* fix: init hooks

* demo: add world map demo

* docs: demo 升级

* fix: 修复冲突

* chore: tile layer init

* chore: 重构更新监听

* style: line style

* style: lint style

* chore: 修改瓦片更新触发逻辑

* Chore layer init hook (#1399)

* chore: add waterfall hooks

* chore: 重构pointmodel & gaodemap->gaodev2

* chore: 重构其他图层

* fix: 动画流程

* chore: 还原 tile 的一些配置

* chore: 更新async-hook 版本

* docs: 添加demo

* docs: 更新demo 配置

* docs: add tile demo 目录

* chore: tileset tile -> sourceTile

* chore: add tile service

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: add image tile layer

* style: lint style

* Chore layer init hook (#1404)

* chore: add waterfall hooks

* chore: 重构pointmodel & gaodemap->gaodev2

* chore: 重构其他图层

* fix: 动画流程

* chore: 还原 tile 的一些配置

* chore: 更新async-hook 版本

* docs: 添加demo

* docs: 更新demo 配置

* docs: add tile demo 目录

* chore: tileset tile -> sourceTile

* chore: add tile service

* fix: demo remove usebasemap

* fix: debugtile

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: 数据栅格瓦片支持

* style: lint style

* feat: 完善瓦片图层 mask 的渲染

* style: lint style

* fix: waterfall hooks

* chore: update async-hooks version

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* fix: 子图层过滤

* feat: 提取瓦片全局资源方法

* chore: rename func

* style: lint style

* chore: change test

* fix: 拾取操作 (#1405)

* chore: 合并冲突 (#1407)

* fix: 拾取操作

* fix: 文件大小写

* fix: mask map async

* feat: simple line 支持 (#1408)

* feat: 瓦片支持 simple line

* chore: change test instance

* chore: simple line 数据拆分方法调整

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore tile (#1409)

* fix: 拾取操作

* fix: 文件大小写

* fix: mask map async

* fix: remove cancleExtent

* feat: add vector tile mask support (#1410)

* feat: 矢量瓦片支持 mask

* feat: 修改 mask 渲染顺序

* feat: 修改瓦片 mask 渲染逻辑

* feat: change tile render

* chore: render layer 复用代码

* feat: 调整瓦片渲染顺序逻辑

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: merge master to feat_source_hooks (#1412)

* chore: update version 2.9.36 -> 2.9.37 (#1397)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat: L7 Component 完备性升级 (#1391)

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* build: 将 css 迁移至 less 中

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* fix: l7-utils 添加对 lodash 的依赖

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* Feat yanxiong merge (#1380)

* feat: 1.新增扫光中心sweepCenter  2.完善扫光Layer配置API和demo

* feat: 1.新增wind图层

* fix: 1.eslint问题

* feat: 1.新增WindLayer 文档和Example

* fix: 1.风场图层文档新增示例图片

* feat: 1.新增轨迹/围墙Example

* feat: 1.新增线图层Demo

* chore: 工程配置优化 (#1278)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* feat: raisingHeight/heightFixed 补全 (#1280)

* feat: 去除多余 demo、提取图层共用类型定义

* feat: 点图层支持 heightfixed

* feat: point fillImage 支持 raisingHeight

* feat: 点图层 fill、fillImage 补全 raigingHeight\heightFixed

* feat: 点图层 point image 完善对 raisingHeight\heightFixed 的支持

* feat: 修改类型定义

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 优化图片的显示效果 (#1282)

* feat: 优化栅格瓦片的显示效果

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* Chore test preCommit 增加测试用例校验 (#1281)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* feat: 1.新增 ButtonControl 基类  2.完成 Fullscreen UI 开发

* chore: lint check (#1284)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* chore: 合并ci 任务

* fix: lint error

* fix: lint command

* chore: ci test & lint

* feat: 新增枚举类型的色带 (#1283)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore: 修复部分lint 警告,pre-commit 移除build命令 (#1285)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* feat: add test case (#1286)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 ButtonControl 基类

* feat: 修改 simple line 的网格构建和渲染方式 (#1288)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 popperControl 控件基类

* feat: 完成 popper UI测逻辑

* Chore: lint warn 移除未使用的import (#1287)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* feat: 1.完善 popper 自动判定位置能力

* feat: 1. SelectControl 开发完成

* fix: 修复丢失代码

* chore: 去除无用依赖

* fix: 修复 PopperControl trigger 为 hover 时,气泡消失异常问题

* fix: 去除选中后关闭气泡的配置项

* fix: 1. Popper 参数 closeOther => unique  2. 补充方法注释

* feat: 1.新增 PopperControl 和 ButtonControl 的 setOptions 方法  2.完成 Logo 组件的升级开发

* feat: 完成 fullscreen 组件的开发

* feat: 适量图层支持透传 transfrom (#1294)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* test: 测试用例支持 new scene 对象 (#1291)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* test: 增加gl 模拟能力

* fix: lint error

* chore: 提取测试utils 为单独包

* chore: 调整测试覆盖率值

* feat: support simple line vector layer (#1295)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

* feat: support simple line vector tile layer

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 提供线图层偏移点位计算的通用方法 (#1293)

* feat: 增加线偏移点的计算

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对 greatcircle 的偏移点位的计算

* feat: 完善弧线偏移点的 featureId 过滤

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对普通线偏移点的计算支持

* feat: 增加线图层偏移点位计算的测试用例

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24 (#1296)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: change publish config (#1297)

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24

* chore: change test-utils packages.json

* chore: change @antv/l7-test-utils into private

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.完成截图组件开发

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 兼容不同amapjs 加载方式 (#1265)

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 新增 LayerControl 组件

* chore: 删除无用 Example

* fix: 修复 AMap 初始化问题

* fix: 1.锁死 screenfull 版本  2.修复 fullscreen 的按钮默认文本和样式问题

* feat: 1. Fullscreen 构造器中对当前环境是否支持全屏进行监测

* feat: 1.LayerService 中图层发生变动时触发 layerChange 事件

* feat: LayerControl 监听 LayerService 图层发生变更时的事件

* fix: 修复加载高德地图判断加载导致的缓存问题 (#1301)

* fix: 去除 amap 加载的判断

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt (#1302)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt

* feat: 优化 parser 类型获取、内置 sourceLayer

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: scale demo & IE 兼容 (#1304)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* feat: Scale 宽度发生变化时添加渐变效果

* feat: 控件 MapStyleControl => MapTheme

* fix: heatmap render error (#1307)

* fix: 修复热力图渲染失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联 (#1305)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25 (#1308)

* fix: 修复矢量图层判断错误

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 MapTheme 切换主题控件

* test: 新增marker测试用例 (#1309)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: source 支持 json 下新增 geometry 字段 (#1312)

* feat: source 支持 json 下 geometry 解析

* refactor: 优化循环逻辑

* fix: 解决聚合情况下清空图层点数据未清空BUG (#1311)

* fix: 修复 feature scale 可能存在的 source 取值问题 (#1315)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复 feature scale 映射问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题 (#1316)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 Control 相关单测

* feat: 矢量文本计算优化、性能优化 (#1310)

* feat: 新增测试瓦片图层

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量文本图层性能优化

* chore: change tiletestlayer demo

* style: lint style

* feat: 封装 TileDebugLayer 的source 模块,优化图层默认数据的配置,测试图层样式调整

* style: line style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* [chores] Remove unused dependencie (#1314)

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - 多个marker节点性能优化 (#1300)

* chore: 新增marker开发demo

* style: 增加格式化空格

* marker性能优化 - 缓存计算变量:ignore (#1298)

Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - markerLayer多节点kmarker性能优化

* feat: 添加demo

* feat: 删除冗余代码

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 新增 MouseLocation 组件

* chore: add demo (#1319)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add demo

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26 (#1318)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复光标经纬度不更新问题

* feat: 1.完善 Zoom 组件 2.去除旧 LayerControl 对应样式代码

* feat: 1.完善 Scale 组件升级

* test: 1.完善 LayerControl 单测

* feat: 调整 Popup 目录结构

* fix: 修复弹框类型组件隐藏时未把弹框隐藏问题

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci (#1323)

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci

* chore: jest locv

* fix: layer 单测样例

* fix: SelectControl 样式字体缩小

* fix: 修复 ExportImage 参数 imageType 为 jpg 不生效问题

* fix: 完善 setOptions 方法

* feat: 完成 Popup 的基础拆分

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增互斥开关 autoClose

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增配置按 ESC 关闭 Popup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 优化 Popup less 样式

* fix: 修复gaodev2下MarkerLayer清除有误问题 (#1324)

* fix: markerLayer在GaodeMapV2做底图时removeMarkerLayer视图图层层级改变时会复原被删除的图层 (#1322)


* fix: 修复gaodev2下layer清除有误问题

Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: remove website demos (#1328)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: remove demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup 能力和代码注释

* docs: 移除地球模式点图层demo (#1330)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup setOptions 方法

* test: 补充 Popup 单测文件

* feat: 初始化 LayerPopup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增气泡标题 title 配置

* fix: 默认source 配置 (#1331)

* fix: 修改source 为空的问题

* chore: 添加默认渲染

* feat: 完成 LayerPopup 组件的开发

* test: 补充 LayerPopup 相关的单测

* fix: source empty err (#1332)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: fix empty source bug

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 自定义图层 - markerLayer - 修复图层执行clear后聚合能力失效问题 (#1333)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: website remove mapbox demos (#1334)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat custom map (#1326)

* chore(map): 地图模块重构

* feat: lealetMap for l7

* chore: amap baseservice 重构

* fix: 修改amap 样式

* fix: 单词拼写

* docs: remove website docs (#1336)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 将 iconfont 引入方式从 css => svg

* build: worker 内联打包添补 (#1338)

* feat: 1.场景 Scene 新增 boxSelect 能力

* feat: 组件层适配 gatsby 改造

* docs: 新增 Control 和 Logo 控件文档

* fix: 按照交互稿修复组件样式

* feat: 瓦片图层、地图图层渲染性能/体验优化 (#1329)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* feat: 优化图片瓦片的颜色映射

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: fix spelling mistake (#1344)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: fix spelling mistake

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 瓦片性能和代码优化 (#1347)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化数据栅格瓦片的渲染、瓦片管理流程完善

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add Hill shade demo (#1349)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add hillShade demo - openlayers

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 设置瓦片多服务重构、支持加载多文件 (#1350)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* chore: update version 2.9.26 -> 2.9.27-alpha.0

* chore: update version 2.9.27-alpha.0 -> 2.9.27-alpha.3

* feat: 支持 multi raster tile

* feat: add hillshade demo

* feat: 瓦片服务地址设置重构、多文件请求代码优化

* chore: 案例瓦片多服务用法修改

* chore: 类型定义优化 & api rename

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: demo address err (#1351)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善官方文档

* feat: 优化瓦片金字塔的计算 (#1355)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: opmitize tile cal

* style: lint style

* chore: update api name

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复更新图层属性 bug (#1356)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add fix demo

* fix: 修复样式更新的状态问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28 (#1357)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 layer model 更新时候存在闪烁的问题 (#1358)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 优化 layer model 的更新链路,避免闪烁

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29 (#1360)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: change website url

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add l7-three father umd build config (#1361)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add l7-three father/umd

* feat: remove depecenied lib

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30 (#1363)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30

* chore: add three ignorefile

* chore: update version 2.9.30 -> 2.9.31

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 瓦片事件监听失效 (#1365)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复瓦片图层事件失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善 L7 组件文档和示例

* feat: 合并代码

* feat: 合并代码

* fix: 修复代码合并丢失代码

* fix: 修改 gcoord 的依赖类型

* fix: 修复 fillShade 文件名称大小写问题

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常 (#1368)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: font 加载逻辑,添加font 加载完成事件 (#1364)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32 (#1373)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 setData 引发的高德2 图层抖动问题 (#1376)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Fix: css 打包方式内联 (#1375)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* fix: lint error

* fix: css lib 打包配置

* docs: 补充 L7 Component 文档相关

* fix: 修复当前 lerna 打包顺序导致报错的问题

* fix: 修复 source 模块 parser 为 Json geometry 情况数据拾取问题 (#1378)

* chore: publish alpha version 2.9.32-alpha.2

* feat: 栅格瓦片的多波段计算 (#1367)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 增加多波段瓦片的 operation 操作

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加波段指定逻辑

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化多波段的请求操作路径代码

* style: lint style

* feat: multi raster layer support express operation 1.0

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加栅格图层的多波段分析能力

* chore: add raster layer demo

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充栅格数据表达式计算

* chore: 调整栅格计算方法的位置

* chore: 优化栅格计算代码结构

* chore: 优化数据栅格代码

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: band operation handle empty data

* feat: 支持彩色多通道栅格

* feat: 数据栅格瓦片支持彩色多通道波段计算

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 解决 turf 依赖问题

* feat: 升级版本号

* feat: 升级版本号

* chore: update version 2.9.32 -> 2.9.33 (#1379)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复 IControlOption 报错问题

* fix: css lib (#1381)

* chore: 更新版本 2.9.34 (#1383)

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象 (#1384)

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增矢量瓦片类型 - 掩模图层 (#1382)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.34 -> 2.9.35 (#1385)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题 (#1386)

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充空值时图层绘制采用默认地图中心点

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.35 -> 2.9.36 (#1387)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 去除 Control 中 abstract 的描述

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: 去除 selectBoxClassName 属性

* feat: 将 Control Option 接口定义放到 @antv/l7-component 中

* fix: 将 l7-scene 中的 turf 方法转移到 l7-utils 中

* fix: 添加对 BoxSelect 选择归宿子包的 TODO

* feat: 替换 Control Iconfont 图标

* feat: 组件中涉及到的图标支持传输 Fragment 类型

* feat: 组件层 Control 更新配置时需要传入默认配置

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* chore: add bands demo (#1400)

* chore: add demo

* chore: add bands demo

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 gatsby 运行打包 iconfont 失败问题 (#1403)

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* build: 将 css 迁移至 less 中

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* fix: l7-utils 添加对 lodash 的依赖

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* Feat yanxiong merge (#1380)

* feat: 1.新增扫光中心sweepCenter  2.完善扫光Layer配置API和demo

* feat: 1.新增wind图层

* fix: 1.eslint问题

* feat: 1.新增WindLayer 文档和Example

* fix: 1.风场图层文档新增示例图片

* feat: 1.新增轨迹/围墙Example

* feat: 1.新增线图层Demo

* chore: 工程配置优化 (#1278)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* feat: raisingHeight/heightFixed 补全 (#1280)

* feat: 去除多余 demo、提取图层共用类型定义

* feat: 点图层支持 heightfixed

* feat: point fillImage 支持 raisingHeight

* feat: 点图层 fill、fillImage 补全 raigingHeight\heightFixed

* feat: 点图层 point image 完善对 raisingHeight\heightFixed 的支持

* feat: 修改类型定义

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 优化图片的显示效果 (#1282)

* feat: 优化栅格瓦片的显示效果

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* Chore test preCommit 增加测试用例校验 (#1281)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* feat: 1.新增 ButtonControl 基类  2.完成 Fullscreen UI 开发

* chore: lint check (#1284)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* chore: 合并ci 任务

* fix: lint error

* fix: lint command

* chore: ci test & lint

* feat: 新增枚举类型的色带 (#1283)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore: 修复部分lint 警告,pre-commit 移除build命令 (#1285)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* feat: add test case (#1286)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 ButtonControl 基类

* feat: 修改 simple line 的网格构建和渲染方式 (#1288)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 popperControl 控件基类

* feat: 完成 popper UI测逻辑

* Chore: lint warn 移除未使用的import (#1287)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* feat: 1.完善 popper 自动判定位置能力

* feat: 1. SelectControl 开发完成

* fix: 修复丢失代码

* chore: 去除无用依赖

* fix: 修复 PopperControl trigger 为 hover 时,气泡消失异常问题

* fix: 去除选中后关闭气泡的配置项

* fix: 1. Popper 参数 closeOther => unique  2. 补充方法注释

* feat: 1.新增 PopperControl 和 ButtonControl 的 setOptions 方法  2.完成 Logo 组件的升级开发

* feat: 完成 fullscreen 组件的开发

* feat: 适量图层支持透传 transfrom (#1294)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* test: 测试用例支持 new scene 对象 (#1291)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* test: 增加gl 模拟能力

* fix: lint error

* chore: 提取测试utils 为单独包

* chore: 调整测试覆盖率值

* feat: support simple line vector layer (#1295)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

* feat: support simple line vector tile layer

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 提供线图层偏移点位计算的通用方法 (#1293)

* feat: 增加线偏移点的计算

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对 greatcircle 的偏移点位的计算

* feat: 完善弧线偏移点的 featureId 过滤

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对普通线偏移点的计算支持

* feat: 增加线图层偏移点位计算的测试用例

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24 (#1296)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: change publish config (#1297)

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24

* chore: change test-utils packages.json

* chore: change @antv/l7-test-utils into private

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.完成截图组件开发

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 兼容不同amapjs 加载方式 (#1265)

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 新增 LayerControl 组件

* chore: 删除无用 Example

* fix: 修复 AMap 初始化问题

* fix: 1.锁死 screenfull 版本  2.修复 fullscreen 的按钮默认文本和样式问题

* feat: 1. Fullscreen 构造器中对当前环境是否支持全屏进行监测

* feat: 1.LayerService 中图层发生变动时触发 layerChange 事件

* feat: LayerControl 监听 LayerService 图层发生变更时的事件

* fix: 修复加载高德地图判断加载导致的缓存问题 (#1301)

* fix: 去除 amap 加载的判断

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt (#1302)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt

* feat: 优化 parser 类型获取、内置 sourceLayer

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: scale demo & IE 兼容 (#1304)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* feat: Scale 宽度发生变化时添加渐变效果

* feat: 控件 MapStyleControl => MapTheme

* fix: heatmap render error (#1307)

* fix: 修复热力图渲染失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联 (#1305)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25 (#1308)

* fix: 修复矢量图层判断错误

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 MapTheme 切换主题控件

* test: 新增marker测试用例 (#1309)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: source 支持 json 下新增 geometry 字段 (#1312)

* feat: source 支持 json 下 geometry 解析

* refactor: 优化循环逻辑

* fix: 解决聚合情况下清空图层点数据未清空BUG (#1311)

* fix: 修复 feature scale 可能存在的 source 取值问题 (#1315)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复 feature scale 映射问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题 (#1316)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 Control 相关单测

* feat: 矢量文本计算优化、性能优化 (#1310)

* feat: 新增测试瓦片图层

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量文本图层性能优化

* chore: change tiletestlayer demo

* style: lint style

* feat: 封装 TileDebugLayer 的source 模块,优化图层默认数据的配置,测试图层样式调整

* style: line style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* [chores] Remove unused dependencie (#1314)

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - 多个marker节点性能优化 (#1300)

* chore: 新增marker开发demo

* style: 增加格式化空格

* marker性能优化 - 缓存计算变量:ignore (#1298)

Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - markerLayer多节点kmarker性能优化

* feat: 添加demo

* feat: 删除冗余代码

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 新增 MouseLocation 组件

* chore: add demo (#1319)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add demo

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26 (#1318)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复光标经纬度不更新问题

* feat: 1.完善 Zoom 组件 2.去除旧 LayerControl 对应样式代码

* feat: 1.完善 Scale 组件升级

* test: 1.完善 LayerControl 单测

* feat: 调整 Popup 目录结构

* fix: 修复弹框类型组件隐藏时未把弹框隐藏问题

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci (#1323)

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci

* chore: jest locv

* fix: layer 单测样例

* fix: SelectControl 样式字体缩小

* fix: 修复 ExportImage 参数 imageType 为 jpg 不生效问题

* fix: 完善 setOptions 方法

* feat: 完成 Popup 的基础拆分

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增互斥开关 autoClose

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增配置按 ESC 关闭 Popup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 优化 Popup less 样式

* fix: 修复gaodev2下MarkerLayer清除有误问题 (#1324)

* fix: markerLayer在GaodeMapV2做底图时removeMarkerLayer视图图层层级改变时会复原被删除的图层 (#1322)


* fix: 修复gaodev2下layer清除有误问题

Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: remove website demos (#1328)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: remove demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup 能力和代码注释

* docs: 移除地球模式点图层demo (#1330)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup setOptions 方法

* test: 补充 Popup 单测文件

* feat: 初始化 LayerPopup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增气泡标题 title 配置

* fix: 默认source 配置 (#1331)

* fix: 修改source 为空的问题

* chore: 添加默认渲染

* feat: 完成 LayerPopup 组件的开发

* test: 补充 LayerPopup 相关的单测

* fix: source empty err (#1332)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: fix empty source bug

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 自定义图层 - markerLayer - 修复图层执行clear后聚合能力失效问题 (#1333)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: website remove mapbox demos (#1334)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat custom map (#1326)

* chore(map): 地图模块重构

* feat: lealetMap for l7

* chore: amap baseservice 重构

* fix: 修改amap 样式

* fix: 单词拼写

* docs: remove website docs (#1336)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 将 iconfont 引入方式从 css => svg

* build: worker 内联打包添补 (#1338)

* feat: 1.场景 Scene 新增 boxSelect 能力

* feat: 组件层适配 gatsby 改造

* docs: 新增 Control 和 Logo 控件文档

* fix: 按照交互稿修复组件样式

* feat: 瓦片图层、地图图层渲染性能/体验优化 (#1329)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* feat: 优化图片瓦片的颜色映射

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: fix spelling mistake (#1344)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: fix spelling mistake

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 瓦片性能和代码优化 (#1347)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化数据栅格瓦片的渲染、瓦片管理流程完善

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add Hill shade demo (#1349)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add hillShade demo - openlayers

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 设置瓦片多服务重构、支持加载多文件 (#1350)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* chore: update version 2.9.26 -> 2.9.27-alpha.0

* chore: update version 2.9.27-alpha.0 -> 2.9.27-alpha.3

* feat: 支持 multi raster tile

* feat: add hillshade demo

* feat: 瓦片服务地址设置重构、多文件请求代码优化

* chore: 案例瓦片多服务用法修改

* chore: 类型定义优化 & api rename

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: demo address err (#1351)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善官方文档

* feat: 优化瓦片金字塔的计算 (#1355)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: opmitize tile cal

* style: lint style

* chore: update api name

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复更新图层属性 bug (#1356)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add fix demo

* fix: 修复样式更新的状态问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28 (#1357)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 layer model 更新时候存在闪烁的问题 (#1358)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 优化 layer model 的更新链路,避免闪烁

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29 (#1360)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: change website url

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add l7-three father umd build config (#1361)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add l7-three father/umd

* feat: remove depecenied lib

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30 (#1363)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30

* chore: add three ignorefile

* chore: update version 2.9.30 -> 2.9.31

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 瓦片事件监听失效 (#1365)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复瓦片图层事件失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善 L7 组件文档和示例

* feat: 合并代码

* feat: 合并代码

* fix: 修复代码合并丢失代码

* fix: 修改 gcoord 的依赖类型

* fix: 修复 fillShade 文件名称大小写问题

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常 (#1368)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: font 加载逻辑,添加font 加载完成事件 (#1364)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32 (#1373)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 setData 引发的高德2 图层抖动问题 (#1376)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Fix: css 打包方式内联 (#1375)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* fix: lint error

* fix: css lib 打包配置

* docs: 补充 L7 Component 文档相关

* fix: 修复当前 lerna 打包顺序导致报错的问题

* fix: 修复 source 模块 parser 为 Json geometry 情况数据拾取问题 (#1378)

* chore: publish alpha version 2.9.32-alpha.2

* feat: 栅格瓦片的多波段计算 (#1367)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 增加多波段瓦片的 operation 操作

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加波段指定逻辑

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化多波段的请求操作路径代码

* style: lint style

* feat: multi raster layer support express operation 1.0

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加栅格图层的多波段分析能力

* chore: add raster layer demo

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充栅格数据表达式计算

* chore: 调整栅格计算方法的位置

* chore: 优化栅格计算代码结构

* chore: 优化数据栅格代码

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: band operation handle empty data

* feat: 支持彩色多通道栅格

* feat: 数据栅格瓦片支持彩色多通道波段计算

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 解决 turf 依赖问题

* feat: 升级版本号

* feat: 升级版本号

* chore: update version 2.9.32 -> 2.9.33 (#1379)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复 IControlOption 报错问题

* fix: css lib (#1381)

* chore: 更新版本 2.9.34 (#1383)

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象 (#1384)

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增矢量瓦片类型 - 掩模图层 (#1382)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.34 -> 2.9.35 (#1385)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题 (#1386)

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充空值时图层绘制采用默认地图中心点

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.35 -> 2.9.36 (#1387)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 去除 Control 中 abstract 的描述

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: 去除 selectBoxClassName 属性

* feat: 将 Control Option 接口定义放到 @antv/l7-component 中

* fix: 将 l7-scene 中的 turf 方法转移到 l7-utils 中

* fix: 添加对 BoxSelect 选择归宿子包的 TODO

* feat: 替换 Control Iconfont 图标

* feat: 组件中涉及到的图标支持传输 Fragment 类型

* feat: 组件层 Control 更新配置时需要传入默认配置

* fix: 1.图表文件补充 eslint-disable 注释,防止 gatsby 运行报错

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* docs: 修复选择框类型控件事件说明文档 (#1406)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* refactor: 1.控件 LayerControl => LayerSwitch,防止在 LarkMap 中控件命名概念混淆  2.LayerSwitch 的参数 layers 新增支持传递 layer 的 id 数组 (#1411)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* feat: change file name

* chore: change import

* feat: add lib

* feat: 修改 component 类型定义

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: heiyexing <496845051@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: Merge master (#1414)

* chore: update version 2.9.36 -> 2.9.37 (#1397)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat: L7 Component 完备性升级 (#1391)

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* build: 将 css 迁移至 less 中

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* fix: l7-utils 添加对 lodash 的依赖

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* Feat yanxiong merge (#1380)

* feat: 1.新增扫光中心sweepCenter  2.完善扫光Layer配置API和demo

* feat: 1.新增wind图层

* fix: 1.eslint问题

* feat: 1.新增WindLayer 文档和Example

* fix: 1.风场图层文档新增示例图片

* feat: 1.新增轨迹/围墙Example

* feat: 1.新增线图层Demo

* chore: 工程配置优化 (#1278)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* feat: raisingHeight/heightFixed 补全 (#1280)

* feat: 去除多余 demo、提取图层共用类型定义

* feat: 点图层支持 heightfixed

* feat: point fillImage 支持 raisingHeight

* feat: 点图层 fill、fillImage 补全 raigingHeight\heightFixed

* feat: 点图层 point image 完善对 raisingHeight\heightFixed 的支持

* feat: 修改类型定义

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 优化图片的显示效果 (#1282)

* feat: 优化栅格瓦片的显示效果

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* Chore test preCommit 增加测试用例校验 (#1281)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* feat: 1.新增 ButtonControl 基类  2.完成 Fullscreen UI 开发

* chore: lint check (#1284)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* chore: 合并ci 任务

* fix: lint error

* fix: lint command

* chore: ci test & lint

* feat: 新增枚举类型的色带 (#1283)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore: 修复部分lint 警告,pre-commit 移除build命令 (#1285)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* feat: add test case (#1286)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 ButtonControl 基类

* feat: 修改 simple line 的网格构建和渲染方式 (#1288)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 popperControl 控件基类

* feat: 完成 popper UI测逻辑

* Chore: lint warn 移除未使用的import (#1287)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* feat: 1.完善 popper 自动判定位置能力

* feat: 1. SelectControl 开发完成

* fix: 修复丢失代码

* chore: 去除无用依赖

* fix: 修复 PopperControl trigger 为 hover 时,气泡消失异常问题

* fix: 去除选中后关闭气泡的配置项

* fix: 1. Popper 参数 closeOther => unique  2. 补充方法注释

* feat: 1.新增 PopperControl 和 ButtonControl 的 setOptions 方法  2.完成 Logo 组件的升级开发

* feat: 完成 fullscreen 组件的开发

* feat: 适量图层支持透传 transfrom (#1294)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* test: 测试用例支持 new scene 对象 (#1291)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* test: 增加gl 模拟能力

* fix: lint error

* chore: 提取测试utils 为单独包

* chore: 调整测试覆盖率值

* feat: support simple line vector layer (#1295)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

* feat: support simple line vector tile layer

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 提供线图层偏移点位计算的通用方法 (#1293)

* feat: 增加线偏移点的计算

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对 greatcircle 的偏移点位的计算

* feat: 完善弧线偏移点的 featureId 过滤

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对普通线偏移点的计算支持

* feat: 增加线图层偏移点位计算的测试用例

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24 (#1296)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: change publish config (#1297)

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24

* chore: change test-utils packages.json

* chore: change @antv/l7-test-utils into private

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.完成截图组件开发

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 兼容不同amapjs 加载方式 (#1265)

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 新增 LayerControl 组件

* chore: 删除无用 Example

* fix: 修复 AMap 初始化问题

* fix: 1.锁死 screenfull 版本  2.修复 fullscreen 的按钮默认文本和样式问题

* feat: 1. Fullscreen 构造器中对当前环境是否支持全屏进行监测

* feat: 1.LayerService 中图层发生变动时触发 layerChange 事件

* feat: LayerControl 监听 LayerService 图层发生变更时的事件

* fix: 修复加载高德地图判断加载导致的缓存问题 (#1301)

* fix: 去除 amap 加载的判断

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt (#1302)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt

* feat: 优化 parser 类型获取、内置 sourceLayer

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: scale demo & IE 兼容 (#1304)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* feat: Scale 宽度发生变化时添加渐变效果

* feat: 控件 MapStyleControl => MapTheme

* fix: heatmap render error (#1307)

* fix: 修复热力图渲染失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联 (#1305)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25 (#1308)

* fix: 修复矢量图层判断错误

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 MapTheme 切换主题控件

* test: 新增marker测试用例 (#1309)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: source 支持 json 下新增 geometry 字段 (#1312)

* feat: source 支持 json 下 geometry 解析

* refactor: 优化循环逻辑

* fix: 解决聚合情况下清空图层点数据未清空BUG (#1311)

* fix: 修复 feature scale 可能存在的 source 取值问题 (#1315)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复 feature scale 映射问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题 (#1316)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 Control 相关单测

* feat: 矢量文本计算优化、性能优化 (#1310)

* feat: 新增测试瓦片图层

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量文本图层性能优化

* chore: change tiletestlayer demo

* style: lint style

* feat: 封装 TileDebugLayer 的source 模块,优化图层默认数据的配置,测试图层样式调整

* style: line style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* [chores] Remove unused dependencie (#1314)

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - 多个marker节点性能优化 (#1300)

* chore: 新增marker开发demo

* style: 增加格式化空格

* marker性能优化 - 缓存计算变量:ignore (#1298)

Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - markerLayer多节点kmarker性能优化

* feat: 添加demo

* feat: 删除冗余代码

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 新增 MouseLocation 组件

* chore: add demo (#1319)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add demo

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26 (#1318)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复光标经纬度不更新问题

* feat: 1.完善 Zoom 组件 2.去除旧 LayerControl 对应样式代码

* feat: 1.完善 Scale 组件升级

* test: 1.完善 LayerControl 单测

* feat: 调整 Popup 目录结构

* fix: 修复弹框类型组件隐藏时未把弹框隐藏问题

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci (#1323)

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci

* chore: jest locv

* fix: layer 单测样例

* fix: SelectControl 样式字体缩小

* fix: 修复 ExportImage 参数 imageType 为 jpg 不生效问题

* fix: 完善 setOptions 方法

* feat: 完成 Popup 的基础拆分

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增互斥开关 autoClose

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增配置按 ESC 关闭 Popup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 优化 Popup less 样式

* fix: 修复gaodev2下MarkerLayer清除有误问题 (#1324)

* fix: markerLayer在GaodeMapV2做底图时removeMarkerLayer视图图层层级改变时会复原被删除的图层 (#1322)


* fix: 修复gaodev2下layer清除有误问题

Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: remove website demos (#1328)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: remove demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup 能力和代码注释

* docs: 移除地球模式点图层demo (#1330)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup setOptions 方法

* test: 补充 Popup 单测文件

* feat: 初始化 LayerPopup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增气泡标题 title 配置

* fix: 默认source 配置 (#1331)

* fix: 修改source 为空的问题

* chore: 添加默认渲染

* feat: 完成 LayerPopup 组件的开发

* test: 补充 LayerPopup 相关的单测

* fix: source empty err (#1332)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: fix empty source bug

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 自定义图层 - markerLayer - 修复图层执行clear后聚合能力失效问题 (#1333)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: website remove mapbox demos (#1334)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat custom map (#1326)

* chore(map): 地图模块重构

* feat: lealetMap for l7

* chore: amap baseservice 重构

* fix: 修改amap 样式

* fix: 单词拼写

* docs: remove website docs (#1336)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 将 iconfont 引入方式从 css => svg

* build: worker 内联打包添补 (#1338)

* feat: 1.场景 Scene 新增 boxSelect 能力

* feat: 组件层适配 gatsby 改造

* docs: 新增 Control 和 Logo 控件文档

* fix: 按照交互稿修复组件样式

* feat: 瓦片图层、地图图层渲染性能/体验优化 (#1329)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* feat: 优化图片瓦片的颜色映射

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: fix spelling mistake (#1344)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: fix spelling mistake

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 瓦片性能和代码优化 (#1347)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化数据栅格瓦片的渲染、瓦片管理流程完善

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add Hill shade demo (#1349)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add hillShade demo - openlayers

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 设置瓦片多服务重构、支持加载多文件 (#1350)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* chore: update version 2.9.26 -> 2.9.27-alpha.0

* chore: update version 2.9.27-alpha.0 -> 2.9.27-alpha.3

* feat: 支持 multi raster tile

* feat: add hillshade demo

* feat: 瓦片服务地址设置重构、多文件请求代码优化

* chore: 案例瓦片多服务用法修改

* chore: 类型定义优化 & api rename

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: demo address err (#1351)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善官方文档

* feat: 优化瓦片金字塔的计算 (#1355)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: opmitize tile cal

* style: lint style

* chore: update api name

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复更新图层属性 bug (#1356)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add fix demo

* fix: 修复样式更新的状态问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28 (#1357)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 layer model 更新时候存在闪烁的问题 (#1358)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 优化 layer model 的更新链路,避免闪烁

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29 (#1360)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: change website url

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add l7-three father umd build config (#1361)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add l7-three father/umd

* feat: remove depecenied lib

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30 (#1363)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30

* chore: add three ignorefile

* chore: update version 2.9.30 -> 2.9.31

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 瓦片事件监听失效 (#1365)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复瓦片图层事件失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善 L7 组件文档和示例

* feat: 合并代码

* feat: 合并代码

* fix: 修复代码合并丢失代码

* fix: 修改 gcoord 的依赖类型

* fix: 修复 fillShade 文件名称大小写问题

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常 (#1368)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: font 加载逻辑,添加font 加载完成事件 (#1364)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32 (#1373)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 setData 引发的高德2 图层抖动问题 (#1376)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Fix: css 打包方式内联 (#1375)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* fix: lint error

* fix: css lib 打包配置

* docs: 补充 L7 Component 文档相关

* fix: 修复当前 lerna 打包顺序导致报错的问题

* fix: 修复 source 模块 parser 为 Json geometry 情况数据拾取问题 (#1378)

* chore: publish alpha version 2.9.32-alpha.2

* feat: 栅格瓦片的多波段计算 (#1367)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 增加多波段瓦片的 operation 操作

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加波段指定逻辑

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化多波段的请求操作路径代码

* style: lint style

* feat: multi raster layer support express operation 1.0

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加栅格图层的多波段分析能力

* chore: add raster layer demo

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充栅格数据表达式计算

* chore: 调整栅格计算方法的位置

* chore: 优化栅格计算代码结构

* chore: 优化数据栅格代码

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: band operation handle empty data

* feat: 支持彩色多通道栅格

* feat: 数据栅格瓦片支持彩色多通道波段计算

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 解决 turf 依赖问题

* feat: 升级版本号

* feat: 升级版本号

* chore: update version 2.9.32 -> 2.9.33 (#1379)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复 IControlOption 报错问题

* fix: css lib (#1381)

* chore: 更新版本 2.9.34 (#1383)

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象 (#1384)

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增矢量瓦片类型 - 掩模图层 (#1382)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.34 -> 2.9.35 (#1385)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题 (#1386)

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充空值时图层绘制采用默认地图中心点

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.35 -> 2.9.36 (#1387)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 去除 Control 中 abstract 的描述

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: 去除 selectBoxClassName 属性

* feat: 将 Control Option 接口定义放到 @antv/l7-component 中

* fix: 将 l7-scene 中的 turf 方法转移到 l7-utils 中

* fix: 添加对 BoxSelect 选择归宿子包的 TODO

* feat: 替换 Control Iconfont 图标

* feat: 组件中涉及到的图标支持传输 Fragment 类型

* feat: 组件层 Control 更新配置时需要传入默认配置

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* chore: add bands demo (#1400)

* chore: add demo

* chore: add bands demo

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 gatsby 运行打包 iconfont 失败问题 (#1403)

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* build: 将 css 迁移至 less 中

* feat: 1.BaseControl 升级

* fix: l7-utils 添加对 lodash 的依赖

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* Feat yanxiong merge (#1380)

* feat: 1.新增扫光中心sweepCenter  2.完善扫光Layer配置API和demo

* feat: 1.新增wind图层

* fix: 1.eslint问题

* feat: 1.新增WindLayer 文档和Example

* fix: 1.风场图层文档新增示例图片

* feat: 1.新增轨迹/围墙Example

* feat: 1.新增线图层Demo

* chore: 工程配置优化 (#1278)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* feat: raisingHeight/heightFixed 补全 (#1280)

* feat: 去除多余 demo、提取图层共用类型定义

* feat: 点图层支持 heightfixed

* feat: point fillImage 支持 raisingHeight

* feat: 点图层 fill、fillImage 补全 raigingHeight\heightFixed

* feat: 点图层 point image 完善对 raisingHeight\heightFixed 的支持

* feat: 修改类型定义

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 优化图片的显示效果 (#1282)

* feat: 优化栅格瓦片的显示效果

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.修复控件布局问题  2.拆分 BaseControl 样式文件 3.新增 Control 文档

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* Chore test preCommit 增加测试用例校验 (#1281)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* fix: 还原 eslintrc 变更

* feat: 1.新增 ButtonControl 基类  2.完成 Fullscreen UI 开发

* chore: lint check (#1284)

* docs: 文档的相关配置

* chore: package json 测试覆盖

* test(source): test

* fix: test ci

* chore: ci

* chore: ci add worker build

* chore: glsl 支持热更新

* chore: test cover view

* chore: ci test

* chore: precommit 增加 test 校验

* chore: remove stroybook lint add dumo demo lint

* chore: pre-commit build 校验

* chore: update ci 触发

* chore: lint 相关配置

* chore: 合并ci 任务

* fix: lint error

* fix: lint command

* chore: ci test & lint

* feat: 新增枚举类型的色带 (#1283)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore: 修复部分lint 警告,pre-commit 移除build命令 (#1285)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* feat: add test case (#1286)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 ButtonControl 基类

* feat: 修改 simple line 的网格构建和渲染方式 (#1288)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 popperControl 控件基类

* feat: 完成 popper UI测逻辑

* Chore: lint warn 移除未使用的import (#1287)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* feat: 1.完善 popper 自动判定位置能力

* feat: 1. SelectControl 开发完成

* fix: 修复丢失代码

* chore: 去除无用依赖

* fix: 修复 PopperControl trigger 为 hover 时,气泡消失异常问题

* fix: 去除选中后关闭气泡的配置项

* fix: 1. Popper 参数 closeOther => unique  2. 补充方法注释

* feat: 1.新增 PopperControl 和 ButtonControl 的 setOptions 方法  2.完成 Logo 组件的升级开发

* feat: 完成 fullscreen 组件的开发

* feat: 适量图层支持透传 transfrom (#1294)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* test: 测试用例支持 new scene 对象 (#1291)

* chore: lint unuse

* chore: pre commit command

* chore: pre-commit 去除build 命令

* fix: 修复unuse import

* test: 增加gl 模拟能力

* fix: lint error

* chore: 提取测试utils 为单独包

* chore: 调整测试覆盖率值

* feat: support simple line vector layer (#1295)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 join/transfrom 透传

* style: lint style

* feat: support simple line vector tile layer

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 提供线图层偏移点位计算的通用方法 (#1293)

* feat: 增加线偏移点的计算

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对 greatcircle 的偏移点位的计算

* feat: 完善弧线偏移点的 featureId 过滤

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持对普通线偏移点的计算支持

* feat: 增加线图层偏移点位计算的测试用例

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24 (#1296)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: change publish config (#1297)

* chore: update version 2.9.23 -> 2.9.24

* chore: change test-utils packages.json

* chore: change @antv/l7-test-utils into private

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 1.完成截图组件开发

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 兼容不同amapjs 加载方式 (#1265)

* feat: 1.完成定位组件的开发

* feat: 新增 LayerControl 组件

* chore: 删除无用 Example

* fix: 修复 AMap 初始化问题

* fix: 1.锁死 screenfull 版本  2.修复 fullscreen 的按钮默认文本和样式问题

* feat: 1. Fullscreen 构造器中对当前环境是否支持全屏进行监测

* feat: 1.LayerService 中图层发生变动时触发 layerChange 事件

* feat: LayerControl 监听 LayerService 图层发生变更时的事件

* fix: 修复加载高德地图判断加载导致的缓存问题 (#1301)

* fix: 去除 amap 加载的判断

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt (#1302)

* feat: 矢量图层支持 geojson-vt

* feat: 优化 parser 类型获取、内置 sourceLayer

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: scale demo & IE 兼容 (#1304)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* feat: Scale 宽度发生变化时添加渐变效果

* feat: 控件 MapStyleControl => MapTheme

* fix: heatmap render error (#1307)

* fix: 修复热力图渲染失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联 (#1305)

* docs: 增加demo,关闭 any lint

* docs: demo& ie 兼容问题

* chore: dev-build

* chore: father 配置 glsl 内联

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25 (#1308)

* fix: 修复矢量图层判断错误

* chore: update version 2.9.24 -> 2.9.25

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 MapTheme 切换主题控件

* test: 新增marker测试用例 (#1309)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: source 支持 json 下新增 geometry 字段 (#1312)

* feat: source 支持 json 下 geometry 解析

* refactor: 优化循环逻辑

* fix: 解决聚合情况下清空图层点数据未清空BUG (#1311)

* fix: 修复 feature scale 可能存在的 source 取值问题 (#1315)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复 feature scale 映射问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题 (#1316)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复栅格图片瓦片的混合问题

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增 Control 相关单测

* feat: 矢量文本计算优化、性能优化 (#1310)

* feat: 新增测试瓦片图层

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量文本图层性能优化

* chore: change tiletestlayer demo

* style: lint style

* feat: 封装 TileDebugLayer 的source 模块,优化图层默认数据的配置,测试图层样式调整

* style: line style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* [chores] Remove unused dependencie (#1314)

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - 多个marker节点性能优化 (#1300)

* chore: 新增marker开发demo

* style: 增加格式化空格

* marker性能优化 - 缓存计算变量:ignore (#1298)

Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 自定义图层 - marker&markerLayer - markerLayer多节点kmarker性能优化

* feat: 添加demo

* feat: 删除冗余代码

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>

* feat: 新增 MouseLocation 组件

* chore: add demo (#1319)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add demo

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26 (#1318)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.25 -> 2.9.26

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复光标经纬度不更新问题

* feat: 1.完善 Zoom 组件 2.去除旧 LayerControl 对应样式代码

* feat: 1.完善 Scale 组件升级

* test: 1.完善 LayerControl 单测

* feat: 调整 Popup 目录结构

* fix: 修复弹框类型组件隐藏时未把弹框隐藏问题

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci (#1323)

* chore: 增加覆盖率Ci

* chore: jest locv

* fix: layer 单测样例

* fix: SelectControl 样式字体缩小

* fix: 修复 ExportImage 参数 imageType 为 jpg 不生效问题

* fix: 完善 setOptions 方法

* feat: 完成 Popup 的基础拆分

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增互斥开关 autoClose

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增配置按 ESC 关闭 Popup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 气泡 Popup 支持设置自定义 className 和 style

* feat: 优化 Popup less 样式

* fix: 修复gaodev2下MarkerLayer清除有误问题 (#1324)

* fix: markerLayer在GaodeMapV2做底图时removeMarkerLayer视图图层层级改变时会复原被删除的图层 (#1322)


* fix: 修复gaodev2下layer清除有误问题

Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: remove website demos (#1328)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: remove demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup 能力和代码注释

* docs: 移除地球模式点图层demo (#1330)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: 完善 Popup setOptions 方法

* test: 补充 Popup 单测文件

* feat: 初始化 LayerPopup

* feat: 气泡 Popup 新增气泡标题 title 配置

* fix: 默认source 配置 (#1331)

* fix: 修改source 为空的问题

* chore: 添加默认渲染

* feat: 完成 LayerPopup 组件的开发

* test: 补充 LayerPopup 相关的单测

* fix: source empty err (#1332)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: fix empty source bug

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 自定义图层 - markerLayer - 修复图层执行clear后聚合能力失效问题 (#1333)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* docs: website remove mapbox demos (#1334)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat custom map (#1326)

* chore(map): 地图模块重构

* feat: lealetMap for l7

* chore: amap baseservice 重构

* fix: 修改amap 样式

* fix: 单词拼写

* docs: remove website docs (#1336)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: website remove mapbox demos

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 将 iconfont 引入方式从 css => svg

* build: worker 内联打包添补 (#1338)

* feat: 1.场景 Scene 新增 boxSelect 能力

* feat: 组件层适配 gatsby 改造

* docs: 新增 Control 和 Logo 控件文档

* fix: 按照交互稿修复组件样式

* feat: 瓦片图层、地图图层渲染性能/体验优化 (#1329)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* feat: 优化图片瓦片的颜色映射

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: fix spelling mistake (#1344)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: fix spelling mistake

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 瓦片性能和代码优化 (#1347)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化数据栅格瓦片的渲染、瓦片管理流程完善

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add Hill shade demo (#1349)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add hillShade demo - openlayers

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 设置瓦片多服务重构、支持加载多文件 (#1350)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 优化简单矢量线瓦片的计算

* feat: 优化简单线图层的网格计算构建

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 矢量瓦片更新渲染优化

* fix: 修复 tileLayer 重复创建导致的瓦片更新错误

* feat: 优化矢量瓦片图层本身的性能

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 reRender 的调用

* feat: 合并瓦片销毁时的重绘

* feat: 去除矢量文本图层的 remapping 映射

* feat: 网格构建异步改造修复

* feat: 瓦片渲染流程优化

* feat: 通用瓦片流程的优化(主线程阻塞优化)

* feat: 补全瓦片更新触发

* feat: 默认顶点属性构建的优化

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整矢量点 uniform 参数

* chore: 去除矢量图层对偏移坐标的支持(不统一)

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并不同瓦片图层触发的重绘

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整瓦片代码结构

* feat: 矢量图层初始化优化

* chore: code clean

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制数据属性映射优化

* chore: lint style

* feat: 矢量图层地图绘制初始化优化

* feat: maskLayer 初始化优化、debugtestLayer 默认为 basemap 模式

* chore: style

* feat: 绘制指令优化 - picking drawCommand

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化矢量图层初始化资源的创建

* feat: 简化矢量瓦片图层加载完成触发的重绘

* chore: 统一地图图层的样式写法 color、size

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 瓦片渲染执行优化
 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* feat: 优化拾取渲染

* style: lint style

* chore: style change

* style: lint style

* feat: layer plugin list clean

* style: lint style

* feat: 合并shader 使用

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化 source 计算

* feat: 去除 source 中对创建 tileset 的多余判断

* chore: 优化代码写法

* feat: 地图瓦片图层类型定义优化

* chore: data clean

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: debugLayer add basemap attr

* chore: demo 调整

* feat: 优化瓦片图层的渲染

* feat: 修改瓦片显示更新

* fix: 修复动画模式传值导致的显示效果问题

* fix: 修复 mapbox version 设置错误的问题

* fix: 修复 CanvasLayer render

* style: lint style

* chore: clean citybuilding demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean point simple code

* chore: clean point text iconfont

* chore: clean polygon fill code

* style: lint style

* chore: clean billboard demo

* chore: clean polygon water/ocean demos

* chore: clean point radar demos

* chore: clean point normal demos

* chore: clean wind layer demos

* chore: clean demos

* feat: clean demos & fix half line insert attri

* style: lint style

* chore: clean mask demo

* chore: adjust website demo

* style: lint style

* chore: clean worker demos

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复箭头顶点重复插入的问题

* fix: 修复线图层弧线的纹理分布

* chore: website demos code clean

* chore: layerService/renderlayers move clear place

* chore: update version 2.9.26 -> 2.9.27-alpha.0

* chore: update version 2.9.27-alpha.0 -> 2.9.27-alpha.3

* feat: 支持 multi raster tile

* feat: add hillshade demo

* feat: 瓦片服务地址设置重构、多文件请求代码优化

* chore: 案例瓦片多服务用法修改

* chore: 类型定义优化 & api rename

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: demo address err (#1351)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善官方文档

* feat: 优化瓦片金字塔的计算 (#1355)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: opmitize tile cal

* style: lint style

* chore: update api name

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复更新图层属性 bug (#1356)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: add fix demo

* fix: 修复样式更新的状态问题

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28 (#1357)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.27 -> 2.9.28

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 layer model 更新时候存在闪烁的问题 (#1358)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 优化 layer model 的更新链路,避免闪烁

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29 (#1360)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* docs: change website url

* chore: update version 2.9.28 -> 2.9.29

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: add l7-three father umd build config (#1361)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: add l7-three father/umd

* feat: remove depecenied lib

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30 (#1363)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.29 -> 2.9.30

* chore: add three ignorefile

* chore: update version 2.9.30 -> 2.9.31

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 瓦片事件监听失效 (#1365)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复瓦片图层事件失效

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 完善 L7 组件文档和示例

* feat: 合并代码

* feat: 合并代码

* fix: 修复代码合并丢失代码

* fix: 修改 gcoord 的依赖类型

* fix: 修复 fillShade 文件名称大小写问题

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常 (#1368)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* fix: 修复拾取高亮状态异常

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: font 加载逻辑,添加font 加载完成事件 (#1364)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32 (#1373)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* chore: update version 2.9.31 -> 2.9.32

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 setData 引发的高德2 图层抖动问题 (#1376)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Fix: css 打包方式内联 (#1375)

* fix: 文件名大小写

* fix: font load 逻辑

* fix: font 加载问题

* fix: lint error

* fix: css lib 打包配置

* docs: 补充 L7 Component 文档相关

* fix: 修复当前 lerna 打包顺序导致报错的问题

* fix: 修复 source 模块 parser 为 Json geometry 情况数据拾取问题 (#1378)

* chore: publish alpha version 2.9.32-alpha.2

* feat: 栅格瓦片的多波段计算 (#1367)

* fix: 修复 featureScale 错误

* style: lint style

* fix: remove featureScalePlugin async

* feat: 增加多波段瓦片的 operation 操作

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加波段指定逻辑

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化多波段的请求操作路径代码

* style: lint style

* feat: multi raster layer support express operation 1.0

* style: lint style

* feat: 增加栅格图层的多波段分析能力

* chore: add raster layer demo

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充栅格数据表达式计算

* chore: 调整栅格计算方法的位置

* chore: 优化栅格计算代码结构

* chore: 优化数据栅格代码

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: band operation handle empty data

* feat: 支持彩色多通道栅格

* feat: 数据栅格瓦片支持彩色多通道波段计算

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 解决 turf 依赖问题

* feat: 升级版本号

* feat: 升级版本号

* chore: update version 2.9.32 -> 2.9.33 (#1379)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 修复 IControlOption 报错问题

* fix: css lib (#1381)

* chore: 更新版本 2.9.34 (#1383)

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象 (#1384)

* fix: 优化多图层 setData 效果不同步的现象

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 新增矢量瓦片类型 - 掩模图层 (#1382)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.34 -> 2.9.35 (#1385)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题 (#1386)

* fix: 修复设置地图中心点引发的问题

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充空值时图层绘制采用默认地图中心点

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: update version 2.9.35 -> 2.9.36 (#1387)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 去除 Control 中 abstract 的描述

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: 去除 selectBoxClassName 属性

* feat: 将 Control Option 接口定义放到 @antv/l7-component 中

* fix: 将 l7-scene 中的 turf 方法转移到 l7-utils 中

* fix: 添加对 BoxSelect 选择归宿子包的 TODO

* feat: 替换 Control Iconfont 图标

* feat: 组件中涉及到的图标支持传输 Fragment 类型

* feat: 组件层 Control 更新配置时需要传入默认配置

* fix: 1.图表文件补充 eslint-disable 注释,防止 gatsby 运行报错

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* docs: 修复选择框类型控件事件说明文档 (#1406)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* refactor: 1.控件 LayerControl => LayerSwitch,防止在 LarkMap 中控件命名概念混淆  2.LayerSwitch 的参数 layers 新增支持传递 layer 的 id 数组 (#1411)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* feat: change file name

* chore: change import

* feat: add lib

* feat: 修改 component 类型定义

* feat: 修复 l7-component 打包依赖报错问题 (#1413)

* refactor: 1.控件 LayerControl => LayerSwitch,防止在 LarkMap 中控件命名概念混淆  2.LayerSwitch 的参数 layers 新增支持传递 layer 的 id 数组

* fix: 修复 l7-component 打包依赖报错问题

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: heiyexing <496845051@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* feat: 增加 Mask Tile Layer (#1416)

* feat: add Mask TIle layer

* style: lint style

* feat: add demo

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore tile (#1417)

* fix: 拾取操作

* fix: 文件大小写

* fix: mask map async

* fix: remove cancleExtent

* fix: rm bottom color

* chore: tileLayer 创建机制

* feat: remove tile model (#1418)

* feat: change raster color texture func

* feat: remove tile model

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: fix mask tile layer err (#1419)

* fix: fix mask tile err

* feat: recover TileDebugLayer

* feat: fix canvas context read fast

* fix: 修复渲染顺序异常

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore Pick 拾取方案 (#1420)

* fix: 拾取操作

* fix: 文件大小写

* fix: mask map async

* fix: remove cancleExtent

* fix: rm bottom color

* chore: tileLayer 创建机制

* feat: pick 范围判断

* chore: update pick

* fix: lint error

* chore: 方法替换

* feat: 修改瓦片渲染逻辑 (#1422)

* feat: add sRGB tile

* feat: 矢量文字瓦片优化

* feat: add rester rgb

* fix: 修复 tileLayer active 没有生效

* feat: 渲染流程改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 修改渲染流程

* feat: 修改 render

* feat: change render list

* feat: beforeRender 更新改造

* style: lint style

* chore: change func usage

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Chore tile (#1421)

* fix: 拾取操作

* fix: 文件大小写

* fix: mask map async

* fix: remove cancleExtent

* fix: rm bottom color

* chore: tileLayer 创建机制

* feat: pick 范围判断

* chore: update pick

* fix: lint error

* chore: 方法替换

* fix: set mvt id

* fix: pick bug

* Feat tile layer (#1424)

* fix: verifyZoom 最小值0 ,multiPassRenderer 按需初始化

* fix: getModel type public

* fix: raster 文件名称

* chore: 合并分支

* chore: 文件大小写

* chore: 方法名

* chore: 方法名

* Delete rasterDataLayer.ts

* Feat tile layer 文本瓦片shape 设置 (#1425)

* fix: verifyZoom 最小值0 ,multiPassRenderer 按需初始化

* fix: getModel type public

* fix: raster 文件名称

* chore: 合并分支

* chore: 文件大小写

* chore: 方法名

* fix: 瓦片图层 pointlayer shape 为文本

* feat: Tile style update (#1426)

* feat: 增加瓦片的样式更新逻辑

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充瓦片样式的代理方法

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: remove flat

* feat: tile style update (#1428)

* feat: 增加瓦片的样式更新逻辑

* style: lint style

* feat: 补充瓦片样式的代理方法

* chore: 样式更新代码修改位置、瓦片代码清理

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat  新增 WMS 和 WMTS 服务支持 (#1431)

* fix: verifyZoom 最小值0 ,multiPassRenderer 按需初始化

* fix: getModel type public

* fix: raster 文件名称

* chore: 合并分支

* chore: 文件大小写

* chore: 方法名

* fix: 瓦片图层 pointlayer shape 为文本

* feat: 支持wmsbbox服务

* fix: add wmts tile service

* fix: 修复热力图不显示 (#1437)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 heatmap 渲染失效 (#1439)

* fix: 修复热力图不显示

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 wind 风场图层渲染错误 (#1443)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 瓦片图层事件获取数据、瓦片数据解析 (#1447)

* feat: change vector tile get data

* feat: 瓦片图层事件支持获取数据

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat tile (#1438)

* fix: verifyZoom 最小值0 ,multiPassRenderer 按需初始化

* fix: getModel type public

* fix: raster 文件名称

* chore: 合并分支

* chore: 文件大小写

* chore: 方法名

* fix: 瓦片图层 pointlayer shape 为文本

* feat: 支持wmsbbox服务

* fix: add wmts tile service

* Chore tslint (#1435)

* fix: add tslint

* fix: add tslint

* docs: 添加marker demo (#1423)

* fix: fix code tslint err (#1436)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: geojsonvt layer

* fix: lint error

* fix: ts-lint error

* fix: l7-map 2 default

* fix: l7-map 2 default

* fix: lint

* chore: 添加babel-types 依赖

* chore:  lock some babel  verison

Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* feat: 完善矢量图层事件的数据拾取 (#1449)

* feat: change vector tile get data

* feat: 瓦片图层事件支持获取数据

* style: lint style

* feat: 修改瓦片图层事件获取数据的方法

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复 MaskLayer 失效

* feat: 完善矢量瓦片事件获取数据

* feat: geojson-vt 兼容新的数据解析逻辑

* style: lint style

* feat: add tile getMainLayer

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Publish (#1442)

* fix: verifyZoom 最小值0 ,multiPassRenderer 按需初始化

* fix: getModel type public

* fix: raster 文件名称

* chore: 合并分支

* chore: 文件大小写

* chore: 方法名

* fix: 瓦片图层 pointlayer shape 为文本

* feat: 支持wmsbbox服务

* fix: add wmts tile service

* fix: add dependencies

* chore: update version 2.10.0 -> 2.10.1

* Chore tslint (#1435)

* fix: add tslint

* fix: add tslint

* docs: 添加marker demo (#1423)

* fix: fix code tslint err (#1436)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: geojsonvt layer

* fix: lint error

* fix: ts-lint error

* fix: l7-map 2 default

* fix: l7-map 2 default

* fix: lint

* chore: 版本 2.10.2 beta

* chore: remove unuse func

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>

* fix: fix lint err (#1444)

* Chore tslint (#1435)

* fix: add tslint

* fix: add tslint

* fix: fix code tslint err

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: @thinkinggis <lzx199065@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Fix draw (#1452)

* fix: 渲染流程

* fix: 修复 draw

* chore: 更新beta 版本 (#1453)

* Publish (#1454)

* Chore tslint (#1435)

* fix: add tslint

* fix: add tslint

* docs: 添加marker demo (#1423)

* fix: fix code tslint err (#1436)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 LayerPopup 中的类型 BaseLayer => ILayer (#1441)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* feat: 控件的 position 支持自定义 DOM 容器 (#1440)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* fix: 修复 babel 升级导致的打包报错问题 (#1451)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* chore: 更新beta 版本

Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: heiyexing <496845051@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* Feat tile (#1462)

* fix: tilemanager warp

* fix: tile mulipolygon id 问题

* chore: vector & tile 方法调整

* fix: add vector source

* docs: 添加瓦片demo

* fix: 删除 consolelog

* feat: rasterLayer support layer event (#1456)

* feat: 栅格图层支持事件 & 读取栅格数据

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: lzxue <lzx199065@gmail.com>

* docs: 官网文档内容重构 (#1388)

* feat: change website docs

* docs: 官网内容重构

* style: lint style

* docs: 新增文档目录

* style: lint style

* docs: scene docs

* style: lint style

* docs: 修改官网结构

* docs: 调整官网文档内容

* style: lint style

* docs: 文档修改

* style: lint style

* docs: 完善 size、style、shape 的写法

* style: lint style

* docs: 完善 color、source 等部分内容

* style: lint style

* docs: 修改 shape 文档格式

* style: lint style

* docs: style 文档格式调整

* style: lint style

* docs: 修改官网内容

* style: lint style

* docs: add scale docs

* style: lint style

* docs: 完善 style 的文档内容

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* docs: 补充 heatmap shape

* style: lint style

* docs: 官网文档修改

* style: lint style

* docs: 修改官网文档

* style: lint style

* docs: 完善官网文档 raster 部分

* style: lint style

* docs: tutorial/quickstart

* docs: tutorial/demo

* docs: website demo replace amap2 -> amap

* docs: api/scene

* style: lint style

* docs: tutorial

* docs: tutorial/point

* docs: tutorial demo

* docs: tutorial point

* style: lint style

* docs: tutorial point

* docs: toturial point

* docs: toturial direct

* docs: tutorial point

* docs: add scene func docs

* docs: api

* style: lint style

* docs: api tile

* style: lint style

* docs: tile source

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* docs: api tile source

* style: lint style

* docs: tutorial polygon line heatmap

* docs: tutorial tile

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* chore: 升级瓦片渲染方式 (#1464)

* Chore raster tile (#1469)

* chore: 升级瓦片渲染方式

* fix: add normalizedDifference

* fix: 添加raste demo

* fix: 删除不必要的demo

* fix: 修复marker 添加问题

* fix: lint error

* fix: 更新 raster rgb

* chore: raster feature

* fix: lint error

* docs: update website docs (#1468)

* docs: change tile layer docs

* style: lint sytle

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* fix: 修复 MaskTile 失效 (#1471)

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Feat website (#1474)

* feat: 迁移网站

* feat: 官网更新

* fix: dumi 版本锁定

* chore: 更新依赖

* Feat raster (#1477)

* docs: 添加星图地球数据源

* chore: terrain rgb

* chore: 官网build 命令

* chore: remove image data

* chore: 重构目录

* fix: lint format

* docs: update website content

* Feat raster (#1481)

* docs: 添加星图地球数据源

* chore: terrain rgb

* chore: 官网build 命令

* chore: remove image data

* chore: 重构目录

* fix: lint format

* docs: 更新demo目录

* fix: zoomoffset set 0

* fix: dumi 依赖

* chore: 关闭 mfsu

* docs: 调整目录结构

* docs: 调整目录结构

* docs: 更新文档配置

* chore: 官网配置

* fix: site 配置

* fix: site 依赖

* fix: hexgon 热力图

* Publish (#1483)

* chore: publish

* docs: 更新文档

* Publish (#1484)

* chore: publish

* docs: 更新文档

* fix: 页面配置

* Chore merger master (#1485)

* fix: 修复部分机型 GPU 计算精度问题导致的polygonLayer渲染花纹出错问题 (#1466)

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>

* feat: 图层气泡 LayerPopup props 中的 config => items,formatField 和 formatValue 支持字符串格式 (#1465)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* feat: Layerpoup (#1470)

* feat: 图层气泡 LayerPopup props 中的 config => items,formatField 和 formatValue 支持字符串格式

* fix: 图层气泡组件 LayerPopup 新增包裹 key、value 的组件

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* fix: 修复 Components 中引用 l7-utils 路径问题 (#1450)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* docs: 将 L7 官网中 L7Draw 相关的示例升级至 L7Draw3.0 版本 (#1473)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* chore: 升级版本 (#1476)

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* fix: 修复通过 click 方式创建 Popup 同时触发 closeOnClick 问题 (#1479)

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* Publish (#1478)

* chore: 更新版本 2.10.5

* fix: mapservice undefined

* fix: 修复地图销毁后,更新 LayerPopup 配置报错问题 (#1480)

* fix: 修复通过 click 方式创建 Popup 同时触发 closeOnClick 问题

* feat: 修复地图销毁之后,调用 LayerPopup 方法报错问题

Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>

* Publish (#1482)

* chore: publish

* chore: update version

* fix: 官网依赖

* fix: gaodev2->gaode

* chore: 高德api 加载方式

* --amend

* fix: env 设置

* fix: 更新site配置

Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: heiyexing <496845051@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>

* Publish (#1487)

* chore: update version

* fix: add image 设置为异步

* fix: linelayer & update site

* Publish (#1488)

* chore: update version

* fix: add image 设置为异步

* fix: linelayer & update site

* chore: publish

* fix: geojson vt

* fix: geojson vt

* docs: 更新demo

* fix: destroy

* fix: layer service clear (#1489)

* fix: layer service clear

* fix: 图层销毁

* chore: 版本号 (#1490)

* feat: 官网内容优化、高德2 Z 参数透传 (#1491)

* feat: 官网文档优化、修复高德2 Z 参数透传

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 修改写法

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* docs: 官网文档链接更新 (#1493)

* feat: 官网文档优化、修复高德2 Z 参数透传

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 修改写法

* style: lint style

* docs: 官网文档链接检查

* style: lint style

Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>

* Fix larkmap (#1492)

* fix: 瓦片忽略autofit

* fix: set stencil true

* docs: 移除demo 配置

* docs: 移除demo 配置

* fix: 文件大小写

* fix: 右键菜单

* fix: lint error

* fix: marker 事件

* fix: 更新网站

* chore: 文件名大小

Co-authored-by: 象数 <zhengxue.lzx@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: shihui <yiqianyao.yqy@alibaba-inc.com>
Co-authored-by: YiQianYao <42212176+yiiiiiiqianyao@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: heiyexing <496845051@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: yanxiong <oujinhui.ojh@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: qxang <qxkang@126.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <caomengyuan2015@163.com>
Co-authored-by: Dreammy23 <echo.cmy@antgroup.com>
Co-authored-by: lvisei <yunji.me@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: MarkLei7 <33211377+MarkLei7@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jeffrey <color.dove@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bolry <909559682@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: linlb <linlb@homeking365.com>
This commit is contained in:
@thinkinggis 2022-11-20 14:39:56 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4dee3a576b
commit bbff81c50c
No known key found for this signature in database
1153 changed files with 21813 additions and 115175 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -88,3 +88,5 @@ packages/district/src/data

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
// import '@storybook/addon-actions/register';
// import '@storybook/addon-notes/register';
// import '@storybook/addon-storysource/register';

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
html, body {
margin: 0;
.dg.ac {
z-index: 999 !important;

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
const path = require('path');
// Export a function. Accept the base config as the only param.
module.exports = {
webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
test: /\.stories\**.svg$/,
loader: 'svg-inline-loader'
return config;

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-submodule-imports
import { addParameters, configure } from '@storybook/react';
import { create } from '@storybook/theming';
options: {
isFullscreen: false,
showAddonsPanel: false,
showSearchBox: false,
panelPosition: 'bottom',
hierarchySeparator: /\./,
// hierarchyRootSeparator: /\|/,
enableShortcuts: true,
theme: create({
base: 'light',
brandTitle: 'L7 for new architecture',
brandUrl: 'https://github.com/antvis/L7',
gridCellSize: 12,
// automatically import all files ending in *.stories.tsx
// const req = require.context('../stories', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
// const req = require.context('../stories/layerbuild', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
// const req = require.context('../stories/Map', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
const req = require.context('../stories/template', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
// const req = require.context('../stories/MapPerformance', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
// const req = require.context('../stories/tile', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
function loadStories() {
configure(loadStories, module);

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
const path = require("path");
module.exports = ({ config }) => {
// config.module.rules.push({
// test: /\.glsl$/,
// loader: 'raw-loader'
// });
// config.module.rules.push({
// test: /\.worker\.(js|ts)$/,
// use: {
// loader: 'worker-loader',
// options: { inline: true, fallback: false }
// }
// });
config.module.rules =[];
test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,
loader: require.resolve('awesome-typescript-loader'),
test: /.css$/,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader", 'sass-loader'],
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.stories\.svg$/,
loader: 'svg-inline-loader'
// config.resolve.alias = {
// '@antv/l7-district': path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages/boundary/src'),
// }
config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx', 'css', '.js', '.glsl');
return config;

View File

@ -20,6 +20,41 @@ export default defineConfig({
ie: 11,
mode: 'site',
navs: [
title: 'bugs',
path: '/bugs',
title: '特性',
path: '/features',
title: '图库',
path: '/gallery',
title: '瓦片',
path: '/tile',
title: '栅格',
path: '/raster',
title: '组件',
path: '/component',
title: '绘制组件',
path: '/draw',
title: 'GitHub',
path: 'https://github.com/antvis/L7',
esbuild: false,
chainWebpack: (memo, { env, webpack, createCSSRule }) => {
// 设置 alias
@ -42,13 +77,6 @@ export default defineConfig({
['babel-plugin-inline-import', { extensions: ['.worker.js'] }],
navs: [
title: 'GitHub',
path: 'https://github.com/antvis/L7',
externals: {
react: 'window.React',
'react-dom': 'window.ReactDOM',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import type { RasterLayerProps } from '@antv/larkmap';
import { LarkMap, RasterLayer } from '@antv/larkmap';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const layerOptions: Omit<RasterLayerProps, 'source'> = {
autoFit: true,
style: {
domain: [0, 256],
clampLow: true,
rampColors: {
colors: ['#f7fcf5', '#e5f5e0', '#c7e9c0', '#a1d99b', '#74c476', '#41ab5d', '#238b45', '#006d2c', '#00441b'],
positions: [0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0],
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 256;
canvas.height = 256;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D;
const layerSource = {
data: 'https://webst0{1-4}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?style=6&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',
parser: {
type: 'rasterTile',
tileSize: 256,
export default () => {
const [options, setOptions] = useState(layerOptions);
const config = {
mapType: 'Map' as const,
mapOptions: {
center: [120.210792, 30.246026] as [number, number],
zoom: 9,
return (
<LarkMap {...config} style={{ height: '300px' }}>
<RasterLayer {...options} source={layerSource} />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
### 栅格图
<code src="./demos/rastertile.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PolygonLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import {GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect( () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [ 110, 36 ],
style: 'light',
zoom: 3
const data = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
scene.on('loaded', () => {
const fill = new PolygonLayer({})
const index =Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
return ['#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a','#ffff99','#b15928'][index]
}, []);
return (
height: '500px',
position: 'relative',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
### line setdata
<code src="./demo/setdata.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { MarkerLayer, Marker, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'normal',
center: [120.104446, 30.261081],
zoom: 19.056,
scene.on('loaded', () => {
// 创建默认 marker
const markerLayer = new MarkerLayer({
cluster: true,
const marker = new Marker().setLnglat([
120.1047383116185, 30.261127905299425,
}, []);
return (
height: '500px',
position: 'relative',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
### Marker 动态添加
<code src="./demo.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import {GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect( () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [ 110, 36 ],
style: 'light',
zoom: 3
scene.on('loaded', () => {
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({})
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "A"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "B"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "C"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
stroke: ['name', (name)=>{
switch (name) {
case 'A' :
return '#fc8d59';
case 'B' :
return '#91cf60';
return '#ffffbf';
], // 描边颜色
strokeWidth: 5, // 描边宽度
}, []);
return (
height: '500px',
position: 'relative',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer,LineLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import {GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect( () => {
let startPoint =[110.23,32];
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [ 110, 36 ],
style: 'light',
zoom: 3
scene.on('loaded', () => {
const line = new LineLayer({})
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
.style({ // 描边颜色
lineType: 'dash',
dashArray: [5, 5],
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({})
strokeWidth: 0.3, // 描边宽度
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
textAllowOverlap: false,
const circleLayer = new PointLayer({})
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
strokeWidth: 2, // 描边宽度
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
const {lng,lat} = e.lnglat;
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
}, []);
return (
height: '500px',
position: 'relative',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import {GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect( () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [ 110, 36 ],
style: 'light',
zoom: 3
scene.on('loaded', () => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({})
.source([], {
parser: {
type: 'json',
x: 'j',
y: 'w'
.shape('m', 'text')
.color('w', [ '#0e0030', '#0e0030', '#0e0030' ])
// textAllowOverlap: true,
textAnchor: 'center', // 文本相对锚点的位置 center|left|right|top|bottom|top-left
textOffset: [ 0, 0 ], // 文本相对锚点的偏移量 [水平, 垂直]
spacing: 2, // 字符间距
padding: [ 1, 1 ], // 文本包围盒 padding [水平,垂直],影响碰撞检测结果,避免相邻文本靠的太近
stroke: '#ffffff', // 描边颜色
strokeWidth: 0.3, // 描边宽度
strokeOpacity: 1.0
stroke: '#f00', // 描边颜色
strokeWidth: 0.3, // 描边宽度
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
textAllowOverlap: false,
}, []);
return (
height: '500px',
position: 'relative',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
### Point - stroke
#### style 映射
<code src="./demos/pointstroke.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
### Point - text
#### 文本更新
<code src="./demos/text.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
path: 'point'
title: 点
### Point - update
#### style 映射
<code src="./demos/pointupdate.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PolygonLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import {GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect( () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [ 110, 36 ],
style: 'light',
zoom: 3
scene.on('loaded', () => {
const fill = new PolygonLayer({})
type: 'FeatureCollection',
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
}, []);
return (
height: '500px',
position: 'relative',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
### polygon
<code src="./demos/polygon.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { Scene, GaodeMapV2 } from "@antv/l7";
import { Scene, GaodeMap } from "@antv/l7";
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { LineLayer, PointLayer } from "@antv/l7";
const lineList: Feature<LineString>[] = [
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ const Demo: React.FC = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.151634, 30.244831],
pitch: 0,
style: "dark",
@ -109,9 +109,14 @@ const Demo: React.FC = () => {
lineList[dragFeature.properties?.index] = dragFeature;
prePosition = [lng, lat];
// scene.render();

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import { GaodeMapV2, Scene, ExportImage, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, Scene, ExportImage, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-duplicate-imports
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [scene, setScene] = useState<Scene | undefined>();
const [imgSrc, setImgSrc] = useState('');
const [control, setControl] = useState<ExportImage | null>(null);
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const newScene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'normal',
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
import { GaodeMap, PositionType, Scene, MapTheme } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, Scene, MapTheme } from '@antv/l7';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-duplicate-imports
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const POSITION_LIST = Object.values(PositionType);
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [zoom, setZoom] = useState(() => {
return new MapTheme({
position: 'topleft',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
const [layers, setLayers] = useState<ILayer[]>([]);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [scene, setScene] = useState<Scene | undefined>();
const [newLayer, setNewLayer] = useState<ILayer | null>(null);
const [control, setControl] = useState<LayerSwitch | null>(null);
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const newScene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'normal',
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
img: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/KDpgvguMpGfqaHPjicRK.svg',
href: '',
style: 'height: 40px; width: 40px;',
@ -40,8 +39,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
const logo3 = new Logo({
position: 'topright',
style: 'height: 40px; width: 40px;',
img: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/KDpgvguMpGfqaHPjicRK.svg',
href: '',
@ -49,8 +47,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
const logo4 = new Logo({
position: 'topleft',
style: 'height: 40px; width: 40px;',
img: 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/KDpgvguMpGfqaHPjicRK.svg',
href: 'https://ant.design/index-cn',

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import { GaodeMap, Scene, MapTheme } from '@antv/l7';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import React from 'react';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-duplicate-imports
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
const [scene, setScene] = useState<Scene | undefined>();
useEffect(() => {
const newScene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
@ -15,7 +13,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
zoom: 6.45,
style: 'normal',
// map: new GaodeMapV2({
// map: new GaodeMap({
// style: 'dark',
// center: [120, 30],
// pitch: 0,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { GaodeMapV2, Scene, MouseLocation } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, Scene, MouseLocation } from '@antv/l7';
import React from 'react';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-duplicate-imports
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const newScene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'normal',
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
import { GaodeMapV2, GeoLocate, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, GeoLocate, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import gcoord from 'gcoord';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import React from 'react';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-duplicate-imports
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
const [scene, setScene] = useState<Scene | undefined>();
useEffect(() => {
const newScene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'normal',
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
import { GaodeMap, PositionType, Scene, Zoom } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, Scene, Zoom } from '@antv/l7';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-duplicate-imports
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const POSITION_LIST = Object.values(PositionType);
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
const [scene, setScene] = useState<Scene | null>(null);
const [zoom, setZoom] = useState<Zoom | null>(null);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { GaodeMapV2, Scene, Scale } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, Scene, Scale } from '@antv/l7';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-duplicate-imports
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
// pitch: 0,
// zoom: 6.45,
// }),
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 0,
zoom: 6.45,

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const POSITION_LIST = Object.values(PositionType);
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [zoom, setZoom] = useState(() => {
return new Zoom({
position: 'topleft',

View File

@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from 'react';
const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [scene, setScene] = useState<Scene | null>(null);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [popup, setPopup] = useState<LayerPopup | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ const Demo: FunctionComponent = () => {
fields: [
field: 'name',
formatField: (key) => {
formatField: () => {
return '名称';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: 绘制组件
order: 3
<code src="./demo/drawControl.tsx" compact="true" defaultShowCode="true"></code>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import { DrawPolygon } from '@antv/l7-draw';
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const id = String(Math.random());
const Demo: React.FC = () => {
const [, setPolygonDrawer] = useState<DrawPolygon | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.151634, 30.244831],
pitch: 0,
style: 'dark',
zoom: 10,
scene.on('loaded', () => {
const drawer = new DrawPolygon(scene, {
areaOptions: {},
// liveUpdate: true,
}, []);
return (
<div id={id} style={{ height: 400, position: 'relative' }} />
export default Demo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import { Scene, RasterLayer } from '@antv/l7';
import { DrawControl } from '@antv/l7-draw';
import { Map } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
const id = String(Math.random());
const Demo: React.FC = () => {
// const [circleDrawer, setCircleDrawer] = useState<DrawCircle | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
map: new Map({
center: [120.151634, 30.244831],
pitch: 0,
zoom: 10,
scene.on('loaded', () => {
const url1 =
const url2 =
const layer1 = new RasterLayer({
zIndex: -10,
}).source(url1, {
parser: {
type: 'rasterTile',
tileSize: 256,
const layer2 = new RasterLayer({
zIndex: -9,
}).source(url2, {
parser: {
type: 'rasterTile',
tileSize: 256,
// 实例化 DrawControl
const drawControl = new DrawControl(scene, {
defaultActiveType: 'point',
// 将 Control 添加至地图中
}, []);
return (
<div id={id} style={{ height: 400, position: 'relative' }} />
export default Demo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import { DrawLine } from '@antv/l7-draw';
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const id = String(Math.random());
const Demo: React.FC = () => {
const [, setLineDrawer] = useState<DrawLine | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.151634, 30.244831],
pitch: 0,
style: 'dark',
zoom: 10,
scene.on('loaded', () => {
const drawer = new DrawLine(scene, {
// liveUpdate: true,
}, []);
return (
<div id={id} style={{ height: 400, position: 'relative' }} />
export default Demo;

dev-demos/draw/index.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: 展示距离和面积
order: 3
path: /polygon
title: 绘制面
order: 3
<code src="./demo/draw.tsx" compact="true" defaultShowCode="true"></code>

dev-demos/draw/line.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: 绘制线
order: 3
path: /polygon
order: 3
<code src="./demo/drawline.tsx" compact="true" defaultShowCode="true"></code>

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export default () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'fresh',
style: 'light',
center: [ 115, 31 ],
zoom: 5.0

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export default () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'fresh',
style: 'normal',
center: [ 90, 31 ],
zoom: 2

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { Scene, CityBuildingLayer, LineLayer, PolygonLayer } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMapV2 } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'dark',
center: [120.145, 30.238915],
pitch: 60,

View File

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
import { Marker, MarkerLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMapV2 } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [105, 30.258134],
zoom: 3,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Scene, PointLayer, LineLayer, Source } from "@antv/l7";
// import { DrawEvent, DrawLine } from "@antv/l7-draw";
import { GaodeMapV2, GaodeMap, Map, Mapbox } from "@antv/l7-maps";
import { GaodeMap, Map, Mapbox } from "@antv/l7-maps";
import { coordAll, Feature, featureCollection, LineString, point } from "@turf/turf";
import { debounce, throttle } from "lodash";
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.151634, 30.244831],
style: "dark",
zoom: 10

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Scene, PointLayer, LineLayer, Source } from "@antv/l7";
// import { DrawEvent, DrawLine } from "@antv/l7-draw";
import { GaodeMapV2, GaodeMap, Map, Mapbox } from "@antv/l7-maps";
import { GaodeMap, Map, Mapbox } from "@antv/l7-maps";
import { coordAll, Feature, featureCollection, LineString, point } from "@turf/turf";
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.151634, 30.244831],
style: "dark",
zoom: 10

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export default () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
// map: new GaodeMapV2({
// map: new GaodeMap({
// map: new Mapbox({
pitch: 40,
style: 'dark',

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { Scene, HeatmapLayer } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { Map } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
map: new Map({
style: 'dark',
pitch: 0,
center: [127.5671666579043, 7.445038892195569],
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ export default () => {
}, []);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { Scene, HeatmapLayer } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap,Map} from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'light',
pitch: 56.499,
center: [ 114.07737552216226, 22.542656745583486 ],
rotation: 39.19,
zoom: 10
scene.on('loaded', () => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
const layer = new HeatmapLayer({})
.source(data, {
transforms: [
type: 'hexagon',
size: 100,
field: 'h12',
method: 'sum'
.size('sum', [ 0, 60 ])
}, []);
return (
height: '500px',
position: 'relative',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
### hexagon
<code src="./demos/hexagon.tsx"></code>

View File

@ -68,9 +68,6 @@ export default () => {
const source = new Source(geoData);
// scene.on('zoom', e => console.log(e))
const layer = new LineLayer({ blend: 'normal' })
@ -124,6 +121,8 @@ export default () => {
scene.on('loaded', () => {
}, []);
return (

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ export default () => {
const lineLayer = new LineLayer({
blend: 'normal',
autoFit: true,
@ -44,7 +45,6 @@ export default () => {
.color('saldo', (v) => {
return v < 0 ? 'rgb(60,255,255)' : 'rgb(255,255,60)';
// .color('red')
enable: true,
interval: 0.1,
@ -54,9 +54,8 @@ export default () => {
opacity: 1,
// scene.render()
}, []);
return (

View File

@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ export default () => {
}, []);

View File

@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ export default () => {
dashArray: [5, 5],
// setTimeout(()=>{
// console.log('setdata')
// layer.setData({
// type: 'featureCollection',
// features:[],
// })
// },3000)
}, []);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {
// @ts-ignore
} from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap , GaodeMapV1} from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { polygonToLineString, MultiPolygon } from '@turf/turf';
@ -83,11 +83,12 @@ export default () => {
map: new GaodeMap({
// center: [121.268, 30.3628],
// center: [115.565185546875,41.31082388091818],
center: [112.796630859375, 21.80030805097259],
pitch: 0,
// center: [112.796630859375, 21.80030805097259],
center: [112.796630859375, 27],
pitch: 60,
// style: 'blank',
// zoom: 3,
zoom: 10,
zoom: 6,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { Popup,PointLayer, Marker,Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.165, 30.26],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.165, 30.26],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'light',
pitch: 56.499,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.165, 30.26],
pitch: 0,
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ export default () => {
.size('sum', (sum) => {
return sum * 20000;
return sum * 200;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.165, 30.26],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect( async () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.165, 30.26],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [120.165, 30.26],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [105, 32],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
stencil: true,
map: new GaodeMap({
center: [105.732421875, 32.24997445586331],
pitch: 0,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ export default () => {
.color('name', ['#739DFF', '#61FCBF', '#FFDE74', '#FF896F'])
opacity: 1.0,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export default () => {
.then(res => res.text())
.then(data => {
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({})
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({blend:'additive'})
.source(data, {
parser: {
type: 'csv',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
// @ts-ignore
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMapV2 } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect( () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'map',
map: new GaodeMap({
map: new GaodeMapV2({
center: [ 110, 36 ],
style: 'light',
zoom: 3
@ -18,7 +18,22 @@ export default () => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({ blend: 'additive' })
const highlightLayer = new PointLayer({ blend: 'normal' })
.source([], {
parser: {
type: 'json',
opacity: 1,
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({ blend: 'normal' })
.source(data.list, {
parser: {
type: 'json',
@ -26,14 +41,30 @@ export default () => {
y: 'w'
opacity: 0.3
opacity: 1
parser: {
type: 'json',

View File

@ -39,12 +39,21 @@ export default () => {
strokeWidth: 0.3, // 描边宽度
strokeOpacity: 1.0
stroke: '#f00', // 描边颜色
strokeWidth: 0.3, // 描边宽度
strokeOpacity: 1.0
return ()=>{
}, []);
return (

View File

@ -53,8 +53,11 @@ export default () => {
strokeWidth: 0,
stroke: '#fff',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
### point - fillImage
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export default () => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'point_fillImage',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'light',
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 60,

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
### point - image
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'point_fillImage',
map: new Mapbox({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'light',
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 60,
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ export default () => {
const pointLayer = new PointLayer({ })

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
### point - wave
import { PointLayer, Scene } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {
useEffect(() => {
const scene = new Scene({
id: 'point_wave',
map: new GaodeMapV2({
map: new GaodeMap({
style: 'light',
center: [120, 30],
pitch: 60,

View File

@ -73,10 +73,12 @@ export default () => {
scene.on('loaded', () => {
setTimeout(() =>{

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {
// @ts-ignore
} from '@antv/l7';
// @ts-ignore
import { GaodeMap, GaodeMapV2, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import { GaodeMap, Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default () => {

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More