
3.3 KiB

How to build and install

Before installing Answer, you need to install the base environment first.

  • database

You can then install Answer in several ways:

  • Deploy with Docker
  • binary installation
  • Source installation

Docker for Answer

Visit Docker Hub or GitHub Container registry to see all available images and tags.


To keep your data out of Docker container, we do a volume (/var/data -> /data) here, and you can change it based on your situation.

# Pull image from Docker Hub.
$ docker pull answerdev/answer:latest

# Create local directory for volume.
$ mkdir -p /var/data

# Run the image first
$ docker run --name=answer -p 9080:80 -v /var/data:/data answer/answer

# After the first startup, a configuration file will be generated in the /var/data directory
# /var/data/conf/config.yaml
# Need to modify the Mysql database address in the configuration file
vim /var/data/conf/config.yaml

# Modify database connection
# connection: [username]:[password]@tcp([host]:[port])/[DbName]

# After configuring the configuration file, you can start the mirror again to start the service
$ docker start answer

Binary for Answer

Install Answer using binary

  1. Unzip the compressed package

  2. Use the command cd to enter the directory you just created

  3. Execute the command ./answer init

  4. Answer will generate a ./data directory in the current directory

  5. Enter the data directory and modify the config.yaml file

  6. Modify the database connection address to your database connection address

    connection: [username]:[password]@tcp([host]:[port])/[DbName]

  7. Exit the data directory and execute ./answer run -c ./data/conf/config.yaml

Available Commands

Usage: answer [command]

  • help: Help about any command
  • init: Init answer application
  • run: Run answer application
  • check: Check answer required environment
  • dump: Backup answer data

config.yaml Description

    addr: #Project access port number
    connection: root:root@tcp( #MySQL database connection address
    file_path: "/tmp/cache/cache.db" #Cache file storage path
  bundle_dir: "/data/i18n" #Internationalized file storage directory
  show: true #Whether to display the swaggerapi documentation, address /swagger/index.html
  protocol: http #swagger protocol header
  host: #An accessible IP address or domain name
  address: ':80'  #accessible port number
  secret_key: "answer" #encryption key
  web_host: "" #Page access using domain name address
  upload_path: "./upfiles" #upload directory

Compile the image

If you have modified the source files and want to repackage the image, you can use the following statement to repackage the image

docker build -t  answer:v1.0.0 .

common problem

  1. The project cannot be started, answer the main program startup depends on the configuration file config.yaml, the internationalization translation directory/i18n, the upload file storage directory/upfiles, you need to ensure that the configuration file is loaded when the project starts, answer run -c config.yaml and the correct config.yaml The configuration items that specify the i18n and upfiles directories