/// import { IControl } from 'mapbox-gl'; interface Window { initAMap: () => void; } interface IAMapEvent { camera: { fov: number; near: number; far: number; height: number; pitch: number; rotation: number; aspect: number; position: { x: number; y: number }; }; } interface CustomCoords { getCameraParams(): void; getCenter(): void; getMVPMatrix(): void; [other:string]:any } interface IAMapInstance { get(key: string): unknown; getZooms?(): number[]; customCoords?: CustomCoords; } interface IMapboxInstance { _controls: IControl[]; transform: { width: number; height: number; }; } interface IEventEmitter { emit(event: EventTypes, ...args: any[]): boolean; /** * Add a listener for a given event. */ on(event: EventTypes, handle: (...args: any[]) => void, context?: any): this; off( event: EventTypes, handle: (...args: any[]) => void, context?: any, once?: boolean, ): this; /** * Remove all listeners, or those of the specified event. */ removeAllListeners(event?: EventTypes): this; }