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Contribute Documentation 2020-06-17T17:31:54+03:00 false 1

The /docs folder contains the Infection Monkey Documentation site.

The site is based on Hugo and the learn theme.

Directory structure

By order of importance:


The most important directory is /content. This is the directory which contains the content files. Read this to understand how pages are organized in that folder.


In this directory you should place images, css files, js files and other static content the site should serve. To access that static content in a page, use something similar to this:

![AWS instance ID](../../images/setup/aws/aws-instance-id.png "AWS instance ID")


This folder controls many of the parameters regarding the site generation.


This is the theme we're using. It's a submodule (to get it you need to run git submodule update). It's our own fork of the learn theme. If you want to make changes to the theme itself, or pull updates from the upstream, you'll do it here.

Layouts and archtypes

This directory includes custom HTML partials, custom shortcodes and content templates. It's best not to mess with the existing stuff here too much, but rather add new things.

Public and resources

These are the build output of hugo and should never be commit-ed to git.

How to contribute


You'll have to install hugo, a text editor that's good for markdown (vscode and vim are good options) and git.

Note: Installing hugo via apt is not recommended because Hugo is usually few versions behind the latest for Debian and Ubuntu package managers. Refer to latest releases of Hugo.

Adding and editing content

Add a new page

Run hugo new folder/ Optionally add --kind chapter if creating a new chapter page. For example, hugo new usage/ created the Getting Started page.

Editing an existing page

Edit the markdown file(s). Here's a markdown cheatsheet. If you want to add images, add them to the static/images folder and refer to them by name.

Building the content

Serve the documentation locally

Run hugo server -D. The server will be available locally at http://localhost:1313/. You can change the content/theme and the site will refresh automatically to reflect your changes.

Build the content for deployment

Run hugo --environment staging or hugo --environment production. This will create a static site in the public directory. This directory should be ignored by git - make sure you don't add and commit it by mistake!


Error: Unable to locate config file or config directory. Perhaps you need to create a new site.

Did you confirm your working directory? It should be monkey/docs.

failed to extract shortcode: template for shortcode "children" not found or theme doesn't seem right?

Have you run git submodule update?

CSS is missing
  • Make sure that you're accessing the correct URL.
  • Check the config.toml file.