mirror of https://gitee.com/antv-l7/antv-l7
54 lines
2.2 KiB
54 lines
2.2 KiB
!function(root) {
function contains(str, needle) {
return !!~str.indexOf(needle);
var common = typeof module != 'undefined' && !!module.exports
var aok = common ? require('aok') : root.aok
var eol = common ? require('./') : root.eol
var isWindows = typeof process != 'undefined' && 'win32' === process.platform
var meths = ['lf', 'cr', 'crlf', 'auto']
var chars = ['\n', '\r', '\r\n', isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n']
var sample = ' ' + chars.join() + 'text' + chars.join()
aok.prototype.fail = function() {
throw new Error('FAILED TEST: ' + this.id)
aok('contains sees contained text', contains('ab', 'a') === true)
aok('sample contains newlines', contains(sample, '\n') && contains(sample, '\r'))
aok('returns other strings as is', eol.auto('random') === 'random')
aok('returns empty strings as is', eol.auto('') === '')
aok('whitespace intact', eol.lf(' \t ') === ' \t ')
aok('lf repeat newlines intact', eol.lf('\n\n\r\r') === '\n\n\n\n')
aok('cr repeat newlines intact', eol.cr('\n\n\r\r') === '\r\r\r\r')
aok('crlf repeat newlines intact', eol.crlf('\r\n\r\n') === '\r\n\r\n')
aok('split return type', eol.split('0\n1\n2') instanceof Array)
aok('split lf', eol.split('0\n1\n2').join('') === '012')
aok('split cr', eol.split('0\r1\r2').join('') === '012')
aok('split crlf', eol.split('0\r\n1\r\n2').join('') === '012')
aok('split mixed', eol.split('0\r\n1\n2\r3\r\n4').join('') === '01234')
aok.pass(meths, function(method, i) {
var normalized = eol[method](sample)
aok(method + ' retains', contains(normalized, chars[i]))
aok(method + ' normalizes', !aok.fail(chars, function(c) {
return contains(chars[i], c) === contains(normalized, c)
return eol.auto(sample) === normalized
aok('auto is aware', eol[isWindows ? 'crlf' : 'lf'](sample) === eol.auto(sample))
aok('auto matches only 1 and self', aok.pass(meths, function(method) {
return eol.auto(sample) === eol[method](sample);
}) === 2)
aok('before', eol.lf(eol.before('text')) === '\ntext')
aok('before2', eol.lf(eol.before('\ntext\n')) === '\n\ntext\n')
aok('after', eol.lf(eol.after('text')) === 'text\n')
aok('after2', eol.lf(eol.after('\ntext\n')) === '\ntext\n\n')
aok.log('All tests passed =)')