diff --git a/README.en.md b/README.en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a163ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ Webcam program based on OpenCV, suitable for real-time video frame acquisition, computer vision data collection, etc.
+ It has the characteristics of convenient installation, simple operation and cross-platform.
+🚀Update Trend
+- `2022-01-24` **⚡ [opencv-webcam-script v0.4 release](https://gitee.com/CV_Lab/opencv_webcam/releases/v0.4) officially launched**
+- `2022-01-24` **⚡ [opencv-webcam-script v0.4 docker version](https://hub.docker.com/r/zengdockerdocker/opencv-webcam-script) officially launched**
+- `2022-01-24` **⚡ [opencv-webcam-script v0.4.0 PyPi version](https://pypi.org/project/opencv-webcam-script/0.4.0/)officially launched**
+- `2022-01-24` **⚡ [opencv-webcam-script v0.4 Jupyter version](https://gitee.com/CV_Lab/opencv_webcam/blob/master/tutorial/ows_jupyter.ipynb)officially launched**
+- ⚡ [opencv-webcam-script v0.3](./v_change/v03_change.md)
+- ⚡ [opencv-webcam-script v0.2](./v_change/v02_change.md)
+- ⚡ [opencv-webcam-script v0.1](./v_change/v01_change.md)
+💡Project Structure
+├── opencv_webcam # 项目名称
+│ ├── utils # 工具包
+│ │ ├── args_yaml.py # 指令管理
+│ │ ├── compress.py # 压缩管理
+│ │ ├── frame_opt.py # 帧保存管理
+│ │ ├── hotkey.py # 热键管理
+│ │ ├── __init__.py # 工具包初始化
+│ │ ├── log.py # 日志管理
+│ │ ├── ows_path.py # 保存路径管理
+│ │ └── time_format.py # 时间格式化
+│ ├── v_change # 版本变更
+│ │ ├── v01_change.md # v0.1版本变更
+│ │ ├── v02_change.md # v0.2版本变更
+│ │ └── v03_change.md # v0.3版本变更
+│ ├── tutorial # ows教程
+│ │ ├── ows_pypi.md # ows pypi版教程
+│ │ ├── ows_docker.md # ows docker版教程
+│ │ └── ows_jupyter.md # ows Jupyter版教程
+│ ├── codeCheck.md # 代码检查
+│ ├── Dockerfile # docker构建文件
+│ ├── __init__.py # 项目初始化
+│ ├── LICENSE # 项目许可
+│ ├── opencv_webcam.py # 脚本主运行文件
+│ ├── README.md # 项目说明
+│ └── requirements.txt # 脚本依赖包
+🔥Installation Tutorial
+### ✅ Method 1: Linux Shell Installation (Development Edition)
+- Step 1: Clone the project
+git clone https://gitee.com/CV_Lab/opencv_webcam.git # clone project
+- Step 2: Create a virtual environment
+# Create a conda virtual environment, taking python 3.8 as an example
+conda create -n ows python==3.8 # The virtual environment name is ows
+conda activate ows # Activate the virtual environment
+- Step 3: Install the script
+pip install -r ./requirements.txt -U # Install OpenCV Webcam Script
+- Steps 2 and 3 can also be performed via `setup.sh`
+bash ./setup.sh
+### ✅ Method 2: pip quick installation (PyPi version)
+#### 🔥 [opencv-webcam-script PyPi version detailed tutorial](./tutorial/ows_pypi.md)
+#### 🔑 Easy Tutorial
+- Step 1: Create an ows virtual environment, see Method 1
+- Step 2: Execute the pip command
+pip install opencv-webcam-script==0.4.0
+- Step 3: Write a python program
+from opencv_webcam.opencv_webcam import webcam_opencv
+# Example of a few functions
+webcam_opencv() # regular call
+webcam_opencv(is_autoSaveFrame=True) # Auto save frames
+webcam_opencv(is_autoSaveFrame=True, is_compress=True) # compressed frame
+### ✅ Method 3: docker image installation (docker version)
+#### 🔥 [opencv-webcam-script docker version detailed tutorial](./tutorial/ows_docker.md)
+#### 🔑 Easy Tutorial
+- 第一步:下载镜像
+sudo docker pull zengdockerdocker/opencv-webcam-script:v0.4 # 镜像拉取
+- 第二步:创建容器
+xhost +local:root # 允许root用户访问正在运行的X服务器(重要)
+sudo docker run --name=ows --ipc=host -it -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 zengdockerdocker/opencv-webcam-script:v0.4 # 创建名称为ows的容器
+- 第三步:运行程序
+python3 opencv_webcam.py # 运行脚本程序
+python3 opencv_webcam.py -isasf # 自动保存帧
+# 获取docker帧数据到本机
+sudo docker cp 容器名称:容器目录 本机宿主目录
+sudo docker cp ows:/usr/src/app/WebcamFrame /home/用户名 # 举例
+### ✅ Method 4: Jupyter installation (Jupyter version)
+#### 🔥 [opencv-webcam-script Jupyter version detailed tutorial](./tutorial/ows_jupyter.ipynb)
+#### 🔑 Easy Tutorial
+- 第一步:安装
+# 首先手动创建虚拟环境
+# conda create -n ows python==3.8 # 虚拟环境名称为ows
+# conda activate ows # 激活虚拟环境
+!git clone https://gitee.com/CV_Lab/opencv_webcam.git # 克隆
+%cd opencv_webcam
+%pip install -qr requirements.txt -U # 安装
+- 第二步:运行
+!python opencv_webcam.py # 默认按q键退出
+!python opencv_webcam.py -isasf # 视频帧自动保存
+**Note: Jupyter version of ows program can run unit instructions through `Ctrl+Enter`**
+#### 💡 常规调用
+# 默认按q键退出
+python opencv_webcam.py
+#### 💡 设备选择
+# 多摄像头切换示例,默认为0
+python opencv_webcam.py -dev 0
+python opencv_webcam.py -dev 1
+python opencv_webcam.py -dev 2
+python opencv_webcam.py -dev rtsp://username:password@xxx.xxx.xxx
+#### 💡 设置退出键
+# 默认按q键退出
+python opencv_webcam.py -q z # 设置z键退出
+python opencv_webcam.py -q k # 设置k键退出
+#### 💡 自动保存帧
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf
+#### 💡 每隔n帧保存一次帧
+# 每隔10帧保存一次帧
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -fns 10
+#### 💡 手动保存帧
+# 默认按a键捕获一帧
+python opencv_webcam.py -ishsf
+#### 💡 自定义捕获键
+# 设置z键为捕获键,默认为a键
+python opencv_webcam.py -ishsf -fck z
+#### 💡 重塑帧尺寸(自定义宽高)
+# 重塑宽度300 高度200
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -isrf -rf 300 200 # 自动版
+python opencv_webcam.py -ishsf -isrf -rf 300 200 # 手动版
+#### 💡 重塑帧尺寸(自定义宽高缩放比)
+# 宽高缩放比为0.5
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -isrf -rrf 0.5 # 自动版
+python opencv_webcam.py -ishsf -isrf -rrf 0.5 # 手动版
+#### 💡 自定义保存路径
+# 设置保存路径,默认保存路径为./WebcamFrame
+python opencv_webcam.py -fsd custom_dir -isasf # 以自动版为例
+#### 💡 自定义帧目录名称
+# 设置帧目录名称,默认保存路径为frames
+python opencv_webcam.py -fdn frames_custom -isasf # 以自动版为例
+#### 💡 自定义帧名前缀
+# 设置帧图片的前缀名称
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -fnp webcam
+#### 💡 设置帧保存格式
+# 设置JPG质量为100,默认为95
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -fss jpg -jq 100
+# 设置PNG质量为5,默认为3
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -fss png -jq 5
+#### 💡 设置暂停键
+# 设置w键为暂停键,默认为p键
+python opencv_webcam.py -p w # 按任意键继续
+#### 💡 设置保存帧数
+# 设置保存100帧
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -afn 100
+#### 💡 日志设置
+# 日志文件默认保存在项目根目录,ows.log
+python opencv_webcam.py
+# 设置日志文件名称及类型,类型包括.log、.txt、.data
+python opencv_webcam.py -ln ows02.txt
+# 设置日志保存方式,,默认为追加模式
+python opencv_webcam.py -lm w # 设置为覆盖模式
+#### 💡 视频帧压缩
+# 常规压缩,默认ows.zip(以自动版为例)
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -isc
+# 自定义压缩文件名称
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -isc -cn ows02
+# 自动命名压缩文件
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -isc -isacn
+# 自定义压缩模式,默认为写覆盖
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -isc -cm a # 追加模式(a模式仅限zip) 注:该指令仅限v0.4
+python opencv_webcam.py -isasf -isc -cs tar -cm w:gz # tar压缩
+#### 💡 指令查询
+# 查询脚本参数
+python opencv_webcam.py --help
+usage: opencv_webcam.py [-h] [--device DEVICE] [--quit QUIT] [--is_autoSaveFrame] [--is_handSaveFrame] [--is_resizeFrame] [--frame_saveDir FRAME_SAVEDIR] [--frame_dirName FRAME_DIRNAME]
+ [--frame_nSave FRAME_NSAVE] [--frame_capKey FRAME_CAPKEY] [--resize_frame RESIZE_FRAME [RESIZE_FRAME ...]] [--resizeRatio_frame RESIZERATIO_FRAME]
+ [--frame_namePrefix FRAME_NAMEPREFIX] [--frame_saveStyle FRAME_SAVESTYLE] [--jpg_quality JPG_QUALITY] [--png_quality PNG_QUALITY] [--pause PAUSE]
+ [--auto_frameNum AUTO_FRAMENUM] [--logName LOGNAME] [--logMode LOGMODE] [--is_compress] [--compressStyle COMPRESSSTYLE] [--is_autoCompressName]
+ [--compressName COMPRESSNAME] [--compressMode COMPRESSMODE]
+OpenCV Webcam Script v0.4
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --device DEVICE, -dev DEVICE
+ device index for webcam, 0 or rtsp
+ --quit QUIT, -q QUIT quit key for webcam
+ --is_autoSaveFrame, -isasf
+ is auto save frame
+ --is_handSaveFrame, -ishsf
+ is hand save frame
+ --is_resizeFrame, -isrf
+ is resize frame
+ --frame_saveDir FRAME_SAVEDIR, -fsd FRAME_SAVEDIR
+ save frame dir
+ --frame_dirName FRAME_DIRNAME, -fdn FRAME_DIRNAME
+ save frame dir name
+ --frame_nSave FRAME_NSAVE, -fns FRAME_NSAVE
+ n frames save a frame (auto save frame)
+ --frame_capKey FRAME_CAPKEY, -fck FRAME_CAPKEY
+ frame capture key (hand save frame)
+ resize frame save
+ resize ratio frame save
+ frame name prefix
+ frame save style
+ --jpg_quality JPG_QUALITY, -jq JPG_QUALITY
+ frame save jpg quality (0-100) default 95
+ --png_quality PNG_QUALITY, -pq PNG_QUALITY
+ frame save jpg quality (0-9) default 3
+ --pause PAUSE, -p PAUSE
+ webcam pause
+ --auto_frameNum AUTO_FRAMENUM, -afn AUTO_FRAMENUM
+ auto save number of frames
+ --logName LOGNAME, -ln LOGNAME
+ log save name
+ --logMode LOGMODE, -lm LOGMODE
+ log write mode
+ --is_compress, -isc is compress file
+ compress style
+ --is_autoCompressName, -isacn
+ is auto compress name
+ compress save name
+ compress save mode, tar w:gz
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1164aa8..867f1ac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/utils/fonts_opt.py b/utils/fonts_opt.py
index 461f03d..7fe582a 100644
--- a/utils/fonts_opt.py
+++ b/utils/fonts_opt.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def is_fonts(fonts_dir):
if (i not in f_list):
# 字体不存在
fonts_flag = 1
if (fonts_flag == 1):
# 字体不存在
diff --git a/utils/plot.py b/utils/plot.py
index 4f80a77..83612fa 100644
--- a/utils/plot.py
+++ b/utils/plot.py
@@ -13,14 +13,17 @@ SimSun = font_manager.FontProperties(fname="./fonts/SimSun.ttc", size=12)
TimesNesRoman = font_manager.FontProperties(
fname="./fonts/TimesNewRoman.ttf", size=12)
# 创建折线图
def createLineChart(x, y, today):
- # x, y为两个list
+ today_list = today.split(' ')
+ today_date, today_time = today_list[0], today_list[1]
plt.plot(x, y, color='r', marker='o', label='时间点') # 线型
# plt.axis([0, 6, 0, 20])
- plt.title(f'OpenCV Webcam Script v0.5 {today}',
+ plt.title(f'OpenCV Webcam Script v0.5',
fontproperties=TimesNesRoman) # 标题
- plt.xlabel(today, fontproperties=TimesNesRoman) # 横轴,时间
+ plt.xlabel(today_date, fontproperties=TimesNesRoman) # 横轴,时间
plt.ylabel('帧数', fontproperties=SimSun) # 纵轴,帧数
plt.xticks(fontproperties=TimesNesRoman) # 横轴刻度
@@ -34,4 +37,13 @@ def createLineChart(x, y, today):
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 4, 9, 16]
- createLineChart(x, y, "abc")
+ today01 = "2022-01-26 10:32:29"
+ today02 = "2022-01-26 10:32:51"
+ today03 = "2022-01-26 10:43:48"
+ today04 = "2022-01-26 10:43:56"
+ today05 = "2022-01-26 13:53:03"
+ # createLineChart(x, y, today)
+ todayList = [today01, today02, today03, today04, today05]
+ print(todayList)