# samgr\_lite - [Introduction](#section11660541593) - [Directory Structure](#section1464106163817) - [Constraints](#section1718733212019) - [Developing a Service](#section159991817144514) - [Developing a Feature of a Service](#section11510542164514) - [Developing an External API for Intra-Process Communication](#section1685211117463) - [Invoking a Service in the Same Process](#section3690162916462) - [Developing an External API for IPC](#section9220246194615) - [Invoking a Service in Another Process](#section114372711475) - [Developing a Client Proxy for Inter-Process Service Invocation](#section09341923114710) - [Repositories Involved](#section10365113863719) ## Introduction Due to limited platform resources, a unified system ability \(SA\) framework is provided to harmonize differences of hardware architectures \(for example, RISC-V, Cortex-M, and Cortex-A\), resources, and running modes. Two types of hardware platforms \(M- and A-core\) are defined. - M-core: hardware platforms with Cortex-M or equivalent processing capabilities. The system memory is generally less than 512 KB. There is only a lightweight file system that can be used in limited scenarios, or no file system at all. M-core platforms comply with the Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard \(CMSIS\). - A-core: hardware platforms with Cortex-A or equivalent processing capabilities. The system memory is greater than 512 KB. There is a comprehensive file system for storing a large amount of data. A-core platforms comply with the Portable Operating System Interface \(POSIX\) specifications. This service-oriented SA framework enables you to develop services, features, and external APIs, and implement multi-service process sharing and service invoking for inter-process communication \(IPC\). Wherein: - M core provides services, features, external APIs, and multi-service process sharing development. - In addition to the capabilities provided by M-core, A-core provides capabilities such as IPC service invoking, permission control for IPC service invoking, and IPC service API development. Service-oriented architecture ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001128146921.png) - Provider: a service provider that provides capabilities \(external APIs\) for the system - Consumer: a service consumer that invokes the features \(external APIs\) provided by the service - Samgr: an agency that manages capabilities provided by providers and helps consumers discover providers' capabilities Main objects of the SA framework: ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001081285004.png) - SamgrLite: provides service registration and discovery. - Service: implements lifecycle APIs of the service during service development. - Feature: implements lifecycle APIs of the feature during feature development. - IUnknown: implements external APIs for services or features based on **IUnknown**. - IClientProxy: implements the consumer's proxy to send messages during IPC invoking. - IServerProxy: implements the provider's proxy during IPC invoking, which needs to be implemented by developers. ## Directory Structure **Table 1** Structure of the source code directory of the SA framework




External APIs of the M- and A-core SA frameworks


External APIs for service invocation between A-core processes


External APIs of the event broadcast service within M- and A-core processes


POSIX and CMSIS interface adaptation layer, which is used to harmonize the differences between the APIs of M- and A-core


Stub functions for M-core service registration and discovery


Basic code for the M- and A-core SA frameworks


Registration and discovery for service invocation between A-core processes


IPC address management and access control for service invocation between A-core processes


Packet RX/TX management for A-core IPC


Event broadcast service for M- and A-core processes

## Constraints - The SA framework is developed using the C programming language. - Services in the same process use **IUnknown** for invoking. Messages are passed to the service through **IUnknown**. - The service name and feature name must be constant character strings and the length must be less than 16 bytes. - More-core depends on the Bootstrap service and calls the **OHOS\_SystemInit\(\)** function in the system startup function. - A-core depends on the Samgr library and calls the **SAMGR\_Bootstrap\(\)** function in the **main** function. ## Developing a Service - Inherit and redefine a service. ``` typedef struct ExampleService { INHERIT_SERVICE; INHERIT_IUNKNOWNENTRY(DefaultFeatureApi); Identity identity; } ExampleService; ``` - Implement the lifecycle function of the service. ``` static const char *GetName(Service *service) { return EXAMPLE_SERVICE; } static BOOL Initialize(Service *service, Identity identity) { ExampleService *example = (ExampleService *)service; // Save the unique ID of the service, which is used when IUnknown is used to send messages to the service. example->identity = identity; return TRUE; } static BOOL MessageHandle(Service *service, Request *msg) { ExampleService *example = (ExampleService *)service; switch (msg->msgId) { case MSG_SYNC: // Process the service. break; default:break; } return FALSE; } static TaskConfig GetTaskConfig(Service *service) { TaskConfig config = {LEVEL_HIGH, PRI_BELOW_NORMAL, 0x800, 20, SHARED_TASK}; return config; } ``` - Create a service object. ``` static ExampleService g_example = { .GetName = GetName, .Initialize = Initialize, .MessageHandle = MessageHandle, .GetTaskConfig = GetTaskConfig, SERVER_IPROXY_IMPL_BEGIN, .Invoke = NULL, .SyncCall = SyncCall, IPROXY_END, }; ``` - Register the service and API with Samgr. ``` static void Init(void) { SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterService((Service *)&g_example); SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterDefaultFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, GET_IUNKNOWN(g_example)); } ``` - Define the initializer of the service. ``` SYSEX_SERVICE_INIT(Init); ``` ## Developing a Feature of a Service - Inherit and redefine a feature. ``` typedef struct DemoFeature { INHERIT_FEATURE; INHERIT_IUNKNOWNENTRY(DemoApi); Identity identity; Service *parent; } DemoFeature; ``` - Implement the lifecycle function of the feature. ``` static const char *FEATURE_GetName(Feature *feature) { return EXAMPLE_FEATURE; } static void FEATURE_OnInitialize(Feature *feature, Service *parent, Identity identity) { DemoFeature *demoFeature = (DemoFeature *)feature; demoFeature->identity = identity; demoFeature->parent = parent; } static void FEATURE_OnStop(Feature *feature, Identity identity) { g_example.identity.queueId = NULL; g_example.identity.featureId = -1; g_example.identity.serviceId = -1; } static BOOL FEATURE_OnMessage(Feature *feature, Request *request) { if (request->msgId == MSG_PROC) { Response response = {.data = "Yes, you did!", .len = 0}; SAMGR_SendResponse(request, &response); return TRUE; } else { if (request->msgId == MSG_TIME_PROC) { LOS_Msleep(WAIT_FEATURE_PROC * 10); if (request->msgValue) { SAMGR_PrintServices(); } else { SAMGR_PrintOperations(); } AsyncTimeCall(GET_IUNKNOWN(g_example)); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } ``` - Create a feature object. ``` static DemoFeature g_example = { .GetName = FEATURE_GetName, .OnInitialize = FEATURE_OnInitialize, .OnStop = FEATURE_OnStop, .OnMessage = FEATURE_OnMessage, DEFAULT_IUNKNOWN_ENTRY_BEGIN, .AsyncCall = AsyncCall, .AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall, .SyncCall = SyncCall, .AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack, DEFAULT_IUNKNOWN_ENTRY_END, .identity = {-1, -1, NULL}, }; ``` - Register the feature and API with Samgr. ``` static void Init(void){ SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterFeature(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, (Feature *)&g_example); SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE, GET_IUNKNOWN(g_example)); } ``` - Define the initializer of the feature. ``` SYSEX_FEATURE_INIT(Init); ``` ## Developing an External API for Intra-Process Communication - Define the **IUnknown** API. ``` typedef struct DemoApi { INHERIT_IUNKNOWN; BOOL (*AsyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff); BOOL (*AsyncTimeCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown); BOOL (*SyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload); BOOL (*AsyncCallBack)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, Handler handler); } DemoApi; ``` - Define the reference object of **IUnknown**. ``` typedef struct DemoRefApi { INHERIT_IUNKNOWNENTRY(DemoApi); } DemoRefApi; ``` - Initialize the object of **IUnknown**. ``` static DemoRefApi api = { DEFAULT_IUNKNOWN_ENTRY_BEGIN, .AsyncCall = AsyncCall, .AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall, .SyncCall = SyncCall, .AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack, DEFAULT_IUNKNOWN_ENTRY_END, }; ``` - Register the feature API. ``` SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE, GET_IUNKNOWN(api)); ``` ## Invoking a Service in the Same Process - Obtain the external API of the service. ``` DemoApi *demoApi = NULL; IUnknown *iUnknown = SAMGR_GetInstance()->GetFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE); if (iUnknown == NULL) { return NULL; } int result = iUnknown->QueryInterface(iUnknown, DEFAULT_VERSION, (void **)&demoApi); if (result != 0 || demoApi == NULL) { return NULL; } ``` - Call the API. ``` if (demoApi->AsyncCallBack == NULL) { return NULL; } demoApi->AsyncCallBack((IUnknown *)demoApi, "I wanna async call callback good result!", AsyncHandler); ``` - Release the API. ``` int32 ref = demoApi->Release((IUnknown *)demoApi); ``` ## Developing an External API for IPC - Inherit **IServerProxy** to replace **IUnknown**: INHERIT\_SERVER\_IPROXY ``` typedef struct DemoFeatureApi { INHERIT_SERVER_IPROXY; BOOL (*AsyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff); BOOL (*AsyncTimeCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown); BOOL (*SyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload); BOOL (*AsyncCallBack)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, IOwner notify, INotifyFunc handler); } DemoFeatureApi; ``` - Initialize the **IServerProxy** object. ``` static DemoFeature g_example = { SERVER_IPROXY_IMPL_BEGIN, .Invoke = Invoke, .AsyncCall = AsyncCall, .AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall, .SyncCall = SyncCall, .AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack, IPROXY_END, }; ``` - Implement the **Invoke** function to process IPC messages. ``` static int32 Invoke(IServerProxy *iProxy, int funcId, void *origin, IpcIo *req, IpcIo *reply) { DemoFeatureApi *api = (DemoFeatureApi *)iProxy; BOOL ret; size_t len = 0; switch (funcId) { case ID_ASYNCALL: ret = api->AsyncCall((IUnknown *)iProxy, (char *)IpcIoPopString(req, &len)); IpcIoPushBool(reply, ret); break; case ID_ASYNTIMECALL: ret = api->AsyncTimeCall((IUnknown *)iProxy); IpcIoPushBool(reply, ret); break; case ID_SYNCCALL: { struct Payload payload; payload.id = IpcIoPopInt32(req); payload.value = IpcIoPopInt32(req); payload.name = (char *)IpcIoPopString(req, &len); ret = api->SyncCall((IUnknown *)iProxy, &payload); IpcIoPushString(reply, ret ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } break; case ID_ASYNCCALLBACK: { // convert to sync proxy IpcIoPushString(reply, "Yes, you did!"); IpcIoPushBool(reply, TRUE); } break; default: IpcIoPushBool(reply, FALSE); break; } return EC_SUCCESS; } ``` - Register the API. This step is same as the API registration for intra-process communication. ``` SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE, GET_IUNKNOWN(g_example)); ``` ## Invoking a Service in Another Process - Obtain the external API of the service in another process. ``` IClientProxy *demoApi = NULL; IUnknown *iUnknown = SAMGR_GetInstance()->GetFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE); if (iUnknown == NULL) { return NULL; } int result = iUnknown->QueryInterface(iUnknown, CLIENT_PROXY_VER, (void **)&demoApi); if (result != 0 || demoApi == NULL) { return NULL; } ``` - Invoke the API for sending IPC messages. ``` IpcIo request;char data[250]; IpcIoInit(&request, data, sizeof(data), 0); demoApi->Invoke(demoApi, 0, &request, NULL, NULL); ``` - Release the API. ``` int32 ref = demoApi->Release((IUnknown *)demoApi); ``` ## Developing a Client Proxy for Inter-Process Service Invocation - Define a client proxy for the IPC API. ``` typedef struct DemoClientProxy { INHERIT_CLIENT_IPROXY; BOOL (*AsyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff); BOOL (*AsyncTimeCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown); BOOL (*SyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload); BOOL (*AsyncCallBack)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, IOwner notify, INotifyFunc handler); } DemoClientProxy; typedef struct DemoClientEntry { INHERIT_IUNKNOWNENTRY(DemoClientProxy); } DemoClientEntry; ``` - Enable the client proxy to encapsulate the IPC message API. ``` static BOOL AsyncCall(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff) { DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown; IpcIo request; char data[MAX_DATA_LEN]; IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0); IpcIoPushString(&request, buff); int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_ASYNCALL, &request, NULL, NULL); return ret == EC_SUCCESS; } static BOOL AsyncTimeCall(IUnknown *iUnknown) { DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown; IpcIo request; char data[MAX_DATA_LEN]; IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0); int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_ASYNTIMECALL, &request, NULL, NULL); return ret == EC_SUCCESS; } static int Callback(IOwner owner, int code, IpcIo *reply) { size_t len = 0; return strcpy_s(owner, MAX_DATA_LEN, (char *)IpcIoPopString(reply, &len)); } static BOOL SyncCall(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload) { DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown; IpcIo request; char data[MAX_DATA_LEN]; IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0); IpcIoPushInt32(&request, payload->id); IpcIoPushInt32(&request, payload->value); IpcIoPushString(&request, payload->name); int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_SYNCCALL, &request, data, Callback); data[MAX_DATA_LEN - 1] = 0; HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_APP, "[TID:0x%lx]Remote response is %s!", pthread_self(), data); return ret == EC_SUCCESS; } struct CurrentNotify { IOwner notify; INotifyFunc handler; }; static int CurrentCallback(IOwner owner, int code, IpcIo *reply) { struct CurrentNotify *notify = (struct CurrentNotify *)owner; size_t len = 0; char *response = (char *)IpcIoPopString(reply, &len); HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_APP, "[TID:0x%lx]Notify Remote response is %s!", pthread_self(), response); notify->handler(notify->notify, response); return EC_SUCCESS; } static BOOL AsyncCallBack(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, IOwner notify, INotifyFunc handler) { struct CurrentNotify owner = {notify, handler}; DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown; IpcIo request; char data[MAX_DATA_LEN]; IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0); IpcIoPushString(&request, buff); int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_ASYNCCALLBACK, &request, &owner, CurrentCallback); return ret == EC_SUCCESS; } ``` - Implement the factory method for creating the client proxy. ``` void *DEMO_CreatClient(const char *service, const char *feature, uint32 size) { (void)service; (void)feature; uint32 len = size + sizeof(DemoClientEntry); uint8 *client = malloc(len); (void)memset_s(client, len, 0, len); DemoClientEntry *entry = (DemoClientEntry *)&client[size]; entry->ver = ((uint16)CLIENT_PROXY_VER | (uint16)DEFAULT_VERSION); entry->ref = 1; entry->iUnknown.QueryInterface = IUNKNOWN_QueryInterface; entry->iUnknown.AddRef = IUNKNOWN_AddRef; entry->iUnknown.Release = IUNKNOWN_Release; entry->iUnknown.Invoke = NULL; entry->iUnknown.AsyncCall = AsyncCall; entry->iUnknown.AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall; entry->iUnknown.SyncCall = SyncCall; entry->iUnknown.AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack; return client; } void DEMO_DestroyClient(const char *service, const char *feature, void *iproxy) { free(iproxy); } ``` - Register the factory method of the client proxy with Samgr. ``` SAMGR_RegisterFactory(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE, DEMO_CreatClient, DEMO_DestroyClient); ``` - Obtain the external API of the service in another process. ``` DemoClientProxy *demoApi = NULL; IUnknown *iUnknown = SAMGR_GetInstance()->GetFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE); if (iUnknown == NULL) { return NULL; } int result = iUnknown->QueryInterface(iUnknown, DEFAULT_VERSION, (void **)&demoApi); if (result != 0 || demoApi == NULL) { return NULL; } ``` - Invoke the client proxy API of the service in another process. ``` if (demoApi->AsyncCallBack == NULL) { return NULL; } demoApi->AsyncCallBack((IUnknown *)demoApi, "I wanna async call callback good result!", NULL, AsyncHandler); ``` - Release the API. ``` int32 ref = demoApi->Release((IUnknown *)demoApi); ``` ## Repositories Involved Distributed Scheduler subsystem **samgr\_lite**