import { Scene, PolygonLayer, LineLayer, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7'; import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps'; import { ThreeLayer, ThreeRender } from '@antv/l7-three'; import * as THREE from 'three'; import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader'; import { animate, easeInOut } from 'popmotion'; let isTravel = false; function travel( mesh, path, duration, callback ) { if (path.length < 2 || isTravel) return; isTravel = true; let startIndex = 0; const len = path.length; const currentP = path[0], nextP = path[1]; const t = duration / len; move(currentP, nextP); function move(currentP, nextP) { animate({ from: { x: currentP.x, y: currentP.y, z: currentP.z }, to: { x: nextP.x, y: nextP.y, z: nextP.z }, ease: easeInOut, duration: t, repeatType: 'loop', onUpdate: o => { mesh.position.set(o.x, o.y, o.z); }, onComplete: () => { startIndex++; if (startIndex < len - 1) { const currentP = path[startIndex], nextP = path[startIndex + 1]; mesh.lookAt(nextP); move(currentP, nextP); } else { isTravel = false; callback && callback(); } } }); } } const scene = new Scene({ id: 'map', map: new GaodeMap({ center: [ 110, 35.39847 ], pitch: 20, style: 'dark', zoom: 3 }) }); scene.on('loaded', () => { scene.registerRenderService(ThreeRender); fetch( '' ) .then(d => d.json()) .then(data => { const textLayer = new PointLayer({ zIndex: 1 }) .source(data) .color('rgb(22,119,255)') .size(12) .shape('name', 'text'); const polygonlayer = new PolygonLayer({}) .source(data) .color('rgb(22,119,255)') .shape('fill') .active({ enable: true, blend: 0.5 }) .style({ opacity: 0.6, opacityLinear: { enable: true, dir: 'out' // in - out } }); const linelayer = new LineLayer({ }) .source(data) .color('rgb(72,169,255)') .shape('line') .size(0.5) .style({ opacity: 0.6 }); scene.addLayer(polygonlayer); scene.addLayer(textLayer); scene.addLayer(linelayer); }); const threeJSLayer = new ThreeLayer({ zIndex: 2, enableMultiPassRenderer: false, onAddMeshes: (threeScene, layer) => { // 添加光 threeScene.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff)); const sunlight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.25); sunlight.position.set(0, 80000000, 100000000); sunlight.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true; threeScene.add(sunlight); const lineData = [ [ 116.71874999999999, 26.745610382199022 ], [ 117.3779296875, 28.8831596093235 ], [ 115.75195312499999, 31.466153715024294 ], [ 113.466796875, 33.32134852669881 ], [ 113.9501953125, 35.85343961959182 ], [ 115.400390625, 38.272688535980976 ], [ 116.5869140625, 40.3130432088809 ], [ 115.6201171875, 42.261049162113856 ], [ 112.236328125, 42.94033923363181 ], [ 109.3798828125, 41.04621681452063 ], [ 103.84277343749999, 39.80853604144591 ], [ 98.9208984375, 39.842286020743394 ], [ 95.2294921875, 40.713955826286046 ], [ 91.7138671875, 39.87601941962116 ], [ 90.8349609375, 37.125286284966805 ], [ 90.3076171875, 35.88905007936091 ], [ 90.703125, 33.284619968887675 ], [ 92.94433593749999, 31.98944183792288 ], [ 96.2841796875, 32.21280106801518 ], [ 98.87695312499999, 32.0639555946604 ], [ 102.919921875, 28.459033019728043 ], [ 107.9736328125, 28.497660832963472 ], [ 108.10546875, 24.206889622398023 ], [ 109.072265625, 23.039297747769726 ], [ 112.763671875, 24.44714958973082 ], [ 116.54296874999999, 25.958044673317843 ] ]; const lineCoordData = => { return layer.lnglatToCoord(d); }); const rawPoints = []; => { rawPoints.push(new THREE.Vector3(d[0], d[1], 0)); return ''; }); const curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(rawPoints); const points = curve.getPoints(200); const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points); const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color('rgb(22,119,255)') }); const line = new THREE.LineLoop(geometry, material); threeScene.add(line); // 使用 Three.js glTFLoader 加载模型 const loader = new GLTFLoader(); loader.load( '', // Truck gltf => { // 根据 GeoJSON 数据放置模型 const gltfScene = gltf.scene.clone(); setMaterial(gltfScene); layer.getSource().data.dataArray.forEach(() => { layer.adjustMeshToMap(gltfScene); gltfScene.scale.set(500000, 500000, 500000); const animations = gltf.animations; if (animations && animations.length) { const mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(gltfScene); // @ts-ignore for (let i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) { const animation = animations[i]; // There's .3333 seconds junk at the tail of the Monster animation that // keeps it from looping cleanly. Clip it at 3 seconds const action = mixer.clipAction(animation);; } layer.addAnimateMixer(mixer); } // 向场景中添加模型 threeScene.add(gltfScene); }); travelLoop(); function travelLoop() { travel(gltfScene, points, 5000, () => { travelLoop(); }); } // 重绘图层 layer.render(); } ); } }) .source({ type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [ { type: 'Feature', properties: {}, geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ 112, 35.39847 ] } } ] }) .animate(true); scene.addLayer(threeJSLayer); }); function setMaterial(object) { if (object.children && object.children.length && object.children.length > 0) { => setMaterial(child)); } else if (object.material) { object.material.side = THREE.DoubleSide; } }