import * as src from '../src/index'; import * as dist from '../dist/index'; const regex1 = /foo/; const regex2 = /foo/g; const regex3 = new RegExp('foo', 'i'); const fn1 = x => x + x; const fn2 = function x(x) { return x - x; }; function fn3() { return x / x; } class Foo {} const date = new Date('2018'); const nested = { a: { b: { c: { d: { e: { f: { g: { h: { i: { j: { k: { l: 'l', }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }; const data = { regex1, regex2, regex3, fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4(x) { return x * x; }, date, foo: new Foo(), nested, }; data.cyclic = data; const tests = ({ stringify, parse }) => { test('sanity', () => { expect(true).toBe(true); }); test('stringify', () => { let stringified; expect(() => (stringified = stringify(data))).not.toThrow(); expect(stringified).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('parse', () => { const stringified = stringify(data); let parsed; expect(() => (parsed = parse(stringified))).not.toThrow(); expect(parsed).toMatchSnapshot(); // test the regex expect(parsed.regex1.exec).toBeDefined(); expect('aaa-foo-foo-bbb'.replace(parsed.regex1, 'BAR')).toBe('aaa-BAR-foo-bbb'); expect('aaa-foo-foo-bbb'.replace(parsed.regex2, 'BAR')).toBe('aaa-BAR-BAR-bbb'); expect('aaa-Foo-foo-bbb'.replace(parsed.regex3, 'BAR')).toBe('aaa-BAR-foo-bbb'); // test the date expect(; expect(; // test cyclic expect(parsed.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic).toBeDefined(); expect(parsed.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic).toBe(parsed); // test Foo instance expect(; expect('Foo'); expect( instanceof Foo).toBe(false); }); test('maxDepth', () => { const stringifiedDefault = stringify(data); const stringifiedMax5 = stringify(data, { maxDepth: 5 }); const parsedDefault = parse(stringifiedDefault); const parsedMax5 = parse(stringifiedMax5); expect(parsedDefault.nested.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i).toBeDefined(); expect(parsedDefault.nested.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j).toBeDefined(); expect(parsedDefault.nested.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k).not.toBeDefined(); expect(parsedMax5.nested.a.b.c.d).toBeDefined(); expect(parsedMax5.nested.a.b.c.d.e).toBeDefined(); expect(parsedMax5.nested.a.b.c.d.e.f).not.toBeDefined(); }); test('space', () => { const stringifiedSpaced = stringify(data, { space: 2 }); expect(stringifiedSpaced).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('stringify the global object', () => { expect(() => stringify(global, { maxDepth: 10000 })).not.toThrow(); }); test('check duplicate value', () => { const Fruit = { apple: true, parent: {}, }; Fruit.cyclic = Fruit; const stringified = stringify(Fruit); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"apple":true,"parent":{},"cyclic":"_duplicate_root"}'); expect(parsed.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic).toBeDefined(); expect(parsed.cyclic).toBe(parsed); expect(parsed.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic.cyclic).toBe(parsed); }); test('check constructor value', () => { const data = { ConstructorFruit: new Foo() }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"ConstructorFruit":{"_constructor-name_":"Foo"}}'); expect(parsed.ConstructorFruit).toBeDefined(); expect('Foo'); expect( instanceof Foo).toBe(false); }); test('check function value', () => { const Fruit = function(value) { return [value, 'apple']; }; const data = { FunctionFruit: Fruit }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual( '{"FunctionFruit":"_function_Fruit|function Fruit(value) {return [value, \'apple\'];}"}' ); expect(parsed.FunctionFruit('orange')).toEqual(['orange', 'apple']); expect(parsed.FunctionFruit.toString()).toEqual( "function Fruit(value) {return [value, 'apple'];}" ); }); test('check regExp value', () => { const data = { RegExpFruit: /test/g }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"RegExpFruit":"_regexp_g|test"}'); expect(parsed).toMatchObject(data); }); test('check date value', () => { const data = { DateFruit: new Date('01.01.2019') }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"DateFruit":"_date_2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"}'); expect(parsed).toMatchObject(data); expect(parsed.DateFruit.getFullYear()).toBe(2019); }); test('check symbol value', () => { const data = { SymbleFruit: Symbol('apple') }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"SymbleFruit":"_symbol_apple"}'); expect(parsed.SymbleFruit.toString()).toEqual('Symbol(apple)'); }); test('check minus Infinity value', () => { const data = { InfinityFruit: -Infinity }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"InfinityFruit":"_-Infinity_"}'); expect(parsed).toMatchObject(data); }); test('check Infinity value', () => { const data = { InfinityFruit: Infinity }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"InfinityFruit":"_Infinity_"}'); expect(parsed).toMatchObject(data); }); test('check NaN value', () => { const data = { NaNFruit: NaN }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"NaNFruit":"_NaN_"}'); expect(parsed).toMatchObject(data); }); test('check undefined value', () => { const data = { undefinedFruit: undefined }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual('{"undefinedFruit":"_undefined_"}'); expect(parsed.undefinedFruit).toEqual(undefined); expect(Object.keys(parsed)).toEqual(['undefinedFruit']); }); test('primitives should not be deduplicated', () => { const data = { bool: true, a: 1, b: '1', c: { bool: true, c: 1, d: 3, e: '3', f: { bool: true, c: '1', d: 3, e: '3', }, }, }; const stringified = stringify(data); const parsed = parse(stringified); expect(stringified).toEqual( '{"bool":true,"a":1,"b":"1","c":{"bool":true,"c":1,"d":3,"e":"3","f":{"bool":true,"c":"1","d":3,"e":"3"}}}' ); expect(parsed).toMatchObject(data); }); test('bug', () => { const data = { a: 1, b: '2', c: NaN, d: true, e: { 1: data, }, f: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], g: undefined, h: null, i: () => {}, j: function() {}, }; const stringified = stringify(data); expect(stringified).toMatch( '{"a":1,"b":"2","c":"_NaN_","d":true,"e":{"1":"_undefined_"},"f":[1,2,3,4,5],"g":"_undefined_","h":null,"i":"_function_i|function i() {}","j":"_function_j|function j() {}"}' ); const parsed = parse(stringified); Object.entries(parsed).forEach((k, v) => { expect(data[k]).toEqual(parsed[k]); }); }); }; describe('Source', () => { tests(src); }); describe('Dist', () => { tests(dist); });