mirror of https://gitee.com/antv-l7/antv-l7
401 lines
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401 lines
14 KiB
const { createMacro } = require('babel-plugin-macros');
// copy to:
// https://astexplorer.net/#/gist/642aebbb9e449e959f4ad8907b4adf3a/4a65742e2a3e926eb55eaa3d657d1472b9ac7970
module.exports = createMacro(ICUMacro);
function ICUMacro({ references, state, babel }) {
const t = babel.types;
const { Trans = [], Plural = [], Select = [], SelectOrdinal = [] } = references;
// assert we have the react-i18next Trans component imported
addNeededImports(state, babel);
// transform Plural and SelectOrdinal
[...Plural, ...SelectOrdinal].forEach(referencePath => {
if (referencePath.parentPath.type === 'JSXOpeningElement') {
attributes: referencePath.parentPath.get('attributes'),
children: referencePath.parentPath.parentPath.get('children'),
} else {
// throw a helpful error message or something :)
// transform Select
Select.forEach(referencePath => {
if (referencePath.parentPath.type === 'JSXOpeningElement') {
attributes: referencePath.parentPath.get('attributes'),
children: referencePath.parentPath.parentPath.get('children'),
} else {
// throw a helpful error message or something :)
// transform Trans
Trans.forEach(referencePath => {
if (referencePath.parentPath.type === 'JSXOpeningElement') {
attributes: referencePath.parentPath.get('attributes'),
children: referencePath.parentPath.parentPath.get('children'),
} else {
// throw a helpful error message or something :)
function pluralAsJSX(parentPath, { attributes }, babel) {
const t = babel.types;
const toObjectProperty = (name, value) =>
t.objectProperty(t.identifier(name), t.identifier(name), false, !value);
// plural or selectordinal
const nodeName = parentPath.node.name.name.toLocaleLowerCase();
// will need to merge count attribute with existing values attribute in some cases
const existingValuesAttribute = findAttribute('values', attributes);
const existingValues = existingValuesAttribute
? existingValuesAttribute.node.value.expression.properties
: [];
let componentStartIndex = 0;
const extracted = attributes.reduce(
(mem, attr) => {
if (attr.node.name.name === 'i18nKey') {
// copy the i18nKey
} else if (attr.node.name.name === 'count') {
// take the count for element
let exprName = attr.node.value.expression.name;
if (!exprName) {
exprName = 'count';
if (exprName === 'count') {
// if the prop expression name is also "count", copy it instead: <Plural count={count} --> <Trans count={count}
} else {
mem.defaults = `{${exprName}, ${nodeName}, ${mem.defaults}`;
} else if (attr.node.name.name === 'values') {
// skip the values attribute, as it has already been processed into mem from existingValues
} else if (attr.node.value.type === 'StringLiteral') {
// take any string node as plural option
let pluralForm = attr.node.name.name;
if (pluralForm.indexOf('$') === 0) pluralForm = pluralForm.replace('$', '=');
mem.defaults = `${mem.defaults} ${pluralForm} {${attr.node.value.value}}`;
} else if (attr.node.value.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer') {
// convert any Trans component to plural option extracting any values and components
const children = attr.node.value.expression.children || [];
const thisTrans = processTrans(children, babel, componentStartIndex);
let pluralForm = attr.node.name.name;
if (pluralForm.indexOf('$') === 0) pluralForm = pluralForm.replace('$', '=');
mem.defaults = `${mem.defaults} ${pluralForm} {${thisTrans.defaults}}`;
mem.components = mem.components.concat(thisTrans.components);
componentStartIndex += thisTrans.components.length;
return mem;
{ attributesToCopy: [], values: existingValues, components: [], defaults: '' },
// replace the node with the new Trans
parentPath.replaceWith(buildTransElement(extracted, extracted.attributesToCopy, t, true));
function selectAsJSX(parentPath, { attributes }, babel) {
const t = babel.types;
const toObjectProperty = (name, value) =>
t.objectProperty(t.identifier(name), t.identifier(name), false, !value);
// will need to merge switch attribute with existing values attribute
const existingValuesAttribute = findAttribute('values', attributes);
const existingValues = existingValuesAttribute
? existingValuesAttribute.node.value.expression.properties
: [];
let componentStartIndex = 0;
const extracted = attributes.reduce(
(mem, attr) => {
if (attr.node.name.name === 'i18nKey') {
// copy the i18nKey
} else if (attr.node.name.name === 'switch') {
// take the switch for select element
let exprName = attr.node.value.expression.name;
if (!exprName) {
exprName = 'selectKey';
mem.values.unshift(t.objectProperty(t.identifier(exprName), attr.node.value.expression));
} else {
mem.defaults = `{${exprName}, select, ${mem.defaults}`;
} else if (attr.node.name.name === 'values') {
// skip the values attribute, as it has already been processed into mem as existingValues
} else if (attr.node.value.type === 'StringLiteral') {
// take any string node as select option
mem.defaults = `${mem.defaults} ${attr.node.name.name} {${attr.node.value.value}}`;
} else if (attr.node.value.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer') {
// convert any Trans component to select option extracting any values and components
const children = attr.node.value.expression.children || [];
const thisTrans = processTrans(children, babel, componentStartIndex);
mem.defaults = `${mem.defaults} ${attr.node.name.name} {${thisTrans.defaults}}`;
mem.components = mem.components.concat(thisTrans.components);
componentStartIndex += thisTrans.components.length;
return mem;
{ attributesToCopy: [], values: existingValues, components: [], defaults: '' },
// replace the node with the new Trans
parentPath.replaceWith(buildTransElement(extracted, extracted.attributesToCopy, t, true));
function transAsJSX(parentPath, { attributes, children }, babel) {
const defaultsAttr = findAttribute('defaults', attributes);
const componentsAttr = findAttribute('components', attributes);
// if there is "defaults" attribute and no "components" attribute, parse defaults and extract from the parsed defaults instead of children
// if a "components" attribute has been provided, we assume they have already constructed a valid "defaults" and it does not need to be parsed
const parseDefaults = defaultsAttr && !componentsAttr;
let extracted;
if (parseDefaults) {
const defaultsExpression = defaultsAttr.node.value.value;
const parsed = babel.parse(`<>${defaultsExpression}</>`, {
presets: ['@babel/react'],
extracted = processTrans(parsed, babel);
} else {
extracted = processTrans(children, babel);
let clonedAttributes = cloneExistingAttributes(attributes);
if (parseDefaults) {
// remove existing defaults so it can be replaced later with the new parsed defaults
clonedAttributes = clonedAttributes.filter(node => node.name.name !== 'defaults');
// replace the node with the new Trans
const replacePath = children.length ? children[0].parentPath : parentPath;
buildTransElement(extracted, clonedAttributes, babel.types, false, !!children.length),
function buildTransElement(
closeDefaults = false,
wasElementWithChildren = false,
) {
const nodeName = t.jSXIdentifier('Trans');
// plural, select open { but do not close it while reduce
if (closeDefaults) extracted.defaults += '}';
// convert arrays into needed expressions
extracted.components = t.arrayExpression(extracted.components);
extracted.values = t.objectExpression(extracted.values);
// add generated Trans attributes
if (!attributeExistsAlready('defaults', finalAttributes))
t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier('defaults'), t.StringLiteral(extracted.defaults)),
if (!attributeExistsAlready('components', finalAttributes))
t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier('components'), t.jSXExpressionContainer(extracted.components)),
if (!attributeExistsAlready('values', finalAttributes))
t.jSXAttribute(t.jSXIdentifier('values'), t.jSXExpressionContainer(extracted.values)),
// create selfclosing Trans component
const openElement = t.jSXOpeningElement(nodeName, finalAttributes, true);
if (!wasElementWithChildren) return openElement;
return t.jSXElement(openElement, null, [], true);
function cloneExistingAttributes(attributes) {
return attributes.reduce((mem, attr) => {
return mem;
}, []);
function findAttribute(name, attributes) {
return attributes.find(child => {
const ele = child.node ? child.node : child;
return ele.name.name === name;
function attributeExistsAlready(name, attributes) {
return !!findAttribute(name, attributes);
function processTrans(children, babel, componentStartIndex = 0) {
const res = {};
res.defaults = mergeChildren(children, babel, componentStartIndex);
res.components = getComponents(children, babel);
res.values = getValues(children, babel);
return res;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
const leadingNewLineAndWhitespace = new RegExp('^\n\\s+', 'g');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
const trailingNewLineAndWhitespace = new RegExp('\n\\s+$', 'g');
function trimIndent(text) {
const newText = text
.replace(leadingNewLineAndWhitespace, '')
.replace(trailingNewLineAndWhitespace, '');
return newText;
function mergeChildren(children, babel, componentStartIndex = 0) {
const t = babel.types;
let componentFoundIndex = componentStartIndex;
return children.reduce((mem, child) => {
const ele = child.node ? child.node : child;
// add text, but trim indentation whitespace
if (t.isJSXText(ele) && ele.value) mem += trimIndent(ele.value);
// add ?!? forgot
if (ele.expression && ele.expression.value) mem += ele.expression.value;
// add `{ val }`
if (ele.expression && ele.expression.name) mem += `{${ele.expression.name}}`;
// add `{ val, number }`
if (ele.expression && ele.expression.expressions) {
mem += `{${ele.expression.expressions
.reduce((m, i) => {
m.push(i.name || i.value);
return m;
}, [])
.join(', ')}}`;
// add <strong>...</strong> with replace to <0>inner string</0>
if (t.isJSXElement(ele)) {
mem += `<${componentFoundIndex}>${mergeChildren(
return mem;
}, '');
function getValues(children, babel) {
const t = babel.types;
const toObjectProperty = (name, value) =>
t.objectProperty(t.identifier(name), t.identifier(name), false, !value);
return children.reduce((mem, child) => {
const ele = child.node ? child.node : child;
// add `{ var }` to values
if (ele.expression && ele.expression.name) mem.push(toObjectProperty(ele.expression.name));
// add `{ var, number }` to values
if (ele.expression && ele.expression.expressions)
toObjectProperty(ele.expression.expressions[0].name || ele.expression.expressions[0].value),
// add `{ var: 'bar' }` to values
if (ele.expression && ele.expression.properties) mem = mem.concat(ele.expression.properties);
// recursive add inner elements stuff to values
if (t.isJSXElement(ele)) {
mem = mem.concat(getValues(ele.children, babel));
return mem;
}, []);
function getComponents(children, babel) {
const t = babel.types;
return children.reduce((mem, child) => {
const ele = child.node ? child.node : child;
if (t.isJSXElement(ele)) {
const clone = t.clone(ele);
clone.children = clone.children.reduce((clonedMem, clonedChild) => {
const clonedEle = clonedChild.node ? clonedChild.node : clonedChild;
// clean out invalid definitions by replacing `{ catchDate, date, short }` with `{ catchDate }`
if (clonedEle.expression && clonedEle.expression.expressions)
clonedEle.expression.expressions = [clonedEle.expression.expressions[0]];
return clonedMem;
}, []);
return mem;
}, []);
function addNeededImports(state, babel) {
const t = babel.types;
const importsToAdd = ['Trans'];
// check if there is an existing react-i18next import
const existingImport = state.file.path.node.body.find(
importNode => t.isImportDeclaration(importNode) && importNode.source.value === 'react-i18next',
// append Trans to existing or add a new react-i18next import for the Trans
if (existingImport) {
importsToAdd.forEach(name => {
if (
specifier => specifier.imported && specifier.imported.name === name,
) === -1
) {
existingImport.specifiers.push(t.importSpecifier(t.identifier(name), t.identifier(name)));
} else {
importsToAdd.map(name => t.importSpecifier(t.identifier(name), t.identifier(name))),