# Deployment guide for a development environemnt

This guide is for you if you wish to develop for Infection Monkey. If you only want to use it, please download the relevant version from [our website](https://infectionmonkey.com).

## Prerequisites

Before running the script you must have `git` installed. If you don't have `git` installed, please follow [this guide](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git).

## Deploy on Windows

Run the following command in powershell:

Invoke-WebRequest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guardicore/monkey/develop/deployment_scripts/deploy_windows.ps1 -OutFile deploy_windows.ps1

This will download our deploy script. It's a good idea to read it quickly before executing it!

After downloading that script, execute it in  `powershell`. 

The first argument is an empty directory (script can create one). The second argument is which branch you want to clone - by default, the script will check out the `develop` branch. Some example usages:

- `.\deploy_windows.ps1` (Sets up monkey in current directory under .\infection_monkey)
- `.\deploy_windows.ps1 -monkey_home "C:\test"` (Sets up monkey in C:\test)
- `.\deploy_windows.ps1 -branch "master"` (Sets up master branch instead of develop in current dir)

You may also pass in an optional `agents=$false` parameter to disable downloading the latest agent binaries.

### Troubleshooting

- If you run into Execution Policy warnings, you can disable them by prefixing the following snippet: `powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command "[original command here]"`
- Don't forget to add python to PATH or do so while installing it via this script.

## Deploy on Linux

Linux deployment script is meant for Ubuntu 16 and Ubuntu 18 machines.

Your user must have root permissions; however, don't run the script as root!

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guardicore/monkey/develop/deployment_scripts/deploy_linux.sh
chmod u+x ./deploy_linux.sh

This will download our deploy script. It's a good idea to read it quickly before executing it!

Then execute the resulting script with your shell.

After downloading that script, execute it in a shell. The first argument should be an absolute path of an empty directory (the script will create one if doesn't exist, default is ./infection_monkey). The second parameter is the branch you want to clone (develop by default). Some example usages:

- `./deploy_linux.sh` (deploys under ./infection_monkey)
- `./deploy_linux.sh "/home/test/monkey"` (deploys under /home/test/monkey)
- `./deploy_linux.sh "" "master"` (deploys master branch in script directory)
- `./deploy_linux.sh "/home/user/new" "master"` (if directory "new" is not found creates it and clones master branch into it)

You may also pass in an optional third `false` parameter to disable downloading the latest agent binaries.

### Run on Linux

After the `deploy_linux.sh` script completes, you can start the monkey island.

cd infection_monkey/monkey