mirror of https://gitee.com/antv-l7/antv-l7
111 lines
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111 lines
2.7 KiB
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.cleanPath = exports.findPath = exports.findMatchPath = exports.setMatchPaths = void 0;
var _utils = require("@reach/router/lib/utils");
var _stripPrefix = _interopRequireDefault(require("./strip-prefix"));
var _normalizePagePath = _interopRequireDefault(require("./normalize-page-path"));
const pathCache = new Map();
let matchPaths = [];
const trimPathname = rawPathname => {
let pathname = decodeURIComponent(rawPathname); // Remove the pathPrefix from the pathname.
let trimmedPathname = (0, _stripPrefix.default)(pathname, __BASE_PATH__) // Remove any hashfragment
.split(`#`)[0] // Remove search query
return trimmedPathname;
* Set list of matchPaths
* @param {Array<{path: string, matchPath: string}>} value collection of matchPaths
const setMatchPaths = value => {
matchPaths = value;
* Return a matchpath url
* if `match-paths.json` contains `{ "/foo*": "/page1", ...}`, then
* `/foo?bar=far` => `/page1`
* @param {string} rawPathname A raw pathname
* @return {string|null}
exports.setMatchPaths = setMatchPaths;
const findMatchPath = rawPathname => {
const trimmedPathname = cleanPath(rawPathname);
for (const {
} of matchPaths) {
if ((0, _utils.match)(matchPath, trimmedPathname)) {
return (0, _normalizePagePath.default)(path);
return null;
}; // Given a raw URL path, returns the cleaned version of it (trim off
// `#` and query params), or if it matches an entry in
// `match-paths.json`, its matched path is returned
// E.g `/foo?bar=far` => `/foo`
// Or if `match-paths.json` contains `{ "/foo*": "/page1", ...}`, then
// `/foo?bar=far` => `/page1`
exports.findMatchPath = findMatchPath;
const findPath = rawPathname => {
const trimmedPathname = trimPathname(rawPathname);
if (pathCache.has(trimmedPathname)) {
return pathCache.get(trimmedPathname);
let foundPath = findMatchPath(trimmedPathname);
if (!foundPath) {
foundPath = cleanPath(rawPathname);
pathCache.set(trimmedPathname, foundPath);
return foundPath;
* Clean a url and converts /index.html => /
* E.g `/foo?bar=far` => `/foo`
* @param {string} rawPathname A raw pathname
* @return {string}
exports.findPath = findPath;
const cleanPath = rawPathname => {
const trimmedPathname = trimPathname(rawPathname);
let foundPath = trimmedPathname;
if (foundPath === `/index.html`) {
foundPath = `/`;
foundPath = (0, _normalizePagePath.default)(foundPath);
return foundPath;
exports.cleanPath = cleanPath; |