Browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera) to display GitHub code in tree format. Useful for developers who frequently read source in GitHub and do not want to download or checkout too many repositories. Features:
Submitting to Mozilla and Safari stores is quite a tedious process. Octotree 1.0 (not even 1.1) was submitted to Mozilla store and is still being reviewed. Safari store requires even more work and time (that I don't have).
Alternatively, you can just install the prebuilt extensions located in the [dist]( folder. For security reason, be sure to install from this location only.
Note: you can also pack extensions from source by executing the Gulp script that generates extension structures for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Refer to the documentation of [Firefox]( and [Safari]( to learn how to package extensions.
Octotree uses [GitHub API]( to retrieve repository metadata. By default, it makes unauthenticated requests to the GitHub API. However, there are two situations when requests must be authenticated:
When that happens, Octotree shows the screen below to ask for your [GitHub personal access token]( If you don't already have one, [create one](, then copy and paste it into the textbox. Note that the minimal scopes that should be granted are `public_repo` and `repo` (if you need access to private repositories).