chore: publish

This commit is contained in:
thinkinggis 2019-11-28 15:14:37 +08:00
parent 7dc2a4efc2
commit 63dce31a63
20 changed files with 629 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,297 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **active:** fliter acitve ([c603e30](
* **babel:** gatsby env ([a0f249e](
* **component:** rename IPopupService ([a553111](
* **demo:** bugs ([5a857f9](
* **demo:** demo ([a4e49a6](
* **demo:** demo ([3792e6c](
* **demo:** gatsby ([5faac23](
* **demo:** gatsby ([b6a1785](
* **demo:** update demo ([3ae610f](
* **demo:** update demo ([f073b39](
* **doc:** file name lowercase ([3cbdc9c](
* **fix:** fix ([f40e44f](
* **fix confilict:** conflict ([8a09ae2](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([f7e5376](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([da604e2](
* **l7:** modules import ([7106b4f](
* **layer render:** scene 创建完成字段调用render方法 ([b5112a5](
* **layers:** heatmap 3d effect ([38d1736](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8cbbf7b](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8844243](
* **maker:** marker demo ([34d4d68](
* **maker:** marker demo ([685e17b](
* **map:** amap contanier creat new amap div ([bf43136](
* **map:** export l7-maps in CDN bundle ([9d08549](
* **map:** use P20 offset coordinates ([393e891](, closes [#94](
* **modules:** remove node_modules ([4239ca8](
* **packages:** remove sub modules node_modules ([132b99e](
* **site:** 首页头图位置,以及英文大小写 ([1c1f5b1](
* chart demo code ([213a4bd](
* eslint bug ([52e8afc](
* eslint missing in devDependencies ([3858f45](
* **readme:** readme ([38d7c95](
* **render:** gl type ([f0d49d9](
* **rm cache:** rm cache ([51ea07e](
* **site:** site img ([0aabc0f](
* **site:** site img ([96d94d7](
* **travis:** update travis ([2ac66b4](
* **travis:** update travis ([909c9d1](
* babel.config.js for gatsby ([6c2cb7c](
* gatsby site examples ([624a88b](
* locale.json should be valid json ([a75c435](
* locale.json should be valid json ([9ff435f](
* **event:** add touch event ([e37a3eb](
* **extrude:** add geojson rewind ([0d833f5](
* **extrude:** add geojson rewind ([12ca2c7](
* **layer:** 修复数据更新数据为空 ([96bc0fc](
* **layer:** 修复数据更新数据为空 ([d708f85](
* **layer:** eslint err ([6911b3f](
* **layer:** eslint err ([219b8c1](
* **layers:** heatmap 3d effect ([c99bb27](
* **line-layer:** 修复相邻线段重叠情况下的接头处理 ([d4a8f29](
* **line-layer:** 修复相邻线段重叠情况下的接头处理 ([badca04](
* **lint:** lint warning ([66c4304](
* **lint:** lint warning ([45ec241](
* **map:** map style map ([9ab41ff](
* **map:** map style map ([ac1056c](
* **package:** update version ([e6bf285](
* **package:** update version ([1db0b47](
* **point:** 修复shape映射,图片加载的事件 ([8d54bc6](
* **point:** 修复shape映射,图片加载的事件 ([84a55df](
* **point-layer:** adjust shift bits in vertex compression ([1104e3a](
* **point-layer:** adjust shift bits in vertex compression ([865875d](
* **polygon-layer:** 修复 demo ([b4fdc97](
* **polygon-layer:** 修复 demo ([f382bdb](
* **poylygon:** json source ([3296975](
* **poylygon:** json source ([0b099ca](
* **raster layer:** raster layer triangle ([cce659a](
* **raster layer:** update raster triangle ([b0f6265](
* **scene:** engine run ([c5ada86](
* **travis:** travis nodejs version ([93d1578](
* control css ([09ebe29](
* **rendermask:** maskmesh ([1c2c33e](
* **rendermask:** maskmesh ([d55ffff](
* **scene:** engine run ([9d8e531](
* **src:** lint err ([b269222](
* **src:** lint err ([9b4216d](
* **style:** update bug ([a0ad3c4](
* **text:** demo ([bae149e](
* **text:** demo ([71fcf42](
* **text:** shader defines ([0d9beb8](
* **text:** shader defines ([408ce92](
* bevel joint in dashline ([03ce45c](
* bevel joint in dashline ([dd8fcfa](
* meshline triangulation bug ([9d530cb](
* meshline triangulation bug ([b34ba8b](
* update babel.config.js ([fc45854](
* **Amap:** fix map ([2a84b54](
* **Amap:** fix map ([64906f7](
* **Amap:** fix mapstyle ([83df28b](
* **Amap:** fix mapstyle ([9be646b](
* **Amap:** setstyle ([6588614](
* **Amap:** setstyle ([907ea56](
* **code:** shaderpass ([349e04a](
* **code:** shaderpass ([65df7ce](
* **core:** delete composer.js ([b558371](
* **core:** delete composer.js ([1ca12ff](
* **core:** file name ([d79d7a3](
* **core:** file name ([cd65288](
* **core:** shaderpass ([9d936e7](
* **core:** shaderpass ([07672fe](
* **geojson:** geometry is null ([3fc7747](
* **geojson:** geometry is null ([9d8bfb1](
* **gloal:** snap ([8e4b4d3](
* **gloal:** snap ([14b261c](
* **heat-map:** 修复bbox计算逻辑 ([13583ea](
* **heat-map:** 修复bbox计算逻辑 ([7d7cbda](
* **heat-map:** 渲染逻辑 & bbox ([62932e0](
* **heat-map:** 渲染逻辑 & bbox ([b0df153](
* **heatmap:** 解决颜色插值问题,优化渲染性能 ([507a353](
* **heatmap:** 解决颜色插值问题,优化渲染性能 ([45db805](
* **heatmap:** performance ([724d73b](
* **heatmap:** performance ([5e2ebd3](
* **heatmap:** setValue ([208ed7f](
* **heatmap:** setValue ([2da2c1f](
* **imagedata:** image from origin data ([3928fe5](
* **imagedata:** image from origin data ([66f0e94](
* **l7:** update package ([ee54e52](
* **l7:** update package ([f669629](
* **layer:** conflict ([1f54741](
* **layer:** conflict ([bcc7388](
* **line:** default activeId ([fdec4b1](
* **line:** default activeId ([1491a7b](
* **mapbox:** scale ([f2d9214](
* **mapbox:** scale ([e0f7ff3](
* **package:** update version ([580b4ef](
* **package:** update version ([7a55d07](
* **package:** update version ([92cb458](
* **package:** update version ([335021d](
* **pick:** event ([5d2b690](
* **pick:** event ([952e03a](
* **raster:** layer clone typeArray ([7ca322d](
* **raster:** layer clone typeArray ([29bcb5d](
* **renderTarget:** 修复了threeJS更新版本后引发的renderPass渲染问题 ([a2e00e3](
* **renderTarget:** 修复了threeJS更新版本后引发的renderPass渲染问题 ([81e0f15](
* **scene:** event on map ([7b58386](
* **scene:** event on map ([cf5444f](
* **scene:** render ([6ba7f07](
* **scene:** render ([97af34f](
* **source:** cluster layer ([abc4bf1](
* **source:** cluster layer ([642a841](
* **source:** geojson parser filter invalid ([d546527](
* **source:** geojson parser filter invalid ([2702f02](
* **source:** import supercluster ([e69f860](
* **source:** import supercluster ([b00bcaf](
* **src:** require 引入方式切换成import ([988afc1](
* **src:** require 引入方式切换成import ([f652dca](
* **test:** compile threejs source ([bd53b2b](
* **test:** use the proper version of torchjs and babel, etc. ([758db46](
* **text:** layer ([f527be2](
* **text:** layer ([725c0cf](
* **threejs:** remove unuse import ([6c283ef](
* **threejs:** remove unuse import ([a93d34b](
* **tile:** vectorMap ([fe345e1](
* **tile:** vectorMap ([0888f31](
* **tilelayer:** point pickup ([facce2a](
* **tilelayer:** point pickup ([cef72bc](
* **transform:** stattistics ([3745540](
* **transform:** stattistics ([49d8f60](
* **util:** extent ([e20c4ca](
* **util:** extent ([0ee3ce9](
* **util:** geo convert ([7c555c2](
* **util:** geo convert ([113aae9](
### Features
* **add l7 site:** add websites ([0463ff8](
* **add point demo:** add demo ([cfecc93](
* **add point demo:** add demo ([90f6945](
* **attr:** add pattern ([a5767f2](
* **attr:** add pattern ([1eef58a](
* **chart:** add chart demo ([2a19b07](
* **chart:** add chart demo ([12cc906](
* **component:** add layer control ([7f4646e](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **control:** add marker ([c83f1c3](
* **control:** add marker ([39e870a](
* **control:** add scale, layer.zoom control ([f6983ac](
* **control:** add scale, layer.zoom control ([1bd12f1](
* **core:** add map method ([853c190](
* **demo:** add point chart demo ([8c2e4a8](
* **demo:** add point chart demo ([fe5d8cd](
* **demo:** normalization demo ([09e2e22](
* **demo:** normalization demo ([67edabe](
* **filter:** filter by pickids ([a0499b7](
* **json:** point数据coord 设置支持数组 ([fb5be34](
* **json:** point数据coord 设置支持数组 ([a4ad61f](
* **layer:** 新增sourceplugin, attribute 增加类型判断 ([2570b8c](
* **layer:** add arc2d layer ([420459c](
* **layer:** add imagelayer ([a995815](
* **layer:** add point line polygon image layer ([54f28be](
* **layer:** point layer ([3da72c8](
* **layer:** style 增加blending 配置项 ([bab462a](
* **layer:** style 增加blending 配置项 ([53f7268](
* **layers:** add arclayer ([7e499fd](
* **layers:** add girdheatmap add raster imagelayer ([ddd1d0e](
* **layers:** add heatmap 3d layer ([cd8409e](
* **layers:** add polygon3d , pointimagelayer ([75f2eaa](
* **layers:** add polygon3d , pointimagelayer ([bda6b6c](
* **line:** greatCircle ([4977426](
* **line:** greatCircle ([6188d07](
* **map:** adjust Scene API, use @antv/l7-maps instead ([77b8f21](, closes [#86](
* **multi-pass:** support TAA(Temporal Anti-Aliasing) ([2cf0824](
* **picking:** support advanced picking API: `layer.pick({x, y})` ([3e22f21](
* **picking:** support PixelPickingPass and highlight the picked feature ([ff0ffa0](
* **point image:** add point image ([89b2513](
* **point image:** add point image ([ae4a594](
* **point-layer:** use 2d sdf functions ([6ec7039](
* **point-layer:** use 2d sdf functions ([ea548ed](
* **post-processing:** add some post processing effects ([1d8e15c](
* **scene:** scene service inTransientScope ([ccf1ff4](
* **schema-validation:** support validation for layer's options ([9c5766d](
* **text:** text add textAllowOverlap propertry ([4dcc177](
* 增加对于点要素的自动标注 ([86d89dd](
* 增加对于点要素的自动标注 ([8feefb6](
* **polygon-layer:** 支持多个平行光源配置 ([63e70a3](
* **polygon-layer:** 支持多个平行光源配置 ([32cdcf8](
* **source:** reuse tileSource ([a9d2c27](
* **source:** reuse tileSource ([4ce9d60](
* **worker:** worker Source ([40947c0](
* **worker:** worker Source ([1a5faae](
* **worker:** worker Source ([3bbdb5e](
* **worker:** worker Source ([d7d66a2](
* lighting ([4d19584](
* lighting ([f8269ee](
* **hexagon:** hexagon heatmap ([00d58a0](
* **hexagon:** hexagon heatmap ([f6847e1](
* **l7:** add shader module ([8a45456](
* **l7:** add shader module ([a6d4774](
* **l7:** feat heatmap layer ([109f3f1](
* **l7:** feat heatmap layer ([eec6a12](
* **layer:** add controller ([7d33a17](
* **layer:** add controller ([d562f86](
* **layer:** add lengendcdg method ([c8ac525](
* **point-layer:** optimize 2d circle ([ee5611d](
* **point-layer:** optimize 2d circle ([e8704a1](
* **point-layer:** vertex compression ([5e0bac0](
* **point-layer:** vertex compression ([ef2a9dd](
* support bevel joint, dashline & anti-alias ([c0ea754](
* support bevel joint, dashline & anti-alias ([393c5d0](
* **interaction:** add hash ([17d8483](
* **interaction:** add hash ([a290efb](
* **layer:** add lengendcdg method ([14ce71d](
* **layer:** add repaint method ([48de69f](
* **layer:** add repaint method ([3d2bde5](
* **layer:** add tile ([28bd807](
* **layer:** add tile ([181d7bc](
* **map:** add mapbox ([418b3bc](
* **map:** add mapbox ([8bb5bc6](
* **mapbox:** add mapbox ([ef30053](
* **mapbox:** add mapbox ([e856519](
* **package:** update version ([25f9af3](
* **package:** update version ([eda3042](
* **pick:** update pick method ([2b21158](
* **pick:** update pick method ([a1c534d](
* **scene:** 按需进行渲染刷新 ([6b2d9b7](
* **scene:** 按需进行渲染刷新 ([691f223](
* **scene:** 实例化支持传入地图实例 ([e60e51c](
* **scene:** 实例化支持传入地图实例 ([f0db13e](
* **source:** hexagon ([3ab8aac](
* **source:** hexagon ([7d73d7f](
* **src:** threejs render ([e75f215](
* **tile:** add image tile layer ([f4f63c4](
* **tile:** add image tile layer ([ab11b98](
* **tile:** add tile ([5e494fe](
* **tile:** add tile ([6dd6c5d](
* **tile:** fix point tile layer ([f0a1099](
* **tile:** fix point tile layer ([b6d2109](
* **tilelayer:** add mask ([e018661](
* **tilelayer:** add mask ([fb26f6e](
### Performance Improvements
* **shader:** 优化线动画效果 ([9b2a4ca](
* **shader:** 优化线动画效果 ([94b7630](
## 2019.11.22
### L7 2.0 beta
- 新架构
- 多地图引擎

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"message": "chore: publish"
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"npmClient": "yarn",
"useWorkspaces": true,
"publishConfig": {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **doc:** file name lowercase ([3cbdc9c](
* **fix confilict:** conflict ([8a09ae2](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([f7e5376](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([da604e2](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8cbbf7b](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8844243](
* **merge:** fix conflict ([07e8505](
* **merge branch:** fix confilt ([e7a46a6](
* **rm cache:** rm cache ([51ea07e](
* **site:** megre conflict ([1b5619b](
### Features
* **chart:** add chart demo ([2a19b07](
* **component:** add layer control ([7f4646e](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **demo:** add point chart demo ([8c2e4a8](
* **map:** adjust Scene API, use @antv/l7-maps instead ([77b8f21](, closes [#86](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-component",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
"author": "lzxue",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@turf/distance": "^6.0.1",
"eventemitter3": "^4.0.0",
"inversify": "^5.0.1",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **component:** rename IPopupService ([a553111](
* **demo:** bugs ([5a857f9](
* **demo:** gatsby ([5faac23](
* **demo:** gatsby ([b6a1785](
* **doc:** file name lowercase ([3cbdc9c](
* **fix confilict:** conflict ([8a09ae2](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([f7e5376](
* **layer:** fix merge conflict ([6f33e5f](
* **layer render:** scene 创建完成字段调用render方法 ([b5112a5](
* **layers:** heatmap 3d effect ([38d1736](
* **layers:** heatmap 3d effect ([c99bb27](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8cbbf7b](
* **map:** amap contanier creat new amap div ([bf43136](
* **master:** merge master branch fix conflict ([2ea903e](
* **merge:** fix conflict ([07e8505](
* **merge:** merge next branch ([30597d9](
* **merge branch:** fix confilt ([e7a46a6](
* **packages:** remove sub modules node_modules ([132b99e](
* **raster layer:** update raster triangle ([b0f6265](
* **render:** gl type ([f0d49d9](
* **rm cache:** rm cache ([51ea07e](
* **tslint:** fix tslint error ([aed5e9e](
### Features
* **add l7 site:** add websites ([0463ff8](
* **add point demo:** add demo ([cfecc93](
* **add point demo:** add demo ([90f6945](
* **chart:** add chart demo ([2a19b07](
* **component:** add layer control ([7f4646e](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **core:** add map method ([853c190](
* **demo:** add point chart demo ([8c2e4a8](
* **layer:** 新增sourceplugin, attribute 增加类型判断 ([2570b8c](
* **layer:** add imagelayer ([a995815](
* **layer:** add point line polygon image layer ([54f28be](
* **layer:** point layer ([3da72c8](
* **layers:** add heatmap layer ([e04b3b2](
* **layers:** add polygon3d , pointimagelayer ([75f2eaa](
* **map:** adjust Scene API, use @antv/l7-maps instead ([77b8f21](, closes [#86](
* **multi-pass:** support TAA(Temporal Anti-Aliasing) ([2cf0824](
* **picking:** support advanced picking API: `layer.pick({x, y})` ([3e22f21](
* **picking:** support PixelPickingPass and highlight the picked feature ([ff0ffa0](
* **point image:** add point image ([89b2513](
* **post-processing:** add some post processing effects ([1d8e15c](
* **scene:** scene service inTransientScope ([ccf1ff4](
* **schema-validation:** support validation for layer's options ([9c5766d](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-core",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"author": "xiaoiver",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@mapbox/tiny-sdf": "^1.1.1",
"ajv": "^6.10.2",
"eventemitter3": "^4.0.0",

packages/l7/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **babel:** gatsby env ([a0f249e](
* **docs:** merge master remove manual ([0cf4a94](
* **l7:** modules import ([7106b4f](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8cbbf7b](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8844243](
* **maker:** marker demo ([34d4d68](
* **maker:** marker demo ([685e17b](
* **map:** amap contanier creat new amap div ([bf43136](
* **map:** export l7-maps in CDN bundle ([9d08549](
* **master:** merge master branch fix conflict ([2ea903e](
* **packages:** remove sub modules node_modules ([132b99e](
* **site:** 首页头图位置,以及英文大小写 ([1c1f5b1](
* **site:** megre conflict ([1b5619b](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "A Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
"author": "antv",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-component": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-layers": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-maps": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-scene": "^2.0.0-beta.10"
"@antv/l7-component": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-layers": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-maps": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-scene": "^2.0.0-beta.11"
"gitHead": "0563f357f3a07c099bf1ffa9350e6fa3c88353ae",
"publishConfig": {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **demo:** bugs ([5a857f9](
* **demo:** demo ([a4e49a6](
* **demo:** gatsby ([5faac23](
* **demo:** gatsby ([b6a1785](
* **demo:** update demo ([3ae610f](
* **doc:** file name lowercase ([3cbdc9c](
* **fix confilict:** conflict ([8a09ae2](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([f7e5376](
* **layer:** fix merge conflict ([6f33e5f](
* **layers:** heatmap 3d effect ([38d1736](
* **layers:** heatmap 3d effect ([c99bb27](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8cbbf7b](
* **layerservice:** fix init bugs in layer service ([8844243](
* **map:** use P20 offset coordinates ([393e891](, closes [#94](
* **master:** merge master branch fix conflict ([2ea903e](
* **merge:** fix conflict ([07e8505](
* **merge:** merge next branch ([30597d9](
* **merge branch:** fix confilt ([e7a46a6](
* **packages:** remove sub modules node_modules ([132b99e](
* **raster layer:** raster layer triangle ([cce659a](
* **raster layer:** update raster triangle ([b0f6265](
* **rm cache:** rm cache ([51ea07e](
* **site:** megre conflict ([1b5619b](
* **stories:** conflict ([f7be720](
* **tslint:** fix tslint error ([aed5e9e](
### Features
* **add l7 site:** add websites ([0463ff8](
* **add point demo:** add demo ([90f6945](
* **component:** add layer control ([7f4646e](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **core:** add map method ([853c190](
* **demo:** add point chart demo ([8c2e4a8](
* **layer:** 新增sourceplugin, attribute 增加类型判断 ([2570b8c](
* **layer:** add arc2d layer ([420459c](
* **layer:** add imagelayer ([a995815](
* **layer:** add point line polygon image layer ([54f28be](
* **layer:** point layer ([3da72c8](
* **layers:** add arclayer ([7e499fd](
* **layers:** add girdheatmap add raster imagelayer ([ddd1d0e](
* **layers:** add heatmap 3d layer ([cd8409e](
* **layers:** add heatmap layer ([e04b3b2](
* **layers:** add polygon3d , pointimagelayer ([75f2eaa](
* **layers:** add polygon3d , pointimagelayer ([bda6b6c](
* **multi-pass:** support TAA(Temporal Anti-Aliasing) ([2cf0824](
* **picking:** support advanced picking API: `layer.pick({x, y})` ([3e22f21](
* **picking:** support PixelPickingPass and highlight the picked feature ([ff0ffa0](
* **point image:** add point image ([89b2513](
* **post-processing:** add some post processing effects ([1d8e15c](
* **scene:** scene service inTransientScope ([ccf1ff4](
* **schema-validation:** support validation for layer's options ([9c5766d](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-layers",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "L7's collection of built-in layers",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
"author": "xiaoiver",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-source": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-source": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@mapbox/martini": "^0.1.0",
"@turf/meta": "^6.0.2",
"@types/d3-color": "^1.2.2",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **demo:** bugs ([5a857f9](
* **demo:** update demo ([3ae610f](
* **fix confilict:** conflict ([8a09ae2](
* **map:** amap contanier creat new amap div ([bf43136](
* **map:** use P20 offset coordinates ([393e891](, closes [#94](
* **master:** merge master branch fix conflict ([2ea903e](
* **merge:** fix conflict ([07e8505](
* **merge branch:** fix confilt ([e7a46a6](
### Features
* **add l7 site:** add websites ([0463ff8](
* **add point demo:** add demo ([90f6945](
* **chart:** add chart demo ([2a19b07](
* **component:** add layer control ([7f4646e](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **core:** add map method ([853c190](
* **demo:** add point chart demo ([8c2e4a8](
* **layers:** add girdheatmap add raster imagelayer ([ddd1d0e](
* **map:** adjust Scene API, use @antv/l7-maps instead ([77b8f21](, closes [#86](
* **picking:** support PixelPickingPass and highlight the picked feature ([ff0ffa0](
* **scene:** scene service inTransientScope ([ccf1ff4](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-maps",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
"author": "xiaoiver",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"gl-matrix": "^3.1.0",
"inversify": "^5.0.1",
"mapbox-gl": "^1.2.1",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* eslint bug ([52e8afc](
* **layers:** heatmap 3d effect ([c99bb27](
* **merge:** fix conflict ([07e8505](
* **tslint:** fix tslint error ([aed5e9e](
### Features
* **add l7 site:** add websites ([0463ff8](
* **layer:** add imagelayer ([a995815](
* **layers:** add heatmap layer ([e04b3b2](
* **multi-pass:** support TAA(Temporal Anti-Aliasing) ([2cf0824](
* **picking:** support PixelPickingPass and highlight the picked feature ([ff0ffa0](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-renderer",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"author": "xiaoiver",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"gl": "^4.4.0",
"inversify": "^5.0.1",
"inversify-logging": "^0.2.1",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **merge branch:** fix confilt ([e7a46a6](
### Features
* **add l7 site:** add websites ([0463ff8](
* **component:** add layer control ([7f4646e](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **core:** add map method ([853c190](
* **map:** adjust Scene API, use @antv/l7-maps instead ([77b8f21](, closes [#86](
* **multi-pass:** support TAA(Temporal Anti-Aliasing) ([2cf0824](
* **picking:** support PixelPickingPass and highlight the picked feature ([ff0ffa0](
* **point image:** add point image ([89b2513](
* **post-processing:** add some post processing effects ([1d8e15c](
* **scene:** scene service inTransientScope ([ccf1ff4](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-scene",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
"author": "xiaoiver",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-component": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-maps": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-renderer": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-component": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-maps": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-renderer": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"inversify": "^5.0.1",
"inversify-inject-decorators": "^3.1.0",
"mapbox-gl": "^1.2.1",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **demo:** bugs ([5a857f9](
* **doc:** file name lowercase ([3cbdc9c](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([f7e5376](
* **merge:** fix conflict ([07e8505](
* **packages:** remove sub modules node_modules ([132b99e](
* **rm cache:** rm cache ([51ea07e](
### Features
* **add point demo:** add demo ([90f6945](
* **chart:** add chart demo ([2a19b07](
* **component:** add layer control ([7f4646e](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **core:** add map method ([853c190](
* **layer:** add imagelayer ([a995815](
* **layer:** add point line polygon image layer ([54f28be](
* **layers:** add heatmap layer ([e04b3b2](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-source",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
"author": "lzxue",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.10",
"@antv/l7-core": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@antv/l7-utils": "^2.0.0-beta.11",
"@mapbox/geojson-rewind": "^0.4.0",
"@turf/helpers": "^6.1.4",
"@turf/invariant": "^6.1.2",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.
# 2.0.0-beta.11 (2019-11-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **doc:** file name lowercase ([3cbdc9c](
* **fix css:** fix css png ([f7e5376](
* **merge:** fix conflict ([07e8505](
* **merge branch:** fix confilt ([e7a46a6](
* **packages:** remove sub modules node_modules ([132b99e](
* **rm cache:** rm cache ([51ea07e](
### Features
* **add point demo:** add demo ([90f6945](
* **component:** add scale ,zoom, popup, marker map method ([a6baef4](
* **layer:** 新增sourceplugin, attribute 增加类型判断 ([2570b8c](
* **layer:** add imagelayer ([a995815](
* **point image:** add point image ([89b2513](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@antv/l7-utils",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.10",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.11",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",