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# vue-manage-system
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The web management system solution based on Vue3 and ElementPlus。[live demo](https://lin-xin.gitee.io/example/work/)
Please check the version of vue2 in [tag V4.2.0](https://github.com/lin-xin/vue-manage-system/tree/V4.2.0)
## Donation
## Preface
The scheme as a set of multi-function background frame templates, suitable for most of the WEB management system development. Convenient development fast simple good components based on Vue3 and ElementPlus. Color separation of color style, support manual switch themes, and it is convenient to use a custom theme color.
## Function
- [x] Element-UI
- [x] Login/Logout
- [x] Dashboard
- [x] Table
- [x] Tabs
- [x] From
- [x] Chart :bar_chart:
- [ ] Editor
- [ ] Markdown
- [x] Upload pictures by clipping or dragging
- [ ] Support manual switch themes :sparkles:
- [ ] List drag sort
- [x] Permission
- [x] 404 / 403
- [x] Three level menu
- [x] Custom icon
## Installation steps
git clone https://github.com/lin-xin/vue-manage-system.git // Clone templates
cd vue-manage-system // Enter template directory
npm install // Installation dependency
## Local development
// Open server and access http://localhost:8080 in browser
npm run serve
## Constructing production
// Constructing project
npm run build
## Component description and presentation
### vue-schart
Vue.js wrapper for sChart.js. Github : [vue-schart](https://github.com/linxin/vue-schart)
<schart class="wrapper" canvasId="myCanvas" :options="options"></schart>
import Schart from "vue-schart"; // 导入Schart组件
export default {
data() {
return {
options: {
type: "bar",
title: {
text: "最近一周各品类销售图",
labels: ["周一", "周二", "周三", "周四", "周五"],
datasets: [
label: "家电",
data: [234, 278, 270, 190, 230],
label: "百货",
data: [164, 178, 190, 135, 160],
label: "食品",
data: [144, 198, 150, 235, 120],
components: {
.wrapper {
width: 7rem;
height: 5rem;
### element-ui
A desktop component library based on vue.js2.0 . Github : [element](http://element.eleme.io/#/zh-CN/component/layout)
## Screenshot
### Default theme
![Image text](https://github.com/lin-xin/manage-system/raw/master/screenshots/wms1.png)
### Login
![Image text](https://github.com/lin-xin/manage-system/raw/master/screenshots/wms3.png)
## License