#The following fields are used for back-end backend: base: success: other: Successo unknown: other: Errore sconosciuto request_format_error: other: Il formato della richiesta non è valido unauthorized_error: other: Non autorizzato database_error: other: Errore server dati role: name: user: other: Utente admin: other: Amministratore moderator: other: Moderatore description: user: other: Predefinito senza alcun accesso speciale. admin: other: Avere il pieno potere di accedere al sito. moderator: other: Ha accesso a tutti i post tranne le impostazioni di amministratore. email: other: email password: other: password email_or_password_wrong_error: other: Email o password errati error: admin: cannot_update_their_password: other: You cannot modify your password. cannot_modify_self_status: other: You cannot modify your status. email_or_password_wrong: other: Email o password errati answer: not_found: other: Risposta non trovata cannot_deleted: other: Permesso per cancellare mancante. cannot_update: other: Nessun permesso per l'aggiornamento. question_closed_cannot_add: other: Questions are closed and cannot be added. comment: edit_without_permission: other: Non si hanno di privilegi sufficienti per modificare il commento not_found: other: Commento non trovato cannot_edit_after_deadline: other: The comment time has been too long to modify. email: duplicate: other: email già esistente need_to_be_verified: other: email deve essere verificata verify_url_expired: other: l'url di verifica email è scaduto, si prega di reinviare la email lang: not_found: other: lingua non trovata object: captcha_verification_failed: other: captcha errato disallow_follow: other: Non sei autorizzato a seguire disallow_vote: other: non sei autorizzato a votare disallow_vote_your_self: other: Non puoi votare un tuo post! not_found: other: oggetto non trovato verification_failed: other: verifica fallita email_or_password_incorrect: other: email o password incorretti old_password_verification_failed: other: la verifica della vecchia password è fallita new_password_same_as_previous_setting: other: La nuova password è identica alla precedente question: already_deleted: other: This post has been deleted. not_found: other: domanda non trovata cannot_deleted: other: Permesso per cancellare mancante. cannot_close: other: Nessun permesso per chiudere. cannot_update: other: Nessun permesso per l'aggiornamento. rank: fail_to_meet_the_condition: other: Condizioni non valide per il grado report: handle_failed: other: Gestione del report fallita not_found: other: Report non trovato tag: already_exist: other: Tag already exists. not_found: other: Etichetta non trovata recommend_tag_not_found: other: Il Tag consigliato non esiste. recommend_tag_enter: other: Inserisci almeno un tag. not_contain_synonym_tags: other: Non deve contenere tag sinonimi. cannot_update: other: Nessun permesso per l'aggiornamento. is_used_cannot_delete: other: You cannot delete a tag that is in use cannot_set_synonym_as_itself: other: Non puoi impostare il sinonimo del tag corrente come se stesso. smtp: config_from_name_cannot_be_email: other: The From Name cannot be a email address. theme: not_found: other: tema non trovato revision: review_underway: other: Non è possibile modificare al momento, c'è una versione nella coda di revisione. no_permission: other: Nessun permesso per la revisione. user: email_or_password_wrong: other: other: Email o password errati not_found: other: utente non trovato suspended: other: utente sospeso username_invalid: other: utente non valido username_duplicate: other: Nome utente già in uso set_avatar: other: Inserimento dell'Avatar non riuscito. cannot_update_your_role: other: Non puoi modificare il tuo ruolo. not_allowed_registration: other: Al momento il sito non è aperto per la registrazione config: read_config_failed: other: Read config failed database: connection_failed: other: Database connection failed create_table_failed: other: Create table failed install: create_config_failed: other: Can't create the config.yaml file. upload: unsupported_file_format: other: Unsupported file format. report: spam: name: other: posta indesiderata desc: other: Questo articolo è una pubblicità o vandalismo. Non è utile o rilevante all'argomento corrente. rude: name: other: scortese o violento desc: other: Una persona ragionevole trova questo contenuto inappropriato a un discorso rispettoso. duplicate: name: other: duplicato desc: other: Questa domanda è già stata posta e ha già una risposta. not_answer: name: other: non è una risposta desc: other: Questo è stato pubblicato come una risposta, ma non tenta di rispondere alla domanda. Dovrebbe forse essere una modifica, un commento, un'altra domanda, o cancellata del tutto. not_need: name: other: non più necessario desc: other: Questo commento è obsoleto, conversazionale o non pertinente per questo post. other: name: other: altro desc: other: Questo articolo richiede una supervisione dello staff per altre ragioni non listate sopra. question: close: duplicate: name: other: posta indesiderata desc: other: Questa domanda è già stata posta e ha già una risposta. guideline: name: other: motivo legato alla community desc: other: Questa domanda non soddisfa le linee guida della comunità. multiple: name: other: richiede maggiori dettagli o chiarezza desc: other: Questa domanda attualmente include più domande in uno. Dovrebbe concentrarsi su un solo problema. other: name: other: altro desc: other: Questo articolo richiede un'altro motivo non listato sopra. operation_type: asked: other: asked answered: other: answered modified: other: modified notification: action: update_question: other: domanda aggiornata answer_the_question: other: domanda risposta update_answer: other: risposta aggiornata accept_answer: other: risposta accettata comment_question: other: domanda commentata comment_answer: other: risposta commentata reply_to_you: other: hai ricevuto risposta mention_you: other: sei stato menzionato your_question_is_closed: other: la tua domanda è stata chiusa your_question_was_deleted: other: la tua domanda è stata rimossa your_answer_was_deleted: other: la tua risposta è stata rimossa your_comment_was_deleted: other: il tuo commento è stato rimosso #The following fields are used for interface presentation(Front-end) ui: how_to_format: title: Come formattare desc: >- pagination: prev: Prec next: Successivo page_title: question: Domanda questions: Domande tag: Tag tags: Tags tag_wiki: tag wiki create_tag: Create Tag edit_tag: Modifica Tag ask_a_question: Aggiungi una domanda edit_question: Modifica Domanda edit_answer: Edit Answer search: Search posts_containing: Posts containing settings: Settings notifications: Notifications login: Log In sign_up: Sign Up account_recovery: Account Recovery account_activation: Account Activation confirm_email: Confirm Email account_suspended: Account Suspended admin: Admin change_email: Modify Email install: Answer Installation upgrade: Answer Upgrade maintenance: Website Maintenance users: Users http_404: HTTP Error 404 http_50X: HTTP Error 500 notifications: title: Notifications inbox: Inbox achievement: Achievements all_read: Mark all as read show_more: Show more suspended: title: Your Account has been Suspended until_time: "Your account was suspended until {{ time }}." forever: This user was suspended forever. end: You don't meet a community guideline. editor: blockquote: text: Blockquote bold: text: Strong chart: text: Chart flow_chart: Flow chart sequence_diagram: Sequence diagram class_diagram: Class diagram state_diagram: State diagram entity_relationship_diagram: Entity relationship diagram user_defined_diagram: User defined diagram gantt_chart: Gantt chart pie_chart: Pie chart code: text: Code Sample add_code: Add code sample form: fields: code: label: Code msg: empty: Code cannot be empty. language: label: Language placeholder: Automatic detection btn_cancel: Cancel btn_confirm: Add formula: text: Formula options: inline: Inline formula block: Block formula heading: text: Heading options: h1: Heading 1 h2: Heading 2 h3: Heading 3 h4: Heading 4 h5: Heading 5 h6: Heading 6 help: text: Help hr: text: Horizontal Rule image: text: Image add_image: Add image tab_image: Upload image form_image: fields: file: label: Image File btn: Select image msg: empty: File cannot be empty. only_image: Only image files are allowed. max_size: File size cannot exceed 4MB. desc: label: Description tab_url: Image URL form_url: fields: url: label: Image URL msg: empty: Image URL cannot be empty. name: label: Description btn_cancel: Cancel btn_confirm: Add uploading: Uploading indent: text: Indent outdent: text: Outdent italic: text: Emphasis link: text: Hyperlink add_link: Add hyperlink form: fields: url: label: URL msg: empty: URL cannot be empty. name: label: Description btn_cancel: Cancel btn_confirm: Add ordered_list: text: Numbered List unordered_list: text: Bulleted List table: text: Table heading: Heading cell: Cell close_modal: title: I am closing this post as... btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit remark: empty: Cannot be empty. msg: empty: Please select a reason. report_modal: flag_title: I am flagging to report this post as... close_title: I am closing this post as... review_question_title: Review question review_answer_title: Review answer review_comment_title: Review comment btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit remark: empty: Cannot be empty. msg: empty: Please select a reason. tag_modal: title: Create new tag form: fields: display_name: label: Display Name msg: empty: Display name cannot be empty. range: Display name up to 35 characters. slug_name: label: URL Slug desc: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", "+ # - ."' msg: empty: URL slug cannot be empty. range: URL slug up to 35 characters. character: URL slug contains unallowed character set. desc: label: Description btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit btn_post: Post new tag tag_info: created_at: Created edited_at: Edited history: History synonyms: title: Synonyms text: The following tags will be remapped to empty: No synonyms found. btn_add: Add a synonym btn_edit: Edit btn_save: Save synonyms_text: The following tags will be remapped to delete: title: Delete this tag tip_with_posts: >-

We do not allowed deleting tag with posts.

Please remove this tag from the posts first.

tip_with_synonyms: >-

We do not allowed deleting tag with synonyms.

Please remove the synonyms from this tag first.

tip: Are you sure you wish to delete? close: Close edit_tag: title: Edit Tag default_reason: Edit tag form: fields: revision: label: Revision display_name: label: Display Name slug_name: label: URL Slug info: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", "+ # - ."' desc: label: Description edit_summary: label: Edit Summary placeholder: >- Briefly explain your changes (corrected spelling, fixed grammar, improved formatting) btn_save_edits: Save edits btn_cancel: Cancel dates: long_date: MMM D long_date_with_year: "MMM D, YYYY" long_date_with_time: "MMM D, YYYY [at] HH:mm" now: now x_seconds_ago: "{{count}}s ago" x_minutes_ago: "{{count}}m ago" x_hours_ago: "{{count}}h ago" hour: hour day: day comment: btn_add_comment: Add comment reply_to: Reply to btn_reply: Reply btn_edit: Edit btn_delete: Delete btn_flag: Flag btn_save_edits: Save edits btn_cancel: Cancel show_more: Show more comments tip_question: >- Use comments to ask for more information or suggest improvements. Avoid answering questions in comments. tip_answer: >- Use comments to reply to other users or notify them of changes. If you are adding new information, edit your post instead of commenting. edit_answer: title: Edit Answer default_reason: Edit answer form: fields: revision: label: Revision answer: label: Answer feedback: characters: content must be at least 6 characters in length. edit_summary: label: Edit Summary placeholder: >- Briefly explain your changes (corrected spelling, fixed grammar, improved formatting) btn_save_edits: Save edits btn_cancel: Cancel tags: title: Tags sort_buttons: popular: Popular name: Name newest: newest button_follow: Follow button_following: Following tag_label: questions search_placeholder: Filter by tag name no_desc: The tag has no description. more: More ask: title: Add Question edit_title: Edit Question default_reason: Edit question similar_questions: Similar questions form: fields: revision: label: Revision title: label: Title placeholder: Be specific and imagine you're asking a question to another person msg: empty: Title cannot be empty. range: Title up to 150 characters body: label: Body msg: empty: Body cannot be empty. tags: label: Tags msg: empty: Tags cannot be empty. answer: label: Answer msg: empty: Answer cannot be empty. edit_summary: label: Edit Summary placeholder: >- Briefly explain your changes (corrected spelling, fixed grammar, improved formatting) btn_post_question: Post your question btn_save_edits: Save edits answer_question: Answer your own question post_question&answer: Post your question and answer tag_selector: add_btn: Add tag create_btn: Create new tag search_tag: Search tag hint: "Describe what your question is about, at least one tag is required." no_result: No tags matched tag_required_text: Required tag (at least one) header: nav: question: Questions tag: Tags user: Users profile: Profile setting: Settings logout: Log out admin: Admin review: Review search: placeholder: Search footer: build_on: >- Built on <1> Answer - the open-source software that powers Q&A communities.
Made with love © {{cc}}. upload_img: name: Change loading: loading... pic_auth_code: title: Captcha placeholder: Type the text above msg: empty: Captcha cannot be empty. inactive: first: >- You're almost done! We sent an activation mail to {{mail}}. Please follow the instructions in the mail to activate your account. info: "If it doesn't arrive, check your spam folder." another: >- We sent another activation email to you at {{mail}}. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder. btn_name: Resend activation email change_btn_name: Change email msg: empty: Cannot be empty. login: page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}} login_to_continue: Log in to continue info_sign: Don't have an account? <1>Sign up info_login: Already have an account? <1>Log in agreements: By registering, you agree to the <1>privacy policy and <3>terms of service. forgot_pass: Forgot password? name: label: Name msg: empty: Name cannot be empty. range: Name up to 30 characters. email: label: Email msg: empty: Email cannot be empty. password: label: Password msg: empty: Password cannot be empty. different: The passwords entered on both sides are inconsistent account_forgot: page_title: Forgot Your Password btn_name: Send me recovery email send_success: >- If an account matches {{mail}}, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly. email: label: Email msg: empty: Email cannot be empty. change_email: page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}} btn_cancel: Cancel btn_update: Update email address send_success: >- If an account matches {{mail}}, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly. email: label: New Email msg: empty: Email cannot be empty. password_reset: page_title: Password Reset btn_name: Reset my password reset_success: >- You successfully changed your password; you will be redirected to the log in page. link_invalid: >- Sorry, this password reset link is no longer valid. Perhaps your password is already reset? to_login: Continue to log in page password: label: Password msg: empty: Password cannot be empty. length: The length needs to be between 8 and 32 different: The passwords entered on both sides are inconsistent password_confirm: label: Confirm New Password settings: page_title: Settings nav: profile: Profile notification: Notifications account: Account interface: Interface profile: heading: Profile btn_name: Save display_name: label: Display Name msg: Display name cannot be empty. msg_range: Display name up to 30 characters. username: label: Username caption: People can mention you as "@username". msg: Username cannot be empty. msg_range: Username up to 30 characters. character: 'Must use the character set "a-z", "0-9", " - . _"' avatar: label: Profile Image gravatar: Gravatar gravatar_text: You can change image on <1>gravatar.com custom: Custom btn_refresh: Refresh custom_text: You can upload your image. default: System msg: Please upload an avatar bio: label: About Me website: label: Website placeholder: "https://example.com" msg: Website incorrect format location: label: Location placeholder: "City, Country" notification: heading: Notifications email: label: Email Notifications radio: "Answers to your questions, comments, and more" account: heading: Account change_email_btn: Change email change_pass_btn: Change password change_email_info: >- We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions. email: label: Email msg: Email cannot be empty. password_title: Password current_pass: label: Current Password msg: empty: Current Password cannot be empty. length: The length needs to be between 8 and 32. different: The two entered passwords do not match. new_pass: label: New Password pass_confirm: label: Confirm New Password interface: heading: Interface lang: label: Interface Language text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. toast: update: update success update_password: Password changed successfully. flag_success: Thanks for flagging. forbidden_operate_self: Forbidden to operate on yourself review: Your revision will show after review. related_question: title: Related Questions btn: Add question answers: answers question_detail: Asked: Asked asked: asked update: Modified edit: edited Views: Viewed Follow: Follow Following: Following answered: answered closed_in: Closed in show_exist: Show existing question. answers: title: Answers score: Score newest: Newest btn_accept: Accept btn_accepted: Accepted write_answer: title: Your Answer btn_name: Post your answer add_another_answer: Add another answer confirm_title: Continue to answer continue: Continue confirm_info: >-

Are you sure you want to add another answer?

You could use the edit link to refine and improve your existing answer, instead.

empty: Answer cannot be empty. characters: content must be at least 6 characters in length. reopen: title: Reopen this post content: Are you sure you want to reopen? success: This post has been reopened delete: title: Delete this post question: >- We do not recommend deleting questions with answers because doing so deprives future readers of this knowledge.

Repeated deletion of answered questions can result in your account being blocked from asking. Are you sure you wish to delete? answer_accepted: >-

We do not recommend deleting accepted answer because doing so deprives future readers of this knowledge.

Repeated deletion of accepted answers can result in your account being blocked from answering. Are you sure you wish to delete? other: Are you sure you wish to delete? tip_question_deleted: This post has been deleted tip_answer_deleted: This answer has been deleted btns: confirm: Confirm cancel: Cancel save: Save delete: Delete login: Log in signup: Sign up logout: Log out verify: Verify add_question: Add question approve: Approve reject: Reject skip: Skip discard_draft: Discard draft search: title: Search Results keywords: Keywords options: Options follow: Follow following: Following counts: "{{count}} Results" more: More sort_btns: relevance: Relevance newest: Newest active: Active score: Score more: More tips: title: Advanced Search Tips tag: "<1>[tag] search withing a tag" user: "<1>user:username search by author" answer: "<1>answers:0 unanswered questions" score: "<1>score:3 posts with a 3+ score" question: "<1>is:question search questions" is_answer: "<1>is:answer search answers" empty: We couldn't find anything.
Try different or less specific keywords. share: name: Share copy: Copy link via: Share post via... copied: Copied facebook: Share to Facebook twitter: Share to Twitter cannot_vote_for_self: You can't vote for your own post modal_confirm: title: Error... account_result: page_title: Welcome to {{site_name}} success: Your new account is confirmed; you will be redirected to the home page. link: Continue to homepage invalid: >- Sorry, this account confirmation link is no longer valid. Perhaps your account is already active? confirm_new_email: Your email has been updated. confirm_new_email_invalid: >- Sorry, this confirmation link is no longer valid. Perhaps your email was already changed? unsubscribe: page_title: Unsubscribe success_title: Unsubscribe Successful success_desc: You have been successfully removed from this subscriber list and won't receive any further emails from us. link: Change settings question: following_tags: Following Tags edit: Edit save: Save follow_tag_tip: Follow tags to curate your list of questions. hot_questions: Hot Questions all_questions: All Questions x_questions: "{{ count }} Questions" x_answers: "{{ count }} answers" questions: Questions answers: Answers newest: Newest active: Active frequent: Frequent score: Score unanswered: Unanswered modified: modified answered: answered asked: asked closed: closed follow_a_tag: Follow a tag more: More personal: overview: Overview answers: Answers answer: answer questions: Questions question: question bookmarks: Bookmarks reputation: Reputation comments: Comments votes: Votes newest: Newest score: Score edit_profile: Edit Profile visited_x_days: "Visited {{ count }} days" viewed: Viewed joined: Joined last_login: Seen about_me: About Me about_me_empty: "// Hello, World !" top_answers: Top Answers top_questions: Top Questions stats: Stats list_empty: No posts found.
Perhaps you'd like to select a different tab? accepted: Accepted answered: answered asked: asked upvote: upvote downvote: downvote mod_short: Mod mod_long: Moderators x_reputation: reputation x_votes: votes received x_answers: answers x_questions: questions install: title: Answer next: Next done: Done config_yaml_error: Can't create the config.yaml file. lang: label: Please Choose a Language db_type: label: Database Engine db_username: label: Username placeholder: root msg: Username cannot be empty. db_password: label: Password placeholder: root msg: Password cannot be empty. db_host: label: Database Host placeholder: "db:3306" msg: Database Host cannot be empty. db_name: label: Database Name placeholder: answer msg: Database Name cannot be empty. db_file: label: Database File placeholder: /data/answer.db msg: Database File cannot be empty. config_yaml: title: Create config.yaml label: The config.yaml file created. desc: >- You can create the <1>config.yaml file manually in the <1>/var/wwww/xxx/ directory and paste the following text into it. info: After you've done that, click "Next" button. site_information: Site Information admin_account: Admin Account site_name: label: Site Name msg: Site Name cannot be empty. site_url: label: Site URL text: The address of your site. msg: empty: Site URL cannot be empty. incorrect: Site URL incorrect format. contact_email: label: Contact Email text: Email address of key contact responsible for this site. msg: empty: Contact Email cannot be empty. incorrect: Contact Email incorrect format. admin_name: label: Name msg: Name cannot be empty. admin_password: label: Password text: >- You will need this password to log in. Please store it in a secure location. msg: Password cannot be empty. admin_email: label: Email text: You will need this email to log in. msg: empty: Email cannot be empty. incorrect: Email incorrect format. ready_title: Your Answer is Ready! ready_desc: >- If you ever feel like changing more settings, visit <1>admin section; find it in the site menu. good_luck: "Have fun, and good luck!" warn_title: Warning warn_desc: >- The file <1>config.yaml already exists. If you need to reset any of the configuration items in this file, please delete it first. install_now: You may try <1>installing now. installed: Already installed installed_desc: >- You appear to have already installed. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first. db_failed: Database connection failed db_failed_desc: >- This either means that the database information in your <1>config.yaml file is incorrect or that contact with the database server could not be established. This could mean your host’s database server is down. counts: views: views votes: votes answers: answers accepted: Accepted page_404: http_error: HTTP Error 404 desc: "Unfortunately, this page doesn't exist." back_home: Back to homepage page_50X: http_error: HTTP Error 500 desc: The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. back_home: Back to homepage page_maintenance: desc: "We are under maintenance, we'll be back soon." nav_menus: dashboard: Dashboard contents: Contents questions: Questions answers: Answers users: Users flags: Flags settings: Settings general: General interface: Interface smtp: SMTP branding: Branding legal: Legal write: Write tos: Terms of Service privacy: Privacy seo: SEO customize: Customize themes: Themes css-html: CSS/HTML login: Login admin: admin_header: title: Admin dashboard: title: Dashboard welcome: Welcome to Answer Admin! site_statistics: Site Statistics questions: "Questions:" answers: "Answers:" comments: "Comments:" votes: "Votes:" active_users: "Active users:" flags: "Flags:" site_health_status: Site Health Status version: "Version:" https: "HTTPS:" uploading_files: "Uploading files:" smtp: "SMTP:" timezone: "Timezone:" system_info: System Info storage_used: "Storage used:" uptime: "Uptime:" answer_links: Answer Links documents: Documents feedback: Feedback support: Support review: Review config: Config update_to: Update to latest: Latest check_failed: Check failed "yes": "Yes" "no": "No" not_allowed: Not allowed allowed: Allowed enabled: Enabled disabled: Disabled flags: title: Flags pending: Pending completed: Completed flagged: Flagged created: Created action: Action review: Review change_modal: title: Change user status to... btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit normal_name: normal normal_desc: A normal user can ask and answer questions. suspended_name: suspended suspended_desc: A suspended user can't log in. deleted_name: deleted deleted_desc: "Delete profile, authentication associations." inactive_name: inactive inactive_desc: An inactive user must re-validate their email. confirm_title: Delete this user confirm_content: Are you sure you want to delete this user? This is permanent! confirm_btn: Delete msg: empty: Please select a reason. status_modal: title: "Change {{ type }} status to..." normal_name: normal normal_desc: A normal post available to everyone. closed_name: closed closed_desc: "A closed question can't answer, but still can edit, vote and comment." deleted_name: deleted deleted_desc: All reputation gained and lost will be restored. btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit btn_next: Next user_role_modal: title: Change user role to... btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit users: title: Users name: Name email: Email reputation: Reputation created_at: Created Time delete_at: Deleted Time suspend_at: Suspended Time status: Status role: Role action: Action change: Change all: All staff: Staff inactive: Inactive suspended: Suspended deleted: Deleted normal: Normal Moderator: Moderator Admin: Admin User: User filter: placeholder: "Filter by name, user:id" set_new_password: Set new password change_status: Change status change_role: Change role show_logs: Show logs add_user: Add user new_password_modal: title: Set new password form: fields: password: label: Password text: The user will be logged out and need to login again. msg: Password must be at 8-32 characters in length. btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit user_modal: title: Add new user form: fields: display_name: label: Display Name msg: Display Name must be at 3-30 characters in length. email: label: Email msg: Email is not valid. password: label: Password msg: Password must be at 8-32 characters in length. btn_cancel: Cancel btn_submit: Submit questions: page_title: Questions normal: Normal closed: Closed deleted: Deleted post: Post votes: Votes answers: Answers created: Created status: Status action: Action change: Change filter: placeholder: "Filter by title, question:id" answers: page_title: Answers normal: Normal deleted: Deleted post: Post votes: Votes created: Created status: Status action: Action change: Change filter: placeholder: "Filter by title, answer:id" general: page_title: General name: label: Site Name msg: Site name cannot be empty. text: "The name of this site, as used in the title tag." site_url: label: Site URL msg: Site url cannot be empty. validate: Please enter a valid URL. text: The address of your site. short_desc: label: Short Site Description msg: Short site description cannot be empty. text: "Short description, as used in the title tag on homepage." desc: label: Site Description msg: Site description cannot be empty. text: "Describe this site in one sentence, as used in the meta description tag." contact_email: label: Contact Email msg: Contact email cannot be empty. validate: Contact email is not valid. text: Email address of key contact responsible for this site. interface: page_title: Interface language: label: Interface Language msg: Interface language cannot be empty. text: User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page. time_zone: label: Timezone msg: Timezone cannot be empty. text: Choose a city in the same timezone as you. avatar: label: Default Avatar text: For users without a custom avatar of their own. smtp: page_title: SMTP from_email: label: From Email msg: From email cannot be empty. text: The email address which emails are sent from. from_name: label: From Name msg: From name cannot be empty. text: The name which emails are sent from. smtp_host: label: SMTP Host msg: SMTP host cannot be empty. text: Your mail server. encryption: label: Encryption msg: Encryption cannot be empty. text: For most servers SSL is the recommended option. ssl: SSL none: None smtp_port: label: SMTP Port msg: SMTP port must be number 1 ~ 65535. text: The port to your mail server. smtp_username: label: SMTP Username msg: SMTP username cannot be empty. smtp_password: label: SMTP Password msg: SMTP password cannot be empty. test_email_recipient: label: Test Email Recipients text: Provide email address that will receive test sends. msg: Test email recipients is invalid smtp_authentication: label: Enable authentication title: SMTP Authentication msg: SMTP authentication cannot be empty. "yes": "Yes" "no": "No" branding: page_title: Branding logo: label: Logo msg: Logo cannot be empty. text: The logo image at the top left of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 56 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the site title text will be shown. mobile_logo: label: Mobile Logo text: The logo used on mobile version of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 56. If left blank, the image from the "logo" setting will be used. square_icon: label: Square Icon msg: Square icon cannot be empty. text: Image used as the base for metadata icons. Should ideally be larger than 512x512. favicon: label: Favicon text: A favicon for your site. To work correctly over a CDN it must be a png. Will be resized to 32x32. If left blank, "square icon" will be used. legal: page_title: Legal terms_of_service: label: Terms of Service text: "You can add terms of service content here. If you already have a document hosted elsewhere, provide the full URL here." privacy_policy: label: Privacy Policy text: "You can add privacy policy content here. If you already have a document hosted elsewhere, provide the full URL here." write: page_title: Write recommend_tags: label: Recommend Tags text: "Please input tag slug above, one tag per line." required_tag: title: Required Tag label: Set recommend tag as required text: "Every new question must have at least one recommend tag." reserved_tags: label: Reserved Tags text: "Reserved tags can only be added to a post by moderator." seo: page_title: SEO permalink: label: Permalink text: Custom URL structures can improve the usability, and forward-compatibility of your links. robots: label: robots.txt text: This will permanently override any related site settings. themes: page_title: Themes themes: label: Themes text: Select an existing theme. navbar_style: label: Navbar Style text: Select an existing theme. primary_color: label: Primary Color text: Modify the colors used by your themes css_and_html: page_title: CSS and HTML custom_css: label: Custom CSS text: This will insert as head: label: Head text: This will insert before header: label: Header text: This will insert after footer: label: Footer text: This will insert before . login: page_title: Login membership: title: Membership label: Allow new registrations text: Turn off to prevent anyone from creating a new account. private: title: Private label: Login required text: Only logged in users can access this community. form: optional: (optional) empty: cannot be empty invalid: is invalid btn_submit: Save not_found_props: "Required property {{ key }} not found." page_review: review: Review proposed: proposed question_edit: Question edit answer_edit: Answer edit tag_edit: Tag edit edit_summary: Edit summary edit_question: Edit question edit_answer: Edit answer edit_tag: Edit tag empty: No review tasks left. timeline: undeleted: undeleted deleted: deleted downvote: downvote upvote: upvote accept: accept cancelled: cancelled commented: commented rollback: rollback edited: edited answered: answered asked: asked closed: closed reopened: reopened created: created title: "History for" tag_title: "Timeline for" show_votes: "Show votes" n_or_a: N/A title_for_question: "Timeline for" title_for_answer: "Timeline for answer to {{ title }} by {{ author }}" title_for_tag: "Timeline for tag" datetime: Datetime type: Type by: By comment: Comment no_data: "We couldn't find anything." users: title: Users users_with_the_most_reputation: Users with the highest reputation scores users_with_the_most_vote: Users who voted the most staffs: Our community staff reputation: reputation votes: votes prompt: leave_page: Are you sure you want to leave the page? changes_not_save: Your changes may not be saved. draft: discard_confirm: Are you sure you want to discard your draft? messages: post_deleted: This post has been deleted.