
222 lines
6.3 KiB

import gulp from 'gulp'
import fs from 'fs'
import os from 'os'
import path from 'path'
import { merge } from 'event-stream'
import map from 'map-stream'
import { spawn } from 'child_process'
const $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')()
// Tasks
gulp.task('clean', () => {
return pipe('./tmp', $.clean())
gulp.task('build', (cb) => {
$.runSequence('clean', 'styles', 'chrome', 'opera', 'safari', 'firefox', cb)
gulp.task('default', ['build'], () => {['./libs/**/*', './src/**/*', './package.json'], ['default'])
gulp.task('dist', ['build'], (cb) => {
$.runSequence('firefox:zip', 'chrome:zip', 'chrome:crx', 'opera:nex', cb)
gulp.task('test', ['build'], (cb) => {
const ps = spawn(
['--harmony', '--reporter', 'spec', '--bail', '--recursive', '--timeout', '-1']
ps.on('close', cb)
gulp.task('styles', () => {
return pipe(
$.less({ relativeUrls: true }),
$.autoprefixer({ cascade: true }),
gulp.task('lib:ondemand', (cb) => {
const dir = './libs/ondemand'
const code = fs.readdirSync(dir).map(file => {
return `window['${file}'] = function () {
${fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, file))}
fs.writeFileSync('./tmp/ondemand.js', code)
// Chrome
gulp.task('chrome:template', () => {
return buildTemplate({SUPPORT_FILE_ICONS: true, SUPPORT_GHE: true})
gulp.task('chrome:js', ['chrome:template', 'lib:ondemand'], () => {
return buildJs(['./src/config/chrome/overrides.js'], {SUPPORT_FILE_ICONS: true, SUPPORT_GHE: true})
gulp.task('chrome', ['chrome:js'], () => {
return merge(
pipe('./icons/**/*', './tmp/chrome/icons'),
pipe(['./libs/**/*', '!./libs/ondemand{,/**}', './tmp/octotree.*', './tmp/ondemand.js'], './tmp/chrome/'),
pipe('./libs/file-icons.css', $.replace('../fonts', 'chrome-extension://__MSG_@@extension_id__/fonts'), './tmp/chrome/'),
pipe('./src/config/chrome/background.js', $.babel(), './tmp/chrome/'),
pipe('./src/config/chrome/manifest.json', $.replace('$VERSION', getVersion()), './tmp/chrome/')
gulp.task('chrome:zip', () => {
return pipe('./tmp/chrome/**/*', $.zip(''), './dist')
gulp.task('chrome:crx', () => {
// This will package the crx using a private key.
// For the convenience of people who want to build locally without having to
// manage their own Chrome key, this code will use the bundled test key if
// a real key is not found in ~/.ssh.
const real = path.join(os.homedir() + '.ssh/chrome.pem')
const test = './chrome_test_key.pem'
const privateKey = fs.existsSync(real) ? fs.readFileSync(real) : fs.readFileSync(test)
return pipe('./tmp/chrome', $.crxPack({
privateKey: privateKey,
filename: 'chrome.crx'
}), './dist')
// Opera
gulp.task('opera', ['chrome'], () => {
return pipe('./tmp/chrome/**/*', './tmp/opera')
gulp.task('opera:nex', () => {
return pipe('./dist/chrome.crx', $.rename('opera.nex'), './dist')
// Firefox
gulp.task('firefox:template', () => {
return buildTemplate({SUPPORT_FILE_ICONS: true})
gulp.task('firefox:js', ['firefox:template', 'lib:ondemand'], () => {
return buildJs([], {SUPPORT_FILE_ICONS: true})
gulp.task('firefox', ['firefox:js'], () => {
return merge(
pipe('./icons/**/*', './tmp/firefox/icons'),
pipe(['./libs/**/*', '!./libs/ondemand{,/**}', './tmp/octotree.*', './tmp/ondemand.js'], './tmp/firefox'),
pipe('./libs/file-icons.css', $.replace('../fonts', 'moz-extension://__MSG_@@extension_id__/fonts'), './tmp/firefox/'),
pipe('./src/config/firefox/background.js', $.babel(), './tmp/firefox/'),
pipe('./src/config/firefox/manifest.json', $.replace('$VERSION', getVersion()), './tmp/firefox')
gulp.task('firefox:zip', () => {
return pipe('./tmp/firefox/**/*', $.zip(''), './dist')
// Safari
gulp.task('safari:template', () => {
return buildTemplate({SUPPORT_FILE_ICONS: true})
gulp.task('safari:js', ['safari:template', 'lib:ondemand'], () => {
return buildJs([], {SUPPORT_FILE_ICONS: true})
gulp.task('safari', ['safari:js'], () => {
return merge(
pipe('./icons/icon64.png', $.rename('Icon-64.png'), './tmp/safari/octotree.safariextension'),
['./libs/**/*', '!./libs/ondemand{,/**}', './tmp/octotree.*', './tmp/ondemand.js'],
pipe('./libs/file-icons.css', $.replace('../fonts', 'fonts'), './tmp/safari/octotree.safariextension/'),
pipe('./src/config/safari/Info.plist', $.replace('$VERSION', getVersion()), './tmp/safari/octotree.safariextension')
// Helpers
function pipe(src, ...transforms) {
return transforms.reduce((stream, transform) => {
const isDest = typeof transform === 'string'
return stream.pipe(isDest ? gulp.dest(transform) : transform)
}, gulp.src(src))
function html2js(template) {
return map(escape)
function escape(file, cb) {
const path = $.util.replaceExtension(file.path, '.js')
const content = file.contents.toString()
const escaped = content
.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\\n' +\n '")
const body = template.replace('$$', escaped)
file.path = path
file.contents = new Buffer(body)
cb(null, file)
function buildJs(overrides, ctx) {
const src = [
return pipe(
$.preprocess({context: ctx}),
function buildTemplate(ctx) {
const LOTS_OF_SPACES = new Array(500).join(' ')
return pipe(
$.preprocess({ context: ctx }),
$.replace('__SPACES__', LOTS_OF_SPACES),
html2js('const TEMPLATE = \'$$\''),
function getVersion() {
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./package.json')]
return require('./package.json').version