert out.startswith("3")
assert err.startswith("4")