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declare module Rx {
export interface VirtualTimeScheduler<TAbsolute, TRelative> extends IScheduler {
* Adds a relative time value to an absolute time value.
* @param {Number} absolute Absolute virtual time value.
* @param {Number} relative Relative virtual time value to add.
* @return {Number} Resulting absolute virtual time sum value.
add(from: TAbsolute, by: TRelative): TAbsolute;
* Converts an absolute time to a number
* @param {Any} The absolute time.
* @returns {Number} The absolute time in ms
toAbsoluteTime(duetime: TAbsolute): number;
* Converts the TimeSpan value to a relative virtual time value.
* @param {Number} timeSpan TimeSpan value to convert.
* @return {Number} Corresponding relative virtual time value.
toRelativeTime(duetime: number): TRelative;
* Starts the virtual time scheduler.
start(): IDisposable;
* Stops the virtual time scheduler.
stop(): void;
* Advances the scheduler's clock to the specified time, running all work till that point.
* @param {Number} time Absolute time to advance the scheduler's clock to.
advanceTo(time: TAbsolute): void;
* Advances the scheduler's clock by the specified relative time, running all work scheduled for that timespan.
* @param {Number} time Relative time to advance the scheduler's clock by.
advanceBy(time: TRelative): void;
* Advances the scheduler's clock by the specified relative time.
* @param {Number} time Relative time to advance the scheduler's clock by.
sleep(time: TRelative): void;
isEnabled: boolean;
* Gets the next scheduled item to be executed.
* @returns {ScheduledItem} The next scheduled item.
getNext(): internals.ScheduledItem<TAbsolute>;
export interface Subscription {
* Checks whether the given subscription is equal to the current instance.
* @param other Subscription object to check for equality.
* @returns {Boolean} true if both objects are equal; false otherwise.
equals(other: Subscription): boolean;
* Returns a string representation of the current Subscription value.
* @returns {String} String representation of the current Subscription value.
toString(): string;
interface SubscriptionStatic {
* Creates a new subscription object with the given virtual subscription and unsubscription time.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} subscribe Virtual time at which the subscription occurred.
* @param {Number} unsubscribe Virtual time at which the unsubscription occurred.
new (subscribeAt: number, unsubscribeAt?: number): Subscription;
export var Subscription: SubscriptionStatic;
export interface Recorded {
* Checks whether the given recorded object is equal to the current instance.
* @param {Recorded} other Recorded object to check for equality.
* @returns {Boolean} true if both objects are equal; false otherwise.
equals(other: Recorded): boolean;
* Returns a string representation of the current Recorded value.
* @returns {String} String representation of the current Recorded value.
toString(): string;
time: number;
value: any;
interface RecordedStatic {
* Creates a new object recording the production of the specified value at the given virtual time.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} time Virtual time the value was produced on.
* @param {Mixed} value Value that was produced.
* @param {Function} comparer An optional comparer.
new (time: number, value: any, equalityComparer?: _Comparer<any, boolean>): Recorded;
export var Recorded: RecordedStatic;
export var ReactiveTest: {
/** Default virtual time used for creation of observable sequences in unit tests. */
created: number;
/** Default virtual time used to subscribe to observable sequences in unit tests. */
subscribed: number;
/** Default virtual time used to dispose subscriptions in unit tests. */
disposed: number;
* Factory method for an OnNext notification record at a given time with a given value or a predicate function.
* 1 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, 42);
* 2 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, function (x) { return x.length == 2; });
* @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnNext notification occurs.
* @param value Recorded value stored in the OnNext notification or a predicate.
* @return Recorded OnNext notification.
onNext(ticks: number, value: any): Recorded;
* Factory method for an OnNext notification record at a given time with a given value or a predicate function.
* 1 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, 42);
* 2 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, function (x) { return x.length == 2; });
* @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnNext notification occurs.
* @param value Recorded value stored in the OnNext notification or a predicate.
* @return Recorded OnNext notification.
onNext(ticks: number, predicate: (value: any) => boolean): Recorded;
* Factory method for an OnError notification record at a given time with a given error.
* 1 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, new Error('error'));
* 2 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, function (e) { return e.message === 'error'; });
* @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnError notification occurs.
* @param exception Recorded exception stored in the OnError notification.
* @return Recorded OnError notification.
onError(ticks: number, exception: any): Recorded;
* Factory method for an OnError notification record at a given time with a given error.
* 1 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, new Error('error'));
* 2 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, function (e) { return e.message === 'error'; });
* @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnError notification occurs.
* @param exception Recorded exception stored in the OnError notification.
* @return Recorded OnError notification.
onError(ticks: number, predicate: (exception: any) => boolean): Recorded;
* Factory method for an OnCompleted notification record at a given time.
* @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnCompleted notification occurs.
* @return Recorded OnCompleted notification.
onCompleted(ticks: number): Recorded;
* Factory method for a subscription record based on a given subscription and disposal time.
* @param start Virtual time indicating when the subscription was created.
* @param end Virtual time indicating when the subscription was disposed.
* @return Subscription object.
subscribe(subscribeAt: number, unsubscribeAt?: number): Subscription;
export interface MockObserver<T> extends Observer<T> {
messages: Recorded[];
interface MockObserverStatic extends ObserverStatic {
new <T>(scheduler: IScheduler): MockObserver<T>;
export var MockObserver: MockObserverStatic;
export interface TestScheduler extends VirtualTimeScheduler<number, number> {
* Creates a cold observable using the specified timestamped notification messages either as an array or arguments.
* @param messages Notifications to surface through the created sequence at their specified virtual time offsets from the sequence subscription time.
* @return Cold observable sequence that can be used to assert the timing of subscriptions and notifications.
createColdObservable<T>(...records: Recorded[]): Observable<T>;
* Creates a hot observable using the specified timestamped notification messages either as an array or arguments.
* @param messages Notifications to surface through the created sequence at their specified absolute virtual times.
* @return Hot observable sequence that can be used to assert the timing of subscriptions and notifications.
createHotObservable<T>(...records: Recorded[]): Observable<T>;
* Creates an observer that records received notification messages and timestamps those.
* @return Observer that can be used to assert the timing of received notifications.
createObserver<T>(): MockObserver<T>;
* Creates a resolved promise with the given value and ticks
* @param {Number} ticks The absolute time of the resolution.
* @param {Any} value The value to yield at the given tick.
* @returns {MockPromise} A mock Promise which fulfills with the given value.
createResolvedPromise<T>(ticks: number, value: T): IPromise<T>;
* Creates a rejected promise with the given reason and ticks
* @param {Number} ticks The absolute time of the resolution.
* @param {Any} reason The reason for rejection to yield at the given tick.
* @returns {MockPromise} A mock Promise which rejects with the given reason.
createRejectedPromise<T>(ticks: number, value: T): IPromise<T>;
* Starts the test scheduler and uses the specified virtual times to invoke the factory function, subscribe to the resulting sequence, and dispose the subscription.
* @param create Factory method to create an observable sequence.
* @param created Virtual time at which to invoke the factory to create an observable sequence.
* @param subscribed Virtual time at which to subscribe to the created observable sequence.
* @param disposed Virtual time at which to dispose the subscription.
* @return Observer with timestamped recordings of notification messages that were received during the virtual time window when the subscription to the source sequence was active.
startWithTiming<T>(create: () => Observable<T>, createdAt: number, subscribedAt: number, disposedAt: number): MockObserver<T>;
* Starts the test scheduler and uses the specified virtual time to dispose the subscription to the sequence obtained through the factory function.
* Default virtual times are used for factory invocation and sequence subscription.
* @param create Factory method to create an observable sequence.
* @param disposed Virtual time at which to dispose the subscription.
* @return Observer with timestamped recordings of notification messages that were received during the virtual time window when the subscription to the source sequence was active.
startWithDispose<T>(create: () => Observable<T>, disposedAt: number): MockObserver<T>;
* Starts the test scheduler and uses default virtual times to invoke the factory function, to subscribe to the resulting sequence, and to dispose the subscription.
* @param create Factory method to create an observable sequence.
* @return Observer with timestamped recordings of notification messages that were received during the virtual time window when the subscription to the source sequence was active.
startWithCreate<T>(create: () => Observable<T>): MockObserver<T>;
export var TestScheduler: {
new (): TestScheduler;
declare module "rx.core.testing" { export = Rx; }