[x] childrenWidth/childrenHeight were removed, have beed used previously for non-responsive SVG
[x] this.ZOrder array was removed, since there is another way of soring z-indices
[x] translate was removed, since now it's the part of viewPortParameters string ((-this.width / 2) + ' ' + (-this.height / 2))
Fixes for issues posted by Shay at VennDiagram component #412
[x] ResponsiveVennDiagram.js, VennDiagram.js
[x] VennDiagram.css (rename)
[x] ArcNode, CicularNode, Tooltip as .js
and other minor issues
The rules are now set at this.rules array.
While some of them have two conditions, i.e. Rule #2 shoud check if Conclusive is 0 and Inconclusive > 0, all rules has its own function (formula), which returns true or false.
Eventually, I could shorten variable naming, for example, d_['Conclusive'] to something more prompt, but keeping this helps understand formulas even without referencing to upper comments.
[x] Scrolling issue. Since only window/document have 'scroll' event, the only option to fix tooltip issue on scrolling is just simply hide it.
That works well if after scrolling the mouse pointer doesn't stay on any venn nodes. Otherwise, you have to move mouse for the tooltip.
Theoretically, I could store hovered node coordinates and use them in _onScroll function to check if mouse is still on top one Venn nodes find window.pageYOffset difference.
[x] Z-Indices sorting on hover
[x] Resize (viewBox solution]
[x] Rule correction, have excluded 'Unexecuted' parameter from the sum for Rule #1
Still on my today's TODO list:
[-] Still looking for an elegant solution to scrolling glitch.
Yes, the easiest way is to hide tooltip on scrolling, but that's not cool
[-] Need some coding refining