feat(性能测试): 性能测试可上传的文件修改为50
--story=1013012 --user=宋天阳 【性能测试】调整最大10个上传文件的限制 https://www.tapd.cn/55049933/s/1425879
This commit is contained in:
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ export default {
tableData: [],
tableData: [],
uploadList: [],
uploadList: [],
metadataIdList: [],
metadataIdList: [],
fileNumLimit: 10,
fileNumLimit: 50,
threadGroups: [],
threadGroups: [],
loadFileVisible: false,
loadFileVisible: false,
currentPage: 1,
currentPage: 1,
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const message = {
max_current_threads_tips: 'Exceeded the maximum concurrent number of this node {0}',
max_current_threads_tips: 'Exceeded the maximum concurrent number of this node {0}',
sync_scenario_no_permission_tips: 'No permission to create the scenario cannot perform synchronization',
sync_scenario_no_permission_tips: 'No permission to create the scenario cannot perform synchronization',
basic_config_file_limit_tip: 'Note: The maximum number of resource files is limited to 10',
basic_config_file_limit_tip: 'Note: The maximum number of resource files is limited to 50',
edit_performance_test_tips: 'No permission to edit test, please check it before operation',
edit_performance_test_tips: 'No permission to edit test, please check it before operation',
error_samples: 'Error samples',
error_samples: 'Error samples',
all_samples: 'All samples',
all_samples: 'All samples',
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const message = {
max_current_threads_tips: '超出此节点{0}最大并发数',
max_current_threads_tips: '超出此节点{0}最大并发数',
sync_scenario_no_permission_tips: '没有创建接口的权限无法执行同步',
sync_scenario_no_permission_tips: '没有创建接口的权限无法执行同步',
basic_config_file_limit_tip: '注:资源文件数最大限制为10个',
basic_config_file_limit_tip: '注:资源文件数最大限制为50个',
edit_performance_test_tips: '没有编辑性能测试的权限,请勾选后再操作',
edit_performance_test_tips: '没有编辑性能测试的权限,请勾选后再操作',
error_samples: '错误请求',
error_samples: '错误请求',
all_samples: '所有请求',
all_samples: '所有请求',
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const message = {
max_current_threads_tips: '超出此節點{0}最大並發數',
max_current_threads_tips: '超出此節點{0}最大並發數',
sync_scenario_no_permission_tips: '沒有创建接口的權限無法執行同步',
sync_scenario_no_permission_tips: '沒有创建接口的權限無法執行同步',
basic_config_file_limit_tip: '注:資源文件數最大限制為10個',
basic_config_file_limit_tip: '注:資源文件數最大限制為50個',
edit_performance_test_tips: '沒有編輯性能測試的權限,請勾選後再操作',
edit_performance_test_tips: '沒有編輯性能測試的權限,請勾選後再操作',
error_samples: '錯誤請求',
error_samples: '錯誤請求',
all_samples: '所有請求',
all_samples: '所有請求',
Reference in New Issue