import socket import struct import logging from threading import Thread from import local_ips, get_free_tcp_port from network.firewall import app as firewall from transport.base import get_last_serve_time from difflib import get_close_matches from import check_port_tcp from model import VictimHost import time __author__ = 'hoffer' LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MCAST_GROUP = '' MCAST_PORT = 5007 BUFFER_READ = 1024 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 QUIT_TIMEOUT = 60 * 10 # 10 minutes def _set_multicast_socket(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, adapter=''): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.settimeout(timeout) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((adapter, MCAST_PORT)) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, struct.pack("4sl", socket.inet_aton(MCAST_GROUP), socket.INADDR_ANY)) return sock def _check_tunnel(address, port, existing_sock=None): if not existing_sock: sock = _set_multicast_socket() else: sock = existing_sock LOG.debug("Checking tunnel %s:%s", address, port) is_open, _ = check_port_tcp(address, int(port)) if not is_open: LOG.debug("Could not connect to %s:%s", address, port) if not existing_sock: sock.close() return False try: sock.sendto("+", (address, MCAST_PORT)) except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Caught exception in tunnel registration: %s", exc) if not existing_sock: sock.close() return True def find_tunnel(default=None, attempts=3, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): l_ips = local_ips() if default: if default.find(':') != -1: address, port = default.split(':', 1) if _check_tunnel(address, port): return address, port for adapter in l_ips: for attempt in range(0, attempts): try:"Trying to find using adapter %s", adapter) sock = _set_multicast_socket(timeout, adapter) sock.sendto("?", (MCAST_GROUP, MCAST_PORT)) tunnels = [] while True: try: answer, address = sock.recvfrom(BUFFER_READ) if answer not in ['?', '+', '-']: tunnels.append(answer) except socket.timeout: break for tunnel in tunnels: if tunnel.find(':') != -1: address, port = tunnel.split(':', 1) if address in l_ips: continue if _check_tunnel(address, port, sock): sock.close() return address, port except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Caught exception in tunnel lookup: %s", exc) continue return None def quit_tunnel(address, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): try: sock = _set_multicast_socket(timeout) sock.sendto("-", (address, MCAST_PORT)) sock.close() LOG.debug("Success quitting tunnel") except Exception, exc: LOG.debug("Exception quitting tunnel: %s", exc) return class MonkeyTunnel(Thread): def __init__(self, proxy_class, target_addr=None, target_port=None, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): self._target_addr = target_addr self._target_port = target_port self._proxy_class = proxy_class self._broad_sock = None self._timeout = timeout self._stopped = False self._clients = [] self.local_port = None super(MonkeyTunnel, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self.l_ips = None def run(self): self._broad_sock = _set_multicast_socket(self._timeout) self.l_ips = local_ips() self.local_port = get_free_tcp_port() if not self.local_port: return if not firewall.listen_allowed(localport=self.local_port):"Machine firewalled, listen not allowed, not running tunnel.") return proxy = self._proxy_class(local_port=self.local_port, dest_host=self._target_addr, dest_port=self._target_port)"Running tunnel using proxy class: %s, listening on port %s, routing to: %s:%s", proxy.__class__.__name__, self.local_port, self._target_addr, self._target_port) proxy.start() while not self._stopped: try: search, address = self._broad_sock.recvfrom(BUFFER_READ) if '?' == search: ip_match = get_close_matches(address[0], self.l_ips) or self.l_ips if ip_match: answer = '%s:%d' % (ip_match[0], self.local_port) LOG.debug("Got tunnel request from %s, answering with %s", address[0], answer) self._broad_sock.sendto(answer, (address[0], MCAST_PORT)) elif '+' == search: if not address[0] in self._clients: LOG.debug("Tunnel control: Added %s to watchlist", address[0]) self._clients.append(address[0]) elif '-' == search: LOG.debug("Tunnel control: Removed %s from watchlist", address[0]) self._clients = [client for client in self._clients if client != address[0]] except socket.timeout: continue"Stopping tunnel, waiting for clients: %s" % repr(self._clients)) # wait till all of the tunnel clients has been disconnected, or no one used the tunnel in QUIT_TIMEOUT seconds while self._clients and (time.time() - get_last_serve_time() < QUIT_TIMEOUT): try: search, address = self._broad_sock.recvfrom(BUFFER_READ) if '-' == search: LOG.debug("Tunnel control: Removed %s from watchlist", address[0]) self._clients = [client for client in self._clients if client != address[0]] except socket.timeout: continue"Closing tunnel") self._broad_sock.close() proxy.stop() proxy.join() def set_tunnel_for_host(self, host): assert isinstance(host, VictimHost) if not self.local_port: return ip_match = get_close_matches(host.ip_addr, local_ips()) or self.l_ips host.default_tunnel = '%s:%d' % (ip_match[0], self.local_port) def stop(self): self._stopped = True