
1.3 KiB

title order redirect_from
QuickStart 0


Current version: L7 2.0版本号


通过L7 CDN 使用

Include the L7 JS JavaScript <head> of your HTML file.

<script src=''>

通过 Module bundle 使用

Install the npm package.

// L7 依赖
npm install --save @antv/l7@beta

// 第三方底图依赖
npm install --save @antv/l7-maps;


使用 高德 底图

import { Scene, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
import { GaodeMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';

const scene = new Scene({
  id: 'map',
  map: new GaodeMap({
    pitch: 35.210526315789465,
    style: 'dark',
    center: [ 104.288144, 31.239692 ],
    zoom: 4.4

使用Mapbox 底图

import { Scene, HeatmapLayer } from '@antv/l7';
import { Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';

const scene = new Scene({
  id: 'map',
  map: new Mapbox({
    style: 'dark',
    pitch: 0,
    center: [ 127.5671666579043, 7.445038892195569 ],
    zoom: 2.632456779444394