base: success: other: "success" unknown: other: "unknown error" request_format_error: other: "request format is not valid" unauthorized_error: other: "unauthorized" database_error: other: "data server error" email: other: "email" password: other: "password" email_or_password_wrong_error: &email_or_password_wrong other: "email or password wrong" error: admin: email_or_password_wrong: *email_or_password_wrong answer: not_found: other: "answer not found" comment: edit_without_permission: other: "comment not allowed to edit" not_found: other: "comment not found" email: duplicate: other: "email already exists" need_to_be_verified: other: "email should be verified" verify_url_expired: other: "email verified url is expired, please resend the email" lang: not_found: other: "language not found" object: captcha_verification_failed: other: "captcha wrong" disallow_follow: other: "You are not allowed to follow" disallow_vote: other: "You are not allowed to vote" disallow_vote_your_self: other: "You can't vote for your own post!" not_found: other: "object not found" question: not_found: other: "question not found" rank: fail_to_meet_the_condition: other: "rank fail to meet the condition" report: handle_failed: other: "report handle failed" not_found: other: "report not found" tag: not_found: other: "tag not found" theme: not_found: other: "theme not found" user: email_or_password_wrong: other: *email_or_password_wrong not_found: other: "user not found" suspended: other: "user is suspended" report: spam: name: other: "spam" description: other: "This post is an advertisement,or vandalism.It is not useful or relevant to the current topic." rude: name: other: "rude or abusive" description: other: "A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse." duplicate: name: other: "a duplicate" description: other: "This question has been asked before and already has an answer." not_answer: name: other: "not an answer" description: other: "This was posted as an answer,but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit,a comment,another question,or deleted altogether." not_need: name: other: "no longer needed" description: other: "This comment is outdated,conversational or not relevant to this post." other: name: other: "something else" description: other: "This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above." question: close: duplicate: name: other: "spam" description: other: "This question has been asked before and already has an answer." guideline: name: other: "a community-specific reason" description: other: "This question doesn't meet a community guideline." multiple: name: other: "needs details or clarity" description: other: "This question currently includes multiple questions in one. It should focus on one problem only." other: name: other: "something else" description: other: "This post requires another reason not listed above." notification: action: update_question: other: "update question" answer_the_question: other: "answer the question" update_answer: other: "update answer" adopt_answer: other: "adopt answer" comment_question: other: "comment question" comment_answer: other: "comment answer" reply_to_you: other: "reply to you" mention_you: other: "mention you" your_question_is_closed: other: "your question is closed" your_question_was_deleted: other: "your question was deleted" your_answer_was_deleted: other: "your answer was deleted" your_comment_was_deleted: other: "your comment was deleted"