mirror of https://gitee.com/answerdev/answer.git
558 lines
15 KiB
558 lines
15 KiB
package search_common
import (
usercommon "github.com/answerdev/answer/internal/service/user_common"
var (
qFields = []string{
"`question`.`id` as `question_id`",
"`question`.`created_at` as `created_at`",
"CASE WHEN `accepted_answer_id` > 0 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END as `accepted`",
"`question`.`status` as `status`",
aFields = []string{
"`answer`.`id` as `id`",
"`question`.`title` as `title`",
"`answer`.`parsed_text` as `parsed_text`",
"`answer`.`created_at` as `created_at`",
"`answer`.`user_id` as `user_id`",
"`answer`.`vote_count` as `vote_count`",
"0 as `answer_count`",
"`adopted` as `accepted`",
"`answer`.`status` as `status`",
"`answer`.`created_at` as `post_update_time`",
// searchRepo tag repository
type searchRepo struct {
data *data.Data
userCommon *usercommon.UserCommon
uniqueIDRepo unique.UniqueIDRepo
// NewSearchRepo new repository
func NewSearchRepo(data *data.Data, uniqueIDRepo unique.UniqueIDRepo, userCommon *usercommon.UserCommon) search_common.SearchRepo {
return &searchRepo{
data: data,
uniqueIDRepo: uniqueIDRepo,
userCommon: userCommon,
// SearchContents search question and answer data
func (sr *searchRepo) SearchContents(ctx context.Context, words []string, tagIDs []string, userID string, votes int, page, size int, order string) (resp []schema.SearchResp, total int64, err error) {
words = filterWords(words)
var (
b *builder.Builder
ub *builder.Builder
qfs = qFields
afs = aFields
argsQ = []interface{}{}
argsA = []interface{}{}
if order == "relevance" {
if len(words) > 0 {
qfs, argsQ = addRelevanceField([]string{"title", "original_text"}, words, qfs)
afs, argsA = addRelevanceField([]string{"`answer`.`original_text`"}, words, afs)
} else {
order = "newest"
b = builder.MySQL().Select(qfs...).From("`question`")
ub = builder.MySQL().Select(afs...).From("`answer`").
LeftJoin("`question`", "`question`.id = `answer`.question_id")
b.Where(builder.Lt{"`question`.`status`": entity.QuestionStatusDeleted}).
And(builder.Eq{"`question`.`show`": entity.QuestionShow})
ub.Where(builder.Lt{"`question`.`status`": entity.QuestionStatusDeleted}).
And(builder.Lt{"`answer`.`status`": entity.AnswerStatusDeleted}).
And(builder.Eq{"`question`.`show`": entity.QuestionShow})
argsQ = append(argsQ, entity.QuestionStatusDeleted, entity.QuestionShow)
argsA = append(argsA, entity.QuestionStatusDeleted, entity.AnswerStatusDeleted, entity.QuestionShow)
for i, word := range words {
if i == 0 {
b.Where(builder.Like{"title", word}).
Or(builder.Like{"original_text", word})
argsQ = append(argsQ, "%"+word+"%")
argsQ = append(argsQ, "%"+word+"%")
ub.Where(builder.Like{"`answer`.original_text", word})
argsA = append(argsA, "%"+word+"%")
} else {
b.Or(builder.Like{"title", word}).
Or(builder.Like{"original_text", word})
argsQ = append(argsQ, "%"+word+"%")
argsQ = append(argsQ, "%"+word+"%")
ub.Or(builder.Like{"`answer`.original_text", word})
argsA = append(argsA, "%"+word+"%")
// check tag
if len(tagIDs) > 0 {
for ti, tagID := range tagIDs {
ast := "tag_rel" + strconv.Itoa(ti)
b.Join("INNER", "tag_rel as "+ast, "question.id = "+ast+".object_id").
ast + ".tag_id": tagID,
ast + ".status": entity.TagRelStatusAvailable,
ub.Join("INNER", "tag_rel as "+ast, "question_id = "+ast+".object_id").
ast + ".tag_id": tagID,
ast + ".status": entity.TagRelStatusAvailable,
argsQ = append(argsQ, entity.TagRelStatusAvailable, tagID)
argsA = append(argsA, entity.TagRelStatusAvailable, tagID)
// check user
if userID != "" {
b.Where(builder.Eq{"question.user_id": userID})
ub.Where(builder.Eq{"answer.user_id": userID})
argsQ = append(argsQ, userID)
argsA = append(argsA, userID)
// check vote
if votes == 0 {
b.Where(builder.Eq{"question.vote_count": votes})
ub.Where(builder.Eq{"answer.vote_count": votes})
argsQ = append(argsQ, votes)
argsA = append(argsA, votes)
} else if votes > 0 {
b.Where(builder.Gte{"question.vote_count": votes})
ub.Where(builder.Gte{"answer.vote_count": votes})
argsQ = append(argsQ, votes)
argsA = append(argsA, votes)
//b = b.Union("all", ub)
ubSQL, _, err := ub.ToSQL()
if err != nil {
bSQL, _, err := b.ToSQL()
if err != nil {
sql := fmt.Sprintf("(%s UNION ALL %s)", bSQL, ubSQL)
countSQL, _, err := builder.MySQL().Select("count(*) total").From(sql, "c").ToSQL()
if err != nil {
querySQL, _, err := builder.MySQL().Select("*").From(sql, "t").OrderBy(sr.parseOrder(ctx, order)).Limit(size, page-1).ToSQL()
if err != nil {
queryArgs := []interface{}{}
countArgs := []interface{}{}
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, querySQL)
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, argsQ...)
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, argsA...)
countArgs = append(countArgs, countSQL)
countArgs = append(countArgs, argsQ...)
countArgs = append(countArgs, argsA...)
res, err := sr.data.DB.Query(queryArgs...)
if err != nil {
tr, err := sr.data.DB.Query(countArgs...)
if len(tr) != 0 {
total = converter.StringToInt64(string(tr[0]["total"]))
if err != nil {
err = errors.InternalServer(reason.DatabaseError).WithError(err).WithStack()
} else {
resp, err = sr.parseResult(ctx, res)
// SearchQuestions search question data
func (sr *searchRepo) SearchQuestions(ctx context.Context, words []string, tagIDs []string, notAccepted bool, views, answers int, page, size int, order string) (resp []schema.SearchResp, total int64, err error) {
words = filterWords(words)
var (
qfs = qFields
args = []interface{}{}
if order == "relevance" {
if len(words) > 0 {
qfs, args = addRelevanceField([]string{"title", "original_text"}, words, qfs)
} else {
order = "newest"
b := builder.MySQL().Select(qfs...).From("question")
b.Where(builder.Lt{"`question`.`status`": entity.QuestionStatusDeleted}).And(builder.Eq{"`question`.`show`": entity.QuestionShow})
args = append(args, entity.QuestionStatusDeleted, entity.QuestionShow)
for i, word := range words {
if i == 0 {
b.Where(builder.Like{"title", word}).
Or(builder.Like{"original_text", word})
args = append(args, "%"+word+"%")
args = append(args, "%"+word+"%")
} else {
b.Or(builder.Like{"original_text", word})
args = append(args, "%"+word+"%")
// check tag
if len(tagIDs) > 0 {
for ti, tagID := range tagIDs {
ast := "tag_rel" + strconv.Itoa(ti)
b.Join("INNER", "tag_rel as "+ast, "question.id = "+ast+".object_id").
ast + ".tag_id": tagID,
ast + ".status": entity.TagRelStatusAvailable,
args = append(args, entity.TagRelStatusAvailable, tagID)
// check need filter has not accepted
if notAccepted {
b.And(builder.Eq{"accepted_answer_id": 0})
args = append(args, 0)
// check views
if views > -1 {
b.And(builder.Gte{"view_count": views})
args = append(args, views)
// check answers
if answers == 0 {
b.And(builder.Eq{"answer_count": answers})
args = append(args, answers)
} else if answers > 0 {
b.And(builder.Gte{"answer_count": answers})
args = append(args, answers)
if answers == 0 {
b.And(builder.Eq{"answer_count": 0})
args = append(args, 0)
} else if answers > 0 {
b.And(builder.Gte{"answer_count": answers})
args = append(args, answers)
queryArgs := []interface{}{}
countArgs := []interface{}{}
countSQL, _, err := builder.MySQL().Select("count(*) total").From(b, "c").ToSQL()
if err != nil {
querySQL, _, err := b.OrderBy(sr.parseOrder(ctx, order)).Limit(size, page-1).ToSQL()
if err != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, querySQL)
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, args...)
countArgs = append(countArgs, countSQL)
countArgs = append(countArgs, args...)
res, err := sr.data.DB.Query(queryArgs...)
if err != nil {
tr, err := sr.data.DB.Query(countArgs...)
if err != nil {
if len(tr) != 0 {
total = converter.StringToInt64(string(tr[0]["total"]))
resp, err = sr.parseResult(ctx, res)
if err != nil {
err = errors.InternalServer(reason.DatabaseError).WithError(err).WithStack()
// SearchAnswers search answer data
func (sr *searchRepo) SearchAnswers(ctx context.Context, words []string, tagIDs []string, accepted bool, questionID string, page, size int, order string) (resp []schema.SearchResp, total int64, err error) {
words = filterWords(words)
var (
afs = aFields
args = []interface{}{}
if order == "relevance" {
if len(words) > 0 {
afs, args = addRelevanceField([]string{"`answer`.`original_text`"}, words, afs)
} else {
order = "newest"
b := builder.MySQL().Select(afs...).From("`answer`").
LeftJoin("`question`", "`question`.id = `answer`.question_id")
b.Where(builder.Lt{"`question`.`status`": entity.QuestionStatusDeleted}).
And(builder.Lt{"`answer`.`status`": entity.AnswerStatusDeleted}).And(builder.Eq{"`question`.`show`": entity.QuestionShow})
args = append(args, entity.QuestionStatusDeleted, entity.AnswerStatusDeleted, entity.QuestionShow)
for i, word := range words {
if i == 0 {
b.Where(builder.Like{"`answer`.original_text", word})
args = append(args, "%"+word+"%")
} else {
b.Or(builder.Like{"`answer`.original_text", word})
args = append(args, "%"+word+"%")
// check tag
if len(tagIDs) > 0 {
for ti, tagID := range tagIDs {
ast := "tag_rel" + strconv.Itoa(ti)
b.Join("INNER", "tag_rel as "+ast, "question_id = "+ast+".object_id").
ast + ".tag_id": tagID,
ast + ".status": entity.TagRelStatusAvailable,
args = append(args, entity.TagRelStatusAvailable, tagID)
// check limit accepted
if accepted {
b.Where(builder.Eq{"adopted": schema.AnswerAcceptedEnable})
args = append(args, schema.AnswerAcceptedEnable)
// check question id
if questionID != "" {
b.Where(builder.Eq{"question_id": questionID})
args = append(args, questionID)
queryArgs := []interface{}{}
countArgs := []interface{}{}
countSQL, _, err := builder.MySQL().Select("count(*) total").From(b, "c").ToSQL()
if err != nil {
querySQL, _, err := b.OrderBy(sr.parseOrder(ctx, order)).Limit(size, page-1).ToSQL()
if err != nil {
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, querySQL)
queryArgs = append(queryArgs, args...)
countArgs = append(countArgs, countSQL)
countArgs = append(countArgs, args...)
res, err := sr.data.DB.Query(queryArgs...)
if err != nil {
tr, err := sr.data.DB.Query(countArgs...)
if err != nil {
total = converter.StringToInt64(string(tr[0]["total"]))
resp, err = sr.parseResult(ctx, res)
if err != nil {
err = errors.InternalServer(reason.DatabaseError).WithError(err).WithStack()
func (sr *searchRepo) parseOrder(ctx context.Context, order string) (res string) {
switch order {
case "newest":
res = "created_at desc"
case "active":
res = "post_update_time desc"
case "score":
res = "vote_count desc"
case "relevance":
res = "relevance desc"
res = "created_at desc"
func (sr *searchRepo) parseResult(ctx context.Context, res []map[string][]byte) (resp []schema.SearchResp, err error) {
for _, r := range res {
var (
status string
tags []schema.TagResp
tagsEntity []entity.Tag
object schema.SearchObject
objectKey, err = obj.GetObjectTypeStrByObjectID(string(r["id"]))
if err != nil {
tp, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", string(r["created_at"]), time.Local)
// get user info
userInfo, _, e := sr.userCommon.GetUserBasicInfoByID(ctx, string(r["user_id"]))
if e != nil {
err = errors.InternalServer(reason.DatabaseError).WithError(e).WithStack()
// get tags
err = sr.data.DB.
Join("INNER", "tag_rel", "tag.id = tag_rel.tag_id").
Where(builder.Eq{"tag_rel.object_id": r["question_id"]}).
And(builder.Eq{"tag_rel.status": entity.TagRelStatusAvailable}).
UseBool("recommend", "reserved").
OrderBy("tag.recommend DESC, tag.reserved DESC, tag.id DESC").
if err != nil {
err = errors.InternalServer(reason.DatabaseError).WithError(err).WithStack()
_ = copier.Copy(&tags, tagsEntity)
switch objectKey {
case "question":
for k, v := range entity.AdminQuestionSearchStatus {
if v == converter.StringToInt(string(r["status"])) {
status = k
case "answer":
for k, v := range entity.AdminAnswerSearchStatus {
if v == converter.StringToInt(string(r["status"])) {
status = k
object = schema.SearchObject{
ID: string(r["id"]),
QuestionID: string(r["question_id"]),
Title: string(r["title"]),
Excerpt: htmltext.FetchExcerpt(string(r["parsed_text"]), "...", 240),
CreatedAtParsed: tp.Unix(),
UserInfo: userInfo,
Tags: tags,
VoteCount: converter.StringToInt(string(r["vote_count"])),
Accepted: string(r["accepted"]) == "2",
AnswerCount: converter.StringToInt(string(r["answer_count"])),
StatusStr: status,
resp = append(resp, schema.SearchResp{
ObjectType: objectKey,
Object: object,
func addRelevanceField(searchFields, words, fields []string) (res []string, args []interface{}) {
relevanceRes := []string{}
args = []interface{}{}
for _, searchField := range searchFields {
var (
relevance = "(LENGTH(" + searchField + ") - LENGTH(%s))"
replacement = "REPLACE(%s, ?, '')"
replaceField = searchField
replaced string
argsField = []interface{}{}
res = fields
for i, word := range words {
if i == 0 {
argsField = append(argsField, word)
replaced = fmt.Sprintf(replacement, replaceField)
} else {
argsField = append(argsField, word)
replaced = fmt.Sprintf(replacement, replaced)
args = append(args, argsField...)
relevance = fmt.Sprintf(relevance, replaced)
relevanceRes = append(relevanceRes, relevance)
res = append(res, "("+strings.Join(relevanceRes, " + ")+") as relevance")
func filterWords(words []string) (res []string) {
for _, word := range words {
if strings.TrimSpace(word) != "" {
res = append(res, word)