/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "shcmd.h" #include "show.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "unistd.h" #include "dirent.h" #include "securec.h" #define SHELL_INIT_MAGIC_FLAG 0xABABABAB #define CTRL_C 0x03 /* 0x03: ctrl+c ASCII */ static void OsFreeCmdPara(CmdParsed *cmdParsed) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < cmdParsed->paramCnt; i++) { if ((cmdParsed->paramArray[i]) != NULL) { free((cmdParsed->paramArray[i])); cmdParsed->paramArray[i] = NULL; } } } static int OsStrSeparateTabStrGet(const char **tabStr, CmdParsed *parsed, unsigned int tabStrLen) { char *shiftStr = NULL; char *tempStr = (char *)malloc(SHOW_MAX_LEN << 1); if (tempStr == NULL) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } (void)memset_s(tempStr, SHOW_MAX_LEN << 1, 0, SHOW_MAX_LEN << 1); shiftStr = tempStr + SHOW_MAX_LEN; if (strncpy_s(tempStr, SHOW_MAX_LEN - 1, *tabStr, tabStrLen)) { free(tempStr); return (int)SH_ERROR; } parsed->cmdType = CMD_TYPE_STD; /* cut useless or repeat space */ if (OsCmdKeyShift(tempStr, shiftStr, SHOW_MAX_LEN - 1)) { free(tempStr); return (int)SH_ERROR; } /* get exact position of string to complete */ /* situation different if end space lost or still exist */ if ((strlen(shiftStr) == 0) || (tempStr[strlen(tempStr) - 1] != shiftStr[strlen(shiftStr) - 1])) { *tabStr = ""; } else { if (OsCmdParse(shiftStr, parsed)) { free(tempStr); return (int)SH_ERROR; } *tabStr = parsed->paramArray[parsed->paramCnt - 1]; } free(tempStr); return SH_OK; } char *OsShellGetWorkingDirtectory() { return OsGetShellCb()->shellWorkingDirectory; } int OsShellSetWorkingDirtectory(const char *dir, size_t len) { if (dir == NULL) { return SH_NOK; } int ret = strncpy_s(OsGetShellCb()->shellWorkingDirectory, sizeof(OsGetShellCb()->shellWorkingDirectory), dir, len); if (ret != SH_OK) { return SH_NOK; } return SH_OK; } static int OsStrSeparate(const char *tabStr, char *strPath, char *nameLooking, unsigned int tabStrLen) { char *strEnd = NULL; char *cutPos = NULL; CmdParsed parsed = {0}; char *shellWorkingDirectory = OsShellGetWorkingDirtectory(); int ret; ret = OsStrSeparateTabStrGet(&tabStr, &parsed, tabStrLen); if (ret != SH_OK) { return ret; } /* get fullpath str */ if (*tabStr != '/') { if (strncpy_s(strPath, CMD_MAX_PATH, shellWorkingDirectory, CMD_MAX_PATH - 1)) { OsFreeCmdPara(&parsed); return (int)SH_ERROR; } if (strcmp(shellWorkingDirectory, "/")) { if (strncat_s(strPath, CMD_MAX_PATH - 1, "/", CMD_MAX_PATH - strlen(strPath) - 1)) { OsFreeCmdPara(&parsed); return (int)SH_ERROR; } } } if (strncat_s(strPath, CMD_MAX_PATH - 1, tabStr, CMD_MAX_PATH - strlen(strPath) - 1)) { OsFreeCmdPara(&parsed); return (int)SH_ERROR; } /* split str by last '/' */ strEnd = strrchr(strPath, '/'); if (strEnd != NULL) { if (strncpy_s(nameLooking, CMD_MAX_PATH, strEnd + 1, CMD_MAX_PATH - 1)) { /* get cmp str */ OsFreeCmdPara(&parsed); return (int)SH_ERROR; } } cutPos = strrchr(strPath, '/'); if (cutPos != NULL) { *(cutPos + 1) = '\0'; } OsFreeCmdPara(&parsed); return SH_OK; } static int OsShowPageInputControl(void) { char readChar; while (1) { if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &readChar, 1) != 1) { /* get one char from stdin */ printf("\n"); return (int)SH_ERROR; } if ((readChar == 'q') || (readChar == 'Q') || (readChar == CTRL_C)) { printf("\n"); return 0; } else if (readChar == '\r') { printf("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b"); return 1; } } } static int OsShowPageControl(unsigned int timesPrint, unsigned int lineCap, unsigned int count) { if (NEED_NEW_LINE(timesPrint, lineCap)) { printf("\n"); if (SCREEN_IS_FULL(timesPrint, lineCap) && (timesPrint < count)) { printf("--More--"); return OsShowPageInputControl(); } } return 1; } static int OsSurePrintAll(unsigned int count) { char readChar = 0; printf("\nDisplay all %u possibilities?(y/n)", count); while (1) { if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &readChar, 1) != 1) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } if ((readChar == 'n') || (readChar == 'N') || (readChar == CTRL_C)) { printf("\n"); return 0; } else if ((readChar == 'y') || (readChar == 'Y') || (readChar == '\r')) { return 1; } } } static int OsPrintMatchList(unsigned int count, const char *strPath, const char *nameLooking, unsigned int printLen) { unsigned int timesPrint = 0; unsigned int lineCap; int ret; DIR *openDir = NULL; struct dirent *readDir = NULL; char formatChar[10] = {0}; /* 10:for formatChar length */ printLen = (printLen > (DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2)) ? (DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2) : printLen; /* 2:revered 2 bytes */ lineCap = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH / (printLen + 2); /* 2:DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH revered 2 bytes */ if (snprintf_s(formatChar, sizeof(formatChar) - 1, 7, "%%-%us ", printLen) < 0) { /* 7:format-len */ return (int)SH_ERROR; } if (count > (lineCap * DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGNT)) { ret = OsSurePrintAll(count); if (ret != 1) { return ret; } } openDir = opendir(strPath); if (openDir == NULL) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } printf("\n"); for (readDir = readdir(openDir); readDir != NULL; readDir = readdir(openDir)) { if (strncmp(nameLooking, readDir->d_name, strlen(nameLooking)) != 0) { continue; } printf(formatChar, readDir->d_name); timesPrint++; ret = OsShowPageControl(timesPrint, lineCap, count); if (ret != 1) { if (closedir(openDir) < 0) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } return ret; } } printf("\n"); if (closedir(openDir) < 0) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } return SH_OK; } static void StrncmpCut(const char *s1, char *s2, size_t n) { if ((n == 0) || (s1 == NULL) || (s2 == NULL)) { return; } do { if (*s1 && *s2 && (*s1 == *s2)) { s1++; s2++; } else { break; } } while (--n != 0); if (n > 0) { /* NULL pad the remaining n-1 bytes */ while (n-- != 0) { *s2++ = 0; } } return; } static void OsCompleteStr(char *result, const char *target, char *cmdKey, unsigned int *len) { unsigned int size = strlen(result) - strlen(target); char *des = cmdKey + *len; char *src = result + strlen(target); while (size-- > 0) { printf("%c", *src); if (*len == (SHOW_MAX_LEN - 1)) { *des = '\0'; break; } *des++ = *src++; (*len)++; } } static int OsExecNameMatch(const char *strPath, const char *nameLooking, char *strObj, unsigned int *maxLen) { int count = 0; DIR *openDir = NULL; struct dirent *readDir = NULL; openDir = opendir(strPath); if (openDir == NULL) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } for (readDir = readdir(openDir); readDir != NULL; readDir = readdir(openDir)) { if (strncmp(nameLooking, readDir->d_name, strlen(nameLooking)) != 0) { continue; } if (count == 0) { if (strncpy_s(strObj, CMD_MAX_PATH, readDir->d_name, CMD_MAX_PATH - 1)) { (void)closedir(openDir); return (int)SH_ERROR; } *maxLen = strlen(readDir->d_name); } else { /* strncmp&cut the same strings of name matched */ StrncmpCut(readDir->d_name, strObj, strlen(strObj)); if (strlen(readDir->d_name) > *maxLen) { *maxLen = strlen(readDir->d_name); } } count++; } if (closedir(openDir) < 0) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } return count; } static int OsTabMatchFile(char *cmdKey, unsigned int *len) { unsigned int maxLen = 0; int count; char *strOutput = NULL; char *strCmp = NULL; char *dirOpen = (char *)malloc(CMD_MAX_PATH * 3); /* 3:dirOpen\strOutput\strCmp */ if (dirOpen == NULL) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } (void)memset_s(dirOpen, CMD_MAX_PATH * 3, 0, CMD_MAX_PATH * 3); /* 3:dirOpen\strOutput\strCmp */ strOutput = dirOpen + CMD_MAX_PATH; strCmp = strOutput + CMD_MAX_PATH; if (OsStrSeparate(cmdKey, dirOpen, strCmp, *len)) { free(dirOpen); return (int)SH_ERROR; } count = OsExecNameMatch(dirOpen, strCmp, strOutput, &maxLen); /* one or more matched */ if (count >= 1) { OsCompleteStr(strOutput, strCmp, cmdKey, len); if (count == 1) { free(dirOpen); return 1; } if (OsPrintMatchList((unsigned int)count, dirOpen, strCmp, maxLen) == -1) { free(dirOpen); return (int)SH_ERROR; } } free(dirOpen); return count; } /* * Description: Pass in the string and clear useless space ,which inlcude: * 1) The overmatch space which is not be marked by Quote's area * Squeeze the overmatch space into one space * 2) Clear all space before first vaild charatctor * Input: cmdKey : Pass in the buff string, which is ready to be operated * cmdOut : Pass out the buffer string ,which has already been operated * size : cmdKey length */ unsigned int OsCmdKeyShift(const char *cmdKey, char *cmdOut, unsigned int size) { char *output = NULL; char *outputBak = NULL; unsigned int len; int ret; bool quotes = FALSE; if ((cmdKey == NULL) || (cmdOut == NULL)) { return (unsigned int)SH_ERROR; } len = strlen(cmdKey); if ((*cmdKey == '\n') || (len >= size)) { return (unsigned int)SH_ERROR; } output = (char *)malloc(len + 1); if (output == NULL) { printf("malloc failure in %s[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return (unsigned int)SH_ERROR; } /* Backup the 'output' start address */ outputBak = output; /* Scan each charactor in 'cmdKey',and squeeze the overmuch space and ignore invaild charactor */ for (; *cmdKey != '\0'; cmdKey++) { /* Detected a Double Quotes, switch the matching status */ if (*(cmdKey) == '\"') { SWITCH_QUOTES_STATUS(quotes); } /* Ignore the current charactor in following situation */ /* 1) Quotes matching status is FALSE (which said that the space is not been marked by double quotes) */ /* 2) Current charactor is a space */ /* 3) Next charactor is a space too, or the string is been seeked to the end already(\0) */ /* 4) Invaild charactor, such as single quotes */ if ((*cmdKey == ' ') && ((*(cmdKey + 1) == ' ') || (*(cmdKey + 1) == '\0')) && QUOTES_STATUS_CLOSE(quotes)) { continue; } if (*cmdKey == '\'') { continue; } *output = *cmdKey; output++; } *output = '\0'; /* Restore the 'output' start address */ output = outputBak; len = strlen(output); /* Clear the space which is located at the first charactor in buffer */ if (*output == ' ') { output++; len--; } /* Copy out the buffer which is been operated already */ ret = strncpy_s(cmdOut, size, output, len); if (ret != SH_OK) { printf("%s,%d strncpy_s failed, err:%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); free(outputBak); return SH_ERROR; } cmdOut[len] = '\0'; free(outputBak); return SH_OK; } int OsTabCompletion(char *cmdKey, unsigned int *len) { int count; if ((cmdKey == NULL) || (len == NULL)) { return (int)SH_ERROR; } count = OsTabMatchFile(cmdKey, len); return count; } unsigned int OsShellKeyInit(ShellCB *shellCB) { CmdKeyLink *cmdKeyLink = NULL; CmdKeyLink *cmdHistoryLink = NULL; if (shellCB == NULL) { return SH_ERROR; } cmdKeyLink = (CmdKeyLink *)malloc(sizeof(CmdKeyLink)); if (cmdKeyLink == NULL) { printf("Shell CmdKeyLink memory alloc error!\n"); return SH_ERROR; } cmdHistoryLink = (CmdKeyLink *)malloc(sizeof(CmdKeyLink)); if (cmdHistoryLink == NULL) { free(cmdKeyLink); printf("Shell CmdHistoryLink memory alloc error!\n"); return SH_ERROR; } cmdKeyLink->count = 0; SH_ListInit(&(cmdKeyLink->list)); shellCB->cmdKeyLink = (void *)cmdKeyLink; cmdHistoryLink->count = 0; SH_ListInit(&(cmdHistoryLink->list)); shellCB->cmdHistoryKeyLink = (void *)cmdHistoryLink; shellCB->cmdMaskKeyLink = (void *)cmdHistoryLink; return SH_OK; } void OsShellKeyDeInit(CmdKeyLink *cmdKeyLink) { CmdKeyLink *cmdtmp = NULL; if (cmdKeyLink == NULL) { return; } while (!SH_ListEmpty(&(cmdKeyLink->list))) { cmdtmp = SH_LIST_ENTRY(cmdKeyLink->list.pstNext, CmdKeyLink, list); SH_ListDelete(&cmdtmp->list); free(cmdtmp); } cmdKeyLink->count = 0; free(cmdKeyLink); } void OsShellCmdPush(const char *string, CmdKeyLink *cmdKeyLink) { CmdKeyLink *cmdNewNode = NULL; unsigned int len; if ((string == NULL) || (strlen(string) == 0)) { return; } len = strlen(string); cmdNewNode = (CmdKeyLink *)malloc(sizeof(CmdKeyLink) + len + 1); if (cmdNewNode == NULL) { return; } (void)memset_s(cmdNewNode, sizeof(CmdKeyLink) + len + 1, 0, sizeof(CmdKeyLink) + len + 1); if (strncpy_s(cmdNewNode->cmdString, len + 1, string, len)) { free(cmdNewNode); return; } SH_ListTailInsert(&(cmdKeyLink->list), &(cmdNewNode->list)); return; } void OsShellHistoryShow(unsigned int value, ShellCB *shellCB) { CmdKeyLink *cmdtmp = NULL; CmdKeyLink *cmdNode = shellCB->cmdHistoryKeyLink; CmdKeyLink *cmdMask = shellCB->cmdMaskKeyLink; int ret; (void)pthread_mutex_lock(&shellCB->historyMutex); if (value == CMD_KEY_DOWN) { if (cmdMask == cmdNode) { goto END; } cmdtmp = SH_LIST_ENTRY(cmdMask->list.pstNext, CmdKeyLink, list); if (cmdtmp != cmdNode) { cmdMask = cmdtmp; } else { goto END; } } else if (value == CMD_KEY_UP) { cmdtmp = SH_LIST_ENTRY(cmdMask->list.pstPrev, CmdKeyLink, list); if (cmdtmp != cmdNode) { cmdMask = cmdtmp; } else { goto END; } } while (shellCB->shellBufOffset--) { printf("\b \b"); } printf("%s", cmdMask->cmdString); shellCB->shellBufOffset = strlen(cmdMask->cmdString); (void)memset_s(shellCB->shellBuf, SHOW_MAX_LEN, 0, SHOW_MAX_LEN); ret = memcpy_s(shellCB->shellBuf, SHOW_MAX_LEN, cmdMask->cmdString, shellCB->shellBufOffset); if (ret != SH_OK) { printf("%s, %d memcpy failed!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); goto END; } shellCB->cmdMaskKeyLink = (void *)cmdMask; END: (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&shellCB->historyMutex); return; } unsigned int OsCmdExec(CmdParsed *cmdParsed, char *cmdStr) { /* TODO: complete the usrspace command */ unsigned int ret = SH_OK; if (cmdParsed && cmdStr) { ret = SH_NOK; } return ret; }