New Crowdin updates (#388)

* New translations en_US.yaml (French)

* New translations en_US.yaml (German)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Welsh)

* New translations en_US.yaml (French)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Spanish)

* New translations en_US.yaml (German)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Italian)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Japanese)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Portuguese)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Russian)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Slovak)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Turkish)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Vietnamese)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Indonesian)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Welsh)

* New translations en_US.yaml (French)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Spanish)

* New translations en_US.yaml (German)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Italian)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Japanese)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Portuguese)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Russian)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Slovak)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Turkish)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Vietnamese)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Indonesian)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Welsh)

* New translations en_US.yaml (Chinese Simplified)
This commit is contained in:
Fen 2023-06-06 12:02:46 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent fbb3269f08
commit 1a3c34b267
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 4429 additions and 715 deletions

View File

@ -11,25 +11,31 @@ backend:
other: Anawdurdodedig. other: Anawdurdodedig.
database_error: database_error:
other: Gwall gweinydd data. other: Gwall gweinydd data.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Tynnu sylw
edit: edit:
other: Edit other: Golygu
delete: delete:
other: Delete other: Dileu
close: close:
other: Close other: Cau
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Ailagor
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pinio
hide: hide:
other: Unlist other: Dad-restru
unpin: unpin:
other: Unpin other: Dadbinio
show: show:
other: List other: Rhestr
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Bod â'r pŵer llawn i gael mynediad i'r safle. other: Bod â'r pŵer llawn i gael mynediad i'r safle.
moderator: moderator:
other: Mae ganddo fynediad i bob post ac eithrio gosodiadau gweinyddol. other: Mae ganddo fynediad i bob post ac eithrio gosodiadau gweinyddol.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: Ebost other: Ebost
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: Nid yw e-bost a chyfrinair yn cyfateb. other: Nid yw e-bost a chyfrinair yn cyfateb.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: Ni allwch addasu eich cyfrinair. other: Ni allwch addasu eich cyfrinair.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: Dylid gwirio e-bost. other: Dylid gwirio e-bost.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: Mae'r URL wedi'i wirio gan e-bost wedi dod i ben, anfonwch yr e-bost eto. other: Mae'r URL wedi'i wirio gan e-bost wedi dod i ben, anfonwch yr e-bost eto.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Ffeil iaith heb ei chanfod. other: Ffeil iaith heb ei chanfod.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Rank yn methu â bodloni'r amod. other: Rank yn methu â bodloni'r amod.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Methodd handlen yr adroddiad. other: Methodd handlen yr adroddiad.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Dim caniatâd i adolygu. other: Dim caniatâd i adolygu.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: Nid yw e-bost a chyfrinair yn cyfateb. other: Nid yw e-bost a chyfrinair yn cyfateb.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Ni allwch addasu eich rôl. other: Ni allwch addasu eich rôl.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Ar hyn o bryd nid yw'r safle ar agor i'w gofrestru other: Ar hyn o bryd nid yw'r safle ar agor i'w gofrestru
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Wedi methu darllen y ffurfwedd other: Wedi methu darllen y ffurfwedd
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Fformat ffeil heb ei gefnogi. other: Fformat ffeil heb ei gefnogi.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: sbam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Mae'r swydd hon yn hysbyseb, neu fandaliaeth. Nid yw'n ddefnyddiol nac yn berthnasol i'r pwnc cyfredol. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: anghwrtais neu sarhaus other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: Byddai person rhesymol yn gweld y cynnwys hwn yn amhriodol ar gyfer trafodaeth barchus. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: dyblyg other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: Mae'r cwestiwn hwn wedi'i ofyn o'r blaen ac mae ganddo ateb yn barod. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: nid ateb other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: Postiwyd hwn fel ateb, ond nid yw'n ceisio ateb y cwestiwn. Mae'n bosibl y dylai fod yn olygiad, yn sylwad, yn gwestiwn arall, neu'n cael ei ddileu yn gyfan gwbl. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: nad oes ei angen mwyach other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: Mae'r sylw hwn yn hen ffasiwn, yn sgyrsiol neu ddim yn berthnasol i'r post hwn. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: rhywbeth arall other: something else
desc: desc:
other: Mae'r swydd hon angen sylw staff am reswm arall nad yw wedi'i restru uchod. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: atebodd other: atebodd
modified: modified:
other: wedi newid other: wedi newid
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Mae eich ateb wedii dileu other: Mae eich ateb wedii dileu
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Mae eich sylw wedii dileu other: Mae eich sylw wedii dileu
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,20 +482,28 @@ ui:
upgrade: Ateb Uwchraddio upgrade: Ateb Uwchraddio
maintenance: Cynnal a Chadw Gwefan maintenance: Cynnal a Chadw Gwefan
users: Defnyddwyr users: Defnyddwyr
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: Gwall HTTP 404 http_404: Gwall HTTP 404
http_50X: Gwall HTTP 500 http_50X: Gwall HTTP 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: Gwall HTTP 403
notifications: notifications:
title: Hysbysiadau title: Hysbysiadau
inbox: Mewnflwch inbox: Mewnflwch
achievement: Llwyddiannau achievement: Llwyddiannau
all_read: Marciwch y cyfan fel wedi'i ddarllen all_read: Marciwch y cyfan fel wedi'i ddarllen
show_more: Dangos mwy show_more: Dangos mwy
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Mae'ch Cyfrif wedi'i Atal title: Mae'ch Cyfrif wedi'i Atal
until_time: "Cafodd eich cyfrif ei atal tan {{ time }}." until_time: "Cafodd eich cyfrif ei atal tan {{ time }}."
forever: Cafodd y defnyddiwr hwn ei atal am byth. forever: Cafodd y defnyddiwr hwn ei atal am byth.
end: Nid ydych yn arwain cymunedol. end: Nid ydych yn arwain cymunedol.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Dyfyniad text: Dyfyniad
@ -412,64 +595,64 @@ ui:
empty: Ni all URL fod yn wag. empty: Ni all URL fod yn wag.
name: name:
label: Disgrifiad label: Disgrifiad
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Canslo
btn_confirm: Add btn_confirm: Ychwanegu
ordered_list: ordered_list:
text: Numbered List text: Rhestr wedi'i rhifo
unordered_list: unordered_list:
text: Bulleted List text: Rhestr Bwled
table: table:
text: Table text: Tabl
heading: Heading heading: Pennawd
cell: Cell cell: Cell
close_modal: close_modal:
title: I am closing this post as... title: Rwy'n cau'r post hon fel...
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Canslo
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Cyflwyno
remark: remark:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Ni all fod yn wag.
msg: msg:
empty: Please select a reason. empty: Dewis rheswm.
report_modal: report_modal:
flag_title: I am flagging to report this post as... flag_title: Dwi'n tynnu sylw i adrodd y swydd hon fel...
close_title: I am closing this post as... close_title: Rwy'n cau'r post hon fel...
review_question_title: Review question review_question_title: Adolygu cwestiwn
review_answer_title: Review answer review_answer_title: Adolygu ateb
review_comment_title: Review comment review_comment_title: Adolygu sylwad
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Canslo
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Cyflwyno
remark: remark:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Ni all fod yn wag.
msg: msg:
empty: Please select a reason. empty: Dewis rheswm.
tag_modal: tag_modal:
title: Create new tag title: Creu tag newydd
form: form:
fields: fields:
display_name: display_name:
label: Display Name label: Enw dangos
msg: msg:
empty: Display name cannot be empty. empty: Ni all fod enw dangos yn wag.
range: Display name up to 35 characters. range: Enw arddangos hyd at 35 nod.
slug_name: slug_name:
label: URL Slug label: URL Slug
desc: URL slug up to 35 characters. desc: Slug URL hyd at 35 nod.
msg: msg:
empty: URL slug cannot be empty. empty: Ni all Slug URL fod yn wag.
range: URL slug up to 35 characters. range: Slug URL hyd at 35 nod.
character: URL slug contains unallowed character set. character: Mae slug URL yn cynnwys set nodau na caniateir.
desc: desc:
label: Description label: Disgrifiad
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Canslo
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Cyflwyno
btn_post: Post new tag btn_post: Post tag newydd
tag_info: tag_info:
created_at: Created created_at: Creuwyd
edited_at: Edited edited_at: Golygwyd
history: History history: Hanes
synonyms: synonyms:
title: Synonyms title: Cyfystyron
text: The following tags will be remapped to text: Bydd y tagiau canlynol yn cael eu hail-fapio i
empty: No synonyms found. empty: No synonyms found.
btn_add: Add a synonym btn_add: Add a synonym
btn_edit: Edit btn_edit: Edit
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Edit Answer title: Edit Answer
default_reason: Edit answer default_reason: Edit answer
@ -544,59 +727,59 @@ ui:
placeholder: >- placeholder: >-
Briefly explain your changes (corrected spelling, fixed grammar, improved formatting) Briefly explain your changes (corrected spelling, fixed grammar, improved formatting)
btn_save_edits: Save edits btn_save_edits: Save edits
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Canslo
tags: tags:
title: Tags title: Tagiau
sort_buttons: sort_buttons:
popular: Popular popular: Poblogaidd
name: Name name: Enw
newest: newest newest: mwyaf newydd
button_follow: Follow button_follow: Dilyn
button_following: Following button_following: Yn dilyn
tag_label: questions tag_label: cwestiynau
search_placeholder: Filter by tag name search_placeholder: Hidlo yn ôl enw tag
no_desc: The tag has no description. no_desc: Nid oes gan y tag unrhyw ddisgrifiad.
more: More more: Mwy
ask: ask:
title: Add Question title: Ychwanegu Cwestiwn
edit_title: Edit Question edit_title: Golygu Cwestiwn
default_reason: Edit question default_reason: Golygu Cwestiwn
similar_questions: Similar questions similar_questions: Cwestiynau tebyg
form: form:
fields: fields:
revision: revision:
label: Revision label: Diwygiad
title: title:
label: Title label: Teitl
placeholder: Be specific and imagine you're asking a question to another person placeholder: Byddwch yn benodol a dychmygwch eich bod yn gofyn cwestiwn i berson arall
msg: msg:
empty: Title cannot be empty. empty: Ni all teitl fod yn wag.
range: Title up to 150 characters range: Teitl hyd at 20 nod
body: body:
label: Body label: Corff
msg: msg:
empty: Body cannot be empty. empty: Ni all corff fod yn wag.
tags: tags:
label: Tags label: Tagiau
msg: msg:
empty: Tags cannot be empty. empty: Ni all tagiau fod yn wag.
answer: answer:
label: Answer label: Ateb
msg: msg:
empty: Answer cannot be empty. empty: Ni all ateb fod yn wag.
edit_summary: edit_summary:
label: Edit Summary label: Golygu Crynodeb
placeholder: >- placeholder: >-
Briefly explain your changes (corrected spelling, fixed grammar, improved formatting) Eglurwch yn fyr eich newidiadau (sillafu wedi'i gywiro, gramadeg sefydlog, fformatio gwell)
btn_post_question: Post your question btn_post_question: Post cweistiwn
btn_save_edits: Save edits btn_save_edits: Cadw golygiadau
answer_question: Answer your own question answer_question: Atebwch eich cwestiwn eich hun
post_question&answer: Post your question and answer post_question&answer: Postiwch eich cwestiwn ac ateb
tag_selector: tag_selector:
add_btn: Add tag add_btn: Ychwanegu tag
create_btn: Create new tag create_btn: Creu tag newydd
search_tag: Search tag search_tag: Chwilio tag
hint: "Describe what your question is about, at least one tag is required." hint: "Disgrifiwch beth yw eich cwestiwn, mae angen o leiaf un tag."
no_result: No tags matched no_result: No tags matched
tag_required_text: Required tag (at least one) tag_required_text: Required tag (at least one)
header: header:
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Log out logout: Log out
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Review review: Review
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Search placeholder: Search
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Cannot be empty.
login: login:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Log in to continue login_to_continue: Log in to continue
info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Name cannot be empty. empty: Name cannot be empty.
range: Name up to 30 characters. range: Name up to 30 characters.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_update: Update email address btn_update: Update email address
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: New Email label: New Email
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Password Reset page_title: Password Reset
btn_name: Reset my password btn_name: Reset my password
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: Email label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Password password_title: Password
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Current Password label: Current Password
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Interface Language label: Interface Language
text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: update success update: update success
update_password: Password changed successfully. update_password: Password changed successfully.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Related Questions title: Related Questions
btn: Add question btn: Add question
answers: answers answers: answers
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Asked Asked: Asked
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Viewed Views: Viewed
Follow: Follow Follow: Follow
Following: Following Following: Following
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: answered answered: answered
closed_in: Closed in closed_in: Closed in
show_exist: Show existing question. show_exist: Show existing question.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirm confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
save: Save save: Save
delete: Delete delete: Delete
login: Log in login: Log in
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepted accepted: Accepted
answered: answered answered: answered
asked: asked asked: asked
upvote: upvote downvoted: downvoted
downvote: downvote
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderators mod_long: Moderators
x_reputation: reputation x_reputation: reputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Password label: Password
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Customize customize: Customize
themes: Themes themes: Themes
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Login login: Login
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: Save btn_submit: Save
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,25 +11,31 @@ backend:
other: Nicht autorisiert. other: Nicht autorisiert.
database_error: database_error:
other: Datenbank-Fehler. other: Datenbank-Fehler.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Melden
edit: edit:
other: Edit other: Bearbeiten
delete: delete:
other: Delete other: Löschen
close: close:
other: Close other: Schließen
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Wieder öffnen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Anpinnen
hide: hide:
other: Unlist other: Nicht Aufführen
unpin: unpin:
other: Unpin other: Loslösen
show: show:
other: List other: Liste
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Haben Sie die volle Berechtigung, auf die Website zuzugreifen. other: Haben Sie die volle Berechtigung, auf die Website zuzugreifen.
moderator: moderator:
other: Hat Zugriff auf alle Beiträge außer Admin-Einstellungen. other: Hat Zugriff auf alle Beiträge außer Admin-Einstellungen.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: E-Mail other: E-Mail
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: E-Mail und Passwort stimmen nicht überein. other: E-Mail und Passwort stimmen nicht überein.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: Sie können Ihr Passwort nicht ändern. other: Sie können Ihr Passwort nicht ändern.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: E-Mail muss überprüft werden. other: E-Mail muss überprüft werden.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: E-Mail-verifizierte URL ist abgelaufen, bitte senden Sie die E-Mail erneut. other: E-Mail-verifizierte URL ist abgelaufen, bitte senden Sie die E-Mail erneut.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Sprachdatei nicht gefunden. other: Sprachdatei nicht gefunden.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Rang erfüllt die Bedingung nicht. other: Rang erfüllt die Bedingung nicht.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Berichtshandle fehlgeschlagen. other: Berichtshandle fehlgeschlagen.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Keine Berechtigung zum Revision. other: Keine Berechtigung zum Revision.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: E-Mail und Passwort stimmen nicht überein. other: E-Mail und Passwort stimmen nicht überein.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Du kannst deine Rolle nicht ändern. other: Du kannst deine Rolle nicht ändern.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Derzeit ist die Website nicht zur Registrierung geöffnet other: Derzeit ist die Website nicht zur Registrierung geöffnet
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Lesekonfiguration fehlgeschlagen other: Lesekonfiguration fehlgeschlagen
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Dateiformat nicht unterstützt. other: Dateiformat nicht unterstützt.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Dieser Beitrag ist eine Werbung oder Vandalismus. Er ist nicht nützlich oder relevant für das aktuelle Thema. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: unhöflich oder beleidigend other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: Eine vernünftige Person würde diesen Inhalt für respektvoll diskutierten Diskurs für unangemessen halten. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: ein Duplikat other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: Diese Frage ist bereits gestellt worden und hat bereits eine Antwort. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: keine Antwort other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: Dies wurde als Antwort veröffentlicht, aber es versucht nicht, die Frage zu beantworten. Es sollte möglicherweise eine Bearbeitung, ein Kommentar, eine andere Frage oder komplett gelöscht werden. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: nicht mehr benötigt other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: Dieser Kommentar ist veraltet, Konversation oder nicht relevant für diesen Beitrag. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: etwas anderes other: something else
desc: desc:
other: Dieser Beitrag benötigt die Aufmerksamkeit des Personals aus einem anderen Grund, der oben nicht aufgeführt ist. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: beantwortet other: beantwortet
modified: modified:
other: geändert other: geändert
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Ihre Antwort wurde gelöscht other: Ihre Antwort wurde gelöscht
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Ihr Kommentar wurde gelöscht other: Ihr Kommentar wurde gelöscht
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,20 +482,28 @@ ui:
upgrade: Antwort-Upgrade upgrade: Antwort-Upgrade
maintenance: Website-Pflege maintenance: Website-Pflege
users: Benutzer users: Benutzer
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP-Fehler 404 http_404: HTTP-Fehler 404
http_50X: HTTP-Fehler 500 http_50X: HTTP-Fehler 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Fehler 403
notifications: notifications:
title: Benachrichtigungen title: Benachrichtigungen
inbox: Posteingang inbox: Posteingang
achievement: Erfolge achievement: Erfolge
all_read: Alle als gelesen markieren all_read: Alle als gelesen markieren
show_more: Mehr Anzeigen show_more: Mehr Anzeigen
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Dein Konto wurde gesperrt title: Dein Konto wurde gesperrt
until_time: "Ihr Konto wurde bis {{ time }} gesperrt." until_time: "Ihr Konto wurde bis {{ time }} gesperrt."
forever: Dieser Benutzer wurde für immer gesperrt. forever: Dieser Benutzer wurde für immer gesperrt.
end: Du erfüllst keine Community-Richtlinie. end: Du erfüllst keine Community-Richtlinie.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Blockzitat text: Blockzitat
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Verwenden Sie Kommentare, um weitere Informationen anzufordern oder Verbesserungen vorzuschlagen. Vermeiden Sie die Beantwortung von Fragen in Kommentaren. Verwenden Sie Kommentare, um weitere Informationen anzufordern oder Verbesserungen vorzuschlagen. Vermeiden Sie die Beantwortung von Fragen in Kommentaren.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Verwenden Sie Kommentare, um anderen Benutzern zu antworten oder sie über Änderungen zu informieren. Wenn Sie neue Informationen hinzufügen, bearbeiten Sie Ihren Beitrag, anstatt ihn zu kommentieren. Verwenden Sie Kommentare, um anderen Benutzern zu antworten oder sie über Änderungen zu informieren. Wenn Sie neue Informationen hinzufügen, bearbeiten Sie Ihren Beitrag, anstatt ihn zu kommentieren.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Antwort bearbeiten title: Antwort bearbeiten
default_reason: Antwort bearbeiten default_reason: Antwort bearbeiten
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Ausloggen logout: Ausloggen
admin: Administrator admin: Administrator
review: Rezension review: Rezension
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Suchen placeholder: Suchen
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Kann nicht leer sein. empty: Kann nicht leer sein.
login: login:
page_title: Willkommen bei {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Melden Sie sich an, um fortzufahren login_to_continue: Melden Sie sich an, um fortzufahren
info_sign: Sie haben noch kein Konto? <1>Melden Sie sich an</1> info_sign: Sie haben noch kein Konto? <1>Melden Sie sich an</1>
info_login: Haben Sie bereits ein Konto? <1>Melden Sie sich an</1> info_login: Haben Sie bereits ein Konto? <1>Melden Sie sich an</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Der Name darf nicht leer sein. empty: Der Name darf nicht leer sein.
range: Nennen Sie bis zu 30 Zeichen. range: Nennen Sie bis zu 30 Zeichen.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: E-Mail darf nicht leer sein. empty: E-Mail darf nicht leer sein.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Willkommen bei {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Stornieren btn_cancel: Stornieren
btn_update: Aktualisiere email adresse btn_update: Aktualisiere email adresse
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: Neue e-mail label: Neue e-mail
msg: msg:
empty: E-Mail darf nicht leer sein. empty: E-Mail darf nicht leer sein.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Passwort zurücksetzen page_title: Passwort zurücksetzen
btn_name: Setze mein Passwort zurück btn_name: Setze mein Passwort zurück
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Bestätige neues Passwort label: Bestätige neues Passwort
settings: settings:
page_title: Einstellungen page_title: Einstellungen
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profil profile: Profil
notification: Benachrichtigungen notification: Benachrichtigungen
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profilbild label: Profilbild
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: Sie können das Bild auf <1></1> ändern gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Benutzerdefiniert custom: Benutzerdefiniert
btn_refresh: Aktualisieren btn_refresh: Aktualisieren
custom_text: Sie können Ihr Bild hochladen. custom_text: Sie können Ihr Bild hochladen.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
Wir haben eine E-Mail an diese Adresse gesendet. Bitte folgen Sie den Bestätigungsanweisungen. Wir haben eine E-Mail an diese Adresse gesendet. Bitte folgen Sie den Bestätigungsanweisungen.
email: email:
label: E-Mail label: New Email
msg: E-Mail-Feld darf nicht leer sein. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Passwort password_title: Passwort
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Aktuelles Passwort label: Aktuelles Passwort
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Schnittstellensprache label: Schnittstellensprache
text: Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche. Es ändert sich, wenn Sie die Seite aktualisieren. text: Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche. Es ändert sich, wenn Sie die Seite aktualisieren.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: erfolg aktualisieren update: erfolg aktualisieren
update_password: Das Kennwort wurde erfolgreich geändert. update_password: Das Kennwort wurde erfolgreich geändert.
@ -766,8 +972,14 @@ ui:
title: Verwandte Fragen title: Verwandte Fragen
btn: Frage hinzufügen btn: Frage hinzufügen
answers: antworten answers: antworten
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Aktion
Asked: Fragte Asked: Fragte
asked: fragte asked: fragte
update: Geändert update: Geändert
@ -775,14 +987,15 @@ ui:
Views: Gesehen Views: Gesehen
Follow: Folgen Follow: Folgen
Following: Folgend Following: Folgend
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: beantwortet answered: beantwortet
closed_in: Abgeschlossen in closed_in: Abgeschlossen in
show_exist: Bestehende Frage anzeigen. show_exist: Bestehende Frage anzeigen.
useful: Useful useful: Nützlich
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: Das ist nützlich
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: Das ist nicht nützlich
answers: answers:
title: Antworten title: Antworten
score: Punkte score: Punkte
@ -800,19 +1013,19 @@ ui:
empty: Antwort darf nicht leer sein. empty: Antwort darf nicht leer sein.
characters: der Inhalt muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein. characters: der Inhalt muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein.
tips: tips:
header_1: Thanks for your answer header_1: Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort
li1_1: Please be sure to <strong>answer the question</strong>. Provide details and share your research. li1_1: Bitte <strong>beantworten Sie die Frage</strong>. Geben Sie Details ein und teilen Sie Ihre Begründung/ Recherche.
li1_2: Back up any statements you make with references or personal experience. li1_2: Begründen Sie Ihre Aussagen mit Referenzen oder persönlicher Erfahrung.
header_2: But <strong>avoid</strong> ... header_2: Aber <strong>vermeide</strong>...
li2_1: Asking for help, seeking clarification, or responding to other answers. li2_1: Bitte um Hilfe, um Klarstellung oder um Antwort auf andere Antworten.
reopen: reopen:
confirm_btn: Reopen confirm_btn: Wieder öffnen
title: Diesen Beitrag erneut öffnen title: Diesen Beitrag erneut öffnen
content: Möchten Sie wirklich wieder öffnen? content: Möchten Sie wirklich wieder öffnen?
pin: pin:
title: Pin this post title: Beitrag anheften
content: Are you sure you wish to pinned globally? This post will appear at the top of all post lists. content: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie global anpinnen möchten? Dieser Beitrag wird oben auf allen Beitragslisten erscheinen.
confirm_btn: Pin confirm_btn: Anheften
delete: delete:
title: Diesen Beitrag löschen title: Diesen Beitrag löschen
question: >- question: >-
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Bestätigen confirm: Bestätigen
cancel: Abbrechen cancel: Abbrechen
edit: Edit
save: Speichern save: Speichern
delete: Löschen delete: Löschen
login: Einloggen login: Einloggen
@ -835,7 +1049,11 @@ ui:
reject: Ablehnen reject: Ablehnen
skip: Überspringen skip: Überspringen
discard_draft: Entwurf verwerfen discard_draft: Entwurf verwerfen
pinned: Pinned pinned: Angeheftet
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Suchergebnisse title: Suchergebnisse
keywords: Schlüsselwörter keywords: Schlüsselwörter
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Fehler... title: Fehler...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Willkommen bei {{site_name}}
success: Ihr neues Konto wird bestätigt; Sie werden auf die Startseite weitergeleitet. success: Ihr neues Konto wird bestätigt; Sie werden auf die Startseite weitergeleitet.
link: Weiter zur Startseite link: Weiter zur Startseite
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Akzeptiert accepted: Akzeptiert
answered: antwortete answered: antwortete
asked: fragte asked: fragte
upvote: positiv bewerten downvoted: downvoted
downvote: ablehnen
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderatoren mod_long: Moderatoren
x_reputation: ruf x_reputation: ruf
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Der Name darf nicht leer sein. msg: Der Name darf nicht leer sein.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Passwort label: Passwort
text: >- text: >-
@ -1025,11 +1242,11 @@ ui:
answers: antworten answers: antworten
accepted: Akzeptiert accepted: Akzeptiert
page_error: page_error:
http_error: HTTP Error {{ code }} http_error: HTTP Fehler {{ code }}
desc_403: You dont have permission to access this page. desc_403: Sie haben keine Zugriffsberechtigung für diese Seite.
desc_404: Unfortunately, this page doesn't exist. desc_404: Leider existiert diese Seite nicht.
desc_50X: The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. desc_50X: Der Server ist auf einen Fehler gestoßen und konnte Ihre Anfrage nicht abschließen.
back_home: Back to homepage back_home: Zurück zur Startseite
page_maintenance: page_maintenance:
desc: "Wir werden gewartet, wir sind bald wieder da." desc: "Wir werden gewartet, wir sind bald wieder da."
nav_menus: nav_menus:
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Anpassen customize: Anpassen
themes: Themen themes: Themen
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Anmeldung login: Anmeldung
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Administrator title: Administrator
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Ausstehend pending: Ausstehend
completed: Abgeschlossen completed: Abgeschlossen
flagged: Gekennzeichnet flagged: Gekennzeichnet
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Erstellt created: Erstellt
action: Aktion action: Aktion
review: Rezension review: Rezension
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: schließen closed_name: schließen
closed_desc: "Eine geschlossene Frage kann nicht beantworten, kann aber trotzdem bearbeiten, abstimmen und kommentieren." closed_desc: "Eine geschlossene Frage kann nicht beantworten, kann aber trotzdem bearbeiten, abstimmen und kommentieren."
deleted_name: gelöschte deleted_name: gelöschte
deleted_desc: Alle erworbenen und verlorenen Reputationen werden wiederhergestellt. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Abbrechen btn_cancel: Abbrechen
btn_submit: Senden btn_submit: Senden
btn_next: Weiter btn_next: Weiter
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Zeitzone label: Zeitzone
msg: Die Zeitzone darf nicht leer sein. msg: Die Zeitzone darf nicht leer sein.
text: Wählen Sie eine Stadt in derselben Zeitzone wie Sie. text: Wählen Sie eine Stadt in derselben Zeitzone wie Sie.
label: Standard-Avatar
text: Für Benutzer ohne eigenen Avatar.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Fusszeile label: Fusszeile
text: Dies wird vor </html> eingefügt. text: Dies wird vor </html> eingefügt.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Anmeldung page_title: Anmeldung
membership: membership:
title: Mitgliedschaft title: Mitgliedschaft
label: Neuregistrierungen zulassen label: Neuregistrierungen zulassen
text: Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, um zu verhindern, dass jemand ein neues Konto erstellt. text: Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, um zu verhindern, dass jemand ein neues Konto erstellt.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Privatgelände title: Privatgelände
label: Anmeldung erforderlich label: Anmeldung erforderlich
text: Nur angemeldete Benutzer können auf diese Community zugreifen. text: Nur angemeldete Benutzer können auf diese Community zugreifen.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: kann nicht leer sein empty: kann nicht leer sein
invalid: ist ungültig invalid: ist ungültig
btn_submit: Speichern btn_submit: Speichern
not_found_props: "Erforderliche Eigenschaft {{ key }} nicht gefunden." not_found_props: "Erforderliche Eigenschaft {{ key }} nicht gefunden."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Rezension review: Rezension
proposed: vorgeschlagen proposed: vorgeschlagen
@ -1397,10 +1678,10 @@ ui:
closed: geschlossen closed: geschlossen
reopened: wiedereröffnet reopened: wiedereröffnet
created: erstellt created: erstellt
pin: pinned pin: angeheftet
unpin: unpinned unpin: losgelöst
show: listed show: gelistet
hide: unlisted hide: nicht gelistet
title: "Geschichte für" title: "Geschichte für"
tag_title: "Zeitleiste für" tag_title: "Zeitleiste für"
show_votes: "Stimmen anzeigen" show_votes: "Stimmen anzeigen"
@ -1415,8 +1696,8 @@ ui:
no_data: "Wir konnten nichts finden." no_data: "Wir konnten nichts finden."
users: users:
title: Benutzer title: Benutzer
users_with_the_most_reputation: Users with the highest reputation scores this week users_with_the_most_reputation: Benutzer mit den höchsten Reputationspunkten dieser Woche
users_with_the_most_vote: Users who voted the most this week users_with_the_most_vote: Benutzer, die diese Woche am meisten gestimmt haben
staffs: Benutzer staffs: Benutzer
reputation: ruf reputation: ruf
votes: stimmen votes: stimmen
@ -1427,8 +1708,8 @@ ui:
discard_confirm: Möchten Sie Ihren Entwurf wirklich verwerfen? discard_confirm: Möchten Sie Ihren Entwurf wirklich verwerfen?
messages: messages:
post_deleted: Dieser Beitrag wurde gelöscht. post_deleted: Dieser Beitrag wurde gelöscht.
post_pin: This post has been pinned. post_pin: Dieser Beitrag wurde angepinnt.
post_unpin: This post has been unpinned. post_unpin: Dieser Beitrag wurde losgelöst.
post_hide_list: This post has been hidden from list. post_hide_list: Dieser Beitrag wurde aus der Liste verborgen.
post_show_list: This post has been shown to list. post_show_list: Dieser Beitrag wird in der Liste angezeigt.
post_reopen: This post has been reopened. post_reopen: Dieser Beitrag wurde wieder geöffnet.

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: No autorizado. other: No autorizado.
database_error: database_error:
other: Error en el servidor de datos. other: Error en el servidor de datos.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Dispone de acceso total al sitio web y sus ajustes. other: Dispone de acceso total al sitio web y sus ajustes.
moderator: moderator:
other: Dispone de acceso a todas las publicaciones pero no a los ajustes de administrador. other: Dispone de acceso a todas las publicaciones pero no a los ajustes de administrador.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: Correo electrónico other: Correo electrónico
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: Contraseña o correo incorrecto. other: Contraseña o correo incorrecto.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: No puede modificar su contraseña. other: No puede modificar su contraseña.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: El correo debe ser verificado. other: El correo debe ser verificado.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: La URL verificada del correo electrónico ha caducado. Por favor, vuelva a enviar el correo electrónico. other: La URL verificada del correo electrónico ha caducado. Por favor, vuelva a enviar el correo electrónico.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Archivo de idioma no encontrado. other: Archivo de idioma no encontrado.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: El rango no cumple la condición. other: El rango no cumple la condición.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Error en el manejador del reporte. other: Error en el manejador del reporte.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Sin permiso para revisar. other: Sin permiso para revisar.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: Contraseña o correo incorrecto. other: Contraseña o correo incorrecto.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: No puedes modificar tu propio rol. other: No puedes modificar tu propio rol.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Actualmente el sitio no acepta registros other: Actualmente el sitio no acepta registros
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Lectura de configuración fallida other: Lectura de configuración fallida
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Formato de archivo no soportado. other: Formato de archivo no soportado.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Esta publicación es un anuncio o vandalismo. No es útil ni relevante para el tema actual. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: grosero o abusivo other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: Una persona con juicio encontraría este contenido inapropiado para un discurso respuetuoso. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: duplicado other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: La pregunta ya ha sido preguntada y resuelta previamente. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: no una respuesta other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: Esto fue publicado como una respuesta, pero no intenta responder a la pregunta. Posiblemente debería de ser una edición, un comentario, otra pregunta o directamente eliminado totalmente. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: ya no necesario other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: El comentario está desactualizado, es altamente controvertido o ya no relevante para esta publicación. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: otra razón other: something else
desc: desc:
other: Esta publicación requiere revisión por parte del gestor del sitio por alguna razón diferente a las anteriores. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: respondida other: respondida
modified: modified:
other: modificada other: modificada
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Tu respuesta ha sido eliminada other: Tu respuesta ha sido eliminada
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Tu comentario ha sido eliminado other: Tu comentario ha sido eliminado
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -328,6 +503,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Actualización de Answer upgrade: Actualización de Answer
maintenance: Mantenimiento del sitio web maintenance: Mantenimiento del sitio web
users: Usuarios users: Usuarios
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_404: HTTP Error 404
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_50X: HTTP Error 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -337,11 +513,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Logros achievement: Logros
all_read: Marcar todo como leído all_read: Marcar todo como leído
show_more: Mostrar más show_more: Mostrar más
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Tu cuenta ha sido suspendida title: Tu cuenta ha sido suspendida
until_time: "Tu cuenta ha sido suspendida hasta el {{ time }}." until_time: "Tu cuenta ha sido suspendida hasta el {{ time }}."
forever: Este usuario ha sido suspendido indefinidamente. forever: Este usuario ha sido suspendido indefinidamente.
end: Has infringido alguna norma de la comunidad. end: Has infringido alguna norma de la comunidad.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Cita text: Cita
@ -548,7 +731,7 @@ ui:
Utiliza los comentarios para pedir más información o sugerir mejoras y modificaciones. Evita responder preguntas en los comentarios. Utiliza los comentarios para pedir más información o sugerir mejoras y modificaciones. Evita responder preguntas en los comentarios.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Usa comentarios para responder a otros usuarios o notificarles de cambios. Si estás añadiendo nueva información, edita tu publicación en vez de comentar. Usa comentarios para responder a otros usuarios o notificarles de cambios. Si estás añadiendo nueva información, edita tu publicación en vez de comentar.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Editar respuesta title: Editar respuesta
default_reason: Editar respuesta default_reason: Editar respuesta
@ -630,6 +813,8 @@ ui:
logout: Cerrar sesión logout: Cerrar sesión
admin: Administrador admin: Administrador
review: Revisar review: Revisar
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Buscar placeholder: Buscar
footer: footer:
@ -654,7 +839,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: No puede estar en blanco. empty: No puede estar en blanco.
login: login:
page_title: Bienvenido a {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Inicia sesión para continuar login_to_continue: Inicia sesión para continuar
info_sign: '¿No tienes cuenta? <1>Regístrate</1>' info_sign: '¿No tienes cuenta? <1>Regístrate</1>'
info_login: '¿Ya tienes una cuenta? <1>Inicia sesión</1>' info_login: '¿Ya tienes una cuenta? <1>Inicia sesión</1>'
@ -665,6 +849,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: El nombre no puede estar vacío. empty: El nombre no puede estar vacío.
range: Nombre hasta 30 caracteres. range: Nombre hasta 30 caracteres.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Correo electrónico label: Correo electrónico
msg: msg:
@ -684,7 +869,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: El correo electrónico no puede estar vacío. empty: El correo electrónico no puede estar vacío.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Bienvenido a {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Cancelar btn_cancel: Cancelar
btn_update: Actualizar dirección de correo btn_update: Actualizar dirección de correo
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -693,6 +877,17 @@ ui:
label: Nuevo correo electrónico label: Nuevo correo electrónico
msg: msg:
empty: El correo electrónico no puede estar vacío. empty: El correo electrónico no puede estar vacío.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Restablecimiento de Contraseña page_title: Restablecimiento de Contraseña
btn_name: Restablecer mi contraseña btn_name: Restablecer mi contraseña
@ -711,6 +906,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirmar nueva contraseña label: Confirmar nueva contraseña
settings: settings:
page_title: Ajustes page_title: Ajustes
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Perfil profile: Perfil
notification: Notificaciones notification: Notificaciones
@ -732,7 +928,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Imagen de perfil label: Imagen de perfil
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: Puedes cambiar la imagen en <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Propia custom: Propia
btn_refresh: Actualizar btn_refresh: Actualizar
custom_text: Puedes subir tu propia imagen. custom_text: Puedes subir tu propia imagen.
@ -759,8 +955,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
Te hemos enviado un email a esa dirección. Por favor sigue las instrucciones de confirmación. Te hemos enviado un email a esa dirección. Por favor sigue las instrucciones de confirmación.
email: email:
label: Correo electrónico label: New Email
msg: El correo electrónico no puede estar vacío. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Contraseña password_title: Contraseña
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Contraseña actual label: Contraseña actual
@ -777,6 +976,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Idioma de la Interfaz label: Idioma de la Interfaz
text: Idioma de la interfaz de usuario. Cambiará cuando actualices la página. text: Idioma de la interfaz de usuario. Cambiará cuando actualices la página.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: actualización correcta update: actualización correcta
update_password: Contraseña cambiada con éxito. update_password: Contraseña cambiada con éxito.
@ -787,6 +993,12 @@ ui:
title: Preguntas relacionadas title: Preguntas relacionadas
btn: Añadir pregunta btn: Añadir pregunta
answers: respuestas answers: respuestas
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Preguntada Asked: Preguntada
@ -796,12 +1008,13 @@ ui:
Views: Visto Views: Visto
Follow: Seguir Follow: Seguir
Following: Siguiendo Following: Siguiendo
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: respondida answered: respondida
closed_in: Cerrado el closed_in: Cerrado el
show_exist: Mostrar una pregunta existente. show_exist: Mostrar una pregunta existente.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -849,6 +1062,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirmar confirm: Confirmar
cancel: Cancelar cancel: Cancelar
edit: Edit
save: Guardar save: Guardar
delete: Eliminar delete: Eliminar
login: Acceder login: Acceder
@ -861,6 +1075,10 @@ ui:
skip: Omitir skip: Omitir
discard_draft: Descartar borrador discard_draft: Descartar borrador
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Resultados de la búsqueda title: Resultados de la búsqueda
keywords: Palabras claves keywords: Palabras claves
@ -895,7 +1113,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Bienvenido a {{site_name}}
success: Tu nueva cuenta ha sido confirmada, serás redirigido a la página de inicio. success: Tu nueva cuenta ha sido confirmada, serás redirigido a la página de inicio.
link: Continuar a la página de inicio link: Continuar a la página de inicio
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -956,8 +1173,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Aceptada accepted: Aceptada
answered: respondida answered: respondida
asked: preguntó asked: preguntó
upvote: votar a favor downvoted: downvoted
downvote: voto negativo
mod_short: Modificación mod_short: Modificación
mod_long: Moderadores mod_long: Moderadores
x_reputation: reputación x_reputation: reputación
@ -1019,6 +1235,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Nombre label: Nombre
msg: El nombre no puede estar vacío. msg: El nombre no puede estar vacío.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Contraseña label: Contraseña
text: >- text: >-
@ -1076,8 +1293,19 @@ ui:
seo: ESTE seo: ESTE
customize: Personalizar customize: Personalizar
themes: Temas themes: Temas
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Iniciar sesión login: Iniciar sesión
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Administrador title: Administrador
@ -1120,6 +1348,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pendiente pending: Pendiente
completed: Terminado completed: Terminado
flagged: Marcado flagged: Marcado
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Creado created: Creado
action: Acción action: Acción
review: Revisar review: Revisar
@ -1147,7 +1376,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: cerrada closed_name: cerrada
closed_desc: "Una pregunta cerrada no puede responder, pero aún puede editar, votar y comentar." closed_desc: "Una pregunta cerrada no puede responder, pero aún puede editar, votar y comentar."
deleted_name: eliminado deleted_name: eliminado
deleted_desc: Toda la reputación ganada y perdida será restaurada. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancelar btn_cancel: Cancelar
btn_submit: Entregar btn_submit: Entregar
btn_next: Próximo btn_next: Próximo
@ -1268,9 +1497,6 @@ ui:
label: Zona horaria label: Zona horaria
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Elija una ciudad en la misma zona horaria que usted. text: Elija una ciudad en la misma zona horaria que usted.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1380,22 +1606,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Pie de página label: Pie de página
text: Esto se insertará antes de </html>. text: Esto se insertará antes de </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Iniciar sesión page_title: Iniciar sesión
membership: membership:
title: Membresía title: Membresía
label: Permitir registro de nuevas ceuntas label: Permitir registro de nuevas ceuntas
text: Desactiva esto para evitar que cualquier persona pueda crear una cuenta. text: Desactiva esto para evitar que cualquier persona pueda crear una cuenta.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Privado title: Privado
label: Inicio de sesión requerido label: Inicio de sesión requerido
text: Sólo usuarios con sesión iniciada pueden acceder a esta comunidad. text: Sólo usuarios con sesión iniciada pueden acceder a esta comunidad.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: no puede estar en blanco empty: no puede estar en blanco
invalid: no es válido invalid: no es válido
btn_submit: Guardar btn_submit: Guardar
not_found_props: "La propiedad requerida {{ key }} no se ha encontrado." not_found_props: "La propiedad requerida {{ key }} no se ha encontrado."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Revisar review: Revisar
proposed: propuesto proposed: propuesto

View File

@ -11,25 +11,31 @@ backend:
other: Non autorisé. other: Non autorisé.
database_error: database_error:
other: Erreur du serveur de données. other: Erreur du serveur de données.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
edit: edit:
other: Edit other: Éditer
delete: delete:
other: Delete other: Supprimer
close: close:
other: Close other: Fermer
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Rouvrir
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Épingler
hide: hide:
other: Unlist other: Délister
unpin: unpin:
other: Unpin other: Désépingler
show: show:
other: List other: Liste
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Possède tous les droits pour accéder au site. other: Possède tous les droits pour accéder au site.
moderator: moderator:
other: Possède les accès à tous les messages sauf aux paramètres d'administration. other: Possède les accès à tous les messages sauf aux paramètres d'administration.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: Email other: Email
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: L'email et le mot de passe ne correspondent pas. other: L'email et le mot de passe ne correspondent pas.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: Vous ne pouvez pas modifier votre mot de passe. other: Vous ne pouvez pas modifier votre mot de passe.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: L'adresse e-mail doit être vérifiée. other: L'adresse e-mail doit être vérifiée.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: L'URL de vérification de l'email a expiré, veuillez renvoyer l'email. other: L'URL de vérification de l'email a expiré, veuillez renvoyer l'email.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Fichier de langue non trouvé. other: Fichier de langue non trouvé.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Le rang ne remplit pas la condition. other: Le rang ne remplit pas la condition.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: La gestion du rapport a échoué. other: La gestion du rapport a échoué.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à Vérifier. other: Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à Vérifier.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: L'email et le mot de passe ne correspondent pas. other: L'email et le mot de passe ne correspondent pas.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Vous ne pouvez pas modifier votre rôle. other: Vous ne pouvez pas modifier votre rôle.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Actuellement, le site n'est pas ouvert aux inscriptions other: Actuellement, le site n'est pas ouvert aux inscriptions
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: La lecture de la configuration a échoué other: La lecture de la configuration a échoué
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Format de fichier non supporté. other: Format de fichier non supporté.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Ce message est une publicité ou un vandalisme. Il n'est pas utile ou pertinent pour le sujet actuel. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: grossier ou abusif other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: Une personne raisonnable jugerait que ce contenu est inapproprié pour un discours respectueux. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: doublon other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: Cette question a déjà été posée auparavant et a déjà une réponse. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: ce n'est pas une réponse other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: Cela a été posté comme une réponse, mais il n'essaie pas de répondre à la question. Il devrait s'agir d'une modification, d'un commentaire, d'une autre question, ou d'une suppression totale. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: nest plus nécessaire other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: Ce commentaire est obsolète, conversationnel ou non pertinent pour ce post. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: quelque chose d'autre other: something else
desc: desc:
other: Ce message nécessite l'attention du personnel pour une autre raison non listée ci-dessus. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: a répondu other: a répondu
modified: modified:
other: modifié other: modifié
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Votre réponse a bien été supprimée other: Votre réponse a bien été supprimée
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Votre commentaire a été supprimé other: Votre commentaire a été supprimé
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,20 +482,28 @@ ui:
upgrade: Mise à jour d'Answer upgrade: Mise à jour d'Answer
maintenance: Maintenance du site maintenance: Maintenance du site
users: Utilisateurs users: Utilisateurs
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: Erreur HTTP 404 http_404: Erreur HTTP 404
http_50X: Erreur HTTP 500 http_50X: Erreur HTTP 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: Erreur HTTP 403
notifications: notifications:
title: Notifications title: Notifications
inbox: Boîte de réception inbox: Boîte de réception
achievement: Succès achievement: Succès
all_read: Tout marquer comme lu all_read: Tout marquer comme lu
show_more: Afficher plus show_more: Afficher plus
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Votre compte a été suspendu title: Votre compte a été suspendu
until_time: "Votre compte a été suspendu jusqu'au {{ time }}." until_time: "Votre compte a été suspendu jusqu'au {{ time }}."
forever: Cet utilisateur a été suspendu pour toujours. forever: Cet utilisateur a été suspendu pour toujours.
end: Vous ne respectez pas les directives de la communauté. end: Vous ne respectez pas les directives de la communauté.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Bloc de citation text: Bloc de citation
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Utilisez les commentaires pour demander plus d'informations ou suggérer des améliorations. Évitez de répondre aux questions dans les commentaires. Utilisez les commentaires pour demander plus d'informations ou suggérer des améliorations. Évitez de répondre aux questions dans les commentaires.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Utilisez des commentaires pour répondre à d'autres utilisateurs ou leur signaler des modifications. Si vous ajoutez de nouvelles informations, modifiez votre message au lieu de commenter. Utilisez des commentaires pour répondre à d'autres utilisateurs ou leur signaler des modifications. Si vous ajoutez de nouvelles informations, modifiez votre message au lieu de commenter.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Modifier la réponse title: Modifier la réponse
default_reason: Modifier la réponse default_reason: Modifier la réponse
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Se déconnecter logout: Se déconnecter
admin: Administration admin: Administration
review: Vérifier review: Vérifier
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Rechercher placeholder: Rechercher
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Ne peut pas être vide. empty: Ne peut pas être vide.
login: login:
page_title: Bienvenue sur {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Connectez-vous pour continuer login_to_continue: Connectez-vous pour continuer
info_sign: Vous n'avez pas de compte ? <1>Inscrivez-vous</1> info_sign: Vous n'avez pas de compte ? <1>Inscrivez-vous</1>
info_login: Vous avez déjà un compte ? <1>Connectez-vous</1> info_login: Vous avez déjà un compte ? <1>Connectez-vous</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Le nom ne peut pas être vide. empty: Le nom ne peut pas être vide.
range: Le nom doit contenir moins de 30 caractères. range: Le nom doit contenir moins de 30 caractères.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: L'e-mail ne peut pas être vide. empty: L'e-mail ne peut pas être vide.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Bienvenue sur {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Annuler btn_cancel: Annuler
btn_update: Mettre à jour l'adresse e-mail btn_update: Mettre à jour l'adresse e-mail
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: Nouvel e-mail label: Nouvel e-mail
msg: msg:
empty: L'email ne peut pas être vide. empty: L'email ne peut pas être vide.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Réinitialiser le mot de passe page_title: Réinitialiser le mot de passe
btn_name: Réinitialiser mon mot de passe btn_name: Réinitialiser mon mot de passe
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe label: Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe
settings: settings:
page_title: Paramètres page_title: Paramètres
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profil profile: Profil
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Image de profil label: Image de profil
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: Vous pouvez changer d'image sur <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Personnaliser custom: Personnaliser
btn_refresh: Actualiser btn_refresh: Actualiser
custom_text: Vous pouvez charger votre image. custom_text: Vous pouvez charger votre image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
Nous vous avons envoyé un mail à cette adresse. Merci de suivre les instructions. Nous vous avons envoyé un mail à cette adresse. Merci de suivre les instructions.
email: email:
label: E-mail label: New Email
msg: L'e-mail ne peut pas être vide. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Mot de passe password_title: Mot de passe
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Mot de passe actuel label: Mot de passe actuel
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Langue de l'interface label: Langue de l'interface
text: Langue de l'interface utilisateur. Cela changera lorsque vous rafraîchissez la page. text: Langue de l'interface utilisateur. Cela changera lorsque vous rafraîchissez la page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: mise à jour effectuée update: mise à jour effectuée
update_password: Mot de passe changé avec succès. update_password: Mot de passe changé avec succès.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Questions liées title: Questions liées
btn: Ajouter une question btn: Ajouter une question
answers: réponses answers: réponses
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Demandé Asked: Demandé
@ -775,14 +987,15 @@ ui:
Views: Consultée Views: Consultée
Follow: Sabonner Follow: Sabonner
Following: Abonné(s) Following: Abonné(s)
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: répondu answered: répondu
closed_in: Fermé dans closed_in: Fermé dans
show_exist: Afficher la question existante. show_exist: Afficher la question existante.
useful: Useful useful: Utile
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: C'est utile
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: Ce n'est pas utile
answers: answers:
title: Réponses title: Réponses
score: Score score: Score
@ -800,19 +1013,19 @@ ui:
empty: La réponse ne peut être vide. empty: La réponse ne peut être vide.
characters: le contenu doit comporter au moins 6 caractères. characters: le contenu doit comporter au moins 6 caractères.
tips: tips:
header_1: Thanks for your answer header_1: Merci pour votre réponse
li1_1: Please be sure to <strong>answer the question</strong>. Provide details and share your research. li1_1: Noubliez pas de <strong>répondre à la question</strong>. Fournissez des détails et partagez vos recherches.
li1_2: Back up any statements you make with references or personal experience. li1_2: Sauvegardez toutes les déclarations que vous faites avec des références ou une expérience personnelle.
header_2: But <strong>avoid</strong> ... header_2: Mais <strong>évitez</strong>...
li2_1: Asking for help, seeking clarification, or responding to other answers. li2_1: Demander de laide, chercher des éclaircissements ou répondre à dautres réponses.
reopen: reopen:
confirm_btn: Reopen confirm_btn: Rouvrir
title: Rouvrir ce message title: Rouvrir ce message
content: Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir rouvrir ? content: Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir rouvrir ?
pin: pin:
title: Pin this post title: Épingler cet article
content: Are you sure you wish to pinned globally? This post will appear at the top of all post lists. content: Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir l'épingler globalement ? Ce message apparaîtra en haut de toutes les listes de messages.
confirm_btn: Pin confirm_btn: Épingler
delete: delete:
title: Supprimer la publication title: Supprimer la publication
question: >- question: >-
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confimer confirm: Confimer
cancel: Annuler cancel: Annuler
edit: Edit
save: Enregistrer save: Enregistrer
delete: Supprimer delete: Supprimer
login: Se connecter login: Se connecter
@ -835,7 +1049,11 @@ ui:
reject: Rejeter reject: Rejeter
skip: Ignorer skip: Ignorer
discard_draft: Abandonner le brouillon discard_draft: Abandonner le brouillon
pinned: Pinned pinned: Épinglé
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Résultats de la recherche title: Résultats de la recherche
keywords: Mots-clés keywords: Mots-clés
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Erreur... title: Erreur...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Bienvenue sur {{site_name}}
success: Votre nouveau compte est confirmé; vous serez redirigé vers la page d'accueil. success: Votre nouveau compte est confirmé; vous serez redirigé vers la page d'accueil.
link: Continuer vers la page d'accueil link: Continuer vers la page d'accueil
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepté accepted: Accepté
answered: a répondu answered: a répondu
asked: a demandé asked: a demandé
upvote: voter pour downvoted: downvoted
downvote: voter contre
mod_short: Modérateurs mod_short: Modérateurs
mod_long: Modérateurs mod_long: Modérateurs
x_reputation: réputation x_reputation: réputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Nom label: Nom
msg: Le nom ne peut pas être vide. msg: Le nom ne peut pas être vide.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Mot de passe label: Mot de passe
text: >- text: >-
@ -1025,11 +1242,11 @@ ui:
answers: réponses answers: réponses
accepted: Accepté accepted: Accepté
page_error: page_error:
http_error: HTTP Error {{ code }} http_error: Erreur HTTP {{ code }}
desc_403: You dont have permission to access this page. desc_403: Vous n'avez pas la permission d'accéder à cette page.
desc_404: Unfortunately, this page doesn't exist. desc_404: Malheureusement, cette page n'existe pas.
desc_50X: The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. desc_50X: Le serveur a rencontré une erreur et n'a pas pu répondre à votre requête.
back_home: Back to homepage back_home: Retour à la page d'accueil
page_maintenance: page_maintenance:
desc: "Nous sommes en maintenance, nous serons bientôt de retour." desc: "Nous sommes en maintenance, nous serons bientôt de retour."
nav_menus: nav_menus:
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Personnaliser customize: Personnaliser
themes: Thèmes themes: Thèmes
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Se connecter login: Se connecter
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: En attente pending: En attente
completed: Complété completed: Complété
flagged: Signalé flagged: Signalé
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Créé created: Créé
action: Action action: Action
review: Vérification review: Vérification
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: fermé closed_name: fermé
closed_desc: "Une question fermée ne peut pas être répondue, mais peut-être quand même modifiée, votée et commentée." closed_desc: "Une question fermée ne peut pas être répondue, mais peut-être quand même modifiée, votée et commentée."
deleted_name: supprimé deleted_name: supprimé
deleted_desc: Tous les points de réputation gagnés et perdus seront restaurés. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Annuler btn_cancel: Annuler
btn_submit: Valider btn_submit: Valider
btn_next: Suivant btn_next: Suivant
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Fuseau Horaire label: Fuseau Horaire
msg: Le fuseau horaire ne peut pas être vide. msg: Le fuseau horaire ne peut pas être vide.
text: Choisissez une ville dans le même fuseau horaire que vous. text: Choisissez une ville dans le même fuseau horaire que vous.
label: Avatar par défaut
text: Pour les utilisateurs sans avatar personnalisé.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: Ceci va être inséré avant </html>. text: Ceci va être inséré avant </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Se connecter page_title: Se connecter
membership: membership:
title: Adhésion title: Adhésion
label: Autoriser les inscriptions label: Autoriser les inscriptions
text: Désactivez pour empêcher quiconque de créer un nouveau compte. text: Désactivez pour empêcher quiconque de créer un nouveau compte.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Privé title: Privé
label: Connexion requise label: Connexion requise
text: Seuls les utilisateurs connectés peuvent accéder à cette communauté. text: Seuls les utilisateurs connectés peuvent accéder à cette communauté.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optionnel) optional: (optionnel)
empty: ne peut pas être vide empty: ne peut pas être vide
invalid: est invalide invalid: est invalide
btn_submit: Sauvegarder btn_submit: Sauvegarder
not_found_props: "La propriété requise {{ key }} est introuvable." not_found_props: "La propriété requise {{ key }} est introuvable."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Vérifier review: Vérifier
proposed: proposé proposed: proposé
@ -1397,10 +1678,10 @@ ui:
closed: fermé closed: fermé
reopened: réouvert reopened: réouvert
created: créé created: créé
pin: pinned pin: épinglé
unpin: unpinned unpin: non épinglé
show: listed show: listé
hide: unlisted hide: non listé
title: "Historique de" title: "Historique de"
tag_title: "Chronologie de" tag_title: "Chronologie de"
show_votes: "Afficher les votes" show_votes: "Afficher les votes"
@ -1415,8 +1696,8 @@ ui:
no_data: "Nous n'avons rien pu trouver." no_data: "Nous n'avons rien pu trouver."
users: users:
title: Utilisateurs title: Utilisateurs
users_with_the_most_reputation: Users with the highest reputation scores this week users_with_the_most_reputation: Utilisateurs ayant le score de réputation le plus élevé cette semaine
users_with_the_most_vote: Users who voted the most this week users_with_the_most_vote: Utilisateurs qui ont le plus voté cette semaine
staffs: Staff de la communauté staffs: Staff de la communauté
reputation: réputation reputation: réputation
votes: votes votes: votes
@ -1427,8 +1708,8 @@ ui:
discard_confirm: Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner ce brouillon ? discard_confirm: Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner ce brouillon ?
messages: messages:
post_deleted: Ce message a été supprimé. post_deleted: Ce message a été supprimé.
post_pin: This post has been pinned. post_pin: Ce message a été épinglé.
post_unpin: This post has been unpinned. post_unpin: Ce message a été déépinglé.
post_hide_list: This post has been hidden from list. post_hide_list: Ce message a été masqué de la liste.
post_show_list: This post has been shown to list. post_show_list: Ce message a été affiché dans la liste.
post_reopen: This post has been reopened. post_reopen: Ce message a été rouvert.

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: Tidak diizinkan. other: Tidak diizinkan.
database_error: database_error:
other: Kesalahan data server. other: Kesalahan data server.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Memiliki hak penuh untuk mengakses website. other: Memiliki hak penuh untuk mengakses website.
moderator: moderator:
other: Memiliki hak penuh pada semua pertanyaan, kecuali pengaturan Admin. other: Memiliki hak penuh pada semua pertanyaan, kecuali pengaturan Admin.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: Email other: Email
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: Email dan kata sandi tidak cocok. other: Email dan kata sandi tidak cocok.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: You cannot modify your password. other: You cannot modify your password.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: Email harus terverifikasi. other: Email harus terverifikasi.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: URL verifikasi email telah kadaluwarsa, silahkan kirim ulang. other: URL verifikasi email telah kadaluwarsa, silahkan kirim ulang.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Bahasa tidak ditemukan. other: Bahasa tidak ditemukan.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Peringkat gagal memenuhi syarat. other: Peringkat gagal memenuhi syarat.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Laporan penanganan gagal. other: Laporan penanganan gagal.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Tidak memiliki izin untuk merevisi. other: Tidak memiliki izin untuk merevisi.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: Email dan kata sandi tidak cocok. other: Email dan kata sandi tidak cocok.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Anda tidak dapat memodifikasi role anda sendiri. other: Anda tidak dapat memodifikasi role anda sendiri.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Website tidak membuka pendaftaran baru untuk saat ini other: Website tidak membuka pendaftaran baru untuk saat ini
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Gagal membaca konfigurasi other: Gagal membaca konfigurasi
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Unsupported file format. other: Unsupported file format.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: Spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Posting ini adalah iklan, atau vandalisme. Tidak berguna atau relevan dengan topik saat ini. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: kasar atau kejam other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: Orang yang berakal sehat akan menganggap konten ini tidak pantas untuk wacana yang terhormat. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: Duplikat other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: Pertanyaan ini telah ditanyakan sebelumnya dan sudah ada jawabannya. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: bukan jawaban other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: Ini diposting sebagai jawaban, tetapi tidak menjawab pertanyaan. Itu mungkin berupa suntingan, komentar, pertanyaan lain, atau telah dihapus sepenuhnya. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: tidak Dibutuhkan Lagi other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: Komentar ini kedaluwarsa, sesuai percakapan, atau tidak relevan dengan postingan ini. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: lainnya other: something else
desc: desc:
other: Posting ini membutuhkan perhatian staf karena alasan lain yang tidak tercantum di atas. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: dijawab other: dijawab
modified: modified:
other: dimodifikasi other: dimodifikasi
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Jawabanmu telah dihapus other: Jawabanmu telah dihapus
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Komentarmu telah dihapus other: Komentarmu telah dihapus
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Meng-upgrade Answer upgrade: Meng-upgrade Answer
maintenance: Pemeliharaan Website maintenance: Pemeliharaan Website
users: Pengguna users: Pengguna
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_404: HTTP Error 404
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_50X: HTTP Error 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Pencapaian achievement: Pencapaian
all_read: Tandai Semua Jika Sudah Dibaca all_read: Tandai Semua Jika Sudah Dibaca
show_more: Tampilkan lebih banyak show_more: Tampilkan lebih banyak
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Akun Anda telah ditangguhkan title: Akun Anda telah ditangguhkan
until_time: "Akun anda ditangguhkan sampai {{ time }}." until_time: "Akun anda ditangguhkan sampai {{ time }}."
forever: Pengguna ini ditangguhkan selamanya. forever: Pengguna ini ditangguhkan selamanya.
end: Anda tidak sesuai dengan syarat pedoman komunitas. end: Anda tidak sesuai dengan syarat pedoman komunitas.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Blockquote text: Blockquote
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Gunakan komentar untuk meminta informasi lebih lanjut atau menyarankan perbaikan. Hindari menjawab pertanyaan di komentar. Gunakan komentar untuk meminta informasi lebih lanjut atau menyarankan perbaikan. Hindari menjawab pertanyaan di komentar.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Gunakan komentar untuk membalas pengguna lain atau memberi tahu mereka tentang perubahan. Jika Anda menambahkan informasi baru, cukup edit posting Anda. Gunakan komentar untuk membalas pengguna lain atau memberi tahu mereka tentang perubahan. Jika Anda menambahkan informasi baru, cukup edit posting Anda.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Sunting jawaban title: Sunting jawaban
default_reason: Edit jawaban default_reason: Edit jawaban
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Keluar logout: Keluar
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Ulasan review: Ulasan
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Cari placeholder: Cari
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Tidak bisa kosong. empty: Tidak bisa kosong.
login: login:
page_title: Selamat datang ke {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Masuk untuk melanjutkan login_to_continue: Masuk untuk melanjutkan
info_sign: Belum punya akun? <1>Daftar</1> info_sign: Belum punya akun? <1>Daftar</1>
info_login: Sudah punya akun? <1>Masuk</1> info_login: Sudah punya akun? <1>Masuk</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Nama tidak boleh kosong. empty: Nama tidak boleh kosong.
range: Nama harus menunjukkan 1-30 karakter. range: Nama harus menunjukkan 1-30 karakter.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Email tidak boleh kosong. empty: Email tidak boleh kosong.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Batal btn_cancel: Batal
btn_update: Perbarui alamat email btn_update: Perbarui alamat email
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: Email Baru label: Email Baru
msg: msg:
empty: Email tidak boleh kosong. empty: Email tidak boleh kosong.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Atur ulang kata sandi page_title: Atur ulang kata sandi
btn_name: Atur ulang kata sandi saya btn_name: Atur ulang kata sandi saya
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: Email label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Password password_title: Password
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Current Password label: Current Password
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Bahasa Antarmuka label: Bahasa Antarmuka
text: Bahasa antarmuka pengguna. Itu akan berubah ketika Anda me-refresh halaman. text: Bahasa antarmuka pengguna. Itu akan berubah ketika Anda me-refresh halaman.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: pembaruan sukses update: pembaruan sukses
update_password: Kata sandi berhasil diganti. update_password: Kata sandi berhasil diganti.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Pertanyaan Terkait title: Pertanyaan Terkait
btn: Tambahkan pertanyaan btn: Tambahkan pertanyaan
answers: jawaban answers: jawaban
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Ditanyakan Asked: Ditanyakan
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Dilihat Views: Dilihat
Follow: Ikuti Follow: Ikuti
Following: Mengikuti Following: Mengikuti
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: dijawab answered: dijawab
closed_in: Ditutup pada closed_in: Ditutup pada
show_exist: Gunakan pertanyaan yang sudah ada. show_exist: Gunakan pertanyaan yang sudah ada.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Konfirmasi confirm: Konfirmasi
cancel: Batal cancel: Batal
edit: Edit
save: Simpan save: Simpan
delete: Hapus delete: Hapus
login: Masuk login: Masuk
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Diterima accepted: Diterima
answered: dijawab answered: dijawab
asked: ditanyakan asked: ditanyakan
upvote: upvote downvoted: downvoted
downvote: downvote
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderator mod_long: Moderator
x_reputation: reputasi x_reputation: reputasi
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Password label: Password
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Kostumisasi customize: Kostumisasi
themes: Tema themes: Tema
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Masuk login: Masuk
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: Save btn_submit: Save
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: Non autorizzato other: Non autorizzato
database_error: database_error:
other: Errore server dati other: Errore server dati
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Avere il pieno potere di accedere al sito. other: Avere il pieno potere di accedere al sito.
moderator: moderator:
other: Ha accesso a tutti i post tranne le impostazioni di amministratore. other: Ha accesso a tutti i post tranne le impostazioni di amministratore.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: E-mail other: E-mail
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: Email o password errati other: Email o password errati
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: You cannot modify your password. other: You cannot modify your password.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: email deve essere verificata other: email deve essere verificata
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: l'url di verifica email è scaduto, si prega di reinviare la email other: l'url di verifica email è scaduto, si prega di reinviare la email
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: lingua non trovata other: lingua non trovata
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Condizioni non valide per il grado other: Condizioni non valide per il grado
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Gestione del report fallita other: Gestione del report fallita
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Nessun permesso per la revisione. other: Nessun permesso per la revisione.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: Email o password errati other: Email o password errati
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Non puoi modificare il tuo ruolo. other: Non puoi modificare il tuo ruolo.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Al momento il sito non è aperto per la registrazione other: Al momento il sito non è aperto per la registrazione
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Read config failed other: Read config failed
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Unsupported file format. other: Unsupported file format.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: posta indesiderata other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Questo articolo è una pubblicità o vandalismo. Non è utile o rilevante all'argomento corrente. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: scortese o violento other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: Una persona ragionevole trova questo contenuto inappropriato a un discorso rispettoso. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: duplicato other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: Questa domanda è già stata posta e ha già una risposta. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: non è una risposta other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: Questo è stato pubblicato come una risposta, ma non tenta di rispondere alla domanda. Dovrebbe forse essere una modifica, un commento, un'altra domanda, o cancellata del tutto. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: non più necessario other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: Questo commento è obsoleto, conversazionale o non pertinente per questo post. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: altro other: something else
desc: desc:
other: Questo articolo richiede una supervisione dello staff per altre ragioni non listate sopra. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: answered other: answered
modified: modified:
other: modified other: modified
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: la tua risposta è stata rimossa other: la tua risposta è stata rimossa
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: il tuo commento è stato rimosso other: il tuo commento è stato rimosso
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Answer Upgrade upgrade: Answer Upgrade
maintenance: Website Maintenance maintenance: Website Maintenance
users: Users users: Users
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_404: HTTP Error 404
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_50X: HTTP Error 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Achievements achievement: Achievements
all_read: Mark all as read all_read: Mark all as read
show_more: Show more show_more: Show more
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Your Account has been Suspended title: Your Account has been Suspended
until_time: "Your account was suspended until {{ time }}." until_time: "Your account was suspended until {{ time }}."
forever: This user was suspended forever. forever: This user was suspended forever.
end: You don't meet a community guideline. end: You don't meet a community guideline.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Blockquote text: Blockquote
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Edit Answer title: Edit Answer
default_reason: Edit answer default_reason: Edit answer
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Log out logout: Log out
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Review review: Review
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Search placeholder: Search
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Cannot be empty.
login: login:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Log in to continue login_to_continue: Log in to continue
info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Name cannot be empty. empty: Name cannot be empty.
range: Name up to 30 characters. range: Name up to 30 characters.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_update: Update email address btn_update: Update email address
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: New Email label: New Email
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Password Reset page_title: Password Reset
btn_name: Reset my password btn_name: Reset my password
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: Email label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Password password_title: Password
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Current Password label: Current Password
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Interface Language label: Interface Language
text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: update success update: update success
update_password: Password changed successfully. update_password: Password changed successfully.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Related Questions title: Related Questions
btn: Add question btn: Add question
answers: answers answers: answers
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Asked Asked: Asked
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Viewed Views: Viewed
Follow: Follow Follow: Follow
Following: Following Following: Following
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: answered answered: answered
closed_in: Closed in closed_in: Closed in
show_exist: Show existing question. show_exist: Show existing question.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirm confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
save: Save save: Save
delete: Delete delete: Delete
login: Log in login: Log in
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepted accepted: Accepted
answered: answered answered: answered
asked: asked asked: asked
upvote: upvote downvoted: downvoted
downvote: downvote
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderators mod_long: Moderators
x_reputation: reputation x_reputation: reputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Password label: Password
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Customize customize: Customize
themes: Themes themes: Themes
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Login login: Login
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: Save btn_submit: Save
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: 権限がありません。 other: 権限がありません。
database_error: database_error:
other: データサーバーエラー other: データサーバーエラー
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: フラグ other: フラグ
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: 閉じる other: 閉じる
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Have the full power to access the site. other: Have the full power to access the site.
moderator: moderator:
other: Has access to all posts except admin settings. other: Has access to all posts except admin settings.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: メールアドレス other: メールアドレス
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: メールアドレスとパスワードが一致しません。 other: メールアドレスとパスワードが一致しません。
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: パスワードは変更できません。 other: パスワードは変更できません。
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: 電子メールを確認する必要があります。 other: 電子メールを確認する必要があります。
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: メール認証済みURLの有効期限が切れています。メールを再送信してください。 other: メール認証済みURLの有効期限が切れています。メールを再送信してください。
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: 言語ファイルが見つかりません。 other: 言語ファイルが見つかりません。
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: ランクは条件を満たしていません。 other: ランクは条件を満たしていません。
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: レポートの処理に失敗しました。 other: レポートの処理に失敗しました。
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: No permission to Revision. other: No permission to Revision.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: メールアドレスとパスワードが一致しません。 other: メールアドレスとパスワードが一致しません。
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: You cannot modify your role. other: You cannot modify your role.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Currently the site is not open for registration other: Currently the site is not open for registration
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Read config failed other: Read config failed
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Unsupported file format. other: Unsupported file format.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: スパム other: spam
desc: desc:
other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: rude or abusive other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: a duplicate other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: not an answer other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: no longer needed other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: something else other: something else
desc: desc:
other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: 回答済み other: 回答済み
modified: modified:
other: 修正済み other: 修正済み
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Your answer has been deleted other: Your answer has been deleted
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Your comment has been deleted other: Your comment has been deleted
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Answer Upgrade upgrade: Answer Upgrade
maintenance: Website Maintenance maintenance: Website Maintenance
users: ユーザー users: ユーザー
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP エラー 404 http_404: HTTP エラー 404
http_50X: HTTP エラー 500 http_50X: HTTP エラー 500
http_403: HTTP エラー 403 http_403: HTTP エラー 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Achievements achievement: Achievements
all_read: Mark all as read all_read: Mark all as read
show_more: もっと見る show_more: もっと見る
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: あなたのアカウントは停止されています。 title: あなたのアカウントは停止されています。
until_time: "あなたのアカウントは {{ time }} まで停止されました。" until_time: "あなたのアカウントは {{ time }} まで停止されました。"
forever: このユーザーは永久に停止されました。 forever: このユーザーは永久に停止されました。
end: You don't meet a community guideline. end: You don't meet a community guideline.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: 引用 text: 引用
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Edit Answer title: Edit Answer
default_reason: Edit answer default_reason: Edit answer
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Log out logout: Log out
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Review review: Review
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Search placeholder: Search
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Cannot be empty.
login: login:
page_title: '{{site_name}} へようこそ'
login_to_continue: Log in to continue login_to_continue: Log in to continue
info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Name cannot be empty. empty: Name cannot be empty.
range: Name up to 30 characters. range: Name up to 30 characters.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: メールアドレス label: メールアドレス
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: メールアドレスを入力してください。 empty: メールアドレスを入力してください。
change_email: change_email:
page_title: '{{site_name}} へようこそ'
btn_cancel: キャンセル btn_cancel: キャンセル
btn_update: メールアドレスを更新 btn_update: メールアドレスを更新
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: New Email label: New Email
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: パスワード再設定 page_title: パスワード再設定
btn_name: パスワードをリセット btn_name: パスワードをリセット
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: メールアドレス label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: パスワード password_title: パスワード
current_pass: current_pass:
label: 現在のパスワード label: 現在のパスワード
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Interface Language label: Interface Language
text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: update success update: update success
update_password: Password changed successfully. update_password: Password changed successfully.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Related Questions title: Related Questions
btn: Add question btn: Add question
answers: answers answers: answers
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Asked Asked: Asked
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Viewed Views: Viewed
Follow: Follow Follow: Follow
Following: Following Following: Following
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: answered answered: answered
closed_in: Closed in closed_in: Closed in
show_exist: Show existing question. show_exist: Show existing question.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirm confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
save: Save save: Save
delete: Delete delete: Delete
login: Log in login: Log in
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: '{{site_name}} へようこそ'
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepted accepted: Accepted
answered: answered answered: answered
asked: 質問済み asked: 質問済み
upvote: 賛成 downvoted: downvoted
downvote: 反対票を投じる
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: モデレーター mod_long: モデレーター
x_reputation: reputation x_reputation: reputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: パスワード label: パスワード
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: カスタマイズ customize: カスタマイズ
themes: テーマ themes: テーマ
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: ログイン login: ログイン
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: 管理者 title: 管理者
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: 保存 btn_submit: 保存
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: Não autorizado. other: Não autorizado.
database_error: database_error:
other: Erro no servidor de dados. other: Erro no servidor de dados.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Possui acesso total ao site. other: Possui acesso total ao site.
moderator: moderator:
other: Possui acesso a todas as postagens exceto às configurações de usuários. other: Possui acesso a todas as postagens exceto às configurações de usuários.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: E-mail other: E-mail
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: O e-mail e a palavra-passe não coincidem. other: O e-mail e a palavra-passe não coincidem.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: You cannot modify your password. other: You cannot modify your password.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: O e-mail deve ser verificado. other: O e-mail deve ser verificado.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: O e-mail verificado URL expirou, por favor, reenvie o e-mail. other: O e-mail verificado URL expirou, por favor, reenvie o e-mail.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Arquivo de idioma não encontrado. other: Arquivo de idioma não encontrado.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: O nível não consegue satisfazer a condição. other: O nível não consegue satisfazer a condição.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Falha ao manusear relatório. other: Falha ao manusear relatório.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Sem permissão de modificação. other: Sem permissão de modificação.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: O e-mail e a senha não conferem. other: O e-mail e a senha não conferem.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Você não pode modificar a sua função. other: Você não pode modificar a sua função.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: O site não está aberto para novos registros other: O site não está aberto para novos registros
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Falha ao ler configuração other: Falha ao ler configuração
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Formato de arquivo não suportado. other: Formato de arquivo não suportado.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Essa postagem é um anúncio, ou vandalismo. Não é útil ou relevante para o tópico atual. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: rude ou abusivo other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: a duplicate other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: not an answer other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: no longer needed other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: something else other: something else
desc: desc:
other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: answered other: answered
modified: modified:
other: modified other: modified
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Your answer has been deleted other: Your answer has been deleted
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Your comment has been deleted other: Your comment has been deleted
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Atualização do Answer upgrade: Atualização do Answer
maintenance: Manutenção do website maintenance: Manutenção do website
users: Usuários users: Usuários
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_404: HTTP Error 404
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_50X: HTTP Error 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Conquistas achievement: Conquistas
all_read: Marcar todos como lida all_read: Marcar todos como lida
show_more: Mostrar mais show_more: Mostrar mais
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: A sua conta foi suspensa title: A sua conta foi suspensa
until_time: "Sua conta está suspensa até {{ time }}." until_time: "Sua conta está suspensa até {{ time }}."
forever: Este usuário foi suspenso permanentemente. forever: Este usuário foi suspenso permanentemente.
end: Você não atende a uma diretriz da comunidade. end: Você não atende a uma diretriz da comunidade.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Bloco de citação text: Bloco de citação
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Edit Answer title: Edit Answer
default_reason: Edit answer default_reason: Edit answer
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Log out logout: Log out
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Review review: Review
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Search placeholder: Search
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Cannot be empty.
login: login:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Log in to continue login_to_continue: Log in to continue
info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Name cannot be empty. empty: Name cannot be empty.
range: Name up to 30 characters. range: Name up to 30 characters.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_update: Update email address btn_update: Update email address
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: New Email label: New Email
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Password Reset page_title: Password Reset
btn_name: Reset my password btn_name: Reset my password
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: Email label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Password password_title: Password
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Current Password label: Current Password
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Interface Language label: Interface Language
text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: update success update: update success
update_password: Password changed successfully. update_password: Password changed successfully.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Related Questions title: Related Questions
btn: Add question btn: Add question
answers: answers answers: answers
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Asked Asked: Asked
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Viewed Views: Viewed
Follow: Follow Follow: Follow
Following: Following Following: Following
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: answered answered: answered
closed_in: Closed in closed_in: Closed in
show_exist: Show existing question. show_exist: Show existing question.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirm confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
save: Save save: Save
delete: Delete delete: Delete
login: Log in login: Log in
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepted accepted: Accepted
answered: answered answered: answered
asked: asked asked: asked
upvote: upvote downvoted: downvoted
downvote: downvote
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderators mod_long: Moderators
x_reputation: reputation x_reputation: reputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Password label: Password
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Customize customize: Customize
themes: Themes themes: Themes
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Login login: Login
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: Save btn_submit: Save
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: Авторизация не выполнена. other: Авторизация не выполнена.
database_error: database_error:
other: Ошибка сервера данных. other: Ошибка сервера данных.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Имейте все полномочия для доступа к сайту. other: Имейте все полномочия для доступа к сайту.
moderator: moderator:
other: Имеет доступ ко всем сообщениям, кроме настроек администратора. other: Имеет доступ ко всем сообщениям, кроме настроек администратора.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: Эл. почта other: Эл. почта
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: Неверное имя пользователя или пароль. other: Неверное имя пользователя или пароль.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: You cannot modify your password. other: You cannot modify your password.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: Адрес электронной почты должен быть подтвержден. other: Адрес электронной почты должен быть подтвержден.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: Срок действия подтверждённого адреса электронной почты истек, пожалуйста, отправьте письмо повторно. other: Срок действия подтверждённого адреса электронной почты истек, пожалуйста, отправьте письмо повторно.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Языковой файл не найден. other: Языковой файл не найден.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Ранг не соответствует условию. other: Ранг не соответствует условию.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Не удалось обработать отчет. other: Не удалось обработать отчет.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Нет прав на ревизию. other: Нет прав на ревизию.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: Email and password do not match. other: Email and password do not match.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: You cannot modify your role. other: You cannot modify your role.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Currently the site is not open for registration other: Currently the site is not open for registration
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Read config failed other: Read config failed
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Unsupported file format. other: Unsupported file format.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: rude or abusive other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: a duplicate other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: not an answer other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: no longer needed other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: something else other: something else
desc: desc:
other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: answered other: answered
modified: modified:
other: modified other: modified
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Your answer has been deleted other: Your answer has been deleted
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Your comment has been deleted other: Your comment has been deleted
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Обновить ответ upgrade: Обновить ответ
maintenance: Обслуживание сайта maintenance: Обслуживание сайта
users: Пользователи users: Пользователи
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_404: HTTP Error 404
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_50X: HTTP Error 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Достижения achievement: Достижения
all_read: Отметить всё как прочитанное all_read: Отметить всё как прочитанное
show_more: Показать еще show_more: Показать еще
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Ваш аккаунт заблокирован title: Ваш аккаунт заблокирован
until_time: "Ваша учетная запись была заблокирована до {{ time }}." until_time: "Ваша учетная запись была заблокирована до {{ time }}."
forever: Этот пользователь был навсегда заблокирован. forever: Этот пользователь был навсегда заблокирован.
end: Вы не соответствуете правилам сообщества. end: Вы не соответствуете правилам сообщества.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Цитата text: Цитата
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Edit Answer title: Edit Answer
default_reason: Edit answer default_reason: Edit answer
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Log out logout: Log out
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Review review: Review
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Search placeholder: Search
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Cannot be empty.
login: login:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Log in to continue login_to_continue: Log in to continue
info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Name cannot be empty. empty: Name cannot be empty.
range: Name up to 30 characters. range: Name up to 30 characters.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_update: Update email address btn_update: Update email address
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: New Email label: New Email
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Password Reset page_title: Password Reset
btn_name: Reset my password btn_name: Reset my password
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: Email label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Password password_title: Password
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Current Password label: Current Password
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Interface Language label: Interface Language
text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: update success update: update success
update_password: Password changed successfully. update_password: Password changed successfully.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Related Questions title: Related Questions
btn: Add question btn: Add question
answers: answers answers: answers
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Asked Asked: Asked
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Viewed Views: Viewed
Follow: Follow Follow: Follow
Following: Following Following: Following
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: answered answered: answered
closed_in: Closed in closed_in: Closed in
show_exist: Show existing question. show_exist: Show existing question.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirm confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
save: Save save: Save
delete: Delete delete: Delete
login: Log in login: Log in
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepted accepted: Accepted
answered: answered answered: answered
asked: asked asked: asked
upvote: upvote downvoted: downvoted
downvote: downvote
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderators mod_long: Moderators
x_reputation: reputation x_reputation: reputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Password label: Password
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Customize customize: Customize
themes: Themes themes: Themes
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Login login: Login
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: Save btn_submit: Save
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: Neoprávnené. other: Neoprávnené.
database_error: database_error:
other: Chyba dátového servera. other: Chyba dátového servera.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Má plnú moc a prístup ku stránke. other: Má plnú moc a prístup ku stránke.
moderator: moderator:
other: Má prístup ku všetkým príspevkom okrem nastavenia správcu. other: Má prístup ku všetkým príspevkom okrem nastavenia správcu.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: E-mail other: E-mail
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: E-mail a heslo sa nezhodujú. other: E-mail a heslo sa nezhodujú.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: Svoje heslo upraviť. other: Svoje heslo upraviť.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: E-mail by sa mal overiť. other: E-mail by sa mal overiť.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: Platnosť overenej adresy URL e-mailu vypršala, pošlite e-mail znova. other: Platnosť overenej adresy URL e-mailu vypršala, pošlite e-mail znova.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Jazykový súbor sa nenašiel. other: Jazykový súbor sa nenašiel.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Poradie nespĺňa podmienku. other: Poradie nespĺňa podmienku.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Spracovanie prehľadu zlyhalo. other: Spracovanie prehľadu zlyhalo.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Žiadne povolenie na revíziu. other: Žiadne povolenie na revíziu.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: E-mail a heslo sa nezhodujú. other: E-mail a heslo sa nezhodujú.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Svoju rolu nemôžete zmeniť. other: Svoju rolu nemôžete zmeniť.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: V súčasnosti nie je stránka otvorená na registráciu other: V súčasnosti nie je stránka otvorená na registráciu
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Read Config zlyhal other: Read Config zlyhal
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Nepodporovaný formát súboru. other: Nepodporovaný formát súboru.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: nevyžiadaná pošta other: spam
desc: desc:
other: Tento príspevok je reklama alebo vandalizmus. Nie je to užitočné ani relevantné pre aktuálnu tému. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: hrubý alebo urážlivý other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: Rozumný človek by považoval tento obsah za nevhodný na zdvorilý prejav. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: duplikát other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: Táto otázka už bola položená a už má odpoveď. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: nie odpoveď other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: Toto bolo uverejnené ako odpoveď, ale nepokúša sa odpovedať na otázku. Možno by to mala byť úprava, komentár, iná otázka, alebo úplne vymazané. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: už nie sú potrebné other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: Tento komentár je zastaraný, konverzačný alebo nesúvisí s týmto príspevkom. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: niečo iné other: something else
desc: desc:
other: Tento príspevok si vyžaduje pozornosť zamestnancov z iného dôvodu, ktorý nie je uvedený vyššie. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: zodpovedaný other: zodpovedaný
modified: modified:
other: upravený other: upravený
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Vaša odpoveď bola odstránená other: Vaša odpoveď bola odstránená
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Váš komentár bol odstránený other: Váš komentár bol odstránený
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Answer Upgrade upgrade: Answer Upgrade
maintenance: Údržba webových stránok maintenance: Údržba webových stránok
users: Užívatelia users: Užívatelia
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP chyba 404 http_404: HTTP chyba 404
http_50X: HTTP chyba 403 http_50X: HTTP chyba 403
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Úspechy achievement: Úspechy
all_read: Označiť všetko ako prečítané all_read: Označiť všetko ako prečítané
show_more: Zobraziť viac show_more: Zobraziť viac
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Váš účet bol pozastavený title: Váš účet bol pozastavený
until_time: "Váš účet bol pozastavený do {{ time }}." until_time: "Váš účet bol pozastavený do {{ time }}."
forever: Tento používateľ bol navždy pozastavený. forever: Tento používateľ bol navždy pozastavený.
end: Nespĺňate pokyny pre komunitu. end: Nespĺňate pokyny pre komunitu.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Blockquote text: Blockquote
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Uprav odpoveď title: Uprav odpoveď
default_reason: Uprav odpoveď default_reason: Uprav odpoveď
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Odhlásiť sa logout: Odhlásiť sa
admin: Správca admin: Správca
review: Preskúmanie review: Preskúmanie
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Vyhľadávanie placeholder: Vyhľadávanie
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Nemôže byť prázdny. empty: Nemôže byť prázdny.
login: login:
page_title: Vitajte na stránke {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Pre pokračovanie sa prihláste login_to_continue: Pre pokračovanie sa prihláste
info_sign: Nemáte účet? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Nemáte účet? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Máte už účet? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Máte už účet? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Prihlasovacie meno nemôže byť prázdne. empty: Prihlasovacie meno nemôže byť prázdne.
range: Prihlasovacie meno nesmie mať viac ako 30 znakov. range: Prihlasovacie meno nesmie mať viac ako 30 znakov.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: E-mail label: E-mail
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: E-mail nemôže byť prázdny. empty: E-mail nemôže byť prázdny.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Vitajte na stránke {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Zrušiť btn_cancel: Zrušiť
btn_update: Aktualizovať e-mailovú adresu btn_update: Aktualizovať e-mailovú adresu
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: Nový e-mail label: Nový e-mail
msg: msg:
empty: E-mail nemôže byť prázdny. empty: E-mail nemôže byť prázdny.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Resetovanie hesla page_title: Resetovanie hesla
btn_name: Obnoviť heslo btn_name: Obnoviť heslo
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Potvrďte nové heslo label: Potvrďte nové heslo
settings: settings:
page_title: Nastavenia page_title: Nastavenia
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profil profile: Profil
notification: Oznámenia notification: Oznámenia
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profilová fotka label: Profilová fotka
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: Obrázok môžete zmeniť na <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Vlastný custom: Vlastný
btn_refresh: Obnoviť btn_refresh: Obnoviť
custom_text: Môžete nahrať svoj obrázok. custom_text: Môžete nahrať svoj obrázok.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
Na túto adresu sme poslali e-mail. Postupujte podľa pokynov na potvrdenie. Na túto adresu sme poslali e-mail. Postupujte podľa pokynov na potvrdenie.
email: email:
label: E-mail label: New Email
msg: E-mail nemôže byť prázdny. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Heslo password_title: Heslo
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Aktuálne heslo label: Aktuálne heslo
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Jazyk rozhrania label: Jazyk rozhrania
text: Jazyk používateľského rozhrania. Zmení sa pri obnove stránky. text: Jazyk používateľského rozhrania. Zmení sa pri obnove stránky.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: aktualizácia úspešna update: aktualizácia úspešna
update_password: Heslo bolo úspešne zmenené. update_password: Heslo bolo úspešne zmenené.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Súvisiace otázky title: Súvisiace otázky
btn: Pridať otázku btn: Pridať otázku
answers: odpovede answers: odpovede
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Opýtané Asked: Opýtané
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Videné Views: Videné
Follow: Sledovať Follow: Sledovať
Following: Sledované Following: Sledované
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: zodpovedaný answered: zodpovedaný
closed_in: Uzatvorené closed_in: Uzatvorené
show_exist: Ukázať existujúcu otázku. show_exist: Ukázať existujúcu otázku.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Potvrdiť confirm: Potvrdiť
cancel: Zrušiť cancel: Zrušiť
edit: Edit
save: Uložiť save: Uložiť
delete: Vymazať delete: Vymazať
login: Prihlásiť sa login: Prihlásiť sa
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Preskočiť skip: Preskočiť
discard_draft: Zahodiť koncept discard_draft: Zahodiť koncept
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Výsledky vyhľadávania title: Výsledky vyhľadávania
keywords: Kľúčové slová keywords: Kľúčové slová
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Chyba... title: Chyba...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Vitajte na stránke {{site_name}}
success: Váš nový účet je potvrdený; Budete presmerovaný na domovskú stránku. success: Váš nový účet je potvrdený; Budete presmerovaný na domovskú stránku.
link: Pokračovať na domovskú stránku link: Pokračovať na domovskú stránku
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Prijaté accepted: Prijaté
answered: zodpovedané answered: zodpovedané
asked: opýtané asked: opýtané
upvote: hlasovať za downvoted: downvoted
downvote: hlasovať proti
mod_short: mod mod_short: mod
mod_long: Moderátori mod_long: Moderátori
x_reputation: reputácia x_reputation: reputácia
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Meno label: Meno
msg: Meno nemôže byť prázdne. msg: Meno nemôže byť prázdne.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Heslo label: Heslo
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Prispôsobiť customize: Prispôsobiť
themes: Témy themes: Témy
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Prihlásiť sa login: Prihlásiť sa
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Administrátor title: Administrátor
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Prebiehajúce pending: Prebiehajúce
completed: Dokončené completed: Dokončené
flagged: Označené flagged: Označené
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Vytvorené created: Vytvorené
action: Akcia action: Akcia
review: Preskúmanie review: Preskúmanie
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: Uzavreté closed_name: Uzavreté
closed_desc: "Na uzavretú otázku nemôžete odpovedať, ale stále ju môžete upravovať, hlasovať a komentovať." closed_desc: "Na uzavretú otázku nemôžete odpovedať, ale stále ju môžete upravovať, hlasovať a komentovať."
deleted_name: Vymazané deleted_name: Vymazané
deleted_desc: Získaná a stratená reputácia sa obnoví. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Zrušiť btn_cancel: Zrušiť
btn_submit: Odovdať btn_submit: Odovdať
btn_next: Ďalšie btn_next: Ďalšie
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Časové pásmo label: Časové pásmo
msg: Časové pásmo nemôže byť prázdne. msg: Časové pásmo nemôže byť prázdne.
text: Vyberte si mesto v rovnakom časovom pásme ako vy. text: Vyberte si mesto v rovnakom časovom pásme ako vy.
label: Predvolený avatar
text: Pre používateľov bez vlastného avatara.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Päta label: Päta
text: Toto sa vloží pred </html>. text: Toto sa vloží pred </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Prihlásenie page_title: Prihlásenie
membership: membership:
title: Členstvo title: Členstvo
label: Povoliť nové registrácie label: Povoliť nové registrácie
text: Vypnúť, aby sa zabránilo vytvorenie nového účtu hocikým. text: Vypnúť, aby sa zabránilo vytvorenie nového účtu hocikým.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Súkromné title: Súkromné
label: Vyžaduje sa prihlásenie label: Vyžaduje sa prihlásenie
text: Do tejto komunity majú prístup iba prihlásení používatelia text: Do tejto komunity majú prístup iba prihlásení používatelia
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (voliteľné) optional: (voliteľné)
empty: nemôže byť prázdne empty: nemôže byť prázdne
invalid: je neplatné invalid: je neplatné
btn_submit: Uložiť btn_submit: Uložiť
not_found_props: "Požadovaná vlastnosť {{ key }} nebola nájdená." not_found_props: "Požadovaná vlastnosť {{ key }} nebola nájdená."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Preskúmanie review: Preskúmanie
proposed: navrhované proposed: navrhované

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: İzin yok. other: İzin yok.
database_error: database_error:
other: Veri sunucu hatası. other: Veri sunucu hatası.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Have the full power to access the site. other: Have the full power to access the site.
moderator: moderator:
other: Has access to all posts except admin settings. other: Has access to all posts except admin settings.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: E-Posta other: E-Posta
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: E-Posta ve parola eşleşmiyor. other: E-Posta ve parola eşleşmiyor.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: You cannot modify your password. other: You cannot modify your password.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: E-Posta doğrulanmalı. other: E-Posta doğrulanmalı.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: Email verified URL has expired, please resend the email. other: Email verified URL has expired, please resend the email.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Dil dosyası bulunamadı. other: Dil dosyası bulunamadı.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Rank fail to meet the condition. other: Rank fail to meet the condition.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Rapor işlenemedi. other: Rapor işlenemedi.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: Revizyon izni yok. other: Revizyon izni yok.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: E-Posta ve parola eşleşmiyor. other: E-Posta ve parola eşleşmiyor.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: Kendi rolünüzü değiştiremezsiniz. other: Kendi rolünüzü değiştiremezsiniz.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Site şu anda kayıt olmaya açık değil other: Site şu anda kayıt olmaya açık değil
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Read config failed other: Read config failed
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Desteklenmeyen dosya formatı. other: Desteklenmeyen dosya formatı.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: rude or abusive other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: a duplicate other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: cevap değil other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: no longer needed other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: something else other: something else
desc: desc:
other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: answered other: answered
modified: modified:
other: modified other: modified
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Cevabınız silindi other: Cevabınız silindi
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Yorumunuz silindi other: Yorumunuz silindi
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Answer Upgrade upgrade: Answer Upgrade
maintenance: Website Bakımı maintenance: Website Bakımı
users: Kullanıcılar users: Kullanıcılar
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_404: HTTP Error 404
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_50X: HTTP Error 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Başarılar achievement: Başarılar
all_read: Tümünü okundu olarak işaretle all_read: Tümünü okundu olarak işaretle
show_more: Daha fazla göster show_more: Daha fazla göster
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Hesabınız Askıya Alındı title: Hesabınız Askıya Alındı
until_time: "Your account was suspended until {{ time }}." until_time: "Your account was suspended until {{ time }}."
forever: This user was suspended forever. forever: This user was suspended forever.
end: You don't meet a community guideline. end: You don't meet a community guideline.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Alıntı text: Alıntı
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Edit Answer title: Edit Answer
default_reason: Edit answer default_reason: Edit answer
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Log out logout: Log out
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Review review: Review
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Search placeholder: Search
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Cannot be empty.
login: login:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Log in to continue login_to_continue: Log in to continue
info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Name cannot be empty. empty: Name cannot be empty.
range: Name up to 30 characters. range: Name up to 30 characters.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_update: Update email address btn_update: Update email address
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: New Email label: New Email
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Password Reset page_title: Password Reset
btn_name: Reset my password btn_name: Reset my password
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: Email label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Password password_title: Password
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Current Password label: Current Password
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Interface Language label: Interface Language
text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: update success update: update success
update_password: Password changed successfully. update_password: Password changed successfully.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Related Questions title: Related Questions
btn: Add question btn: Add question
answers: answers answers: answers
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Asked Asked: Asked
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Viewed Views: Viewed
Follow: Follow Follow: Follow
Following: Following Following: Following
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: answered answered: answered
closed_in: Closed in closed_in: Closed in
show_exist: Show existing question. show_exist: Show existing question.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirm confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
save: Save save: Save
delete: Delete delete: Delete
login: Log in login: Log in
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepted accepted: Accepted
answered: answered answered: answered
asked: asked asked: asked
upvote: upvote downvoted: downvoted
downvote: downvote
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderators mod_long: Moderators
x_reputation: reputation x_reputation: reputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Password label: Password
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Customize customize: Customize
themes: Themes themes: Themes
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Login login: Login
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: Save btn_submit: Save
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: Unauthorized. other: Unauthorized.
database_error: database_error:
other: Data server error. other: Data server error.
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: Flag
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ backend:
other: Close other: Close
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: Have the full power to access the site. other: Have the full power to access the site.
moderator: moderator:
other: Has access to all posts except admin settings. other: Has access to all posts except admin settings.
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: Email other: Email
password: password:
@ -52,6 +112,9 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: Email and password do not match. other: Email and password do not match.
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: You cannot modify your password. other: You cannot modify your password.
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: Email should be verified. other: Email should be verified.
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: Email verified URL has expired, please resend the email. other: Email verified URL has expired, please resend the email.
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: Language file not found. other: Language file not found.
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Rank fail to meet the condition. other: Rank fail to meet the condition.
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: Report handle failed. other: Report handle failed.
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: No permission to Revision. other: No permission to Revision.
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: Email and password do not match. other: Email and password do not match.
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: You cannot modify your role. other: You cannot modify your role.
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: Currently the site is not open for registration other: Currently the site is not open for registration
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: Read config failed other: Read config failed
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: Unsupported file format. other: Unsupported file format.
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: spam other: spam
desc: desc:
other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic. other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: rude or abusive other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse. other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: a duplicate other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer. other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: not an answer other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether. other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: no longer needed other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post. other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: something else other: something else
desc: desc:
other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above. other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: answered other: answered
modified: modified:
other: modified other: modified
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: Your answer has been deleted other: Your answer has been deleted
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: Your comment has been deleted other: Your comment has been deleted
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,6 +482,7 @@ ui:
upgrade: Answer Upgrade upgrade: Answer Upgrade
maintenance: Website Maintenance maintenance: Website Maintenance
users: Users users: Users
oauth_callback: Processing
http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_404: HTTP Error 404
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_50X: HTTP Error 500
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_403: HTTP Error 403
@ -316,11 +492,18 @@ ui:
achievement: Achievements achievement: Achievements
all_read: Mark all as read all_read: Mark all as read
show_more: Show more show_more: Show more
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: Your Account has been Suspended title: Your Account has been Suspended
until_time: "Your account was suspended until {{ time }}." until_time: "Your account was suspended until {{ time }}."
forever: This user was suspended forever. forever: This user was suspended forever.
end: You don't meet a community guideline. end: You don't meet a community guideline.
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: Blockquote text: Blockquote
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments.
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting.
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: Edit Answer title: Edit Answer
default_reason: Edit answer default_reason: Edit answer
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: Log out logout: Log out
admin: Admin admin: Admin
review: Review review: Review
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: Search placeholder: Search
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Cannot be empty. empty: Cannot be empty.
login: login:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: Log in to continue login_to_continue: Log in to continue
info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1> info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up</1>
info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1> info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Name cannot be empty. empty: Name cannot be empty.
range: Name up to 30 characters. range: Name up to 30 characters.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: Email label: Email
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
change_email: change_email:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_update: Update email address btn_update: Update email address
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: New Email label: New Email
msg: msg:
empty: Email cannot be empty. empty: Email cannot be empty.
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: Password Reset page_title: Password Reset
btn_name: Reset my password btn_name: Reset my password
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: Confirm New Password label: Confirm New Password
settings: settings:
page_title: Settings page_title: Settings
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: Profile profile: Profile
notification: Notifications notification: Notifications
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: Profile Image label: Profile Image
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: You can change image on <1></1> gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: Custom custom: Custom
btn_refresh: Refresh btn_refresh: Refresh
custom_text: You can upload your image. custom_text: You can upload your image.
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.
email: email:
label: Email label: New Email
msg: Email cannot be empty. msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: Password password_title: Password
current_pass: current_pass:
label: Current Password label: Current Password
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: Interface Language label: Interface Language
text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page.
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: update success update: update success
update_password: Password changed successfully. update_password: Password changed successfully.
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: Related Questions title: Related Questions
btn: Add question btn: Add question
answers: answers answers: answers
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: Asked Asked: Asked
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: Viewed Views: Viewed
Follow: Follow Follow: Follow
Following: Following Following: Following
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: answered answered: answered
closed_in: Closed in closed_in: Closed in
show_exist: Show existing question. show_exist: Show existing question.
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: Confirm confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel
edit: Edit
save: Save save: Save
delete: Delete delete: Delete
login: Log in login: Log in
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: Skip skip: Skip
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: Search Results title: Search Results
keywords: Keywords keywords: Keywords
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: Error... title: Error...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}}
success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page.
link: Continue to homepage link: Continue to homepage
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: Accepted accepted: Accepted
answered: answered answered: answered
asked: asked asked: asked
upvote: upvote downvoted: downvoted
downvote: downvote
mod_short: Mod mod_short: Mod
mod_long: Moderators mod_long: Moderators
x_reputation: reputation x_reputation: reputation
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: Name label: Name
msg: Name cannot be empty. msg: Name cannot be empty.
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: Password label: Password
text: >- text: >-
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: Customize customize: Customize
themes: Themes themes: Themes
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: Login login: Login
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: Admin title: Admin
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: Pending pending: Pending
completed: Completed completed: Completed
flagged: Flagged flagged: Flagged
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: Created created: Created
action: Action action: Action
review: Review review: Review
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: closed closed_name: closed
closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment."
deleted_name: deleted deleted_name: deleted
deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: Cancel btn_cancel: Cancel
btn_submit: Submit btn_submit: Submit
btn_next: Next btn_next: Next
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: Timezone label: Timezone
msg: Timezone cannot be empty. msg: Timezone cannot be empty.
text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you.
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: Footer label: Footer
text: This will insert before </html>. text: This will insert before </html>.
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: Login page_title: Login
membership: membership:
title: Membership title: Membership
label: Allow new registrations label: Allow new registrations
text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account.
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: Private title: Private
label: Login required label: Login required
text: Only logged in users can access this community. text: Only logged in users can access this community.
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (optional) optional: (optional)
empty: cannot be empty empty: cannot be empty
invalid: is invalid invalid: is invalid
btn_submit: Save btn_submit: Save
not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found."
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: Review review: Review
proposed: proposed proposed: proposed

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ backend:
other: 未授权。 other: 未授权。
database_error: database_error:
other: 数据服务器错误。 other: 数据服务器错误。
other: 禁止访问。
action: action:
report: report:
other: 举报 other: 举报
@ -22,14 +24,18 @@ backend:
other: 关闭 other: 关闭
reopen: reopen:
other: 重新打开 other: 重新打开
other: 禁止访问。
pin: pin:
other: 置顶 other: 置顶
hide: hide:
other: 隐藏 other: 列表隐藏
unpin: unpin:
other: 取消置顶 other: 取消置顶
show: show:
other: 显示 other: 列表显示
other: 编辑
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -44,62 +50,62 @@ backend:
admin: admin:
other: 拥有管理网站的全部权限。 other: 拥有管理网站的全部权限。
moderator: moderator:
other: 拥有访问除管理员设置以外的所有权限。 other: 拥有访问除后台管理以外的所有权限。
privilege: privilege:
level_1: level_1:
description: description:
other: 等级1创业社区所需的声望最低 other: 第 1 级 (私人团队、群组所需的声望)
level_2: level_2:
description: description:
other: 等级2创业社区所需的声望较低 other: 级别2(启动社区所需的低声望)
level_3: level_3:
description: description:
other: 等级3成熟社区所需的声望较高 other: 等级 3 (成熟社区所需的高声望)
rank_question_add_label: rank_question_add_label:
other: 提问 other: 提问s
rank_answer_add_label: rank_answer_add_label:
other: 回答问题 other: 写入答案
rank_comment_add_label: rank_comment_add_label:
other: 发表评论 other: 发表评论
rank_report_add_label: rank_report_add_label:
other: 举报 other: 举报
rank_comment_vote_up_label: rank_comment_vote_up_label:
other: 评论点赞 other: 点赞评论
rank_link_url_limit_label: rank_link_url_limit_label:
other: 一次发布超过两个链接 other: 每次发布超过 2 个链接
rank_question_vote_up_label: rank_question_vote_up_label:
other: 问题点赞 other: 点赞问题
rank_answer_vote_up_label: rank_answer_vote_up_label:
other: 答案点赞 other: 点赞答案
rank_question_vote_down_label: rank_question_vote_down_label:
other: 问题点踩 other: 点踩问题
rank_answer_vote_down_label: rank_answer_vote_down_label:
other: 答案点踩 other: 点踩答案
rank_invite_someone_to_answer_label: rank_invite_someone_to_answer_label:
other: 邀请回答 other: 邀请回答
rank_tag_add_label: rank_tag_add_label:
other: 创建新标签 other: 创建新标签
rank_tag_edit_label: rank_tag_edit_label:
other: 编辑标签描述(需要审核) other: 编辑标签描述(需要审核)
rank_question_edit_label: rank_question_edit_label:
other: 编辑他人提问(需要审核) other: 编辑对方的问题 (需要审查)
rank_answer_edit_label: rank_answer_edit_label:
other: 编辑他人回答(需要审核) other: 编辑对方的答案 (需要审查)
rank_question_edit_without_review_label: rank_question_edit_without_review_label:
other: 编辑他人提问(无需审核) other: 不经评论编辑对方的问题
rank_answer_edit_without_review_label: rank_answer_edit_without_review_label:
other: 编辑他人回答(无需审核) other: 编辑对方的答案而不需要审核
rank_question_audit_label: rank_question_audit_label:
other: 核问题编辑 other: 查问题
rank_answer_audit_label: rank_answer_audit_label:
other: 审核案编辑 other: 审核
rank_tag_audit_label: rank_tag_audit_label:
other: 审核标签编辑 other: 审核标签编辑
rank_tag_edit_without_review_label: rank_tag_edit_without_review_label:
other: 编辑标签描述(无需审核) other: 编辑标签且无需审核
rank_tag_synonym_label: rank_tag_synonym_label:
other: 管理标签同义词 other: 管理标签同义词
e_mail: email:
other: 邮箱 other: 邮箱
password: password:
other: 密码 other: 密码
@ -108,12 +114,12 @@ backend:
error: error:
password: password:
space_invalid: space_invalid:
other: 密码不能包含空格。 other: 密码不得含有空格
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: 无法修改自己的密码。 other: 无法修改自己的密码。
cannot_modify_self_status: cannot_modify_self_status:
other: 无法修改自己的状态。 other: 无法修改自己的状态。
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: 邮箱和密码不匹配。 other: 邮箱和密码不匹配。
answer: answer:
@ -131,7 +137,7 @@ backend:
not_found: not_found:
other: 评论未找到。 other: 评论未找到。
cannot_edit_after_deadline: cannot_edit_after_deadline:
other: 评论时间太,无法修改。 other: 评论时间太,无法修改。
email: email:
duplicate: duplicate:
other: 邮箱已经存在。 other: 邮箱已经存在。
@ -140,102 +146,106 @@ backend:
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: 邮箱验证的网址已过期,请重新发送邮件。 other: 邮箱验证的网址已过期,请重新发送邮件。
illegal_email_domain_error: illegal_email_domain_error:
other: 该域名的邮箱无法使用。请尝试更换其他邮箱 other: 此邮箱不在允许注册的邮箱域中。请使用其他邮箱尝试
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: 语言未找到 other: 语言文件未找到
object: object:
captcha_verification_failed: captcha_verification_failed:
other: 验证码错误 other: 验证码错误
disallow_follow: disallow_follow:
other: 你不能关注 other: 你不能关注
disallow_vote: disallow_vote:
other: 你不能投票 other: 你不能投票
disallow_vote_your_self: disallow_vote_your_self:
other: 你不能为自己的帖子投票 other: 你不能为自己的帖子投票
not_found: not_found:
other: 对象未找到 other: 对象未找到
verification_failed: verification_failed:
other: 验证失败 other: 验证失败
email_or_password_incorrect: email_or_password_incorrect:
other: 邮箱或密码不正确 other: 邮箱和密码不匹配。
old_password_verification_failed: old_password_verification_failed:
other: 旧密码验证失败 other: 旧密码验证失败
new_password_same_as_previous_setting: new_password_same_as_previous_setting:
other: 新密码与之前的设置相同 other: 新密码和旧密码相同。
question: question:
already_deleted: already_deleted:
other: 此问题已被删除. other: 该帖子已被删除。
not_found: not_found:
other: 问题未找到 other: 问题未找到
cannot_deleted: cannot_deleted:
other: 无删除权限 other: 没有删除权限。
cannot_close: cannot_close:
other: 无关闭权限 other: 没有关闭权限。
cannot_update: cannot_update:
other: 无更新权限 other: 没有更新权限。
rank: rank:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: 级别不符合条件 other: 声望值未达到要求。
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: 感谢您的投票。您至少需要{{.Rank}}声望才能投票。 other: 感谢您的投票。您至少需要{{.Rank}}声望才能投票。
no_enough_rank_to_operate: no_enough_rank_to_operate:
other: 您至少需要{{.Rank}}声望才能执行此操作。 other: 您至少需要{{.Rank}}声望才能执行此操作。
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: 报告处理失败 other: 报告处理失败
not_found: not_found:
other: 报告未找到 other: 报告未找到
tag: tag:
already_exist: already_exist:
other: 标签已存在。 other: 标签已存在。
not_found: not_found:
other: 标签未找到 other: 标签未找到
recommend_tag_not_found: recommend_tag_not_found:
other: 推荐标签不存在 other: 推荐标签不存在
recommend_tag_enter: recommend_tag_enter:
other: 输入至少一个必需的标签。 other: 选择至少一个必选标签。
not_contain_synonym_tags: not_contain_synonym_tags:
other: 不应包含同义词标签。 other: 不应包含同义词标签。
cannot_update: cannot_update:
other: 没有更新标签权限。 other: 没有更新权限。
is_used_cannot_delete: is_used_cannot_delete:
other: 您不能删除正在使用的标签 other: 您不能删除这个正在使用的标签
cannot_set_synonym_as_itself: cannot_set_synonym_as_itself:
other: 您不能将当前标签的同义词设置为本身 other: 你不能将当前标签设为自己的同义词
smtp: smtp:
config_from_name_cannot_be_email: config_from_name_cannot_be_email:
other: 发件人名称不能是电子邮件地址。 other: 发件人名称不能是邮箱地址。
theme: theme:
not_found: not_found:
other: 主题未找到 other: 主题未找到
revision: revision:
review_underway: review_underway:
other: 目前无法编辑,有一个版本在审阅队列中。 other: 目前无法编辑,有一个版本在审阅队列中。
no_permission: no_permission:
other: 无权限修改 other: 无权限修改
user: user:
other: 第三方平台没有提供唯一的用户ID所以您不能登录请联系网站管理员。
other: 请在您移除此登录之前为您的帐户设置登录密码。
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: 邮箱或密码错误 other: 邮箱和密码不匹配。
not_found: not_found:
other: 用户未找到 other: 用户未找到
suspended: suspended:
other: 用户已被暂停 other: 用户已被封禁。
username_invalid: username_invalid:
other: 用户名无效 other: 用户名无效
username_duplicate: username_duplicate:
other: 用户名已被使用 other: 用户名已被使用
set_avatar: set_avatar:
other: 头像设置错误 other: 头像设置错误
cannot_update_your_role: cannot_update_your_role:
other: 不能修改自己的角色。 other: 不能修改自己的角色。
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: 目前该站点未开放注册 other: 目前该站点未开放注册
access_denied: access_denied:
other: 访问被拒绝 other: 拒绝访问
page_access_denied: page_access_denied:
other: 你没有权限进入这个页面。 other: 您没有权限访问此页面。
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: 读取配置失败 other: 读取配置失败
@ -250,12 +260,15 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: 不支持的文件格式。 other: 不支持的文件格式。
other: 未找到网站的该配置信息。
reason: reason:
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: 垃圾信息 other: 垃圾信息
desc: desc:
other: 这个帖子是一个广告,或是破坏性行为。它对当前的主题没有用处,也不相关。 other: 这个帖子是一个广告,或是破坏性行为。它对当前的主题无帮助或无关。
rude_or_abusive: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: 粗鲁或辱骂的 other: 粗鲁或辱骂的
@ -265,46 +278,46 @@ backend:
name: name:
other: 重复信息 other: 重复信息
desc: desc:
other: 此问题以前就有人问过,而且已经有了答案。 other: 该问题有人问过,而且已经有了答案。
placeholder: placeholder:
other: 请输入重复的问题的网址 other: 输入已有的问题链接
not_a_answer: not_a_answer:
name: name:
other: 不是答案 other: 不是答案
desc: desc:
other: 此帖子是作为一个答案发布的,但它并没有试图回答这个问题。总之,它可能应该是个编辑,评论,另一个问题或者被删除。 other: 该帖是作为答案发布的,但它并没有试图回答这个问题。总之,它可能应该是个编辑、评论、另一个问题或需要被删除。
no_longer_needed: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: 不再需要 other: 不再需要
desc: desc:
other: 此评论已过时,对话或与此帖子无关。 other: 该评论已过时,对话性质或与此帖子无关。
something: something:
name: name:
other: 其他原因 other: 其他原因
desc: desc:
other: 此帖子需要工作人员注,因为是上述所列以外的其他理由。 other: 此帖子需要工作人员,因为是上述所列以外的其他理由。
placeholder: placeholder:
other: 让我们具体了解你所关注的内容 other: 让我们具体知道你关心的什么
community_specific: community_specific:
name: name:
other: 特定社区原因 other: 社区特定原因
desc: desc:
other: 这个问题不符合社区准则。 other: 问题不符合社区准则。
not_clarity: not_clarity:
name: name:
other: 需要细节或澄清 other: 需要细节或澄清
desc: desc:
other: 此问题目前包含多个问题。它应该只关注一个问题 other: 该问题目前涵盖多个问题。它应该侧重在一个问题上
looks_ok: looks_ok:
name: name:
other: 看起来不错 other: 看起来还好
desc: desc:
other: 篇文章很好,不是低质量的 other: 个帖子是好的,不是低质量
needs_edit: needs_edit:
name: name:
other: 需要编辑,我已经编辑了 other: 需要编辑,我已做了修改。
desc: desc:
other: 自己改善和纠正这篇文章中的问题。 other: 改进和纠正你自己帖子中的问题。
needs_close: needs_close:
name: name:
other: 需要关闭 other: 需要关闭
@ -314,7 +327,7 @@ backend:
name: name:
other: 需要删除 other: 需要删除
desc: desc:
other: 所有获得和失去的声望都将被恢复 other: 该帖子将被删除
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -326,17 +339,17 @@ backend:
name: name:
other: 社区特定原因 other: 社区特定原因
desc: desc:
other: 问题不符合社区准则。 other: 问题不符合社区准则。
multiple: multiple:
name: name:
other: 需要细节或澄清 other: 需要细节或澄清
desc: desc:
other: 问题目前涵盖多个问题。它应该只集中在一个问题上。 other: 问题目前涵盖多个问题。它应该只集中在一个问题上。
other: other:
name: name:
other: 其他原因 other: 其他原因
desc: desc:
other: 这个帖子需要上面没有列出的另一个原因。 other: 该帖子存在上面没有列出的另一个原因。
operation_type: operation_type:
asked: asked:
other: 提问于 other: 提问于
@ -345,7 +358,7 @@ backend:
modified: modified:
other: 修改于 other: 修改于
deleted_title: deleted_title:
other: 问题已被删除 other: 删除的问题
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -355,7 +368,7 @@ backend:
update_answer: update_answer:
other: 更新了答案 other: 更新了答案
accept_answer: accept_answer:
other: 已接受的回答 other: 采纳了答案
comment_question: comment_question:
other: 评论了问题 other: 评论了问题
comment_answer: comment_answer:
@ -373,48 +386,48 @@ backend:
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: 你的评论已被删除 other: 你的评论已被删除
up_voted_question: up_voted_question:
other: 问题 other: 赞问题
down_voted_question: down_voted_question:
other: 问题 other: 踩问题
up_voted_answer: up_voted_answer:
other: 答案 other: 赞答案
down_voted_answer: down_voted_answer:
other: 踩了答案 other: 点踩回答
up_voted_comment: up_voted_comment:
other: 评论 other: 赞评论
invited_you_to_answer: invited_you_to_answer:
other: 邀请你回答问题 other: 邀请你回答
email_tpl: email_tpl:
change_email: change_email:
title: title:
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] 确认您的新电子邮件地址" other: "[{{.SiteName}}] 确认你的新邮箱地址"
body: body:
other: "请点击以下链接确认您在 {{.SiteName}} 上的新电子邮件地址:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\n如果您没有请求此更改,请忽略此电子邮件。\n" other: "请点击以下链接确认你在 {{.SiteName}} 上的新邮箱地址:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\n如果你没有请求此更改,请忽略此邮件。\n\n"
new_answer: new_answer:
title: title:
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} 回答了您的问题" other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} 回答了您的问题"
body: body:
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>在 {{.SiteName}} 上查看</a><br><br>\n\n<small>您会收到此邮件是因为您开启了订阅。<a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>取消订阅</a></small>" other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\\n\\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>在 {{.SiteName}} 上查看</a><br><br>\\n\\n<small>您会收到此邮件是因为您开启了订阅。<a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>取消订阅</a></small>"
invited_you_to_answer: invited_you_to_answer:
title: title:
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} 邀请您回答问题" other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} 邀请您回答问题"
body: body:
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>我想你可能知道答案。</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>在 {{.SiteName}} 上查看</a><br><br>\n\n<small>您会收到此邮件是因为您开启了订阅. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>取消订阅</a></small>" other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\\n\\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\\n<blockquote>我想你可能知道答案。</blockquote><br>\\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>在 {{.SiteName}} 上查看</a><br><br>\\n\\n<small>您会收到此邮件是因为您开启了订阅. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>取消订阅</a></small>"
new_comment: new_comment:
title: title:
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} 评论了您的帖子" other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} 评论了您的帖子"
body: body:
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>在 {{.SiteName}} 上查看</a><br><br>\n\n<small>您会收到此邮件是因为您开启了订阅。<a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>取消订阅</a></small>" other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\\n\\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>在 {{.SiteName}} 上查看</a><br><br>\\n\\n<small>您会收到此邮件是因为您开启了订阅。<a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>取消订阅</a></small>"
pass_reset: pass_reset:
title: title:
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] 重置密码" other: "[{{.SiteName }}] 重置密码"
body: body:
other: "有人要求在 [{{.SiteName}}] 上重置您的密码。<br><br>\n\n如果这不是您的操作请安心忽略此电子邮件。<br><br>\n\n请点击以下链接选择一个新密码<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n" other: "有人要求在 [{{.SiteName}}] 上重置您的密码。<br><br>\\n\\n如果这不是您的操作请安心忽略此电子邮件。<br><br>\\n\\n请点击以下链接选择一个新密码<br>\\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>"
register: register:
title: title:
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] 确认您的新账户" other: "[{{.SiteName}}] 确认您的新账户"
body: body:
other: "欢迎加入 {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\n请点击以下链接确认并激活您的新账户<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\n如果上面的链接不能点击请将其复制并粘贴到您的浏览器地址栏中。\n" other: "欢迎加入 {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\\n\\n请点击以下链接确认并激活您的新账户<br>\\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\\n\\n如果上面的链接不能点击请将其复制并粘贴到您的浏览器地址栏中。\\n"
test: test:
title: title:
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] 测试邮件" other: "[{{.SiteName}}] 测试邮件"
@ -424,21 +437,21 @@ backend:
upvote: upvote:
other: 点赞 other: 点赞
upvoted: upvoted:
other: other:
downvote: downvote:
other: 点踩 other: 点踩
downvoted: downvoted:
other: other:
accept: accept:
other: 采纳 other: 采纳
accepted: accepted:
other: 采纳 other: 采纳
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
title: 如何设定文本格式 title: 如何排版
desc: >- desc: >-
<ul class="mb-0"><li><p class="mb-2">添加链接</p><pre class="mb-2"><code>&lt;;<br/><br/>[标题](</code></pre></li><li><p class="mb-2">段落之间使用空行分隔</p></li><li><p class="mb-2"><em>_斜体_</em> 或者 **<strong>粗体</strong>**</p></li><li><p class="mb-2">使用 4 个空格缩进代码</p></li><li><p class="mb-2">在行首添加<code>&gt;</code>表示引用</p></li><li><p class="mb-2">反引号进行转义 <code>`像 _这样_`</code></p></li><li><p class="mb-2">使用<code>```</code>创建代码块</p><pre class="mb-0"><code>```<br/>// 这是代码<br/>```</code></pre></li></ul> <ul class="mb-0"><li><p class="mb-2">添加链接</p><pre class="mb-2"><code>&lt;;<br/><br/>[标题](</code></pre></li><li><p class="mb-2">段落之间使用空行分隔</p></li><li><p class="mb-2"><em>_斜体_</em> 或者 **<strong>粗体</strong>**</p></li><li><p class="mb-2">使用 4 个空格缩进代码</p></li><li><p class="mb-2">在行首添加 <code>&gt;</code> 表示引用</p></li><li><p class="mb-2">反引号进行转义 <code>`像 _这样_`</code></p></li><li><p class="mb-2">使用 <code>```</code> 创建代码块</p><pre class="mb-0"><code>```<br/>// 这是代码<br/>```</code></pre></li></ul>
pagination: pagination:
prev: 上一页 prev: 上一页
next: 下一页 next: 下一页
@ -447,7 +460,7 @@ ui:
questions: 问题 questions: 问题
tag: 标签 tag: 标签
tags: 标签 tags: 标签
tag_wiki: 签 wiki tag_wiki: 记维基
create_tag: 创建标签 create_tag: 创建标签
edit_tag: 编辑标签 edit_tag: 编辑标签
ask_a_question: 提问题 ask_a_question: 提问题
@ -455,20 +468,21 @@ ui:
edit_answer: 编辑回答 edit_answer: 编辑回答
search: 搜索 search: 搜索
posts_containing: 包含 posts_containing: 包含
settings: settings:
notifications: 通知 notifications: 通知
login: 登录 login: 登录
sign_up: 注册 sign_up: 注册
account_recovery: 账号恢复 account_recovery: 账号恢复
account_activation: 账号激活 account_activation: 账号激活
confirm_email: 确认电子邮件 confirm_email: 确认电子邮件
account_suspended: 账号已封禁 account_suspended: 账号已封禁
admin: 后台管理 admin: 后台管理
change_email: 修改邮箱 change_email: 修改邮箱
install: Answer 安装 install: Answer 安装
upgrade: Answer 升级 upgrade: Answer 升级
maintenance: 网站维护 maintenance: 网站维护
users: 用户 users: 用户
oauth_callback: 处理中
http_404: HTTP 错误 404 http_404: HTTP 错误 404
http_50X: HTTP 错误 500 http_50X: HTTP 错误 500
http_403: HTTP 错误 403 http_403: HTTP 错误 403
@ -479,11 +493,17 @@ ui:
all_read: 全部标记为已读 all_read: 全部标记为已读
show_more: 显示更多 show_more: 显示更多
someone: 有人 someone: 有人
all: 全部
posts: 帖子
invites: 邀请
votes: 投票
suspended: suspended:
title: 账号已封禁 title: 你的账号账号已封禁
until_time: "你的账号被封禁至{{ time }}。" until_time: "你的账号被封禁直到 {{ time }}。"
forever: 你的账号已被永久封禁。 forever: 你的账号已被永久封禁。
end: 违反了我们的社区准则。 end: 违反了我们的社区准则。
contact_us: 联系我们
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: 引用 text: 引用
@ -772,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: 退出登录 logout: 退出登录
admin: 后台管理 admin: 后台管理
review: 审查 review: 审查
bookmark: 收藏夹
moderation: 管理
search: search:
placeholder: 搜索 placeholder: 搜索
footer: footer:
@ -796,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: 不能为空 empty: 不能为空
login: login:
page_title: 欢迎来到 {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: 登录以继续 login_to_continue: 登录以继续
info_sign: 没有账户?<1>注册</1> info_sign: 没有账户?<1>注册</1>
info_login: 已经有一个账户?<1>登录</1> info_login: 已经有一个账户?<1>登录</1>
@ -807,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: 昵称不能为空 empty: 昵称不能为空
range: 昵称最多 30 个字符 range: 昵称最多 30 个字符
character: '只能由 "a-z", "0-9", " - . _" 组成'
email: email:
label: 邮箱 label: 邮箱
msg: msg:
@ -826,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: 邮箱不能为空 empty: 邮箱不能为空
change_email: change_email:
page_title: 欢迎来到 {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: 取消 btn_cancel: 取消
btn_update: 更新电子邮件地址 btn_update: 更新电子邮件地址
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -835,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: 新邮箱 label: 新邮箱
msg: msg:
empty: 邮箱不能为空 empty: 邮箱不能为空
subtitle: 向你的账户添加恢复邮件地址。
btn_update: 更新电子邮件地址
label: 邮箱
empty: 邮箱不能为空。
modal_title: 邮箱已经存在。
modal_content: 此电子邮件地址已经注册。你确定要连接到已有账户吗?
modal_cancel: 更改邮箱
modal_confirm: 连接到已有账户
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: 密码重置 page_title: 密码重置
btn_name: 重置我的密码 btn_name: 重置我的密码
@ -875,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: 头像 label: 头像
gravatar: Gravatar gravatar: Gravatar
gravatar_text: 您可以在 <1></1> 更改图像 gravatar_text: 你可以更改图像在
custom: 自定义 custom: 自定义
btn_refresh: 刷新 btn_refresh: 刷新
custom_text: 您可以上传您的图片。 custom_text: 您可以上传您的图片。
@ -902,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
邮件已发送。请根据指引完成验证。 邮件已发送。请根据指引完成验证。
email: email:
label: 邮箱 label: 新邮箱
msg: 邮箱不能为空 msg: 新邮箱不能为空。
label: 当前密码
msg: 密码不能为空。
password_title: 密码 password_title: 密码
current_pass: current_pass:
label: 当前密码 label: 当前密码
@ -920,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: 界面语言 label: 界面语言
text: 设置用户界面语言,在刷新页面后生效。 text: 设置用户界面语言,在刷新页面后生效。
title: 我的登录
label: 使用这些账户登录或注册本网站。
modal_title: 移除登录
modal_content: 你确定要从账户里移除该登录?
modal_confirm_btn: 移除
remove_success: 移除成功
toast: toast:
update: 更新成功 update: 更新成功
update_password: 更改密码成功。 update_password: 更改密码成功。
@ -930,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: 相关问题 title: 相关问题
btn: 我要提问 btn: 我要提问
answers: 个回答 answers: 个回答
title: 受邀人
desc: 邀请你认为可能知道答案的人。
invite: 邀请回答
add: 添加人员
search: 搜索人员
question_detail: question_detail:
action: 操作 action: 操作
Asked: 提问于 Asked: 提问于
@ -939,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: 阅读次数 Views: 阅读次数
Follow: 关注此问题 Follow: 关注此问题
Following: 已关注 Following: 已关注
follow_tip: 关注此问题以接收通知
answered: 回答于 answered: 回答于
closed_in: 关闭于 closed_in: 关闭于
show_exist: 查看相关问题。 show_exist: 查看相关问题。
useful: 有用的 useful: 有用的
question_useful: 这是有用和清楚 question_useful: 它是有用和明确
question_un_useful: 它不明确或没 question_un_useful: 它不明确或没
answer_useful: 这是有用的 answer_useful: 这是有用的
answer_un_useful: 它是没有用的 answer_un_useful: 它是没有用的
answers: answers:
@ -988,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: 确认 confirm: 确认
cancel: 取消 cancel: 取消
edit: 编辑
save: 保存 save: 保存
delete: 删除 delete: 删除
login: 登录 login: 登录
@ -1000,7 +1050,7 @@ ui:
skip: 略过 skip: 略过
discard_draft: 丢弃草稿 discard_draft: 丢弃草稿
pinned: 已置顶 pinned: 已置顶
all: 所有 all: 全部
question: 问题 question: 问题
answer: 回答 answer: 回答
comment: 评论 comment: 评论
@ -1038,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: 发生错误... title: 发生错误...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: 欢迎来到 {{site_name}}
success: 你的账号已通过验证,即将返回首页。 success: 你的账号已通过验证,即将返回首页。
link: 返回首页 link: 返回首页
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -1099,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: 已采纳 accepted: 已采纳
answered: 回答于 answered: 回答于
asked: 提问于 asked: 提问于
upvote: 赞同 downvoted: 点踩
downvote: 反对
mod_short: 管理员 mod_short: 管理员
mod_long: 管理员 mod_long: 管理员
x_reputation: 声望 x_reputation: 声望
@ -1162,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: 昵称 label: 昵称
msg: 昵称不能为空。 msg: 昵称不能为空。
character: '只能由 "a-z", "0-9", " - . _" 组成'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: 密码 label: 密码
text: >- text: >-
@ -1219,18 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: 自定义 customize: 自定义
themes: 主题 themes: 主题
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: 登录 login: 登录
privileges: 特权
plugins: 插件 plugins: 插件
installed_plugins: 插件列表 installed_plugins: 已安装插件
website_welcome: 欢迎来到 {{site_name}} website_welcome: 欢迎来到 {{site_name}}
plugins: plugins:
login: 登录 login: 登录
qrcode_login_tip: 请使用 {{ agentName }} 扫描二维码登录 qrcode_login_tip: 请使用 {{ agentName }} 扫描二维码登录
login_failed_email_tip: 登录失败, 请允许该应用程序访问您的电子邮件信息,然后再试一次 login_failed_email_tip: 登录失败,请允许此应用访问您的邮箱信息,然后重试
oauth: oauth:
connect: 连接到 {{ auth_name }} connect: 连接到 {{ auth_name }}
remove: 解绑 {{ auth_name }} remove: 移除 {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: 后台管理 title: 后台管理
@ -1273,7 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: 等待处理 pending: 等待处理
completed: 已完成 completed: 已完成
flagged: 被举报内容 flagged: 被举报内容
flagged_type: 被举报的{{ type }} flagged_type: 标记了 {{ type }}
created: 创建于 created: 创建于
action: 操作 action: 操作
review: 审查 review: 审查
@ -1301,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: 关闭 closed_name: 关闭
closed_desc: "关闭的问题不能回答,但仍然可以编辑、投票和评论。" closed_desc: "关闭的问题不能回答,但仍然可以编辑、投票和评论。"
deleted_name: 删除 deleted_name: 删除
deleted_desc: 获得和丧失的所有信誉积分将被恢复 deleted_desc: 该帖子将被删除
btn_cancel: 取消 btn_cancel: 取消
btn_submit: 提交 btn_submit: 提交
btn_next: 下一步 btn_next: 下一步
@ -1422,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: 时区 label: 时区
msg: 时区不能为空。 msg: 时区不能为空。
text: 选择一个与您相同时区的城市。 text: 选择一个与您相同时区的城市。
label: 默认头像
text: 没有自定义头像的用户。
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1523,39 +1570,49 @@ ui:
css_and_html: css_and_html:
page_title: CSS 与 HTML page_title: CSS 与 HTML
custom_css: custom_css:
label: 自定义CSS label: 自定义 CSS
text: 这将在 <link> 之前插入 text: 这将以 <link> 方式插入
head: head:
label: 头部 label: 头部
text: 这将在 </head> 之前插入 text: 这将在 </head> 之前插入
header: header:
label: 标题 label: 页眉
text: 这将在 <body> 之插入 text: 这将在 <body> 之插入
footer: footer:
label: 页脚 label: 页脚
text: 这将在 </html> 之前插入 text: 这将在 </html> 之前插入
label: 侧边栏
text: 这将插入侧边栏中。
login: login:
page_title: 登录 page_title: 登录
membership: membership:
title: 会员 title: 会员
label: 允许新注册 label: 允许新注册
text: 关闭以防止任何人创建新帐户。 text: 关闭以防止任何人创建新帐户。
title: 邮箱注册
label: 允许邮箱注册
text: 关闭以防止任何人通过邮箱创建新账户。
title: 允许的邮箱域
text: 允许注册账户的邮箱域。每行一个域名。留空时忽略。
private: private:
title: 非公开的 title: 非公开的
label: 需要登录 label: 需要登录
text: 只有登录用户才能访问这个社区。 text: 只有登录用户才能访问这个社区。
installed_plugins: installed_plugins:
title: 插件列表 title: 已安装插件
filter: filter:
all: 全部 all: 全部
active: 启用 active: 启用
inactive: 未启用 inactive: 未启用
outdated: 已过期 outdated: 已过期
plugins: plugins:
label: 插件 label: 插件
text: 选择一个插件 text: 选择一个现有的插件
name: 插件名称 name: 名称
version: 插件版本 version: 版本
status: 状态 status: 状态
action: 操作 action: 操作
deactivate: 停用 deactivate: 停用
@ -1565,32 +1622,36 @@ ui:
title: 用户 title: 用户
avatar: avatar:
label: 默认头像 label: 默认头像
text: 未设置自定义头像的用户所展示的头像。 text: 没有自定义头像的用户。
label: Gravatar 基础 URL
text: Gravatar 提供商的 API 基础 URL 。留空时忽略。
profile_editable: profile_editable:
title: 可编辑的个人资料 title: 个人资料可编辑
allow_update_display_name: allow_update_display_name:
label: 允许用户改显示名称 label: 允许用户改显示名称
allow_update_username: allow_update_username:
label: 允许用户改用户名 label: 允许用户改用户名
allow_update_avatar: allow_update_avatar:
label: 允许用户更改头像 label: 允许用户修改个人头像
allow_update_bio: allow_update_bio:
label: 允许用户更改自我介绍 label: 允许用户修改个人介绍
allow_update_website: allow_update_website:
label: 允许用户更改个人网站 label: 允许用户修改个人主页网址
allow_update_location: allow_update_location:
label: 允许用户更改所在地 label: 允许用户更改位置
privilege: privilege:
title: 声望权限 title: 特权
level: level:
label: 所需声望等级 label: 级别所需声望
text: 选择所需的声望等级以获取权限 text: 选择特权所需的声望值
form: form:
optional: (选填) optional: (选填)
empty: 不能为空 empty: 不能为空
invalid: 是无效的 invalid: 是无效的
btn_submit: 保存 btn_submit: 保存
not_found_props: "所需属性 {{ key }} 未找到。" not_found_props: "所需属性 {{ key }} 未找到。"
select: 选择
page_review: page_review:
review: 评论 review: 评论
proposed: 提案 proposed: 提案
@ -1606,7 +1667,7 @@ ui:
undeleted: 取消删除 undeleted: 取消删除
deleted: 删除 deleted: 删除
downvote: 反对 downvote: 反对
upvote: upvote:
accept: 采纳 accept: 采纳
cancelled: 已取消 cancelled: 已取消
commented: '评论:' commented: '评论:'

View File

@ -11,17 +11,21 @@ backend:
other: 未授權。 other: 未授權。
database_error: database_error:
other: 資料庫錯誤。 other: 資料庫錯誤。
other: Forbidden.
action: action:
report: report:
other: Flag other: 举报
edit: edit:
other: Edit other: 编辑
delete: delete:
other: Delete other: 删除
close: close:
other: Close other: 关闭
reopen: reopen:
other: Reopen other: Reopen
other: Forbidden.
pin: pin:
other: Pin other: Pin
hide: hide:
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@ backend:
other: Unpin other: Unpin
show: show:
other: List other: List
other: Edit
role: role:
name: name:
user: user:
@ -45,6 +51,60 @@ backend:
other: 擁有訪問該網站的全部權限。 other: 擁有訪問該網站的全部權限。
moderator: moderator:
other: 可以訪問除了管理員設定以外的所有貼文。 other: 可以訪問除了管理員設定以外的所有貼文。
other: Level 1 (less reputation required for private team, group)
other: Level 2 (low reputation required for startup community)
other: Level 3 (high reputation required for mature community)
other: Ask question
other: Write answer
other: Write comment
other: Flag
other: Upvote comment
other: Post more than 2 links at a time
other: Upvote question
other: Upvote answer
other: Downvote question
other: Downvote answer
other: Invite someone to answer
other: Create new tag
other: Edit tag description (need to review)
other: Edit other's question (need to review)
other: Edit other's answer (need to review)
other: Edit other's question without review
other: Edit other's answer without review
other: Review question edits
other: Review answer edits
other: Review tag edits
other: Edit tag description without review
other: Manage tag synonyms
email: email:
other: 電子郵件 other: 電子郵件
password: password:
@ -52,9 +112,12 @@ backend:
email_or_password_wrong_error: email_or_password_wrong_error:
other: 電郵和密碼不匹配。 other: 電郵和密碼不匹配。
error: error:
other: Password cannot contain spaces.
admin: admin:
cannot_update_their_password: cannot_update_their_password:
other: You cannot modify your password. other: 您不能修改自己的密码。
cannot_modify_self_status: cannot_modify_self_status:
other: You cannot modify your status. other: You cannot modify your status.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
@ -82,6 +145,8 @@ backend:
other: 需驗證電子郵件 other: 需驗證電子郵件
verify_url_expired: verify_url_expired:
other: 電子郵件驗證網址已過期,請重發電子郵件。 other: 電子郵件驗證網址已過期,請重發電子郵件。
other: Email is not allowed from that email domain. Please use another one.
lang: lang:
not_found: not_found:
other: 未找到语言文件。 other: 未找到语言文件。
@ -119,7 +184,9 @@ backend:
fail_to_meet_the_condition: fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: 級別不符合條件 other: 級別不符合條件
vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition: vote_fail_to_meet_the_condition:
other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{ rank }} reputation to cast a vote. other: Thanks for the feedback. You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to cast a vote.
other: You need at least {{.Rank}} reputation to do this.
report: report:
handle_failed: handle_failed:
other: 報告處理失敗。 other: 報告處理失敗。
@ -154,6 +221,10 @@ backend:
no_permission: no_permission:
other: 無權限修改。 other: 無權限修改。
user: user:
other: The third-party platform does not provide a unique UserID, so you cannot login, please contact the website administrator.
other: Please set a login password for your account before you remove this login.
email_or_password_wrong: email_or_password_wrong:
other: other:
other: 電子郵箱和密碼不匹配。 other: 電子郵箱和密碼不匹配。
@ -171,6 +242,10 @@ backend:
other: 您不能修改自己的角色。 other: 您不能修改自己的角色。
not_allowed_registration: not_allowed_registration:
other: 本站目前未開放註冊。 other: 本站目前未開放註冊。
other: Access denied
other: You do not have access to this page.
config: config:
read_config_failed: read_config_failed:
other: 讀取配置失敗 other: 讀取配置失敗
@ -185,37 +260,74 @@ backend:
upload: upload:
unsupported_file_format: unsupported_file_format:
other: 不支援的檔案格式。 other: 不支援的檔案格式。
report: site_info:
other: Site config not found.
spam: spam:
name: name:
other: 垃圾貼文。 other: spam
desc: desc:
other: 此貼文是一個廣告,或是破壞性行為。它對當前的主題沒有用處,也不相關。 other: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
rude: rude_or_abusive:
name: name:
other: 粗魯或辱罵的 other: rude or abusive
desc: desc:
other: 一個有理智的人都會認為這種內容不適合進行尊重性的討論。 other: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
duplicate: a_duplicate:
name: name:
other: 重覆信息 other: a duplicate
desc: desc:
other: 此問題以前就有人問過,而且已經有了答案。 other: This question has been asked before and already has an answer.
not_answer: placeholder:
other: Enter the existing question link
name: name:
other: 不是答案 other: not an answer
desc: desc:
other: 此帖子是作為一個答案發布的,但它並沒有試圖回答這個問題。總之,它可能應該是個編輯,評論,另一個問題或者被刪除。 other: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
not_need: no_longer_needed:
name: name:
other: 不再需要 other: no longer needed
desc: desc:
other: 此評論已過時,對話或與此帖子無關。 other: This comment is outdated, conversational or not relevant to this post.
other: something:
name: name:
other: 其他原因 other: something else
desc: desc:
other: 由於上面未列出的另一個原因,這篇文章需要工作人員注意。 other: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
other: Let us know specifically what you are concerned about
other: a community-specific reason
other: This question doesnt meet a community guideline.
other: needs details or clarity
other: This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only.
other: looks ok
other: This post is good as-is and not low quality.
other: needs edit, and I did it
other: Improve and correct problems with this post yourself.
other: needs close
other: A closed question cant answer, but still can edit, vote and comment.
other: needs delete
other: This post will be deleted.
question: question:
close: close:
duplicate: duplicate:
@ -245,6 +357,8 @@ backend:
other: 回答於 other: 回答於
modified: modified:
other: 修改於 other: 修改於
other: Deleted question
notification: notification:
action: action:
update_question: update_question:
@ -271,6 +385,67 @@ backend:
other: 你的答案已被刪除 other: 你的答案已被刪除
your_comment_was_deleted: your_comment_was_deleted:
other: 你的評論已被刪除 other: 你的評論已被刪除
other: upvoted question
other: downvoted question
other: upvoted answer
other: downvoted answer
other: upvoted comment
other: invited you to answer
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new email address"
other: "Confirm your new email address for {{.SiteName}} by clicking on the following link:<br><br>\n\n<a href='{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.ChangeEmailUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf you did not request this change, please ignore this email.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} answered your question"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.AnswerSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.AnswerUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} invited you to answer"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>I think you may know the answer.</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.InviteUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.DisplayName}} commented on your post"
other: "<strong><a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>{{.QuestionTitle}}</a></strong><br><br>\n\n<small>{{.DisplayName}}:</small><br>\n<blockquote>{{.CommentSummary}}</blockquote><br>\n<a href='{{.CommentUrl}}'>View it on {{.SiteName}}</a><br><br>\n\n<small>You are receiving this because you authored the thread. <a href='{{.UnsubscribeUrl}}'>Unsubscribe</a></small>"
other: "[{{.SiteName }}] Password reset"
other: "Somebody asked to reset your password on [{{.SiteName}}].<br><br>\n\nIf it was not you, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to choose a new password:<br>\n<a href='{{.PassResetUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.PassResetUrl}}</a>\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Confirm your new account"
other: "Welcome to {{.SiteName}}<br><br>\n\nClick the following link to confirm and activate your new account:<br>\n<a href='{{.RegisterUrl}}' target='_blank'>{{.RegisterUrl}}</a><br><br>\n\nIf the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser.\n"
other: "[{{.SiteName}}] Test Email"
other: "This is a test email."
other: upvote
other: upvoted
other: downvote
other: downvoted
other: accept
other: accepted
#The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end)
ui: ui:
how_to_format: how_to_format:
@ -307,20 +482,28 @@ ui:
upgrade: Answer 升級 upgrade: Answer 升級
maintenance: 網站維護 maintenance: 網站維護
users: 用戶 users: 用戶
http_404: HTTP Error 404 oauth_callback: Processing
http_50X: HTTP Error 500 http_404: HTTP 錯誤 404
http_403: HTTP Error 403 http_50X: HTTP 錯誤 500
http_403: HTTP 錯誤 403
notifications: notifications:
title: 通知 title: 通知
inbox: 收件夾 inbox: 收件夾
achievement: 成就 achievement: 成就
all_read: 全部標記為已讀 all_read: 全部標記為已讀
show_more: 顯示更多 show_more: 顯示更多
someone: Someone
all: All
posts: Posts
invites: Invites
votes: Votes
suspended: suspended:
title: 您的帳號已被停權 title: 您的帳號已被停權
until_time: "你的帳號被停權至{{ time }}。" until_time: "你的帳號被停權至{{ time }}。"
forever: 你的帳號已被永久停權。 forever: 你的帳號已被永久停權。
end: 違反了我們的社群準則。 end: 違反了我們的社群準則。
contact_us: Contact us
editor: editor:
blockquote: blockquote:
text: 引用 text: 引用
@ -527,7 +710,7 @@ ui:
通过評論询问更多问题或提出改進建議。避免在評論中回答問題。 通过評論询问更多问题或提出改進建議。避免在評論中回答問題。
tip_answer: >- tip_answer: >-
使用評論回復其他用戶或通知他們进行更改。如果你要添加新的信息,請編輯你的帖子,而不是發表評論。 使用評論回復其他用戶或通知他們进行更改。如果你要添加新的信息,請編輯你的帖子,而不是發表評論。
tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post tip_vote: It adds something useful to the post
edit_answer: edit_answer:
title: 編輯回答 title: 編輯回答
default_reason: 編輯回答 default_reason: 編輯回答
@ -609,6 +792,8 @@ ui:
logout: 登出 logout: 登出
admin: 後台管理 admin: 後台管理
review: 審查 review: 審查
bookmark: Bookmarks
moderation: Moderation
search: search:
placeholder: 搜尋 placeholder: 搜尋
footer: footer:
@ -633,7 +818,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: 不能為空 empty: 不能為空
login: login:
page_title: 歡迎來到 {{site_name}}
login_to_continue: 登入以繼續 login_to_continue: 登入以繼續
info_sign: 沒有帳戶?<1>註冊</1> info_sign: 沒有帳戶?<1>註冊</1>
info_login: 已經有一個帳號?<1>登入</1> info_login: 已經有一個帳號?<1>登入</1>
@ -644,6 +828,7 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: 名稱不能為空 empty: 名稱不能為空
range: 名稱最多 30 個字元 range: 名稱最多 30 個字元
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
email: email:
label: 郵箱 label: 郵箱
msg: msg:
@ -663,7 +848,6 @@ ui:
msg: msg:
empty: 郵箱不能為空 empty: 郵箱不能為空
change_email: change_email:
page_title: 歡迎來到 {{site_name}}
btn_cancel: 取消 btn_cancel: 取消
btn_update: 更新電子郵件地址 btn_update: 更新電子郵件地址
send_success: >- send_success: >-
@ -672,6 +856,17 @@ ui:
label: 新電子郵件 label: 新電子郵件
msg: msg:
empty: 郵箱不能為空 empty: 郵箱不能為空
subtitle: Add a recovery email to your account.
btn_update: Update email address
label: Email
empty: Email cannot be empty.
modal_title: Email already existes.
modal_content: This email address already registered. Are you sure you want to connect to the existing account?
modal_cancel: Change email
modal_confirm: Connect to the existing account
password_reset: password_reset:
page_title: 密碼重置 page_title: 密碼重置
btn_name: 重置我的密碼 btn_name: 重置我的密碼
@ -690,6 +885,7 @@ ui:
label: 確認新密碼 label: 確認新密碼
settings: settings:
page_title: 設置 page_title: 設置
goto_modify: Go to Modify
nav: nav:
profile: 我的資料 profile: 我的資料
notification: 通知 notification: 通知
@ -711,7 +907,7 @@ ui:
avatar: avatar:
label: 頭像 label: 頭像
gravatar: 頭像 gravatar: 頭像
gravatar_text: 您可以在 <1></1> 更改圖像 gravatar_text: You can change image on
custom: 自定義 custom: 自定義
btn_refresh: 重新整理 btn_refresh: 重新整理
custom_text: 您可以上傳您的圖片。 custom_text: 您可以上傳您的圖片。
@ -738,8 +934,11 @@ ui:
change_email_info: >- change_email_info: >-
我們已經寄出一封郵件至此電子郵件地址,請遵照說明進行確認。 我們已經寄出一封郵件至此電子郵件地址,請遵照說明進行確認。
email: email:
label: 郵箱 label: New Email
msg: 郵箱不能為空 msg: New Email cannot be empty.
label: Current Password
msg: Password cannot be empty.
password_title: 密碼 password_title: 密碼
current_pass: current_pass:
label: 當前密碼 label: 當前密碼
@ -756,6 +955,13 @@ ui:
lang: lang:
label: 介面語言 label: 介面語言
text: 設定使用者介面語言,在重新整裡頁面後生效。 text: 設定使用者介面語言,在重新整裡頁面後生效。
title: My Logins
label: Log in or sign up on this site using these accounts.
modal_title: Remove Login
modal_content: Are you sure you want to remove this login from your account?
modal_confirm_btn: Remove
remove_success: Removed successfully
toast: toast:
update: 更新成功 update: 更新成功
update_password: 更改密碼成功。 update_password: 更改密碼成功。
@ -766,6 +972,12 @@ ui:
title: 相關問題 title: 相關問題
btn: 發問 btn: 發問
answers: 個回答 answers: 個回答
title: People asked
desc: Invite people who you think might know the answer.
invite: Invite to answer
add: Add people
search: Search people
question_detail: question_detail:
action: Action action: Action
Asked: 提問於 Asked: 提問於
@ -775,12 +987,13 @@ ui:
Views: 閱讀次數 Views: 閱讀次數
Follow: 關注 Follow: 關注
Following: 已關注 Following: 已關注
follow_tip: Follow this question to receive notifications
answered: 回答於 answered: 回答於
closed_in: 關閉於 closed_in: 關閉於
show_exist: 顯示現有問題。 show_exist: 顯示現有問題。
useful: Useful useful: Useful
question_useful: It is useful and clear question_useful: It is useful and clear
question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful question_un_useful: It is unclear or not useful
answer_useful: It is useful answer_useful: It is useful
answer_un_useful: It is not useful answer_un_useful: It is not useful
answers: answers:
@ -824,6 +1037,7 @@ ui:
btns: btns:
confirm: 確認 confirm: 確認
cancel: 取消 cancel: 取消
edit: Edit
save: 儲存 save: 儲存
delete: 刪除 delete: 刪除
login: 登入 login: 登入
@ -836,6 +1050,10 @@ ui:
skip: 略過 skip: 略過
discard_draft: Discard draft discard_draft: Discard draft
pinned: Pinned pinned: Pinned
all: All
question: Question
answer: Answer
comment: Comment
search: search:
title: 搜尋結果 title: 搜尋結果
keywords: 關鍵詞 keywords: 關鍵詞
@ -870,7 +1088,6 @@ ui:
modal_confirm: modal_confirm:
title: 發生錯誤... title: 發生錯誤...
account_result: account_result:
page_title: 歡迎來到 {{site_name}}
success: 你的帳號已通過驗證,即將返回首頁。 success: 你的帳號已通過驗證,即將返回首頁。
link: 繼續訪問主頁 link: 繼續訪問主頁
invalid: >- invalid: >-
@ -931,8 +1148,7 @@ ui:
accepted: 已採納 accepted: 已採納
answered: 回答於 answered: 回答於
asked: 提問於 asked: 提問於
upvote: 讚同 downvoted: downvoted
downvote: 反對
mod_short: 模組 mod_short: 模組
mod_long: 管理員 mod_long: 管理員
x_reputation: 聲望 x_reputation: 聲望
@ -994,6 +1210,7 @@ ui:
admin_name: admin_name:
label: 暱稱 label: 暱稱
msg: 暱稱不能為空。 msg: 暱稱不能為空。
character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"'
admin_password: admin_password:
label: 密碼 label: 密碼
text: >- text: >-
@ -1025,7 +1242,7 @@ ui:
answers: 回答 answers: 回答
accepted: 已採納 accepted: 已採納
page_error: page_error:
http_error: HTTP Error {{ code }} http_error: HTTP 错误 {{ code }}
desc_403: You dont have permission to access this page. desc_403: You dont have permission to access this page.
desc_404: Unfortunately, this page doesn't exist. desc_404: Unfortunately, this page doesn't exist.
desc_50X: The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. desc_50X: The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
@ -1051,8 +1268,19 @@ ui:
seo: SEO seo: SEO
customize: 自定義 customize: 自定義
themes: 主題 themes: 主題
css-html: CSS/HTML css_html: CSS/HTML
login: 登入 login: 登入
privileges: Privileges
plugins: Plugins
installed_plugins: Installed Plugins
website_welcome: Welcome to {{site_name}}
login: Login
qrcode_login_tip: Please use {{ agentName }} to scan the QR code and log in.
login_failed_email_tip: Login failed, please allow this app to access your email information before try again.
connect: Connect with {{ auth_name }}
remove: Remove {{ auth_name }}
admin: admin:
admin_header: admin_header:
title: 後台管理 title: 後台管理
@ -1095,6 +1323,7 @@ ui:
pending: 等待處理 pending: 等待處理
completed: 已完成 completed: 已完成
flagged: 已標記 flagged: 已標記
flagged_type: Flagged {{ type }}
created: 創建於 created: 創建於
action: 操作 action: 操作
review: 審核 review: 審核
@ -1122,7 +1351,7 @@ ui:
closed_name: 關閉 closed_name: 關閉
closed_desc: "關閉的問題不能回答,但仍然可以編輯、投票和評論。" closed_desc: "關閉的問題不能回答,但仍然可以編輯、投票和評論。"
deleted_name: 刪除 deleted_name: 刪除
deleted_desc: 獲得和失去的所有信譽將被恢復。 deleted_desc: This post will be deleted.
btn_cancel: 取消 btn_cancel: 取消
btn_submit: 提交 btn_submit: 提交
btn_next: 下一步 btn_next: 下一步
@ -1243,9 +1472,6 @@ ui:
label: 時區 label: 時區
msg: 時區不能為空。 msg: 時區不能為空。
text: 選擇一個與您相同時區的城市。 text: 選擇一個與您相同時區的城市。
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
smtp: smtp:
page_title: SMTP page_title: SMTP
from_email: from_email:
@ -1355,22 +1581,77 @@ ui:
footer: footer:
label: 頁尾 label: 頁尾
text: 這將在 </html> 之前插入 text: 這將在 </html> 之前插入
label: Sidebar
text: This will insert in sidebar.
login: login:
page_title: 登入 page_title: 登入
membership: membership:
title: 會員 title: 會員
label: 允許新註冊 label: 允許新註冊
text: 關閉以防止任何人創建新帳戶。 text: 關閉以防止任何人創建新帳戶。
title: Email registration
label: Allow email registration
text: Turn off to prevent anyone creating new account through email.
title: Allowed email domains
text: Email domains that users must register accounts with. One domain per line. Ignored when empty.
private: private:
title: 非公開的 title: 非公開的
label: 需要登入 label: 需要登入
text: 只有登入使用者才能訪問這個社群。 text: 只有登入使用者才能訪問這個社群。
title: Installed Plugins
all: All
active: Active
inactive: Inactive
outdated: Outdated
label: Plugins
text: Select an existing plugin.
name: Name
version: Version
status: Status
action: Action
deactivate: Deactivate
activate: Activate
settings: Settings
title: Users
label: Default Avatar
text: For users without a custom avatar of their own.
label: Gravatar Base URL
text: URL of the Gravatar providers API base. Ignored when empty.
title: Profile Editable
label: Allow users to change their display name
label: Allow users to change their username
label: Allow users to change their profile image
label: Allow users to change their about me
label: Allow users to change their website
label: Allow users to change their location
title: Privileges
label: Reputation required level
text: Choose the reputation required for the privileges
form: form:
optional: (選填) optional: (選填)
empty: 不能為空 empty: 不能為空
invalid: 是無效的 invalid: 是無效的
btn_submit: 儲存 btn_submit: 儲存
not_found_props: "所需屬性 {{ key }} 未找到。" not_found_props: "所需屬性 {{ key }} 未找到。"
select: Select
page_review: page_review:
review: 審核 review: 審核
proposed: 提案 proposed: 提案