refactor: 修改全局前后置脚本的相关提示信息

--bug=1008864 --user=王振 【环境配置】全局前置脚本,提示的文字错误
This commit is contained in:
BugKing 2021-12-21 10:24:09 +08:00 committed by 刘瑞斌
parent fbeb09e44c
commit 7f89082e72
4 changed files with 20 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<el-collapse-item name="1">
<template slot="title">
<span class="span-style">{{title}}</span>
<el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" :content="$t('api_test.script.tip_1')" placement="right">
<el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" :content="runEveryTimeTip" placement="right">
<i class="el-icon-info"/>
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<el-collapse-item name="2">
<template slot="title">
{{ stepTitle }}
<el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" :content="$t('api_test.script.tip_2')" placement="right">
<el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" :content="runOnceTip" placement="right">
<i class="el-icon-info"/>
<div class="header-right" style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 50px;" @click.stop>
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
title: "",
runEveryTimeTip: "",
runOnceTip: "",
preTitle: this.$t('api_test.script.execute_before_step'),
postTitle: this.$t('api_test.script.execute_post_step'),
stepTitle: "",
@ -112,10 +114,14 @@ export default {
this.scriptExecSort = this.scriptPreExecSort;
this.title = this.preTitle;
this.stepTitle = this.preStepTitle;
this.runEveryTimeTip = this.$t('api_test.script.execute_before_step_tip')
this.runOnceTip = this.$t('api_test.script.execute_before_all_steps_tip')
} else {
this.scriptExecSort = this.scriptPostExecSort;
this.title = this.postTitle;
this.stepTitle = this.postStepTitle;
this.runEveryTimeTip = this.$t('api_test.script.execute_post_step_tip')
this.runOnceTip = this.$t('api_test.script.execute_post_all_steps_tip')
this.isConnScenario = this.connScenario;
this.isExecAfterPrivateScript = this.execAfterPrivateScript;

View File

@ -1743,16 +1743,18 @@ export default {
script: {
tip_1: "Execute once after each API step, such as encryption and decryption",
tip_2: "Execute once after all API process ends, such as token acquisition and scene initialization",
tip_3: "Script steps will be counted in the execution result of the scene, and the final execution result of the scene will be affected when an execution error is reported",
filter_request_type: "Filter request type",
execution_order: "Script execution order",
associated_scene_results: "Associated scene results",
execute_before_step: "Execute before a single request step",
execute_before_step_tip: "Execute every time before each API step, such as request encryption",
execute_post_step: "Execute after a single request step",
execute_post_step_tip: "Execute every time after each API step, such as response decryption",
execute_before_all_steps: "Execute before all requested steps",
execute_before_all_steps_tip: "Execute once before the start of all API steps, such as token acquisition and scene initialization",
execute_post_all_steps: "Execute after all requested steps",
execute_post_all_steps_tip: "Execute once after the end of all API steps, such as data destruction and scene reset",
after_the_pre_script_step: "After the pre-script in the step",
before_the_pre_script_step: "Before pre-script in step",
after_the_post_script_step: "After the script is placed in the step",

View File

@ -1749,16 +1749,18 @@ export default {
script: {
tip_1: "每一个API步骤后执行一次 如加解密",
tip_2: "全部API流程结束后执行一次 如token获取场景初始化",
tip_3: "脚本步骤会统计到场景执行结果中,执行报错时会影响场景的最终执行结果",
filter_request_type: "过滤请求类型",
execution_order: "脚本执行顺序",
associated_scene_results: "关联场景结果",
execute_before_step: "单个请求步骤前执行",
execute_before_step_tip: "每一个API步骤执行前均执行一次如请求内容加密",
execute_post_step: "单个请求步骤后执行",
execute_post_step_tip: "每一个API步骤执行后均执行一次如响应内容解密",
execute_before_all_steps: "所有请求步骤前执行",
execute_before_all_steps_tip: "全部API流程开始前执行一次如token获取及场景初始化",
execute_post_all_steps: "所有请求步骤后执行",
execute_post_all_steps_tip: "全部API流程结束后执行一次如数据销毁及环境重置",
after_the_pre_script_step: "步骤内前置脚本后",
before_the_pre_script_step: "步骤内前置脚本前",
after_the_post_script_step: "步骤内后置脚本后",

View File

@ -1749,16 +1749,18 @@ export default {
script: {
tip_1: "每一個API步驟後執行一次 如加解密",
tip_2: "全部API流程結束後執行一次 如token獲取場景初始化",
tip_3: "腳本步驟會統計到場景執行結果中,執行報錯時會影響場景的最終執行結果",
filter_request_type: "過濾請求類型",
execution_order: "腳本執行順序",
associated_scene_results: "關聯場景結果",
execute_before_step: "單個請求步驟前執行",
execute_before_step_tip: "每一個API步驟執行前均執行一次如請求內容加密",
execute_post_step: "單個請求步驟後執行",
execute_post_step_tip: "每一個API步驟執行後均執行一次如響應內容解密",
execute_before_all_steps: "所有請求步驟前執行",
execute_before_all_steps_tip: "全部API流程開始前執行一次如token獲取及場景初始化",
execute_post_all_steps: "所有請求步驟後執行",
execute_post_all_steps_tip: "全部API流程結束後執行一次如數據銷毀及環境重置",
after_the_pre_script_step: "步驟內前置腳本後",
before_the_pre_script_step: "步驟內前置腳本前",
after_the_post_script_step: "步驟內後置腳本後",