
272 lines
7.8 KiB

import { BaseLayer, BaseModel, IModelUniform, ILayerService, IModel, ILayer, PointFillTriangulation, IStyleAttributeService, IEncodeFeature, gl, AttributeType } from '@antv/l7';
const pointFillFrag = `
uniform float u_opacity : 1.0;
uniform float u_stroke_opacity : 1;
uniform float u_stroke_width : 2;
uniform vec4 u_stroke_color : [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
varying vec4 v_data;
varying vec4 v_color;
varying float v_radius;
#pragma include "sdf_2d"
#pragma include "picking"
void main() {
int shape = int(floor(v_data.w + 0.5));
lowp float antialiasblur = v_data.z;
float r = v_radius / (v_radius + u_stroke_width);
float outer_df;
float inner_df;
// 'circle', 'triangle', 'square', 'pentagon', 'hexagon', 'octogon', 'hexagram', 'rhombus', 'vesica'
if (shape == 0) {
outer_df = sdCircle(v_data.xy, 1.0);
inner_df = sdCircle(v_data.xy, r);
} else if (shape == 1) {
outer_df = sdEquilateralTriangle(1.1 * v_data.xy);
inner_df = sdEquilateralTriangle(1.1 / r * v_data.xy);
} else if (shape == 2) {
outer_df = sdBox(v_data.xy, vec2(1.));
inner_df = sdBox(v_data.xy, vec2(r));
} else if (shape == 3) {
outer_df = sdPentagon(v_data.xy, 0.8);
inner_df = sdPentagon(v_data.xy, r * 0.8);
} else if (shape == 4) {
outer_df = sdHexagon(v_data.xy, 0.8);
inner_df = sdHexagon(v_data.xy, r * 0.8);
} else if (shape == 5) {
outer_df = sdOctogon(v_data.xy, 1.0);
inner_df = sdOctogon(v_data.xy, r);
} else if (shape == 6) {
outer_df = sdHexagram(v_data.xy, 0.52);
inner_df = sdHexagram(v_data.xy, r * 0.52);
} else if (shape == 7) {
outer_df = sdRhombus(v_data.xy, vec2(1.0));
inner_df = sdRhombus(v_data.xy, vec2(r));
} else if (shape == 8) {
outer_df = sdVesica(v_data.xy, 1.1, 0.8);
inner_df = sdVesica(v_data.xy, r * 1.1, r * 0.8);
float opacity_t = smoothstep(0.0, antialiasblur, outer_df);
float color_t = u_stroke_width < 0.01 ? 0.0 : smoothstep(
if(u_stroke_width < 0.01) {
gl_FragColor = vec4(v_color.rgb, v_color.a * u_opacity);
} else {
gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(v_color.rgb, v_color.a * u_opacity), u_stroke_color * u_stroke_opacity, color_t);
gl_FragColor.a *= opacity_t;
gl_FragColor = filterColor(gl_FragColor);
const pointFillVert = `
attribute vec4 a_Color;
attribute vec3 a_Position;
attribute vec3 a_Extrude;
attribute float a_Size;
attribute float a_Shape;
uniform mat4 u_ModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 u_Mvp;
varying vec4 v_data;
varying vec4 v_color;
varying float v_radius;
uniform float u_stroke_width : 2;
#pragma include "projection"
#pragma include "picking"
void main() {
vec3 extrude = a_Extrude;
float shape_type = a_Shape;
float newSize = setPickingSize(a_Size);
v_color = a_Color;
v_radius = newSize;
float antialiasblur = -max(2.0 / u_DevicePixelRatio / newSize, 0.0);
vec2 offset = project_pixel(extrude.xy * (newSize + u_stroke_width));
v_data = vec4(extrude.x, extrude.y, antialiasblur, shape_type);
vec4 project_pos = project_position(vec4(a_Position.xy, 0.0, 1.0));
if(u_CoordinateSystem == COORDINATE_SYSTEM_P20_2) { // gaode2.x
gl_Position = u_Mvp * vec4(project_pos.xy + offset, 0.0, 1.0);
} else {
gl_Position = project_common_position_to_clipspace(vec4(project_pos.xy + offset, 0.0, 1.0));
interface ICustomPointLayerStyleOptions {
opacity: number;
strokeOpacity: number;
strokeWidth: number;
stroke: string;
class CustomModel extends BaseModel {
constructor(layer: ILayer) {
public layer: ILayer
public styleAttributeService: IStyleAttributeService
public getUninforms(): IModelUniform {
const { opacity, stroke = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], strokeOpacity = 1.0, strokeWidth = 0 } = this.layer.getLayerConfig() as ICustomPointLayerStyleOptions;
return {
u_opacity: opacity,
u_stroke_opacity: strokeOpacity,
u_stroke_width: strokeWidth,
u_stroke_color: stroke as number[],
public initModels(callbackModel: (models: IModel[]) => void) {
public async buildModels(callbackModel: (models: IModel[]) => void) {
moduleName: "customPoint",
vertexShader: pointFillVert,
fragmentShader: pointFillFrag,
triangulation: PointFillTriangulation,
depth: { enable: false },
.then((model) => {
.catch((err) => {
protected registerBuiltinAttributes() {
const shape2d = this.layer.getLayerConfig().shape2d as string[];
name: 'extrude',
type: AttributeType.Attribute,
descriptor: {
name: 'a_Extrude',
buffer: {
// give the WebGL driver a hint that this buffer may change
usage: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW,
data: [],
type: gl.FLOAT,
size: 3,
update: (
feature: IEncodeFeature,
featureIdx: number,
vertex: number[],
attributeIdx: number,
) => {
const extrude = [1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0];
const extrudeIndex = (attributeIdx % 4) * 3;
return [
extrude[extrudeIndex + 1],
extrude[extrudeIndex + 2],
// point layer size;
name: 'size',
type: AttributeType.Attribute,
descriptor: {
name: 'a_Size',
buffer: {
// give the WebGL driver a hint that this buffer may change
usage: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW,
data: [],
type: gl.FLOAT,
size: 1,
update: (
feature: IEncodeFeature,
featureIdx: number,
vertex: number[],
attributeIdx: number,
) => {
const { size = 5 } = feature;
return Array.isArray(size) ? [size[0]] : [size];
// point layer size;
name: 'shape',
type: AttributeType.Attribute,
descriptor: {
name: 'a_Shape',
buffer: {
// give the WebGL driver a hint that this buffer may change
usage: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW,
data: [],
type: gl.FLOAT,
size: 1,
update: (
feature: IEncodeFeature,
featureIdx: number,
vertex: number[],
attributeIdx: number,
) => {
const { shape = 2 } = feature;
const shapeIndex = shape2d.indexOf(shape as string);
return [shapeIndex];
export default class CustomPoint extends BaseLayer {
public type: string = 'PointLayer';
public layerModel: CustomModel;
public layerService: ILayerService
public models: any
public rendering: boolean;
public buildModels() {
this.layerModel = new CustomModel(this);
this.layerModel.initModels((models) => {
this.models = models;
// renderLayers
this.rendering = true;
this.rendering = false;