style: lint style

This commit is contained in:
2912401452 2022-03-23 16:04:30 +08:00
parent afe66743c8
commit 745edc5b5d
3 changed files with 210 additions and 205 deletions

View File

@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ order: 1
### Map
为了使用简单坐标系,我们需要是使用 L7 自定义的 Map 地图类型,同时制定 map 的 version 属性
import { Scene, ImageLayer, PointLayer, } from '@antv/l7';
import { Scene, ImageLayer, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
import { Map } from '@antv/l7-maps';
const scene = new Scene({
@ -35,17 +36,21 @@ const scene = new Scene({
#### version
用户在使用自定义坐标系的时候,需要将地图的类型设置成 'SIMPLE'
#### mapSize: number
用户在使用自定义坐标系的时候,可以设置绘图区域的大小。绘图区域默认是 10000 X 10000 的矩形区域,坐标起点是左下角,水平向右为 X 正方向,垂直向上是 Y 正方向。
<img width="50%" style="display: block;margin: 0 auto;" alt="案例" src='*qimkTLy0P6IAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ'>
#### pitchEnabled/rotateEnabled
用户在使用自定义坐标系的时候,推荐将 pitchEnabled/rotateEnabled 设置为 false
#### layer

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import { Scene, ImageLayer, PointLayer, } from '@antv/l7';
import { Scene, ImageLayer, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
import { Map } from '@antv/l7-maps';
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new Map({
center: [500, 500],
center: [ 500, 500 ],
pitch: 0,
zoom: 3,
version: 'SIMPLE',
@ -12,212 +12,212 @@ const scene = new Scene({
maxZoom: 5,
minZoom: 2,
pitchEnabled: false,
rotateEnabled: false,
rotateEnabled: false
scene.setBgColor('rgb(94, 182, 140)');
const textlayer = new PointLayer({ zIndex: 2 })
x: 515,
y: 575,
t: '小屋'
x: 507,
y: 560,
t: '小屋'
x: 495,
y: 553,
t: '别墅'
x: 499,
y: 547,
t: '住宅'
x: 480,
y: 544,
t: '住宅'
x: 471,
y: 539,
t: '住宅'
x: 485,
y: 527,
t: '住宅'
x: 463,
y: 533,
t: '住宅'
x: 477,
y: 523,
t: '住宅'
x: 473,
y: 517,
t: '住宅'
x: 535,
y: 535,
t: '住宅小区'
x: 550,
y: 545,
t: '住宅小区'
x: 578,
y: 559,
t: '别墅'
x: 583,
y: 554,
t: '别墅'
x: 590,
y: 538,
t: '别墅'
x: 599,
y: 537,
t: '住宅'
x: 567,
y: 526,
t: '住宅'
x: 564,
y: 519,
t: '住宅'
x: 553.5,
y: 483,
t: '住宅'
x: 554,
y: 479,
t: '住宅'
x: 547,
y: 478.5,
t: '住宅'
x: 533.5,
y: 475,
t: '住宅'
x: 516,
y: 463,
t: '住宅'
x: 538,
y: 453,
t: '住宅'
x: 510.5,
y: 444,
t: '别墅'
x: 488,
y: 440.5,
t: '住宅'
x: 476.5,
y: 438.5,
t: '别墅'
x: 474.5,
y: 431,
t: '别墅'
x: 462,
y: 434.5,
t: '别墅'
x: 431,
y: 436,
t: '住宅'
x: 428,
y: 430,
t: '住宅'
x: 402.5,
y: 448.5,
t: '别墅'
x: 393.5,
y: 456,
t: '别墅'
x: 515,
y: 575,
t: '小屋',
x: 507,
y: 560,
t: '小屋',
x: 495,
y: 553,
t: '别墅',
x: 499,
y: 547,
t: '住宅',
x: 480,
y: 544,
t: '住宅',
x: 471,
y: 539,
t: '住宅',
x: 485,
y: 527,
t: '住宅',
x: 463,
y: 533,
t: '住宅',
x: 477,
y: 523,
t: '住宅',
x: 473,
y: 517,
t: '住宅',
x: 535,
y: 535,
t: '住宅小区',
x: 550,
y: 545,
t: '住宅小区',
x: 578,
y: 559,
t: '别墅',
x: 583,
y: 554,
t: '别墅',
x: 590,
y: 538,
t: '别墅',
x: 599,
y: 537,
t: '住宅',
x: 567,
y: 526,
t: '住宅',
x: 564,
y: 519,
t: '住宅',
x: 553.5,
y: 483,
t: '住宅',
x: 554,
y: 479,
t: '住宅',
x: 547,
y: 478.5,
t: '住宅',
x: 533.5,
y: 475,
t: '住宅',
x: 516,
y: 463,
t: '住宅',
x: 538,
y: 453,
t: '住宅',
x: 510.5,
y: 444,
t: '别墅',
x: 488,
y: 440.5,
t: '住宅',
x: 476.5,
y: 438.5,
t: '别墅',
x: 474.5,
y: 431,
t: '别墅',
x: 462,
y: 434.5,
t: '别墅',
x: 431,
y: 436,
t: '住宅',
x: 428,
y: 430,
t: '住宅',
x: 402.5,
y: 448.5,
t: '别墅',
x: 393.5,
y: 456,
t: '别墅',
parser: {
type: 'json',
x: 'x',
y: 'y'
parser: {
type: 'json',
x: 'x',
y: 'y',
.shape('t', 'text')
color: '#00f',
mix: 0.9
.color('rgb(86, 156, 214)')
textAnchor: 'center', // 文本相对锚点的位置 center|left|right|top|bottom|top-left
spacing: 2, // 字符间距
fontWeight: '800',
padding: [1, 1], // 文本包围盒 padding [水平,垂直],影响碰撞检测结果,避免相邻文本靠的太近
stroke: '#ffffff', // 描边颜色
strokeWidth: 2, // 描边宽度
textAllowOverlap: true,
.shape('t', 'text')
color: '#00f',
mix: 0.9
.color('rgb(86, 156, 214)')
textAnchor: 'center', // 文本相对锚点的位置 center|left|right|top|bottom|top-left
spacing: 2, // 字符间距
fontWeight: '800',
padding: [ 1, 1 ], // 文本包围盒 padding [水平,垂直],影响碰撞检测结果,避免相邻文本靠的太近
stroke: '#ffffff', // 描边颜色
strokeWidth: 2, // 描边宽度
textAllowOverlap: true
const imagelayer = new ImageLayer({}).source(
parser: {
type: 'image',
extent: [360, 400, 640, 600],
parser: {
type: 'image',
extent: [ 360, 400, 640, 600 ]
scene.on('loaded', () => {

View File

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ export default class Demo extends React.Component {
x: 393.5,
y: 456,
t: '别墅',
parser: {
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ export default class Demo extends React.Component {
color: '#00f',
mix: 0.9
mix: 0.9,
// .color('#0e0030')
.color('rgb(86, 156, 214)')