package schema type SearchDTO struct { UserID string // UserID current login user ID Query string `validate:"required,gte=1,lte=60" json:"q" form:"q"` // Query the query string Page int `validate:"omitempty,min=1" form:"page,default=1" json:"page"` //Query number of pages Size int `validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=50" form:"size,default=30" json:"size"` //Search page size Order string `validate:"required,oneof=newest active score relevance" form:"order,default=relevance" json:"order" enums:"newest,active,score,relevance"` } type SearchObject struct { ID string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Excerpt string `json:"excerpt"` CreatedAtParsed int64 `json:"created_at"` VoteCount int `json:"vote_count"` Accepted bool `json:"accepted"` AnswerCount int `json:"answer_count"` // user info UserInfo *UserBasicInfo `json:"user_info"` // tags Tags []TagResp `json:"tags"` // Status StatusStr string `json:"status"` } type TagResp struct { SlugName string `json:"slug_name"` DisplayName string `json:"display_name"` // if main tag slug name is not empty, this tag is synonymous with the main tag MainTagSlugName string `json:"main_tag_slug_name"` } type SearchResp struct { // object_type ObjectType string `json:"object_type"` // this object Object SearchObject `json:"object"` } type SearchListResp struct { Total int64 `json:"count"` // search response SearchResp []SearchResp `json:"list"` // extra fields Extra interface{} `json:"extra"` }