{ "L7 地理空间可视化引擎": "Geospatial Visualization
Analysis Framework", "地理空间数据可视化": "Geospatial Data Visualization Analysis Framework", "L7 是由蚂蚁金服 AntV 数据可视化团队推出的基于WebGL的开源大规模地理空间数据可视分析开发框架。": "Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial data visualization analysis framework", "架构上灵活可扩展":"Flexible and scalable", "业务上简洁且通用":"Simple and Universal", "可视化上酷炫动感":"Cool and Dynamic", "支持地图底图,渲染引擎,图层自由定制、扩展,组合":"Support many basemap, many rendering engine, and layer free customization, extension, combination", "以图形符号学地理设计体系理论基础,易用,易理解,专业,专注":"Base on Semiology of Graphics , easy to use, easy to understand, professional, focused", "支持海量数据,2D、3D,动态,可交互,高性能渲染":"Support massive data, 2D, 3D, dynamic, interactive, high performance rendering", "蚂蚁数据可视化": "AntV", "继续了解": "More", "更新": "Update", "下载使用":"Download", "浅色色板": "Light Theme", "深色色板": "Dark Theme", "一个个真实的数据可视化案例,复杂的地理数据,简单,易用的API接口,让用户达到开箱即用的效果." : "many real data visualization case" }