# How to build and install Before installing Answer, you need to install the base environment first. - database - [MySQL](http://dev.mysql.com) Version >= 5.7 You can then install Answer in several ways: - Deploy with Docker - binary installation - Source installation ## Docker-compose for Answer ```bash $ mkdir answer && cd answer $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/answerdev/answer/main/docker-compose.yaml $ docker-compose up ``` browser open URL []( You can log in with the default administrator username( **`admin@admin.com`** ) and password( **`admin`** ). ## Docker for Answer Visit Docker Hub or GitHub Container registry to see all available images and tags. ### Usage To keep your data out of Docker container, we do a volume (/var/data -> /data) here, and you can change it based on your situation. ``` # Pull image from Docker Hub. $ docker pull answerdev/answer:latest # Create local directory for volume. $ mkdir -p /var/data # Run the image first $ docker run --name=answer -p 9080:80 -v /var/data:/data answer/answer # After the first startup, a configuration file will be generated in the /var/data directory # /var/data/conf/config.yaml # Need to modify the Mysql database address in the configuration file vim /var/data/conf/config.yaml # Modify database connection # connection: [username]:[password]@tcp([host]:[port])/[DbName] ... # After configuring the configuration file, you can start the mirror again to start the service $ docker start answer ``` ## Binary for Answer ## Install Answer using binary 1. Unzip the compressed package 2. Use the command cd to enter the directory you just created 3. Execute the command ./answer init 4. Answer will generate a ./data directory in the current directory 5. Enter the data directory and modify the config.yaml file 6. Modify the database connection address to your database connection address connection: [username]:[password]@tcp([host]:[port])/[DbName] 7. Exit the data directory and execute ./answer run -c ./data/conf/config.yaml ## Available Commands Usage: answer [command] - help: Help about any command - init: Init answer application - run: Run answer application - check: Check answer required environment - dump: Backup answer data ## config.yaml Description ``` server: http: addr: #Project access port number data: database: connection: root:root@tcp( #MySQL database connection address cache: file_path: "/tmp/cache/cache.db" #Cache file storage path i18n: bundle_dir: "/data/i18n" #Internationalized file storage directory swaggerui: show: true #Whether to display the swaggerapi documentation, address /swagger/index.html protocol: http #swagger protocol header host: #An accessible IP address or domain name address: ':80' #accessible port number service_config: secret_key: "answer" #encryption key web_host: "" #Page access using domain name address upload_path: "./upfiles" #upload directory ``` ## Compile the image If you have modified the source files and want to repackage the image, you can use the following statement to repackage the image ``` docker build -t answer:v1.0.0 . ``` ## common problem 1. The project cannot be started, answer the main program startup depends on the configuration file config.yaml, the internationalization translation directory/i18n, the upload file storage directory/upfiles, you need to ensure that the configuration file is loaded when the project starts, answer run -c config.yaml and the correct config.yaml The configuration items that specify the i18n and upfiles directories